68 research outputs found
Study of salt stress tolerance in spelt
World population is increasing at an alarming rate while food productivity is decreasing due to the effect of various abiotic stresses. Soil salinity is one of the most important abiotic stress and a limiting factor for worldwide plant production. In addition to its important effects on yield, salt stress affects numerous cellular activities, including cell wall composition, photosynthesis, protein synthesis, ions and organic solutes. Up to 20% of the irrigated arable land in arid and semiarid regions is already salt affected and is still expanding. Improving salt tolerant varieties is of major importance, and efforts should be focused on finding adaptive mechanisms which are involved in salinity tolerance. In this study, several spelt wheat (Triticum aestivum var. Spelta) genotypes and one cultivar of modern bread wheat were used to screen them for salt tolerance. Spelt is an old-European cereal crop currently attracting renewed interest as a food grain because it is said to be harder than wheat and requires less fertilizer. Spelt wheat is also becoming very attractive genetic source by plant breeders due to its wide adaptation ability to various stressful conditions such as soil salinity. In this study morphological parameters (e.g., leaf appearance; shoot elongation), dry matter production, mineral nutrients (especially Na and K), and activity of antioxidative enzymes were measured to select superior genotypes of spelt for salt tolerance. The results showed that Spelt genotype Sp41 is a salt sensitive genotype and genotypes Sp69, Sp96 and Sp912 are good candidates for salt tolerant genotypes
Potencialidades do uso da folha de cálculo na construção de tabelas e gráficos estatísticos
O uso dos computadores, seja através de software ou da internet, tem marcado uma
presença cada vez maior no estudo da Estatística. No caso da folha de cálculo,
tratando-se de um software de fácil acesso, ele tem sido usado nas escolas por
professores e alunos, sobretudo no caso da Estatística. Tendo por referência dois
estudos realizados sobre o uso da folha de cálculo na construção de tabelas e
gráficos estatísticos, envolvendo alunos do 7º ano, neste texto comparam-se o
desempenho dos alunos na construção dos gráficos com e sem a folha de cálculo e
avaliam-se as suas perceções acerca do uso da folha de cálculo. Em termos dos
resultados, destacam-se um melhor desempenho dos alunos quando usam a folha
de cálculo e reações muito favoráveis à utilização da folha de cálculo
Applicability of the real-time PCR assay in the amplification of cyanobacterial DNA from preserved samples
Publicaciones del III Congreso Ibérico de Cianotoxinas (Blanes, 2013)The study and monitoring of cyanobacterial blooms often involves the use of preserved samples to avoid cellular degradation.
However, preserved samples may not be suitable for molecular biology studies because preservation methods can interfere
with DNA quality/quantity. Real-time quantitative PCR analysis (qPCR) has been widely applied in molecular analysis and
is considered a promising method for monitoring purposes. This study intended to evaluate the applicability of the real-time
qPCR technique in samples that were subjected to different methods of preservation: (1) 15% Lugol’s iodine solution (2) 4%
formaldehyde and (3) 25% glutaraldehyde. The ability to amplify and quantify DNA extracted from Planktothrix agardhii
was assessed using the rpoC1 gene as the target fragment in both raw water samples and in vitro cultures.
No reliable DNA amplification was obtained from glutaraldehyde-preserved samples. Successful amplification was obtained
from Lugol’s and formaldehyde-preserved samples. In this case, however, the quantification that was achieved by real-time
PCR cannot be used to infer cell numbers, because the Ct values that were obtained from the Lugol’s and formaldehydepreserved samples were significantly higher than the Ct values that were obtained from the unpreserved samples. Therefore
real-time PCR can be used for the detection and identification of cyanobacteria in preserved samples but no reliable cell
quantification can be performed using this method.This research was supported by the Fundação para Ciência e Tecnologia, Portugal (FCT)
through the project PPCDT/AMB/67075/2006.
The authors also acknowledge the PhD research grant SFRH/BD65706/2009 to C. Churro and the Post-Doc research grant SFRH/BPD/75922/2011
to E. Valério
O ensino e a aprendizagem de estatística com tecnologia : uma experiência no 7º ano de escolaridade
Relatório de estágio de mestrado em Ensino de Matemática no 3.º Ciclo do
Ensino Básico e no Ensino SecundárioNeste estudo trata-se uma intervenção de ensino em Estatística com tecnologia, em que
se abordaram os tópicos: amostragem, gráfico de barras, circular e histograma numa turma do
7º ano de escolaridade, constituída por 19 alunos, pertencente a uma escola do concelho de
O estudo teve como finalidades: motivar os alunos para as aprendizagens em Estatística;
promover aprendizagens mais significativas em Estatística; e contribuir para a melhoria das
aprendizagens em Matemática. Para isso, utilizaram-se como metodologias de ensinoaprendizagem
tarefas significativas para o aluno, o trabalho de grupo e tecnologia, e como
estratégias de investigação/avaliação da ação um teste diagnóstico de Estatística, gravações da
intervenção, tarefas realizadas pelos alunos, um teste de avaliação com tecnologia e um
Este estudo desenvolveu-se em torno de quatro objetivos: 1) Identificar formas de
utilização da tecnologia no ensino e aprendizagem da Estatística; 2) Reconhecer aspetos fortes e
aspetos frágeis na utilização da tecnologia no ensino e aprendizagem da Estatística; 3) Averiguar
as perceções dos alunos acerca da utilização da tecnologia na aprendizagem da Estatística; 4)
Relacionar as perceções dos alunos sobre a utilização da tecnologia e a sua aprendizagem em
Em termos de resultados obtidos, constatou-se um maior número de aspetos fortes do
uso da tecnologia do que de aspetos frágeis. O uso do computador por grupo revelou-se a forma
mais eficaz de integrar esta tecnologia na aula de Matemática. Também se conjugou a
tecnologia com o papel e lápis de três formas, já apontadas por Demana e Waits (1994): a
tecnologia como feedback; a tecnologia como geradora de uma ideia geral do problema; e a
tecnologia como único meio de resolver o problema. A tecnologia como geradora de uma ideia
geral do problema foi a mais frequente e levou à construção mais rápida do gráfico de barras e
do circular. Relativamente às perceções dos alunos, verificou-se que as raparigas atribuíram
mais relevância ao uso de tecnologia do que os rapazes e os alunos com fraco desempenho
enfatizaram mais a utilização da tecnologia do que os melhores alunos da turma.This study is about teaching Statistics with technology. In it, the following topics have been
considered: sampling, bar graph, circular and histogram in a 7th grade class with 19 students in a
school of Barcelos.
The study aimed at: motivating students for learning in statistics; promoting more
meaningful learning in Statistics; and contributing to the improvement of learning in
mathematics. For this, the teaching and learning methodologies used were to opt for meaningful
tasks to the student, to do group work and technology; the research/evaluation strategies of the
action used were to perform a diagnostic test on statistics, intervention records, tasks performed
by the students, an assessment test with technology and a questionnaire.
This study was developed taking into account four objectives: 1) Identifying ways to use
technology in teaching and learning Statistics; 2) Recognizing aspects strengths as well as
weaknesses aspects in the use of technology in learning Statistics; 3) Investigating students‘
perceptions about the use of technology in learning statistics; 4) Relating students‘ perceptions
on the use of technology and its learning in Statistics.
In terms of results, we realized that there were more strengths than weaknesses in the use
of technology. Using the computer in group appeared to be the most effective way to integrate
this technology in the mathematics classroom. Technology has also been combined with pencils
and paper in three ways, as pointed out by Deman and Waits (1994): Technology as a feedback;
technology as a generator of a general idea of the problem, and technology as the only way to
solve the problem. Technology as a generator of a general idea of the problem was the most
frequent and led to faster construction of the bar graph and circular. In what concerns
perceptions of students, it was found that girls attached more relevance to the use of technology
than boys and students with a poor performance emphasized the use of technology more than
the best students of the class
Eletrocardiograma no pré-hospitalar : importância para a identificação precoce de enfarte agudo do miocárdio
Enquadramento – Várias guidelines recomendam que a rapidez na avaliação e orientação dos doentes que se apresentam com dor torácica melhora o seu prognóstico e fixam como tempo alvo do primeiro contacto médico ao ECG 10 minutos. O EAMCSST é uma patologia com grande mortalidade e morbilidade em que a terapêutica é mais eficaz se for instituída o mais precocemente após o início dos sintomas, sendo o tempo alvo desde o primeiro contacto médico até ao tratamento de reperfusão, até 30 minutos.
Objetivos – Verificar qual a importância da realização do ECG no pré-hospitalar para a identificação precoce de EAMCSST.
Métodos – Foi realizada uma revisão sistemática da literatura sobre a importância da realização do ECG no pré-hospitalar para a identificação precoce de EAMCSST. Efetuou-se uma pesquisa na PUBMED, The Cochrane Library, Scielo e Google Académico de estudos publicados entre 1 de janeiro de 2009 a abril de 2015, partindo dos critérios de inclusão previamente definidos, os estudos selecionados foram posteriormente avaliados. Através da aplicação da “Grelha para avaliação crítica de um artigo descrevendo um ensaio clínico prospetivo, aleatorizado e controlado” (Bugalho & Carneiro, 2004; Carneiro, 2008) aos estudos incluídos, verificou-se que só dois dos estudos poderiam ser considerados de qualidade, tendo obtido uma classificação final igual ou superior a 75%. Esta apreciação foi validada aquando da avaliação do risco de viés através do instrumento do Cochrane Handbook.
Resultados: O presente trabalho permitiu verificar que é atribuída importância à realização do ECG no pré-hospitalar para a identificação precoce de EAMCSST, resultando na ativação precoce da equipa de hemodinâmica, o que se institui como uma estratégia importante para a redução do tempo decorrido entre a entrada no hospital até ao tratamento definitivo, com evidências de impacte na redução da mortalidade.
Conclusão: Os resultados apontam para o facto de a realização do ECG no pré-hospitalar conduzir a um diagnóstico e tratamento mais precoce no EAMCSST.
Palavras-chave: Enfarte Agudo do Miocárdio, Enfarte Agudo do Miocárdio com Supra-ST, ECG, Pré-Hospitalar.Abstract
Framework - In the European Union, cardiovascular diseases are responsible for 23% of morbidity, being coronary heart disease the leading cause of death. For this, several guidelines recommend that the rapid evaluation and management of patients presenting with chest pain in the emergency department improves prognosis and set a target time between the first medical contact and ECG of 10 minutes. The ST elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI) is a disease with high morbidity and mortality in which the therapy is most effective when instituted early after the onset of symptoms, being the target time from the first medical contact to the reperfusion treatment up to 30 minutes.
Objectives - Checking the importance of completing the pre-hospital ECG for early identification of EAMCSST.
Methods - a systematic literature review was conducted on the importance of completing the ECG in pre-hospital for the early identification of EAMCSST. We conducted a search in PubMed, The Cochrane Library, SciELO and Google Scholar studies published between January 1, 2009 to April 2015, starting from the previously defined inclusion criteria, the selected studies were evaluated further. By applying the "Grid to critically appraise an article describing a prospective, randomized and controlled" (Bugalho & Carneiro, 2004; Carneiro, 2008) to the included studies, it was found that only two of the studies could be considered quality and obtained a final grade equal to or greater than 75%. That assessment was validated when assessing the risk of bias by the Cochrane Handbook instrumen.
Results: This study has shown that is attached importance to the holding of the ECG in the prehospital for early identification of EAMCSST, resulting in premature activation of the catheterization team, which is established as an important strategy for reducing the time between entering the hospital until definitive treatment, with evidence of impact in reducing mortality.
Conclusion: The results point to the fact that the realization of the ECG in the prehospital lead to a diagnosis and earlier treatment in EAMCSST.
Keywords: Acute myocardial infarction, ST elevation myocardial infarction, ECG
Evaluation of phylogenetic markers suitable for Planktothrix spp. discrimination
In Portugal, potentially toxic cyanobacteria from Planktothrix genus have become frequently observed in freshwater reservoirs. Identification of Planktothrix species through optical microscopy is complicated due to limited morphological differences among them.
The aim of this work was to determine the most suitable phylogenetic markers that could be used for the molecular identification of Planktothrix species. In order to do so, several genes of interest were selected: rpoB, rpoC1, cpcA, cpcB, rbcX, 16S rRNA genes and 16S rRNA–tRNAIle–tRNAAla-23S rRNA internal transcribed spacer (ITS), and their sequences retrieved from public databases.
Phylogenetic analysis showed that 16S rRNA, cpcA, rbcX genes and ITS region trees do not allow a clear discrimination of Planktothrix species, however cpcB and rpoB seemed putative suitable phylogenetic markers for Planktothrix species identification. The applicability of these markers was then evaluated in 20 Planktothrix isolates, isolated over the years from several Portuguese freshwater reservoirs and maintained in the Estela Sousa e Silva Algae Culture Collection (ESSACC). The selected genes, cpcB and rpoB, were amplified by PCR and sequenced and the resulting trees compared with the phylogenetic clustering obtained with our previously characterized rpoC1 phylogenies. The phylogenetic analyses, based on the three gene regions, revealed that Planktothrix isolates analyzed in this study could be phylogenetically resolved into their corresponding species.
This work contributes for the discussion of the appropriate genes that can be used in phylogenetic identification of Planktothrix species.The authors would like to thank the Ph.D research grant SFRH/BD65706/2009 to Catarina Churro and the financial support through project PPCDT/AMB/60675/2006 both given by Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia (Portugal)
Aprendizagem de estatística com tecnologia no 7º ano de escolaridade
Neste estudo trata-se uma intervenção de ensino de Estatística com tecnologia, em torno dos objetivos: 1) Identificar formas de utilização da tecnologia no ensino e aprendizagem da Estatística; 2) Reconhecer aspetos fortes e aspetos frágeis na utilização da tecnologia no ensino e aprendizagem da Estatística. Nesta comunicação aborda-se apenas a exploração do gráfico circular com a folha de cálculo numa turma do 7º ano de escolaridade, constituída por 19 alunos, pertencente a uma escola do concelho de Barcelos. Em termos dos resultados obtidos, verificou-se que o uso do computador por grupo revelou-se a forma mais eficaz de integrar esta tecnologia na aula de Matemática, conjugou-se o uso da tecnologia com o papel e lápis de várias formas e constatou-se um maior número de aspetos fortes do uso da tecnologia do que de aspetos frágeis
Temporal variability of microcystin (mcyA) genotypes in a toxic cyanobacterial bloom
In this work a perennial bloom was monitored during two years (2012-2014) in order to characterize the genotype structure
and succession.FCT-Ph.D research grant SFRH/BD65706/2009info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio
Pilot project for peer tutoring: a case study in a Portuguese university
Purpose – Tutoring or mentoring is a form of mutual and informal learning which has distant
origins. This is a way of sharing knowledge and experience which has been proved to be extremely
useful in educational settings, particularly where there is a peer that plays the role of tutor. Despite its
informal characteristic, tutoring should be a structured process, with defined goals and clear roles for
both: tutors and tutees, those who benefit from tutoring. The paper aims to discuss these issues.
Design/methodology/approach – As this paper aims to explore a pilot project, it was used as a
reflexive and practical methodology, in a case study, analyzing the number of participants attending
the project as well as the contents of the training course.
Findings – In this first project in a Portuguese university, 35 students attended as candidates to tutor,
participating in the training course, showing interest in helping their colleagues.
Originality/value – This proposal for a tutoring program in a public higher institution aims to train
college students to help other colleagues, giving academic support, helping in the adaptation to
academic context, promoting autonomy in learning, sharing effective strategies and helping in
maintenance of positive interpersonal relationships. These aspects are very important to promote
academic success in higher education.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio
Pigments extraction from Cyanobium sp. a comparison between pressure-based and electric fields-based technologies
Pigments from cyanobacteria, in special carotenoids and phycobiliproteins, have been seen with considerable interest for industrial applications due to their bioactive properties and their natural product characteristics. The extraction of these compounds is focused on the methodologies of cell disruption and on the chemical solubility of the compounds.
In this study, two different methods were optimised and evaluated in terms of pigments´ extraction from the marine cyanobacterium Cyanobium sp.: a continuous pressurized solvent extraction (CPSE) system, and an electric fields-assisted extraction system based in ohmic heating (OH). For each method, a Central Composite Design (23) was performed.
Optimal conditions for each extraction method were then compared to determine the best method for the extraction of pigments from Cyanobium sp. In both optimisation and comparison steps, two extracts were obtained from the same biomass: an ethanolic extract (carotenoids-targeted) and a successive water extract (phycobiliproteins-targeted). The content and profile of carotenoids and phycobiliproteins and the respective antioxidant capacity of extracts were
OH provided the best ethanolic extract, with a carotenoids content of 41.6 ± 1.7 mg gDW-1, and total antioxidant capacity
of 8.0 ± 0.3 mgTE gDW-1, representing an increase of 1.3-fold and 2.5-fold respectively, when compared to CPSE. Regarding
the aqueous extract, both methods led to the same content of phycobiliprotein (135 ± 10.0 mg gDW-1), although OH led to
an antioxidant capacity of this extract of 8.3 ± 0.3 mgTE gDW-1, 3.6-fold higher when compared to CPSE. In terms of profile,
no major variation was found between extraction methods, being lutein, zeaxanthin, echinenone and -carotene the
major carotenoids (>60 % of total carotenoids), and phycocyanin and allophycocyanin the only present phycobiliproteins
(in a 1:2 ratio).
In addition to the productivity and composition of the extracts, the design and applicability of the system must be
considered. Once again, OH overtook the other methods due to the scalability and possible continuous operation.
Overall, OH proved to be the best of the two methodologies for pigments co-extraction
from Cyanobium sp..A PhD fellowship (reference SFRH/BD/136767/2018) for author Fernando Pagels was granted by Fundação para a Ciência
e Tecnologia (FCT, Portugal) under the auspices of Programa Operacional Capital Humano (POCH), supported by the
European Social Fund and Portuguese funds (MECTES). This work was financially co-supported by the strategical funding
from FCT UIDB/04423/2020, UIDP/04423/2020 and UIDB/04469/2020; and the project ALGAVALOR – MicroALGAs:
produção integrada e VALORização da biomassa e das suas diversas aplicações (POCI-01-0247-FEDER-035234), supported
by the European Regional Development Fund and BioTecNorte operation (NORTE-01-0145-FEDER-000004) funded by the
European Regional Development Fund under the scope of Norte2020 - Programa Operacional Regional do Norte.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio
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