112 research outputs found

    Molecular diagnosis of Shigella, Salmonella and Campylobacter by multiplex Real-time PCR in stool culture samples in Ouagadougou (Burkina Faso)

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    ABSTRACT:Background: Bacteriological diagnosis of Campylobacter spp, Salmonella spp and Shigella spp could be necessary in the case of infectious gastroenteritis syndrome.The objective of this study was to diagnose concomitantly the three enteropathogenic bacteria by multiplex Real-Time PCR in stool culture samples in Ouagadougou (Burkina Faso).Materials and Methods: The study was conducted from February 5th to March 9th, 2013. Two hundred stool samples were received during the study period. The bacteria were identified by bacterial culture following by multiplex Real-Time PCR.Results: Shigella spp and Campylobacter spp were sought by culture in all 200 samples. Enteropathogenic E. coli was sought only in 37 samples from all children under 2 years old. The bacterial culture was positive in 12 stool samples. Shigella spp and Salmonella spp. were isolated respectively in 5 (2.5%) and 3 samples (1.5%). Enteropathogenic E. coli was isolated in 10.8% (4/37) of the samples tested.The multiplex real-time PCR identified bacteria in 20 patients, including 17 cases of Shigella spp., 1 case of Salmonella spp. and 2 cases of Campylobacter spp.Conclusions: This study has highlighted the low frequency of 3 sought bacterial genera in stool samples. It has also demonstrated a significant difference between the culture and the multiplex Real-Time PCR method in the diagnosis of Shigella


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    Abstract: The first course that resembles what we now call MOOC was held in 2008, although the background for developing MOOCs can be traced back to the year 2000. They are often described as an evolutional step which follows the emerging movement towards Open Education. They came as an answer to the constantly growing needs of both main parties in the educational process (teachers and students) for a more easily accessible and more interactive learning environment. This paper represents a brief history of MOOCs and the perspectives for their development around the Globe. The experience of the leading providers and their university partners in developing such courses is being summarized. Based on analysis of literature and course programs, the main characteristics of MOOCs are presented. Some of the best practices, which are proven to benefit the students and teachers the most, are further discussed. The paper outlines the opportunities for implication of MOOCs in Bulgarian universities with emphasize not only on advantages from their integration in Bulgarian higher education system but also on some of the main challenges and obstacles on the way such as verification of students`, MOOCs and Bulgarian legislation and others

    Social Intelligence and Business Performance of Managers at Agriculture Banks in Ardabil province

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    Abstract The study has been done in order to determine the relationship betweenrelationship social intelligence dimensions (social information processing, social skills, social awareness, and social desirability) as independent variables and business performance (behavioral performance, in-role performance, extra-role performance, results-based performance) of managers asdependent variable. This has done Agriculture Bank in Ardabil province. We determined the amount of the sample size with the used of Cochran sampling method which the statistical sample is 102 of this Bank managers which have been selected through the simple random sampling method. To gathering of data, we used questionnaires with 43 items. Questionnaires reliability was estimated by calculating Cronbach's Alpha. In order to analyze the data resulted from collected questionnaires deductive and descriptive statistical methods are used. The results KolmogorovSmirnov Test shows the test distribution is Normal. So we can use Pearson Correlation coefficients to test the hypothesis of the research. In order to determine the relationship between the variables of the study, the SPSS tool has been used. Findings show that relationship betweenrelationship social intelligence dimensions and business performance of managers atAgriculture Bank in Ardabil province

    Revista Română de Statistică -Supliment Trim II/2013 200 Brand Management in Business to Business Markets -Particularities of Business to Business Markets, Branding and Brand Equity

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    Abstract Brands are often thought to be the preserve of consumer markets, but even for commodity products where products are apparently purchased on price, brands have a value in business markets too. In business markets purchasers are often buying the quality of supply rather than just the product itself and often pass on the quality of component brands as evidence of quality to their own customers. Establishing a brand and reputation for quality of delivery is an essential part of successful business to business marketing


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    In an era of constant change, the management of conflict becomes a common practice. Managers of public organizations are often confronted with conflicts, which forces them to adapt their arsenal of tools, methods and techniques used to solve disputes. The article presents the results of the research undertaken in a public institution about the perception of employees with respect to how managers act when conflicts arise. There are also displayed some recommendations to improve the way conflicts are approached.conflict; conflict management; public sector; change


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    During the second half of the twentieth century, a time that has been noticeable by rapid urbanization of societies, urban environments have become diminished and dysfunctional. Particularly in the practice of forming urban space and in addition, the design of buildings has been allowed to be bloomed, with the lack of both social and environmental responsibility have turned into revolting influences of the plot. With regards to the Urban Environment, sociological consequences will undermine the amenity value of the social environment if the community and the end user are not satisfied by the incompetence to meet the cultural needs. The absence of cultural perception and environmental ethos proposed by the contemporary buildings and urban landscapes, obviously through ignoring the approaching depletion of natural resources. Architects and urban designers should not disregard signs of global stress that are of social and ecological major consequence. Therefore this paper aims to study the urban environment within architecture and urban design. Based on scientific methodology, the paper reviews the contemporary literature of the environmental goals for the new world through analysing current contemporary work and illustrating the environmental elements in shaping the urban landscape. Finally, the one of the important conclusion is that the Humanistic and environmental resource elements should manage innovative powers in architecture and in shaping the urban landscape


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    ABSTRACT Background: African American sexual minority women (AA SMW) face several layers o


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    Impoverished areas represent the worst of urban poverty, inequality and intolerable difficulties concerning the quality of life of the wellbeing. A person is impoverished when there is deprivation of strength, vitality and liveliness. Poor societies are conscious of their deficiency of power and independence which subject them to mistreatment; they express about pain brought by their inevitable violation of social norms and inability to fully participate in community life. The concept of livability and its strong link with sense of community is essential; it is the sum of factors that add up the community’s quality of life including the built and natural environment, economic prosperity, and social stability. This p a p e r f o c u s e s o n the existing problems in impoverished areas that represent the most unbearable complications concerning quality of life of the inhabitants. Therefore, this paper aims to provide community livability strategies in local and international regions for upgrading quality of life in impoverished areas. The fourth largest city in Lebanon, Tyre and Colombia’s second largest city, Medellin, comprises impoverished areas that experience a deep social and economic exclusion and are mostly inhabited by refugees, homeless children, and fragmented families. This paper analyzes the case studies to add spatiality to understanding of vulnerabilities. Thus, the paper deducts checklists based on the livability factors to check the community livability in impoverished areas. Consequently, livability and sense of community are different for the poor since satisfaction with quality of life of the impoverished increases significantly by gentrifying the area

    Transforming Society, Transforming Leadership

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    For several years, SIT Graduate Institute worked with the Ford International Fellows Program (IFP) to provide IFP fellows worldwide with training and reflection on their engagement as leaders for social justice. Out of this effort grew a conceptual framework on “leadership for social justice” and a capacity-building resource manual derived from the Leadership for Social Justice (LSJ) Institutes we carried out. Since that time, a few members of the LSJ project team have been undertaking further research on social justice leadership from varied perspectives. In addition, SIT Study Abroad Academic Director Azim Khan is an IFP and LSJ Institute alumnus, served as an alumni facilitator for the final LSJ Institute in Washington, DC, and is enacting leadership for social justice in his work in India. We would like to present case studies from our research and our experiences with leadership with social justice, along with the LSJ conceptual framework, at the SIT Symposium. The case studies narrate the stories of diverse initiatives focusing on social justice work in Mali, Malawi, Zimbabwe, Ghana, Tanzania, Zambia and several parts of India. Brief introductions to the case studies are included below. The case studies and experiences provide rich understandings of the strategies and challenges of making transformational social change in varied contexts, and of the nature of leadership for this purpose. The emerging learning from these experiences will provide a critical examination of the relevance and usefulness of the LSJ conceptual framework. In particular, this work will highlight the role of context, gender, education, and advocacy in relation to development and practice of social justice leadership. Social justice leaders are reimagining the meaning of leadership and reinventing it in practice on a daily basis. Lessons from their experiences go to the heart of our pedagogical purposes at SIT. We are also very interested in utilizing this opportunity to find colleagues in other parts of SIT and World Learning working on related topics, in either their research or their practice. We welcome them to suggest ideas for enhancing the session to include their thinking, research, or experiences