47 research outputs found

    Relational development in children with cleft lip and palate: influence of the waiting period prior to the first surgical intervention and parental psychological perceptions of the abnormality:

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    BACKGROUND: The birth of a child with a cleft lip, whether or not in association with a cleft palate, is a traumatic event for parents. This prospective, multidisciplinary and multi-centre study aims to explore the perceptions and feelings of parents in the year following the birth of their child, and to analyse parent-child relationships. Four inclusion centres have been selected, differing as to the date of the first surgical intervention, between birth and six months. The aim is to compare results, also distinguishing the subgroups of parents who were given the diagnosis in utero and those who were not. METHODS/DESIGN: The main hypothesis is that the longer the time-lapse before the first surgical intervention, the more likely are the psychological perceptions of the parents to affect the harmonious development of their child. Parents and children are seen twice, when the child is 4 months (T0) and when the child is one year old (T1). At these two times, the psychological state of the child and his/her relational abilities are assessed by a specially trained professional, and self-administered questionnaires measuring factors liable to affect child-parent relationships are issued to the parents. The Alarme Detresse BeBe score for the child and the Parenting Stress Index score for the parents, measured when the child reaches one year, will be used as the main criteria to compare children with early surgery to children with late surgery, and those where the diagnosis was obtained prior to birth with those receiving it at birth. DISCUSSION: The mental and psychological dimensions relating to the abnormality and its correction will be analysed for the parents (the importance of prenatal diagnosis, relational development with the child, self-image, quality of life) and also, for the first time, for the child (distress, withdrawal). In an ethical perspective, the different time lapses until surgery in the different protocols and their effects will be analysed, so as to serve as a reference for improving the quality of information during the waiting period, and the quality of support provided for parents and children by the healthcare team before the first surgical intervention. TRIAL REGISTRATION: ClinicalTrials.gov Identifier: NCT00993993

    Identifying cost-competitive greenhouse gas mitigation potential of French agriculture

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    The agriculture, forestry and other land use sector are responsible for 24% (10–12 Pg CO2e per year) of anthropogenic greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions worldwide, with concomitant opportunities for mitigation. A scientific panel used deliberative methods to identify ten technical measures comprising 26 sub-measures to reduce GHG emissions from agriculture in France. Their abatement potential and cost are compared. The proposed measures concern nitrogen (N) management, management practices that increase carbon stocks in soils and biomass, livestock diets, and energy production and consumption on farms. Results show that the total abatement potential can be divided into three parts. One third of the cumulated abatement potential corresponds to sub-measures that can be implemented at a negative technical cost. These sub-measures focus on increased efficiency in input use including N fertilisers, animal feed and energy. The second third are sub-measures with moderate cost (€25 per metric Mg of avoided CO2e). These require investment with no direct financial return, the purchase of particular inputs, dedicated labour time or involve production losses. Assuming additivity, the cumulated abatement is 32.3 Tg CO2e per year in 2030, but only 10 Tg (i.e. 10% of current agricultural emissions) when calculated under current inventory rules. This study confirms that a significant abatement potential exists in the agricultural sector, with two thirds of this potential at low or even negative cost. This is likely to be an underestimated as it is based on a status quo of the current agricultural system. Results also emphasise the need to upgrade inventory rules so that efforts to reduce emissions can be accounted for

    Le mariage entre personnes de même sexe: Etude pour la Cour de cassation

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    International audienceEtude de droit comparé sur le mariage entre personnes de même sexe, l'étude porte sur le droit américain, anglais, belge, canadien, espagnol et néerlandais

    Toward an innovative stochastic modeling of electric charges losses trough dielectrics

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    International audienceThis paper deals with new stochastic modeling of very low tunneling currents in Non-Volatile Memories. For this purpose, we first develop current measurement method based on Floating Gate technique. In order to reach the long time behavior of electrical dynamic, we aim at using very basic tools (power supply, multimeter...) but still having a very good current resolution. Also, our measurement is led in a very particular low-noise environment (underground laboratory) allowing to keep the electrical contacts on the device under test as long as possible. After showing the feasibility of such measurements, we present a modeling approach of the charge loss process inside the Non-volatile Memories by using mathematical tool involving long memory effect. The model is based on stochastic counting process with memory effect yielding to a fractional relaxation equation for the charge loss over time. The main interest of the present model lies in the fact that the corresponding inversion problem involves only two parameters that can be carried out efficiently

    Le potentiel des pratiques agricoles pour augmenter le stockage de C dans les sols cultivés : une évaluation pour la France

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    L'agriculture peut réduire ses émissions de gaz de serre, notammentpar le stockagede C dans les sols sous forme de matières organiques. Si laplupart des auteurs s'accordent sur l'existence demarges de progrès importantes, les possibilités d'atténuation sont à ce jour moins bien quantifiées que dans d'autres secteurs. Dans le cadre d’une étude INRA, nous avons examiné les mesures techniques susceptibles de stocker ducarbone dans les sols cultivés. Nous avons estimé leur potentiel de stockage de C par unité de surface et avons proposé, pour le territoire de France métropolitaine, des surfaces potentielles d'application.Pour être éligibles, les mesures devaient être des pratiques agricoles mises en œuvre par l'agriculteur, n'entraînant pas de changement majeur du système de production, ni dela production, dont l’efficacité a fait l’objet de travaux et n’ayant pas d’impact négatif majeur sur l’environnement.Dix mesures ont été examinées, dont quatrepermettraient de stocker ducarbone dans les sols: - Développer les techniques culturales sans labour- Implanter davantage de couverts dans les systèmes de culture- Développer l'agroforesterie et les haies- Accroître la durée de vie des prairies temporaires.Nous avons proposé des taux de stockage additionnels sur 20 ans en nous basant sur une revue de la littérature et proposé desconditions d'application de ces mesures(faisabilité, acceptation, limitation des pertes de rendements et des émissions d’autresGES) . Les taux de stockage unitaire retenus d’après la synthèse de la littérature allaient de 0 MgC ha-1an-1(par ex travail superficiel à 10 cm de profondeur à 0,49 MgC ha-1an-1pour des bandes enherbées. Les pratiques permettant les plus forts taux de stockage de C sont celles associées à une augmentation de la biomasse et donc à une augmentation des entrées de C dans le sol (agroforesterie,haies, cultures de couverture), tandis que la réduction de laminéralisation desmatières organiques via une réduction du labour semble moins efficace. Lorsque appliquéesselon notre cahier des charges, ces mesures ont permis d'augmenter les stocks de carbone des sols français de0 à plus de 1 Tg C an-1, et ellespeuvent être combinées, au moins partiellement. Par conséquent, ces pratiques agricoles représentent un potentiel d'atténuation importante des émissions de GES. Toutefois, les incertitudes importantes qui sont associées à cesestimations doivent être réduites

    Storing C in agricultural soils: evaluating triple-win climate-smart actions for France

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    Globally, soils contain three times as much C, present as organic matter; as does the atmosphere. Increasing C storage in soils is thus one of the strategies by which the agricultural sector can mitigate its net greenhouse gas emissions. In European temperate areas, climate change is expected to decrease precipitations and increase the frequency of drought events. Through its strong effects on soil water retention and infiltration, soil organic matter can also contribute to the adaptation of cropping systems to climate change. Moreover, soil organic matter contributes to yield stability by fostering soil biodiversity and supplying nutrients. Storing organic carbon in agricultural soils is thus considered as a triple-win climate-smart strategy (mitigation, adaptation, sustainable intensification). Using France, with its typical intensive and diversified agriculture, as a case study, we identified cropping practices that would increase soil C stocks while maintaining productivity and without major changes in the current cropping systems. We considered three actions: reducing tillage, planting more cover crops in annual cropping systems, and developing agroforestry and hedges. We quantified the additional soil C storage potential per unit surface area induced by these practices based on a literature review. We then determined the applicability of the actions in mainland France and their C storage potential at the national scale. The actions considered have the potential to increase national soil C stocks by up to 2 Tg C y-1, while maintaining production levels and increasing the resistance and resilience of soils and cropping systems to climate change

    The potential of agricultural practices to increase C storage in cropped soils: an assessment for France

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    The potential of agricultural practices to increase C storage in cropped soils: an assessment for France. 20th World Conference of Soil Scienc