1,641 research outputs found

    A educação religiosa nos manuais escolares de história: entre a ditadura e a liberdade (1947-2011)

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    History as a school subject, which has been considered according to some studies to be used for the transmission of political ideals, gathers the necessary prerequisites to promote society’s laicization. Therefore, using the subject of history as an example, we aim to evaluate whether the current Portuguese teaching has developed a religious education that supports the legislation implemented one hundred years ago, which was designed to separate the state from the church. To do so we compared «Estado Novo» (period of society’s laicization regression) and current History curriculums using as a source of information the manuals adopted in 1951 for the second cycle of secondary education and the most used manual in 2009 for the third cycle of basic education. This study allowed us to conclude that in 2009 the subject of history still did not present a religious education fully adapted to the current educational needs

    The translation elongation factor P in actinobacteria

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    The incorporation of consecutive prolines into a nascent peptide chain triggers ribosome stalling and requires rescue via a specific, universally conserved, translation elongation factor – bacterial EF-P and archaeal/eukaryotic a/eIF5A. In Eukarya, Archaea and all bacteria investigated so far, the functionality of this translation elongation factor depends on specific and rather unusual post-translational modifications. Actinobacteria, which includes the genera Corynebacterium, Streptomyces and Mycobacterium is of both medical and economical significance. This work focuses on the EF-P proteins from the most prominent Actinobacteria. Structure, mechanism of action, expression and specific physiological effects in the cells are explored. Proteomic analysis of C. glutamicum revealed that EF-P is required for the translation of proteins involved in amino acid and secondary metabolite production. Analysis of the protein functionality, molecular mass, charge and X-ray crystal structure showed evidence that Actinobacterial EF-P does not require any post-translational modification for activation. While the function and overall 3D structure of this EF-P type is conserved, the ÎČ2ΩÎČ3 loop containing the conserved lysine32 is flanked by two essential prolines (P30 and P34) that rigidify it. Amino acid substitutions that increased the flexibility of this loop completely inhibit EF-P function. This new EF-P subfamily is found in 11% of all bacteria. The genome of C. glutamicum encodes 1,468 polyproline motifs, many of which are found in transcriptional regulators and carbohydrate transporters. The requirement of EF-P for translation of carbohydrate transporters can be a bottleneck in the performance of industrial strains. The EIIGlc - glucose-specific permease of the phosphoenolpyruvate (PEP): sugar phosphotransferase system (PTS) - encoded by ptsG, is the most important glucose uptake system of C. glutamicum. Due to the presence of a polyproline, production of EIIGlc is strongly reduced in the Δefp mutant strain, resulting in a lower glucose uptake rate and growth defect. The polyproline motif is essential for functionality and could not be replaced by any other amino acid sequence in an unbiased random mutagenesis. GntR2, a transcriptional activator of ptsG, is also dependent on EF-P. However, its reduced copy number can be compensated for by other regulators. Analysis of C. glutamicum and S. coelicolor cell lysates revealed that EF-P is upregulated in the early stationary phase, a time point in which Actinobacteria produce and secrete large amounts of amino acids and other secondary metabolites. Evolutionary analysis of polyproline motifs in the proteome of S. coelicolor provided evidence of evolutionary selection against translational stalling in the core proteome, but not in the enzymes responsible for secondary metabolite production. Proteins essential for antibiotics production contain up to 15 polyproline motifs and without EF-P, production of coelimycin P1, undecylprodigiosin and actinorhodin were only a fraction of the parental strain. This thesis provides evidence that EF-P is active without post-translational modifications in the most prominent Actinobacteria. Moreover, it acts as a bottleneck in the translation of carbohydrate transporters and enzymes of secondary metabolism.Der Einbau konsekutiver Proline in eine entstehende Peptidkette fĂŒhrt zu einem ungewollten Stopp der Translation am Ribosom. Dieser Arrest kann aufgehoben werden durch einen spezifischen, universell konservierten Translations-Elongationsfaktor - bakterielles EF-P und archĂ€ales/eukaryotisches a/eIF5A. Bei Eukaryoten, Archaeen und allen bisher untersuchten Bakterien hĂ€ngt die FunktionalitĂ€t des Translations-Elongationsfaktors von spezifischen und eher ungewöhnlichen post-translationalen Modifikationen ab. Actinobacteria, zu denen die Gattungen Corynebacterium, Streptomyces und Mycobacterium gehören, sind sowohl von medizinischer als auch von wirtschaftlicher Bedeutung. Diese Arbeit fokussiert sich auf die EF-P-Proteine der prominentesten Actinobacteria, untersucht werden ihre Struktur, ihren Funktionsmechanismus, Expression und spezifische physiologische Effekte. Die Proteomanalyse von C. glutamicum ergab, dass EF-P fĂŒr die Translation von Proteinen erforderlich ist, welche an der Produktion von AminosĂ€uren und SekundĂ€rmetaboliten beteiligt sind. Die Eigenschaften der posttranslationalen Modifikation von EF-P wurde in Corynebacterium glutamicum, Streptomyces coelicolor und Mycobacterium tuberculosis untersucht. Die Analyse der ProteinfunktionalitĂ€t, der molekularen Masse, der Ladung und der Röntgenkristallstruktur fĂŒhrte zu Hinweisen, dass in Actinobakterien EF-P keine posttranslationale Modifikation zur Aktivierung benötigt. WĂ€hrend die Funktion und die gesamte 3D-Struktur dieses EF-P-Typs konserviert ist, wird die ÎČ2ΩÎČ3 Schleife, die das konservierte Lysin32 enthĂ€lt, von zwei essentiellen Prolinen (P30 und P34) flankiert, die deren FlexibilitĂ€t einschrĂ€nken. AminosĂ€uresubstitutionen, die die Schleife flexibler machen, hemmen die EF-P-Funktion vollstĂ€ndig. Diese neue EF-P-Unterfamilie ist in 11 % aller Bakterien zu finden. Das Genom von C. glutamicum kodiert fĂŒr 1.468 Polyprolin-Motive, von denen viele in Transkriptionsregulatoren und Kohlenhydrattransportern zu finden sind. Die Notwendigkeit von EF-P fĂŒr die Translation von Kohlenhydrattransportern kann ein Engpass in der Proteinproduktion sein, der die Leistung industrieller StĂ€mme beeintrĂ€chtigt. EIIGlc – die Glukose-spezifische Permease des Phosphoenolpyruvats (PEP): Zucker-Phosphotransferase-System (PTS) – kodiert durch ptsG, ist das wichtigste Glukoseaufnahmesystem von C. glutamicum. Da ein Polyprolin vorhanden ist, ist die Produktion von EIIGlc im efp Deletionsstamm stark reduziert, was zu einer geringeren Glukoseaufnahmerate und einem Wachstumsdefekt fĂŒhrt. Das Polyprolin-Motiv ist fĂŒr die FunktionalitĂ€t essentiell und konnte in einer „unbiased random mutagenesis“ nicht durch eine andere AminosĂ€uresequenz ersetzt werden. GntR2, ein Transkriptionsaktivator von ptsG, ist ebenfalls EF-P-abhĂ€ngig. Eine reduzierte Kopienzahl von GntR2 kann jedoch durch andere Regulatoren kompensiert werden. Die Analyse der Zelllysate von C. glutamicum und S. coelicolor zeigte, dass die Menge an EF-P in der frĂŒhen stationĂ€ren Phase hochreguliert wird, einem Zeitpunkt, zu dem Actinobakterien bekanntlich große Mengen an AminosĂ€uren und anderen SekundĂ€rmetaboliten produzieren und sezernieren. Die evolutionĂ€re Analyse von Polyprolin-Motiven im Proteom von S. coelicolor ergab Hinweise auf eine evolutionĂ€re Selektion gegen Arrestmotive im Kernproteom, nicht aber in den Enzymen, die fĂŒr die Produktion von SekundĂ€rmetaboliten verantwortlich sind. Proteinkomplexe, die fĂŒr die Antibiotika-Produktion essentiell sind, enthalten bis zu 15 Polyprolin-Motive. In einer efp Deletionsmutante war die Produktion von Coelimycin P1, Undecylprodigiosin und Actinorhodin Ă€ußerst stark reduziert. Diese Arbeit liefert Hinweise darauf, dass EF-P ohne posttranslationale Modifikationen in den bekanntesten Actinobacteria aktiv ist. Außerdem bildet EF-P einen Engpass bei der Translation von Kohlenhydrattransportern und Enzymen des SekundĂ€rstoffwechsels

    Disrupting the rent-a-car market through sharing economies

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    The World is changing. As Tom Goodwin, Senior Vice President of Strategy and Innovation at Havas Media, would eloquently put it: “Uber, the world’s largest taxi company, owns no vehicles. Facebook, the world’s most popular media owner, creates no content
 And Airbnb, the world’s largest accommodation provider, owns no real estate”. In that line of thought “Disrupting the Rent-a-Car Market Through Sharing Economies” is a Directed Research Work Project with the purpose of building a Business Plan for launching a Mobile Peer-to-Peer Car Rental Platform in Portugal, while creating Consumer Value and driving sustainable competitive advantage

    Public radio in Brazil: reflections on their original conditions, contemporary setting and challenges

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    Clarify the concept of public radio and certain aspects that relate to the original conditions of such stations in Brazil is the main objective of this work. Therefore, structured in four sessions that dialogue and intertwine: the broadcasting and its mission in the public communication; What is a public radio?; Reflections on the genesis of Brazilian public radio; and considerations on the setting and contemporary challenges of public radio. Methodologically, is based on the structural-historical dialectic approach. In theory, is based on the legal provisions of the Brazilian Constitution, guiding documents of Unesco, studies of Brazilian and European researchers on the subject, as well as the notion of European public broadcasting service. In summary, this paper points out that the understanding of the genesis of public radio in the country valuably contributes to the understanding of the challenges that present themselves to such stations; and the contemporary technological scenario appears to be conducive to the reconfiguration of this service in the convergence environment

    Impact of in-band crosstalk on the performance of optical coherent detection communication systems

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    A detecção Ăłptica coerente leva Ă  coexistĂȘncia de sinais com diferentes formatos de modulação e diferentes ritmos binĂĄrios nas redes Ăłpticas. Devido a essa coexistĂȘncia vĂĄrios cenĂĄrios de diafonia homĂłdina (in-band crosstalk) sĂŁo possĂ­veis. Neste trabalho, o impacto do in-band crosstalk devido a sinais interferentes com o for- mato de modulação em amplitude em quadratura (M-QAM) no desempenho do PDM-QPSK e PDM-16-QAM receptores coerentes a um ritmo binĂĄrio agregado de 100 Gbps Ă© estudado utilizando simulação Monte-Carlo. A precisĂŁo do mĂ©todo de magnitude do vector de erro (EVM) tambĂ©m Ă© investigado na presença de in-band crosstalk, e revelou ser suficientemente preciso na estimação o nĂ­vel de interferĂȘncia que leva a uma penalidade de 1 dB na relação sinal-ruĂ­do Ăłptico (OSNR) no receptor. No entanto, a precisĂŁo do mĂ©todo EVM foi dimin- uĂ­da, relativamente Ă  estimativa da penalidade na OSNR devido a nĂ­veis de in-band crosstalk mais elevados. A influĂȘncia do factor de duração de ciclo, do desalinhamento temporal e da diferença de fase entre o sinal interferĂȘncia e o sinal seleccionado no desempenho do receptor Ă© tambĂ©m avaliada. Mostra-se que o sinal QPSK com um factor de duração de ciclo de 33% Ă©, em geral, o sinal seleccionado mais tolerante ao in-band crosstalk e o interferente menos prejudicial para o desempenho do receptor coerente. Mostramos tambĂ©m que o desalin- hamento temporal tem uma influĂȘncia significativa no impacto do in-band crosstalk no desempenho do receptor coerente, quando o factor de duração de ciclo dos interferente ou do sinal seleccionado sĂŁo baixos, e a diferença de fase tem impacto quase desprezĂĄvel na variação da penalidade de OSNR.Optical coherent technology leads to the coexistence of signals with different modulation formats and different bit rates in optical networks. Due to this coexistence several in-band crosstalk scenarios are possible. In this work, the impact of in-band crosstalk due to M-ary quadrature amplitude modulation (M-QAM) interferers on the performance of PDM-QPSK and PDM-16-QAM coherent receivers at an aggregated bit rate of 100 Gbps is studied using Monte Carlo simulation. The accuracy of the error vector magnitude method is also investigated in presence of in-band crosstalk and it revealed to be sufficiently accurate for the estimation of the crosstalk level that leads to a 1 dB Optical Signal-to-Noise ratio (OSNR) penalty at the receiver. However, the EVM method accuracy was diminished, concerning the estimation of the OSNR penalty due to higher crosstalk levels. The influence of the duty-cycle, time misalignment and phase difference between interferers and selected signal on the receiver performance is also assessed. We show that the QPSK signal with a duty-cycle of 33% is, generally, the most tolerant selected signal to in-band crosstalk and the less detrimental interferer to the coher- ent receiver performance. We also show that the time misalignment has a significant influence on the in-band crosstalk impact, when the duty-cycles of the interferers or selected signal are low, and the phase difference has almost negligible impact on the OSNR penalty variation

    Criptorquia - estudo comparativo

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    Trabalho de ConclusĂŁo de Curso - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina. Curso de Medicina. Departamento de Pediatria

    EstratĂ©gias de neutralização de gĂȘnero no PortuguĂȘs Brasileiro: questĂ”es estruturais e sociais

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    In Brazilian Portuguese, one might assume that the terminations -o and -a represent the general rules for marking respectively the masculine, and the feminine genders. However, new strategies for grammatical gender marking are emerging, such as the suffixes -x (‘alunx’, student), -@ (‘professor@s’, teachers), and -e (‘todes’, everyone), and the pronouns ‘elu’, ‘ilu’, and ‘ile’ in order to not specify in the linguistic structure a binary distinction of gender. These strategies arise from some people not feeling fully represented neither by the masculine, nor by the female genders. They also arise from perceiving that the masculine forms in Brazilian Portuguese are usually employed with generic reference, thus making non-masculine gender manifestations, such as feminine and non-binary identities, the ‘different’ ones, built up from the masculine. Yet, the language’s system presents some restrictions that hinder the use of gender-neutral forms. Therefore, in this essay we present an overall description of the concept of grammatical gender in language studies, as well as some strategies for the non-specification of gender in Brazilian Portuguese. We also identify certain grammatical restrictions to gender-neutral forms in this language, while we aim at understanding the social issues that implement these new linguistic forms. Hence, we believe that, as linguists, we must describe the language such as it is actually used, and contribute to the discussion on such a controversial and necessary topic, by reflecting upon the strategies for gender neutralization.No portuguĂȘs brasileiro, pode-se assumir que as desinĂȘncias -o e -a representam as regras gerais de marcação de gĂȘnero para masculino e feminino, respectivamente. PorĂ©m, tem-se notado a emergĂȘncia de novas estratĂ©gias de marcação gramatical de gĂȘnero, entre as quais se observam estratĂ©gias desinenciais, como -x (‘alunx’), -@ (‘professor@s’) e -e (‘todes’), e formas pronominais como ‘elu’, ‘ilu’ e ‘ile’, a fim de nĂŁo se especificar, na estrutura linguĂ­stica, uma distinção binĂĄria de gĂȘnero social. O uso dessas estratĂ©gias decorre do fato de que hĂĄ pessoas que nĂŁo se sentem representadas pelo masculino ou pelo feminino; decorre tambĂ©m da percepção de que as formas de masculino, no portuguĂȘs, sĂŁo comumente empregadas com referĂȘncia genĂ©rica, o que marca como ‘diferentes’ todas as manifestaçÔes de gĂȘnero nĂŁo-masculinas, entre as quais se encontram as femininas e as nĂŁo-binĂĄrias. Entretanto, o emprego dessas estratĂ©gias de neutralização (ou nĂŁo especificação) de gĂȘnero esbarra em algumas restriçÔes apresentadas pelo sistema linguĂ­stico. Portanto, neste ensaio teĂłrico, descrevemos, em linhas gerais, o tratamento do gĂȘnero gramatical nos estudos linguĂ­sticos e algumas estratĂ©gias de nĂŁo especificação de gĂȘnero na gramĂĄtica do portuguĂȘs; identificamos algumas restriçÔes ao seu emprego do ponto de vista estrutural da lĂ­ngua; e visamos a compreender as questĂ”es sociais que levam Ă  implementação dos novos usos linguĂ­sticos. Entendemos que, como linguistas, precisamos descrever a lĂ­ngua tal como efetivamente Ă© usada e, por meio da reflexĂŁo sobre as estratĂ©gias de neutralização de gĂȘnero, contribuir para os diĂĄlogos acerca de um tema tĂŁo polĂȘmico e necessĂĄrio

    Analysis of accessibility components related to the spatial distribution of food warehouses: empirical evidence from Fortaleza, Brazil

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    This research delves into the spatial distribution of accessibility components related to the placement of food warehouses in Fortaleza, Brazil. This is accomplished by merging spatial analysis and logistic regression with the Moran index. The outcomes expose how warehouses of differing sizes are dispersed across the region, each finding its place within zones featuring distinct accessibility attributes. Furthermore, the study underscores the significance of factoring in the individual accessibility component for the formulation of effective transportation and land-use policies

    Responsabilidade social corporativa e desempenho financeiro: uma anĂĄlise de empresas listadas na B3

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    This research aimed to analyze how financial performance influences Corporate Social Responsibility in companies in Brazil. Data was collected on financial information, as well as information on Corporate Social Responsibility, for the period between 2010 and 2019, from companies listed on the Brazilian Stock Exchange. For data collection, the EconomaticaÂź data system was used to obtain information on financial and control performance. With regard to Corporate Social Responsibility, the CSRHub database was used. Statistical techniques were then used to analyze the data, such as correlation analysis and ordinary least squares multiple linear regression. The results showed the relevance of financial performance in corporate social responsibility practices, which may vary depending on the social practice applied by the organizations. Financial performance showed an influence on the four Corporate Social Responsibility practices investigated: community, environment, governance and employees. In this sense, this research sought to broaden understandings about improving company management by analyzing the evidence linking financial performance to Corporate Social Responsibility practices. The relevance of this study lies in providing concrete evidence of the impact of financial performance on Corporate Social Responsibility initiatives, thus contributing to the overall improvement of business management.Esta pesquisa teve como objetivo analisar como o desempenho financeiro influencia a Responsabilidade Social Corporativa em empresas no Brasil. Foram coletados dados de informaçÔes financeiras, bem como informaçÔes sobre Responsabilidade Social Corporativa, no perĂ­odo entre 2010 e 2019, das empresas listadas na Bolsa de Valores do Brasil. Para a coleta de dados, utilizou-se o sistema de dados da EconomĂĄticaÂź para obter informaçÔes sobre desempenho financeiro e de controle. Em relação Ă  Responsabilidade Social Corporativa, adotou-se a base de dados da empresa CSRHub. A partir disso, foram utilizadas tĂ©cnicas estatĂ­sticas para anĂĄlise de dados, como a anĂĄlise de correlação e a regressĂŁo linear mĂșltipla dos mĂ­nimos quadrados ordinĂĄrios. Os resultados permitiram evidenciar a relevĂąncia do desempenho financeiro nas prĂĄticas de responsabilidade social corporativa, podendo variar dependendo da prĂĄtica social aplicada pelas organizaçÔes. O desempenho financeiro demonstrou influĂȘncia nas quatro prĂĄticas de Responsabilidade Social Corporativa investigadas: comunidade, meio ambiente, governança e empregados. Nesse sentido, esta pesquisa buscou ampliar compreensĂ”es sobre a melhoria da gestĂŁo das empresas, por meio da anĂĄlise das evidĂȘncias que vinculam o desempenho financeiro Ă s prĂĄticas de Responsabilidade Social Corporativa. A relevĂąncia deste estudo reside no fornecimento de comprovaçÔes concretas do impacto do desempenho financeiro nas iniciativas de Responsabilidade Social Corporativa, contribuindo, portanto, para o aprimoramento geral da gestĂŁo empresarial
