80 research outputs found

    Active regulation of the epidermal calcium profile

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    A distinct calcium profile is strongly implicated in regulating the multi-layered structure of the epidermis. However, the mechanisms that govern the regulation of this calcium profile are currently unclear. It clearly depends on the relatively impermeable barrier of the stratum corneum (passive regulation) but may also depend on calcium exchanges between keratinocytes and extracellular fluid (active regulation). Using a mathematical model that treats the viable sublayers of unwounded human and murine epidermis as porous media and assumes that their calcium profiles are passively regulated, we demonstrate that these profiles are also actively regulated. To obtain this result, we found that diffusion governs extracellular calcium motion in the viable epidermis and hence intracellular calcium is the main source of the epidermal calcium profile. Then, by comparison with experimental calcium profiles and combination with a hypothesised cell velocity distribution in the viable epidermis, we found that the net influx of calcium ions into keratinocytes from extracellular fluid may be constant and positive throughout the stratum basale and stratum spinosum, and that there is a net outflux of these ions in the stratum granulosum. Hence the calcium exchange between keratinocytes and extracellular fluid differs distinctly between the stratum granulosum and the underlying sublayers, and these differences actively regulate the epidermal calcium profile. Our results also indicate that plasma membrane dysfunction may be an early event during keratinocyte disintegration in the stratum granulosum

    A continuum model of the growth of engineered epidermal skin substitutes

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    We present a porous medium model of the growth and deterioration of the viable sublayers of an epidermal skin substitute. It consists of five species: cells, intracellular and extracellular calcium, tight junctions, and a hypothesised signal chemical emanating from the stratum corneum. The model is solved numerically in Matlab using a finite difference scheme. Steady state calcium distributions are predicted that agree well with the experimental data. Our model also demonstrates epidermal skin substitute deterioration if the calcium diffusion coefficient is reduced compared to reported values in the literature

    A Holling-Tanner predator-prey model with strong Allee effect

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    We analyse a modified Holling-Tanner predator-prey model where the predation functional response is of Holling type II and we incorporate a strong Allee effect associated with the prey species production. The analysis complements results of previous articles by Saez and Gonzalez-Olivares (SIAM J. Appl. Math. 59 1867-1878, 1999) and Arancibia-Ibarra and Gonzalez-Olivares (Proc. CMMSE 2015 130-141, 2015)discussing Holling-Tanner models which incorporate a weak Allee effect. The extended model exhibits rich dynamics and we prove the existence of separatrices in the phase plane separating basins of attraction related to co-existence and extinction of the species. We also show the existence of a homoclinic curve that degenerates to form a limit cycle and discuss numerous potential bifurcations such as saddle-node, Hopf, and Bogadonov-Takens bifurcations

    The mechanical response of the ovine lumbar anulus fibrosus to uniaxial, biaxial and shear loads

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    Analytical and computational models of the intervertebral disc (IVD) are commonly employed to enhance understanding of the biomechanics of the human spine and spinal motion segments. The accuracy of these models in predicting physiological behaviour of the spine is intrinsically reliant on the accuracy of the material constitutive representations employed to represent the spinal tissues. There is a paucity of detailed mechanical data describing the material response of the reinforced­ground matrix in the anulus fibrosus of the IVD. In the present study, the ‘reinforced­ground matrix’ was defined as the matrix with the collagen fibres embedded but not actively bearing axial load, thus incorporating the contribution of the fibre-fibre and fibre-matrix interactions. To determine mechanical parameters for the anulus ground matrix, mechanical tests were carried out on specimens of ovine anulus, under unconfined uniaxial compression, simple shear and biaxial compression. Test specimens of ovine anulus fibrosus were obtained with an adjacent layer of vertebral bone/cartilage on the superior and inferior specimen surface. Specimen geometry was such that there were no continuous collagen fibres coupling the two endplates. Samples were subdivided according to disc region - anterior, lateral and posterior - to determine the regional inhomogeneity in the anulus mechanical response. Specimens were loaded at a strain rate sufficient to avoid fluid outflow from the tissue and typical stress-strain responses under the initial load application and under repeated loading were determined for each of the three loading types. The response of the anulus tissue to the initial and repeated load cycles was significantly different for all load types, except biaxial compression in the anterior anulus. Since the maximum applied strain exceeded the damage strain for the tissue, experimental results for repeated loading reflected the mechanical ability of the tissue to carry load, subsequent to the initiation of damage. To our knowledge, this is the first study to provide experimental data describing the response of the ‘reinforced­ground matrix’ to biaxial compression. Additionally, it is novel in defining a study objective to determine the regionally inhomogeneous response of the ‘reinforced­ground matrix’ under an extensive range of loading conditions suitable for mechanical characterisation of the tissue. The results presented facilitate the development of more detailed and comprehensive constitutive descriptions for the large strain nonlinear elastic or hyperelastic response of the anulus ground matrix

    Melanoma Cell Colony Expansion Parameters Revealed by Approximate Bayesian Computation

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    In vitro studies and mathematical models are now being widely used to study the underlying mechanisms driving the expansion of cell colonies. This can improve our understanding of cancer formation and progression. Although much progress has been made in terms of developing and analysing mathematical models, far less progress has been made in terms of understanding how to estimate model parameters using experimental in vitro image-based data. To address this issue, a new approximate Bayesian computation (ABC) algorithm is proposed to estimate key parameters governing the expansion of melanoma cell (MM127) colonies, including cell diffusivity, D, cell proliferation rate, λ, and cell-to-cell adhesion, q, in two experimental scenarios, namely with and without a chemical treatment to suppress cell proliferation. Even when little prior biological knowledge about the parameters is assumed, all parameters are precisely inferred with a small posterior coefficient of variation, approximately 2-12%. The ABC analyses reveal that the posterior distributions of D and q depend on the experimental elapsed time, whereas the posterior distribution of λ does not. The posterior mean values of D and q are in the ranges 226-268 ”m2h−1 , 311-351 ”m2h−1 and 0.23-0.39, 0.32-0.61 for the experimental periods of 0-24 h and 24-48 h, respectively. Furthermore, we found that the posterior distribution of q also depends on the initial cell density, whereas the posterior distributions of D and λ do not. The ABC approach also enables information from the two experiments to be combined, resulting in greater precision for all estimates of D and λ

    A Mathematical Model of Integrin-Mediated Haptotactic Cell Migration

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    Haptotactic cell migration, a directed response to gradients of cell— extracellular matrix adhesion, is an important process in a number of biological phenomena such as wound healing and tumour cell invasion. Previously, mathematical models of haptotaxis have been developed on the premise that cells migrate in response to gradients in the density of the extracellular matrix. In this paper, we develop a novel mathematical model of haptotaxis which includes the adhesion receptors known as integrins and a description of their functional activation, local recruitment and protrusion as part of lamellipodia. Through the inclusion of integrins, the modelled cell matter is able to respond to a true gradient of cell–matrix adhesion, represented by functionally active integrins. We also show that previous matrix-mediated models are in fact a subset of the novel integrinmediated models, characterised by specific choices of diffusion and haptotaxis coefficients in their model equations. Numerical solutions suggest the existence of travelling waves of cell migration that are confirmed via a phase plane analysis of a simplified model

    Solution methods for advection-diffusion-reaction equations on growing domains and subdomains, with application to modelling skin substitutes

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    Problems involving the solution of advection-diffusion-reaction equations on domains and subdomains whose growth affects and is affected by these equations, commonly arise in developmental biology. Here, a mathematical framework for these situations, together with methods for obtaining spatio-temporal solutions and steady states of models built from this framework, is presented. The framework and methods are applied to a recently published model of epidermal skin substitutes. Despite the use of Eulerian schemes, excellent agreement is obtained between the numerical spatio-temporal, numerical steady state, and analytical solutions of the model

    A finite volume method with linearisation in time for the solution of advection-reaction-diffusion systems

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    The numerical solution in one space dimension of advection--reaction--diffusion systems with nonlinear source terms may invoke a high computational cost when the presently available methods are used. Numerous examples of finite volume schemes with high order spatial discretisations together with various techniques for the approximation of the advection term can be found in the literature. Almost all such techniques result in a nonlinear system of equations as a consequence of the finite volume discretisation especially when there are nonlinear source terms in the associated partial differential equation models. This work introduces a new technique that avoids having such nonlinear systems of equations generated by the spatial discretisation process when nonlinear source terms in the model equations can be expanded in positive powers of the dependent function of interest. The basis of this method is a new linearisation technique for the temporal integration of the nonlinear source terms as a supplementation of a more typical finite volume method. The resulting linear system of equations is shown to be both accurate and significantly faster than methods that necessitate the use of solvers for nonlinear system of equations

    Towards a quantitative theory of epidermal calcium profile formation in unwounded skin

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    We propose and mathematically examine a theory of calcium profile formation in unwounded mammalian epidermis based on: changes in keratinocyte proliferation, fluid and calcium exchange with the extracellular fluid during these cells' passage through the epidermal sublayers, and the barrier functions of both the stratum corneum and tight junctions localised in the stratum granulosum. Using this theory, we develop a mathematical model that predicts epidermal sublayer transit times, partitioning of the epidermal calcium gradient between intracellular and extracellular domains, and the permeability of the tight junction barrier to calcium ions. Comparison of our model's predictions of epidermal transit times with experimental data indicates that keratinocytes lose at least 87% of their volume during their disintegration to become corneocytes. Intracellular calcium is suggested as the main contributor to the epidermal calcium gradient, with its distribution actively regulated by a phenotypic switch in calcium exchange between keratinocytes and extracellular fluid present at the boundary between the stratum spinosum and the stratum granulosum. Formation of the extracellular calcium distribution, which rises in concentration through the stratum granulosum towards the skin surface, is attributed to a tight junction barrier in this sublayer possessing permeability to calcium ions that is less than 15 nm/s in human epidermis and less than 37 nm/s in murine epidermis. Future experimental work may refine the presented theory and reduce the mathematical uncertainty present in the model predictions
