61 research outputs found

    European Airline Mergers, Alliance Consolidation, and Consumer Welfare

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    This paper explores the effects of a European airline merger followed by a consolidation of two competing international alliances. The exercise has been inspired by the Air France-KLM merger, which is expected to spur consolidation of the Northwest-KLM and SkyTeam alliances into a single mega-alliance. The results of the analysis show that, although the airlines benefit through higher profits, the merger and alliance consolidation harm consumers while reducing overall social surplus. The reason for this negative outcome is that, as modeled, all the effects of the merger and alliance consolidation are anticompetitive.european airline merger, airlines, airline alliance, transportation

    Pilot-scale conversion of lime-treated wheat straw into bioethanol: quality assessment of bioethanol and valorization of side streams by anaerobic digestion and combustion

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    The limited availability of fossil fuel sources, worldwide rising energy demands and anticipated climate changes attributed to an increase of greenhouse gasses are important driving forces for finding alternative energy sources. One approach to meeting the increasing energy demands and reduction of greenhouse gas emissions is by large-scale substitution of petrochemically derived transport fuels by the use of carbon dioxide-neutral biofuels, such as ethanol derived from lignocellulosic material. Results This paper describes an integrated pilot-scale process where lime-treated wheat straw with a high dry-matter content (around 35% by weight) is converted to ethanol via simultaneous saccharification and fermentation by commercial hydrolytic enzymes and bakers' yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae). After 53 hours of incubation, an ethanol concentration of 21.4 g/liter was detected, corresponding to a 48% glucan-to-ethanol conversion of the theoretical maximum. The xylan fraction remained mostly in the soluble oligomeric form (52%) in the fermentation broth, probably due to the inability of this yeast to convert pentoses. A preliminary assessment of the distilled ethanol quality showed that it meets transportation ethanol fuel specifications. The distillation residue, which contained non-hydrolysable and non-fermentable (in)organic compounds, was divided into a liquid and solid fraction. The liquid fraction served as substrate for the production of biogas (methane), whereas the solid fraction functioned as fuel for thermal conversion (combustion), yielding thermal energy, which can be used for heat and power generation. Conclusion Based on the achieved experimental values, 16.7 kg of pretreated wheat straw could be converted to 1.7 kg of ethanol, 1.1 kg of methane, 4.1 kg of carbon dioxide, around 3.4 kg of compost and 6.6 kg of lignin-rich residue. The higher heating value of the lignin-rich residue was 13.4 MJ thermal energy per kilogram (dry basis)

    STRIDER (Sildenafil TheRapy in dismal prognosis early onset fetal growth restriction): An international consortium of randomised placebo-controlled trials

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    Background: Severe, early-onset fetal growth restriction due to placental insufficiency is associated with a high risk of perinatal mortality and morbidity with long-lasting sequelae. Placental insufficiency is the result of abnormal formation and function of the placenta with inadequate remodelling of the maternal spiral arteries. There is currently no effective therapy available. Some evidence suggests sildenafil citrate may improve uteroplacental blood flow, fetal growth, and meaningful infant outcomes. The objective of the Sildenafil TheRapy In Dismal prognosis Early onset fetal growth Restriction (STRIDER) collaboration is to evaluate the effectiveness of sildenafil versus placebo in achieving healthy perinatal survival through the conduct of randomised clinical trials and systematic review including individual patient data meta-analysis.  Methods: Five national/bi-national multicentre randomised placebo-controlled trials have been launched. Women with a singleton pregnancy between 18 and 30 weeks with severe fetal growth restriction of likely placental origin, and where the likelihood of perinatal death/severe morbidity is estimated to be significant are included. Participants will receive either sildenafil 25 mg or matching placebo tablets orally three times daily from recruitment to 32 weeks gestation.  Discussion: The STRIDER trials were conceived and designed through international collaboration. Although the individual trials have different primary outcomes for reasons of sample size and feasibility, all trials will collect a standard set of outcomes including survival without severe neonatal morbidity at time of hospital discharge. This is a summary of all the STRIDER trial protocols and provides an example of a prospectively planned international clinical research collaboration. All five individual trials will contribute to a pre-planned systematic review of the topic including individual patient data meta-analysis

    PLM moet met versies

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    Met PLM kan constructeur ontwerpen veel beter afstemmen op de actuele klantenwensen

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    Henk Jan Pels : 'Met PLM kan constructeur ontwerpen veel beter afstemmen op de actuele klantenwensen' - In zekere zin is PLM de volgende stap in een evolutie van uitdijende databases, waarbij Engineering Data Management (EDM) het beginpunt markeert en Product Data Management (PDM) een belangrijke tussenfase is. Dr.ir. Henk Jan Pels van de TU-Eindhoven stelt dat de strategische waarde van PLM niet licht kan worden onderschat. Een PLM-systeem vormt bijvoorbeeld het IT-antwoord op de trend om producten beter af te stemmen op de wensen van de klant en biedt daarmee een adequaat antwoord op de vraag naar flexibilisering in het productaanbod. 'Over dertig jaar werkt geen enkel productiebedrijf meer zonder PLM' is een van zijn stellingen

    Informatie : systeem, architectuur, of medium?

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    PLM : hoe volwassen is uw bedrijf daarin?

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    Rescue of the Seychelles warbler on Cousin Island, Seychelles: The role of habitat restoration

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    Management policies to save threatened species are not always successful, often due to the lack of a scientific basis and evaluation of the species response. We describe the ecological studies and the conservation actions taken between 1985 and 1992 on Cousin Island (29 ha, Seychelles) to safeguard the future of the highly threatened Seychelles warbler (Acrocephalus sechellensis), which until 1988 only occurred on this island. A detailed field study was designed to (1) identify the key processes influencing warbler demography, (2) identify appropriate management techniques to increase the warbler population, and (3), assess the influence of the resulting habitat management. Since 1980 the island has been saturated with c. 115 territories and c. 320 birds. The warbler is purely insectivorous. Morinda (Morinda citrifolia), the most insect rich tree, is preferred for foraging. The higher the insect abundance (and Morinda cover) in territories the higher the reproductive success and survival of warblers. Insect numbers were highest in the central part of Cousin and decreased towards the coast. Coastal territories protected by a salt tolerant hedge of Scaevola (Scaevola taccada) had more insects and higher reproductive success than unprotected territories. Between 1990 and 1992 Morinda trees were planted on the island and Scaevola along the coast. Although these habitat restoration measures have not resulted in higher numbers of adult warblers and territories due to habitat saturation, they have been successful in terms of improving the quality of existing breeding territories and with that the reproductive success of breeding birds (including the number of territories producing recruits), and the exchange of individuals (genetic material) between territories. We provide evidence that the high reproductive potential of this species is likely to improve the resilience of the species to catastrophic events.

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