444 research outputs found

    The connection between mindfulness, sustainable consumption and consumer well-being

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    Goal- The present investigation aims to explore and understand the connection between mindfulness, sustainable consumption, and consumer well-being in the Portuguese context. Methodology- A qualitative investigation was conducted, consisting of semi-structured interviews with eleven participants. The interviews were subsequently transcribed, translated, and subjected to rigorous analysis. Findings and main conclusions- This study aimed to explore the interplay between mindfulness, sustainable consumption, and consumer well-being, making significant contributions to the literature on this topic. Drawing on Resnik's (2022) conceptual framework, this dissertation sought to replicate and expand upon the model, examining additional dimensions not previously explored. Through a comprehensive investigation of existing research categories and analysis of other authors' works, this study adds valuable insights to the limited body of literature in this field. Limitations- Future research should consider increasing the number of participants of the study. Furthermore, a combination of qualitative and quantitative methods could provide a more comprehensive understanding of the topic. Focusing on a specific generation, such as Generation Z, could also be a fruitful avenue for future investigations. Nevertheless, the present study is limited by the relatively low number of individuals practicing mindfulness in Portugal, where the research was conducted. Originality/ Value- This study adds to a larger body of literature on mindfulness, sustainable consumption, and consumer well-being and can serve as a basis for future research. Moreover, it provides valuable insights for marketing managers to understand the behavior of mindful consumers and develop tailored offerings that align with their values and needs

    What happens in performers' minds?: Dancers' and musicians' inner conversations

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    ABSTRACT - This article aims to describe and understand what performers think about during performances and rehearsals while searching for a common language between music and dance. Departing from our own experiences as performers (a dancer and a musician), we ask the question what do we think about when we are dancing/playing? We assume that this awareness of what we think while performing is not obvious and decided to explore this by interviewing six dancers and six musicians about what we named performers’ ‘inner conversations.’ Within a phenomenological orientation, we developed a descriptive and interpretative study of a phenomenon (inner conversations) which gives itself to conscience, a pre-reflective consciousness. From the performers’ accounts, we extrapolated four trends: 1. Variation in awareness of inner conversations; 2. Altered states of awareness; 3. Parasitic inner conversations; and 4. Overcoming internal difficulties and external constraints through inner conversations. Looking at the dancers’ and musicians’ accounts together raised the question: How is the awareness of ‘inner conversations’ developed during performers’ initial education and training?Este artigo tem como objetivo descrever e compreender o que pensam os performers durante as apresentações e ensaios, na busca de uma linguagem comum entre música e dança. Partindo de nossas próprias experiências como performers (dançarino e músico), fazemos a pergunta em que pensamos quando estamos dançando/tocando? Assumimos que essa consciência do que pensamos durante a performance não é óbvia e decidimos explorar isso entrevistando seis dançarinos e seis músicos sobre o que chamamos de 'conversas internas' dos performers. Numa orientação fenomenológica, desenvolvemos um estudo descritivo e interpretativo de um fenómeno (conversas interiores) que se dá à consciência, uma consciência pré-reflexiva. A partir dos relatos dos performers, extrapolamos quatro tendências: 1. Variação na percepção das conversas internas; 2. Estados alterados de consciência; 3. Conversas internas parasitas; e 4. Superar dificuldades internas e restrições externas por meio de conversas internas. Observar os relatos de dançarinos e músicos juntos levantou a questão: como a consciência das 'conversas internas' é desenvolvida durante a educação e treinamento inicial dos performers?N/

    Silos de Leixões: economic and financial viability analysis for an investment project

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    Silos de Leixões, which belongs to GeStmin group, is a logistic operator, located at Leixões port – Matosinhos. It is the second largest national player in agro-food handling and storage, and in 2017 Silos de Leixões operated 763,000 tons. Up to 2017, the port was explored only by one logistic operator, and so Silos de Leixões was limited to a single supplier, and also subject to higher prices. When the hypothesis of the port being explored by private entities emerged, the GeStmin group decided to plan the creation of a new company able to serve Silos de Leixões as a ship unloader supplier. The main purpose of this master thesis is to study the economic and financial viability of this project, based on the valuation model free cash flow to the firm. It was concluded that the creation of the new company is viable.A Silos de Leixões, empresa do Grupo GeStmin, é um operador logístico, localizado no porto de Leixões – Matosinhos. É o segundo maior player nacional em movimentação e armazenamento de produtos agro-alimentares, tendo em 2017 movimentado 763,000 toneladas. Até 2017, o porto era explorado apenas por um operador portuário, ficando a Silos de Leixões tanto limitada a um só fornecedor de descarga de cereais, como também sujeita a preços mais elevados. Com surgimento da possibilidade do porto ser explorado por entidades privadas, o Grupo GeStmin decidiu planear a criação de uma nova empresa, que servisse como um operador portuário da Silos de Leixões. O objetivo principal desta tese é avaliar a viabilidade económica e financeira deste projeto, tendo por base o modelo de avaliação Free Cash Flow to the Firm. Concluiu-se que a criação da nova empresa é viável

    Shoulder muscle timings and sequences during shoulder depression in the scapular plan in subjects with shoulder pain episodes

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    Shoulder pain has been associated with changes in temporal activation of shoulder muscles but the research on this association in the eccentric movement of participants with pain episodes is scarce. To analyse muscle timings and sequences in shoulder muscles during shoulder depression in the scapular plan in subjects with and without pain history in the last year.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Validação do questionário de grupo para a população portuguesa

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    Dissertação de Mestrado apresentada no Ispa – Instituto Universitário para obtenção do grau de Mestre na especialidade de Psicologia Clínica.O presente trabalho visa a validação de um instrumento de avaliação em contexto de terapias de grupo. Está inserido numa investigação em colaboração com a Clínica Ispa e o OQ Measures Group, para se obter a versão portuguesa do Group Questionnaire. Para esse efeito, o objetivo do estudo é a avaliação das qualidades psicométricas deste instrumento em termos de sensibilidade, fiabilidade, validades convergente e divergente, e a sua replicação para a população portuguesa. Neste estudo participaram 270 indivíduos de grupos clínicos e não clínicos em que 61.9% (N = 167) são pessoas do género feminino, 35.9% (N = 97) são pessoas do género masculino, e 2.2% (N = 6) são pessoas não-binárias, com idades compreendidas entre os 17 anos e os 66 anos (M = 24.35; DP = 8.97). Com vista a chegar ao máximo de participantes possível, foi criada, a partir do Google Forms, a versão online do questionário que foi respondida voluntariamente pelos participantes. O questionário apresentou muito bons valores de fiabilidade. Foram também validadas, a fiabilidade compósita e as validades convergente e divergente. Os resultados não permitiram validação, mas indicam que há um modelo capaz de explicar os dados da amostra para o contexto português. Serão necessários mais estudos com amostras clínicas e não clínicas de maiores dimensões para garantir a validação e permitir a utilização de um instrumento prático, acessível e bastante robusto para estudar a relação terapêutica em contexto de terapia de grupo.ABSTRACT: The present work aims at the validation of an assessment instrument in the context of group therapies. It is part of an investigation in collaboration with Clínica Ispa and the OQ Measures Group, to obtain the Portuguese version of the Group Questionnaire, or “Questionário de Grupo”. For this purpose, the aim of the study is to assess the psychometric qualities of this instrument in terms of sensitivity, reliability, convergent and divergent validities, and its replication for the Portuguese population. In this study, 270 individuals, from clinical and non-clinical groups, participated. 61.9% (N = 167) are female, 35.9% (N = 97) are male, and 2.2% (N = 6) are non-binary, aged between 17 and 66 years (M = 24.35; SD = 8.97). To reach as many participants as possible, an online version of the questionnaire was created using Google Forms, which participants answered voluntarily. Values showed great reliability. Composite reliability and convergent and divergent validity were also validated. The results did not allow validation but indicate that there is a model capable of explaining the sample data for the Portuguese context. More studies with larger clinical and non-clinical samples will be required to ensure the validation, and allow the use of a practical, accessible, and robust instrument to study the therapeutic relationship in the context of group therapy

    O papel da influência social informativa na codificação de desinformação

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    A memória é uma atividade social. No entanto, os mecanismos sociocognitivos subjacentes à emergência e transmissão da desinformação em contextos de interação social permanecem pouco explorados. Uma das possíveis explicações para o contágio social da memória (i.e., integração de informação falsa na memória, introduzida por uma fonte social) é a influência social. O presente estudo teve como objetivo explorar o efeito da influência informativa na emergência e transmissão de desinformação numa tarefa de interação social. Para tal, foi realizado um estudo experimental, no qual após a visualização de um vídeo o participante respondia a um questionário contendo informação correta e desinformação acerca do vídeo, em conjunto com um parceiro (i.e., comparsa não real) que numa condição respondia com elevada confiança e na outra com baixa confiança. Por fim, os participantes eram sujeitos a uma tarefa de evocação livre, na qual deveriam evocar, com o máximo de detalhe possível, a informação que recordavam do vídeo apresentado. Os resultados revelaram, como esperado, que durante o questionário foi aceite mais informação correta do que desinformação. Os resultados da tarefa de evocação replicaram o efeito da desinformação. Além disso, e tal como esperado, os participantes na condição de elevada confiança recordaram mais desinformação aceite pelo comparsa durante o questionário como sendo verdadeira, do que os participantes da condição de baixa confiança. Os resultados deste estudo sugerem que a influência informativa exercida por um parceiro de interação social que introduz desinformação, influencia de forma significativa a memória do participante.Memory is a social activity. However, the socio-cognitive mechanisms underlying the emergence and transmission of misinformation in contexts of social interaction remain underexplored. One possible account for the social contagion of memory (i.e., integration of false information in memory, introduced by a social source) is social influence. The present study aimed to explore the effect of informative influence on the emergence and transmission of false information in a social interaction task. To this end, we developed an experimental study. After watching a video, participants answered a questionnaire containing correct and misinformation about the video. This task was completed together with a partner (i.e., a confederate) who, in one condition presented high confidence and in the other low confidence in the answers provided. Finally, participants performed a recall task in which they should describe with as much detail as possible the information presented in the initial video. The results revealed, as expected, that during the questionnaire, participants accepted more correct information than false. The results from the recall task replicated the misinformation effect. Moreover, as expected, participants in the high confidence condition recalled more false information accepted by the confederate as true during the questionnaire than participants in the low trust condition. The results from this study suggest that the informative influence exerted by a social interaction partner who introduces misinformation significantly affects participants' memor

    Voltammetric Behaviour of Cu-NTA and Pb-NTA on a Mercury Iridiun Microelectrode Coated with Agarose

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    The complexation of nitriloacetic acid (NTA) with copper and lead was studied by square wave stripping voltammetry (SWSV) using a mercury iridium microelectrode as the working electrode. The results show that NTA interfere with the measurements, but if the mercury iridium microelectrode is coated with different concentrations of agarose (0.75%, 1.5% and 15% w/v) this interference is greatly minimized. The best results were obtained with 1.5% agarose.This work is within the context of Research Project F.C.T.-Sapiens/POCTI 32616/Qui/2000


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    Objective: Municipality sustainability is crucial for promoting the country's wealth and the citizens' well-being. Therefore, understanding municipalities' indebtedness is relevant to avoid situations of severe financial constraints. This work aims to understand the determinants that explain Portuguese municipalities' debt levels (both total and excess of debt), after the introduction of the Regime Financeiro das Autarquias Locais e Entidades Intermunicipais (RFALEI) published in 2013 (Law no. 73/2013).   Theoretical Framework: In this work, the indebtedness of Portuguese municipalities is studied, from the perspective of net debt and excess indebtedness in order to give a broader picture of this topic and to be able to characterize the main determinants that explain debt in Portuguese municipalities.   Method: Municipalities' debt is measured using not only the net debt ratio (as most of the works) but also the excess of municipalities' indebtedness. Institutional, political, and financial-economic variables are analyzed to explain debt using a linear regression model with fixed effects. The sample includes all Portuguese municipalities for the period from 2014 to 2017.   Results and Discussion: Results show that only institutional and financial-economic determinants are relevant to explain municipalities’ indebtedness. Municipalities with less tourism, less State transfers, and with more capital revenues are the ones more indebtedness. Beyond these factors, municipalities with more investments and less tax revenue tend to present more excess debt.   Research Implications: The results of this work are useful to a group of users of the information provided by municipalities: By knowing the main reasons that lead to debt, municipal managers can somehow reduce debt; Regulatory entities can create laws to limit debt and citizens know how public money is being managed.   Originality/Value: This work analyzed all Portuguese municipalities, during four years, a larger sample than used in previous works. Moreover, institutional, and financial-economic determinants are also used, in addition to political variables, and these determinants show relevance to explain municipalities' debt. Finally, we focus not only on the debt ratio but also on excess of debt which was the main concern of RFALEI