491 research outputs found

    The impact of changes in the timing of precipitation on the herbaceous understorey of Mediterranean evergreen oak woodlands

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    Climate change scenarios for the Iberian Peninsula predict increasing temperatures and increasingly variable precipitation regimes, which will challenge the sustainability and biodiversity of Mediterranean ecosystems such as the semi-natural evergreen oak woodlands. To assess the effects of precipitation variability on productivity, species composition and vegetation gas exchange of the understorey vegetation in a typical managed cork oak woodland, a large-scale rainfall manipulation experiment was established. We studied the impacts of a change in the timing of precipitation events on this ecosystem, without altering total annual precipitation inputs. The two water manipulation treatments were: ‘weekly watering treatment’, where natural conditions were simulated with a normal dry period of 7 days, and ‘3-weekly watering treatment’, with the normal dry period increased three-fold to 21 days. Our experimental precipitation patterns resulted in significant differences in temporal soil moisture dynamics between the two treatments. Average soil water content (SWC) at 3 cm depth during the growing season was 16.1 ± 0.17% and 15.8 ± 0.18% in the weekly and 3-weekly watering treatments, respectively, with a mere 5% increase in the variability of SWC when extending the dry period from one to three weeks. Water infiltration into deeper soil layers (>50 cm) was significantly higher in the 3-weekly watering treatment as compared to the weekly watering treatment. This might be beneficial to Quercus suber, the tree component in this ecosystem, as its extensive tree root system enables water acquisition from deeper soil layers. However, manipulation of the within-season precipitation variability, with a shift to fewer, but larger rain events, without change in total precipitation amount, had no significant effect on aboveground net primary productivity (ANPP), belowground net primary productivity (BNPP) and species composition, with average values of peak biomass of 385 g m−2 and 222 g m−2 for ANPP and BNPP, respectively. The experimental precipitation patterns did not result in significant differences in the vegetation gas exchange between the two watering treatments. The CO2 and H2O exchange parameters correlated well with air temperature. In addition, evapotranspiration showed a good correlation with SWC. Incorporating the data of SWC in the conceptual ‘bucket model’ showed that, independently of the watering regime, soil water availability during the life-cycle of these annual plants did not reach severe water stress conditions, which can explain the lack of a significant treatment effect in our study. In addition, our results showed that the annual plant community in these Mediterranean ecosystems is well adapted to short-term drought, through their phenological patterns and physiological adaptations

    Actitud clínica ante la dislipemia en pacientes con elevado riesgo cardiovascular en España. Estudio ALMA

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    Ojetivo: Evaluar la actitud de los médicos de atención primaria (MAP) y de atención especia- lizada (MAE) ante el tratamiento de pacientes con dislipemia, especialmente en aquellos con factores de riesgo cardiovascular (RCV). Disen ̃o: Estudio observacional, descriptivo, multicéntrico, basado en una encuesta. Emplazamiento: Diferentes áreas sanitarias de Espan ̃a. Participantes: 1.402 MAP y 596 MAE. Mediciones principales: Perfil de los médicos, hábitos de tratamiento en pacientes con dislipe- mia. Resultados: El 84,3% consideraban el RCV para establecer el tratamiento. El objetivo de con- centración de cLDL en pacientes sin factores de RCV fue < 130 mg/dl y < 160 mg/dl para el 51,9 y el 29,0%, respectivamente. En pacientes con hipertensión, tabaquismo o diabetes el objetivo de cLDL fue < 100 mg/dl para el 49-55%, mientras que en pacientes con complicación cardiovas- cular, cardiopatía isquémica o ictus fue < 70 mg/dl para el 71-88%. El fármaco de elección en pacientes sin factores de RCV fue atorvastatina (66%), mientras que en pacientes con diabetes, enfermedad renal o síndrome metabólico fue pitavastatina (80-89%). Los MAE mostraron una mayor tendencia que los MAP a considerar un objetivo de cLDL <70mg/dl en pacientes con antecedentes de ictus (77,5% vs 66,8%) o enfermedad coronaria (92,1% vs 80,6%) (p < 0,0001), y una mayor preferencia por el tratamiento combinado al no alcanzar el objetivo de cLDL (58,1% vs 50,2%; p = 0,0013). Conclusiones: Aunque el cálculo del RCV se acepta de forma general, existe disparidad en los objetivos del cLDL. Los MAE consideran unos objetivos más ambiciosos y la asociación de fármacos hipolipemiantes con más frecuencia que los MAP

    Real-World Attainment of Low-Density Lipoprotein Cholesterol Goals in Patients at High Risk of Cardiovascular Disease Treated with High-Intensity Statins: The TERESA Study

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    Despite steady improvements in cardiovascular disease (CVD) prevention, a scarce proportion of patients achieve the recommended LDL-C goals, even under high-intensity lipid-lowering therapy (LLT). Our study aimed to evaluate the attainment rate of LDL-C targets recommended by the 2019 European guidelines, and to characterize potential factors associated with LDL-C goal achievement and change patterns in LLT. We conducted a retrospective, observational study on patients treated with high-intensity atorvastatin or rosuvastatin +/- ezetimibe at cardiology and internal medicine clinics across Spain. It included 1570 evaluable patients (median age: 62 years; established CVD: 77.5% [myocardial infarction: 34.3%]; and 85.8% at very high cardiovascular risk). Rosuvastatin +/- ezetimibe was the LLT in 52.2% of patients, and atorvastatin +/- ezetimibe in 47.8%. LLT had been modified in 36.8% of patients (side effects: 10%), being the most common switch from atorvastatin- to rosuvastatin-based treatment (77.2%). The risk-based LDL-C goal attainment rate was 31.1%, with 78.2% high-risk and 71.7% very high-risk patients not achieving the recommended LDL-C targets. Established CVD and familial hypercholesterolemia were significantly associated with the non-achievement of LDL-C goals. Although having limitations, this study shows that the guideline-recommended LDL-C goal attainment rate is still suboptimal despite using high-intensity statin therapy in a real-world setting in Spain

    Implication between Genetic Variants from APOA5 and ZPR1 and NAFLD Severity in Patients with Hypertriglyceridemia

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    Background: Lipid metabolism disorders, especially hypertriglyceridemia (HTG), are risk factors for non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD). However, the association between genetic factors related to HTG and the risk of NAFLD has been scarcely studied. Methods: A total of 185 subjects with moderate HTG were prospectively included. We investigated the association between genetic factors' (five allelic variants with polygenic hypertriglyceridemia) clinical and biochemical biomarkers with NAFLD severity. The five allelic variants' related clinical and biochemical data of HTG were studied in all the subjects. NAFLD was assessed by abdominal ultrasound and patients were divided into two groups, one with no or mild NAFLD and another with moderate/severe NAFLD. Results: Patients with moderate/severe NAFLD had higher weight and waist values and a higher prevalence of insulin resistance than patients with no or mild NAFLD. Moderate/severe NAFLD was independently associated with APOA5 rs3134406 and ZPR1 rs964184 variants, and also showed a significant inverse relationship with lipoprotein(a) [Lp(a)] concentrations. Conclusions: APOA5 rs3135506 and ZPR1 rs964184 variants and lipoprotein(a) are associated with moderate/severe NAFLD. This association was independent of body weight, insulin resistance, and other factors related to NAFLD

    Evaluation of the erosive effects of Mountain and Ultra-Trails in the Cap de Creus Natural Park, Alt Empordà (Girona, Catalonia)

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    S'ha avaluat l'impacte d'erosió associada a curses de muntanya dins el parc natural de Cap de Creus, l'Alt Empordà, Girona, mitjançant la quantificació de l'erosió de sòls, la compactació i la pedregositat, dades que permeten establir les repercussions geoambientals sobre el terreny, associats a activitats de competició. Els resultats obtinguts indiquen que aquestes activitats provoquen impactes com pèrdua de sòl i compactació del sòl admissibles i compatibles amb el medi i associats a l'activitat de la cursa, demostrant que l'ús de camins tradicionals o consolidats no generen impactes significatius i fomenten el seu manteniment.The impact of erosion associated with mountain races within the Natural Park of Cap de Creus, Alt Empordà, Girona, has been evaluated by quantifying soil erosion, compaction and rockiness of the affected areas, data that allows the geo-environmental repercussions on the terrain that is associated with competition activities to be established. The results obtained indicate that these activities cause impacts such as soil loss and soil compaction that are permissible and compatible with the environment and associated with the race activity, demonstrating that the use of traditional or consolidated paths do not generate significant impacts, and encourage its maintenance

    De la recuperación ambiental de sistemas playa-duna en período de confinamiento por COVID-19, al retorno de la mala praxis de gestión de playas en período de desconfinamiento. Los casos de Cataluña y las Islas Baleares, España

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    The current sanitary crisis caused by the rapid expansion of the COVID-19 disease offered the possibility of giving respite to the dune systems and allowing their natural regeneration after the effects of the storm Gloria. This storm affected the Levantine and Balearic coast between January 21 and 23, and when some systems began to recover, the hard management of the coast, compromised again the integrity of the dune systems. The urgency to have the systems "ready" for consumption and exploitation moves away from the concept of sustainable tourism management and does not contribute to adaptation to climate change. In this work, we point out some management actions on emerged beaches that have taken place during the lockdown and deconfinement. We focus on three management actions that reveal malpractice, such as levelling and mechanical cleaning, the construction of breakwaters and the removal of Posidonia oceanica. For this, several case studies that represent some of the most well preserved beach-dune systems in Catalonia and the Balearic Islands have been chosen.La actual crisis sanitaria causada por la rápida expansión de la enfermedad COVID-19 brindaba la posibilidad de dar un respiro a los sistemas dunares y permitir su regeneración natural después de los efectos del temporal Gloria. Este temporal afectó el litoral levantino y balear entre los días 21 y 23 de enero, y cuando algunos sistemas empezaban a recuperarse, la mala gestión del litoral comprometió de nuevo la integridad de los sistemas dunares. La urgencia para tener los sistemas “preparados” para su consumo y explotación una vez empezado el desconfinamiento, se aleja del concepto de gestión del turismo sostenible, y de las hipótesis de cambio, siguiendo con una gestión litoral que no contribuye a la adaptación frente el cambio climático. En este trabajo se cuestiona algunas actuaciones de gestión en playas emergidas que han tenido lugar durante el confinamiento y desconfinamiento. Nos centramos en tres acciones de gestión que ponen en evidencia la mala praxis, como son: la nivelación y la limpieza mecánica, la construcción de rompeolas y la retirada de Posidonia oceanica. Para ello, se han escogido varios casos de estudio que representan algunos de los sistemas playa-duna mejor conservados de Cataluña y de las Islas Baleares

    Analysis of the geo-environmental effects of Trail races and MTB races within the scope of the Garrotxa Volcanic Zone Natural Park, Girona

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    Les activitats esportives desenvolupades en entorns naturals han proliferat en els darrers anys. Les rutes i curses per a bicicletes tot terreny (BTT) i les curses de muntanya dins àrees protegides són unes de les activitats més recents i poc se sap dels impactes geoambientals que poden generar. En aquest treball s’han analitzat els impactes de dues activitats d’aquest tipus que es realitzen dins l’àmbit del Parc Natural de la Zona Volcánica de la Garrotxa. La cursa que transcorre pel cor de La Fageda i la cursa BTT La Tramun. Es van establir 10 estacions de control (EC) en diferents punts dels itineraris, 5 a cada tipus de cursa. A cada EC es van mesurar les taxes d’erosió, trasllat i compactació de sòls, la pedregositat, les marques de bastons, les roderes i el desarrelament de la vegetació, abans i després de les curses. Les EC que presentaven majors valors d’erosió eren aquelles situades en forts pendents, seccions estretes i sòls pobres i poc estables, amb petits corriols informals no consolidats i amb processos continus de pèrdues de sòl i desarrelament. Sobre les traces consolidades i els camins rodats no es van observar impactes d’erosió significatius. En canvi, en les traces obertes per les curses o bé en traces inestables, a causa del i dels forts pendents, s’ha generat una erosió de difícil recuperació per processos naturals, amb pèrdues de sòls, inestabilitat de talussos i afectació a la vegetació.Sports activities developed in natural environments have proliferated in recent years. Trails and races for mountain bikes (BTT) and mountain races within protected areas are some of the most recent activities and little is known about the geo-environmental impacts they can generate. In this work, the impacts of two activities, of this type that are carried out within the Natural Park of the Garrotxa Volcanic Zone have been analysed. The race that runs through the heart of La Fageda and the Tramun (BTT) race. 10 control stations (EC) were established at different points along the routes, 5 for each type of race. In each EC, the rates of soil erosion, transfer and compaction, stoniness, stick marks, ruts and the uprooting of vegetation were measured, before and after the races. The ECs that presented higher erosion values were those located on steep slopes, narrow sections and poor and unstable soils, with small, unconsolidated informal corridors and with continuous processes of soil loss and uprooting. No significant erosion impacts were observed on consolidated tracks and paved roads. On the other hand, in the tracks opened by the races or in unstable tracks, both in terms of soils and steep slopes, an erosion that is difficult to recover due to natural processes has been generated, with soil losses, slope instability and impact to the vegetation

    From the Environmental Recovery of Beach-Dune Systems in a Period of Confinement by COVID-19, to the Return of the Malpractice in Beach Management after Confinement. The Cases of Catalonia and the Balearic Islands, Spai

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    La actual crisis sanitaria causada por la rápida expansión de la enfermedad COVID-19 brindaba la posibilidad de dar un respiro a los sistemas dunares y permitir su regeneración natural después de los efectos del temporal Gloria. Este temporal afectó el litoral levantino y balear entre los días 21 y 23 de enero, y cuando algunos sistemas empezaban a recuperarse, la mala gestión del litoral comprometió de nuevo la integridad de los sistemas dunares. La urgencia para tener los sistemas “preparados” para su consumo y explotación una vez empezado el desconfinamiento, se aleja del concepto de gestión del turismo sostenible, y de las hipótesis de cambio, siguiendo con una gestión litoral que no contribuye a la adaptación frente el cambio climático. En este trabajo se cuestiona algunas actuaciones de gestión en playas emergidas que han tenido lugar durante el confinamiento y desconfinamiento. Nos centramos en tres acciones de gestión que ponen en evidencia la mala praxis, como son: la nivelación y la limpieza mecánica, la construcción de rompeolas y la retirada de Posidonia oceanica. Para ello, se han escogido varios casos de estudio que representan algunos de los sistemas playa-duna mejor conservados de Cataluña y de las Islas Baleares.The current sanitary crisis caused by the rapid expansion of the COVID-19 disease offered the possibility of giving respite to the dune systems and allowing their natural regeneration after the effects of the storm Gloria. This storm affected the Levantine and Balearic coast between January 21 and 23, and when some systems began to recover, the hard management of the coast, compromised again the integrity of the dune systems. The urgency to have the systems “ready” for consumption and exploitation moves away from the concept of sustainable tourism management and does not contribute to adaptation to climate change. In this work, we point out some management actions on emerged beaches that have taken place during the lockdown and deconfinement. We focus on three management actions that reveal malpractice, such as levelling and mechanical cleaning, the construction of breakwaters and the removal of Posidonia oceanica. For this, several case studies that represent some of the most well preserved beach-dune systems in Catalonia and the Balearic Islands have been chose

    Polyphenol fraction of extra virgin olive oil protects against endothelial dysfunction induced by high glucose and free fatty acids through modulation of nitric oxide and endothelin-1

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    Epidemiological and clinical studies have reported that olive oil reduces the incidence of cardiovascular disease. However, the mechanisms involved in this beneficial effect have not been delineated. The endothelium plays an important role in blood pressure regulation through the release of potent vasodilator and vasoconstrictor agents such as nitric oxide (NO) and endothelin-1 (ET-1), respectively, events that are disrupted in type 2 diabetes. Extra virgin olive oil contains polyphenols, compounds that exert a biological action on endothelial function. This study analyzes the effects of olive oil polyphenols on endothelial dysfunction using an in vitro model that simulates the conditions of type 2 diabetes. Our findings show that high glucose and linoleic and oleic acids decrease endothelial NO synthase phosphorylation, and consequently intracellular NO levels, and increase ET-1 synthesis by ECV304 cells. These effects may be related to the stimulation of reactive oxygen species production in these experimental conditions. Hydroxytyrosol and the polyphenol extract from extra virgin olive oil partially reversed the above events. Moreover, we observed that high glucose and free fatty acids reduced NO and increased ET-1 levels induced by acetylcholine through the modulation of intracellular calcium concentrations and endothelial NO synthase phosphorylation, events also reverted by hydroxytyrosol and polyphenol extract. Thus, our results suggest a protective effect of olive oil polyphenols on endothelial dysfunction induced by hyperglycemia and free fatty acids