472 research outputs found

    Towards to secure an IoT adaptive environment system

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    This paper, deals with the actual problem of secure an IoT adaptive system, namely using secure techniques to secure a Smart Environment System, and the privacy of their users. On a new era of interaction between persons and physical spaces, users want that those spaces smartly adapt to their preferences in a transparent way. This work wants to promote a balanced solution between the need of personal information and the user's privacy expectations. We propose a solution based on requiring the minimal information possible, together with techniques to anonymize and disassociate the preferences from the users.This work has been supported by COMPETE: POCI-01-0145-FEDER-007043 and FCT Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia within the Project Scope: UID/CEC/00319/2013

    Towards a IoT secure smart environment system

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    Systems that deal with personal data always bring privacy and security issues. And also the balance of these issues, with the need that persons have in interact with spaces in a transparent way, and that those spaces smartly adapt to their preferences. That said, in this project, is proposed a solution to overcome these issues, and don’t compromise the balance between security and personal comfort. Currently IoT systems are in a big security risk. Especially because the developers, are not worried enough about the safety of such systems. However, with the growing trend of such systems and is integration in our everyday lives, this concern will have to increase as they start to appear isolated cases which have harmed the users, both financially and in their safety and welfare. This project, deals with the actual problem of secure an IoT system. Namely using secure techniques to secure a Smart Environment System. This work wants to promote a balanced solution between the need of personal information and the user’s privacy expectations. We propose a solution based on requiring the minimal information possible, together with techniques to anonymize and disassociate the preferences from the users. The proposed security architecture, to one of these IoT systems, wants to avoid any of the presented risks, to the users of this system.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Towards a IoT secure smart environment system

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    Currently IoT systems are in a big security risk. Especially because the developers, are not worried enough about the safety of such systems. However, with the growing trend of such systems and is integration in our everyday lives, this concern will have to increase as they start to appear isolated cases which have harmed the users, both financially and in their safety and welfare. The proposed security architecture, to one of these IoT systems, wants to avoid any of the presented risks, to the users of this system. For future work, we have identified the need to develop solutions that enable communication between the application and the local system, using different communication technologies without user interaction. Some extra work must be done to overcome this constraint, and get a transparent use solution for every user.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Security for a multi-agent cyber-physical conveyor system using machine learning

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    One main foundation of Industry 4.0 is the connectivity of devices and systems using Internet of Things (IoT) technologies, where Cyber-physical systems (CPS) act as the backbone infrastructure based on distributed and decentralized structures. This approach provides significant benefits, namely improved performance, responsiveness and reconfigurability, but also brings some problems in terms of security, as the devices and systems become vulnerable to cyberattacks. This paper describes the implementation of several mechanisms to increase the security in a self-organized cyber-physical conveyor system, based on multi-agent systems (MAS) and build up with different individual modular and intelligent conveyor modules. For this purpose, the JADE-S add-on is used to enforce more security controls, also an Intrusion Detection System (IDS) is created supported by Machine Learning (ML) techniques that analyses the communication between agents, enabling to monitor and analyse the events that occur in the system, extracting signs of intrusions, together they contribute to mitigate cyberattacks.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Secure data exchange in Industrial Internet of Things

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    The use of the Industrial Internet of Things (IoT) is widespread, working as an enabler to implement large, scalable, reliable, and secure industrial environments. Although existing deployments do not meet security standards and have limited resources for each component which leads to several security breaches, such as trust between components, partner factories, or remote-control. These security failures can lead to critical outcomes, from theft of production information to forced production stoppages, accidents, including physical and others. The combination of blockchain-based solutions with IIoT environments is gaining momentum due to their resilience and security properties. However, chain-structured classic blockchain solutions are very resource-intensive and are not suitable for power-constrained IoT devices. To mitigate the mentioned security concerns, a secure architecture is proposed using a structured asynchronous blockchain DAG (Directed Acyclic Graph) that simultaneously provides security and transaction efficiency for the solution. The solution was modelled with special details in the use cases and sequence diagrams. Security concerns were integrated from the start, and a threat model was created using the STRIDE approach to test the security of the proposed solution. As a result, a flexible solution was been developed that significantly reduces the attack vectors in IIoT environments. The proposed architecture is versatile and flexible, is supported by an extensive security assessment, which allows it to be deployed in a variety of customizable industrial environments and scenarios, as well as to include future hardware and software extensions.This work has been supported by FCT – Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia within the Project Scope: UIDB/05757/2020.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Predicting weighing deviations in the dispatch workflow process: a case study in a cement industry

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    The emergence of the Industry 4.0 concept and the profound digital transformation of the industry plays a crucial role in improving organisations' supply chain (SC) performance, consequently achieving a competitive advantage. The order fulfilment process (OFP) consists of one of the key business processes for the organization SC and represents a core process for the operational logistics flow. The dispatch workflow process consists of an integral part of the OFP and is also a crucial process in the SC of cement industry organizations. In this work, we focus on enhancing the order fulfilment process by improving the dispatch workflow process, specifically with respect to the cement loading process. Thus, we proposed a machine learning (ML) approach to predict weighing deviations in the cement loading process. We adopted a realistic and robust rolling window scheme to evaluate six classification models in a real-world case study, from which the random forest (RF) model provides the best predictive performance. We also extracted explainable knowledge from the RF classifier by using the Shapley additive explanations (SHAP) method, demonstrating the influence of each input data attribute used in the prediction process.This work is supported by European Structural and Investment Funds in the FEDER component, through the Operational Competitivenessand Internationalization Programme (COMPETE 2020 ) [Project nº 069716; Funding Reference: POCI-01-0247-FEDER-069716]

    Desempenho e caracter?sticas de carca?a de bovinos confinados alimentados com dietas de alta e baixa inclus?o de lip?deos

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    O objetivo foi avaliar o desempenho produtivo de bovinos de dois grupamentos gen?ticos confinados recebendo dietas com diferentes n?veis de lip?deos. Foram utilizados 40 bovinos inteiros dos grupos gen?ticos Brangus e Nelore, com idade m?dia de 20 meses e peso corporal inicial m?dio de 361 ? 20 e 357 ? 10 kg, respectivamente. Os animais foram confinados durante 83 dias. Metade dos animais de cada grupo gen?tico foi submetida a uma dieta com baixo n?vel de lip?deos (pr?xima a 3% de extrato et?reo na mat?ria seca) e a outra metade, a uma dieta alta em lip?deos (acima de 6% de extrato et?reo na mat?ria seca), tendo o caro?o de algod?o como fonte de lip?deo. As dietas continham silagem de sorgo e concentrado na rela??o de 30: 70 e eram isoproteicas e isoenerg?ticas. O delineamento experimental utilizado foi o inteiramente casualizado com arranjo fatorial 2 x 2 (Brangus ou Nelore vs. Baixa Gordura X Alta Gordura) . N?o houve diferen?as (P>0,05) entre os tratamentos quanto ao peso inicial, peso final, ingest?o de mat?ria seca, oferta de mat?ria seca, sobras, rela??o sobras/ingerido, rela??o sobra/ofertado e ganho m?dio di?rio, ingest?o de mat?ria seca como porcentagem do peso vivo e ganho m?dio di?rio. Entretanto, houve diferen?as (P<0,05) para efici?ncia alimentar e convers?o alimentar entre os grupos gen?ticos, sendo que os animais da ra?a Nelore foram mais eficientes e tiveram uma melhor convers?o alimentar. N?o houve diferen?as (P>0,05) entre as dietas e grupamento racial tampouco intera??es entre as seguintes vari?veis: conforma??o, maturidade fisiol?gica, cor, textura, ?rea de olho de lombo, espessura de gordura subcut?nea, profundidade externa, profundidade interna, peso do f?gado e peso da gordura perirrenal. Os animais Nelore tiveram um maior peso de carca?a se comparados com os Brangus (P<0,05) e tamb?m tiveram um melhor rendimento de carca?a (P<0,05). A digestibilidade das dietas foi determinada em experimento paralelo ao confinamento, utilizando-se doze novilhas Nelore, durante dois per?odos e n?o houve diferen?as para digestibilidade das dietas (P>0,05). A inclus?o de caro?o de algod?o em dietas para animais em confinamento variando o n?vel de extrato et?reo n?o alterou o desempenho e caracter?sticas de carca?a dos animais Nelore e Brangus.Disserta??o (Mestrado) ? Programa de P?s-Gradua??o em Zootecnia, Universidade Federal dos Vales do Jequitinhonha e Mucuri, 2016.The objective was to evaluate the productive performance of two genetic groups in receiving diets with different levels of lipids in the feedlot. Forty Brangus and Nellore bulls with average initial body weight of 361 ? 20 and 357 ? 10 kg, respectively, were utilized. The feedlot period was 83 days. Half of the animals from each group was subjected to a diet with low level of lipids (close to 3% of ether extract in dry-matter basis) and the other half, to a high-lipid diet (above 6% of ether extract in dry-matter basis), with cottonseed as the lipid source. Diets contained sorghum silage and concentrate in a 30: 70 ratio and were isoproteic and isocaloric. The experimental design was completely randomized in a factorial arrangemet (Brangus or Nellore vs. Low-fat diet vs. High-fat diet). There were no differences (P>0.05) between treatments for initial and final body weight, dry matter intake, dry matter offer, orts, orts/intake ratio, orts/offered ratio, average daily gain, dry matter intake as percentage of body weight. However, there were differences (P<0.05) for feed efficiency and feed conversion between breeding groups, with Nellore animals being better. There were no differences (P>0.05) between diets and breeding groups neither interaction for the following variables: conformation, physiological maturity, color, texture, ribeye area, fat thickness, external depth, internal depth, liver weight, and perirenal fat weight. Nellore animals had greater carcass weight compared with Brangus and had better carcass yield. Digestibility of diets was determined in a parallel experiment, utilizing 12 Nellore heifers, during two periods. There were no differences (P>0.05). The inclusion of cottonseed in diets for feedlot animals varying the level of ether extract did not affected the performance and carcass traits of Nellore and Brangus animals

    Análise da evolução da legislação, como fator fundamental na melhoria das condições de trabalho

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    Dissertação apresentada para cumprimento dos requisitos necessários à obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Segurança e Higiene no TrabalhoO presente projeto de dissertação centra-se no estudo da evolução da legislação, como fator fundamental na melhoria das condições de trabalho tendo como agentes fundamentais de análise, Convenções da OIT, Diretivas-Quadro, e a sua influência na legislação nacional de segurança e saúde no trabalho. Procede-se a uma análise histórica da evolução das condições de trabalho, apresenta-se uma breve epítome legislativa portuguesa desde a revolução industrial até à entrada em vigor de primeira Lei-Quadro da segurança e saúde no trabalho em 1991, enunciando-se os principais diplomas e, evidenciando-se as razões da sua aplicação. Seguidamente é dissecada a importância das Organizações Internacionais (OIT e U.E.), em matéria de estabelecimentos de valores e regras de harmonização que são comuns aos países mais desenvolvidos, e que se vieram a revelar de extrema importância, para a legislação nacional, dando origem a um conjunto de normas que vieram revolucionar o sistema de SST no regime laboral português. No estudo elaborado revela-se a importância da introdução das Leis-Quadro, no panorama legislativo nacional, assumindo um papel estruturante no direito da SST, e estabelecendo a matriz orientadora de todos os seus intervenientes, o que lhe confere um caráter unitário, apesar de em torno delas, serem regularmente elaborados aspetos parciais da SST. Efetuou-se uma investigação do número de acidentes e dos índices de sinistralidade desde 1985 até 2010, tendo em apreciação os dados disponibilizados pelo GEE, ACT e Pordata, analisando a redução da sinistralidade laboral, nos setores de atividade com os mais elevados índices de sinistralidade, ou, que apresentam especial perigosidade. Este trabalho tem como objetivo verificar o impacto das Leis-Quadro, Leis setoriais, na diminuição dos acidentes de trabalho, estudando a sinistralidade antes e depois da sua aplicação, a nível global e setorial. De acordo com os resultados obtidos, podemos concluir que, com a aplicação efetiva de Leis-Quadro , de leis específicas aplicadas aos sectores com elevados índices de sinistralidade, com uma fiscalização hábil, prática e efetiva do acervo nacional, se verifica uma redução significativa no total de acidentes de trabalho e nos índices de incidência. Antes de concluir, revela-se a decomposição da atuação da ACT, avaliando a sua metodologia de intervenção (áreas de atuação, número de visitas, trabalhadores visitados, contraordenações aplicadas), através da averiguação dos Relatórios Anuais de Atividade, da Atividade Inspetiva, apresentando-se um conjunto de sugestões de medidas legislativas e estratégicas. Finalmente, apresenta-se as reflexões, conclusões e pistas de continuidade do trabalho em termos futuros.Abstract:This dissertation project focuses on the study of the evolution of the legislation as a fundamental factor in the improvement of the labour conditions, having as fundamental elements of analysis the ILO Conventions, Policy Framework and their influence on the national legislation regarding occupational safety and health. It is also presented a brief review of the Portuguese legislative history, since the Industrial Revolution until the entry into force of the First Framework Law of Safety and Health at Work in 1991, where the principal legislation was presented and the reasons for their application was evidenced. Then, it is analysed the importance of the International Organizations (ILO and EU) with regard to establishments values and harmonization rules are common to most developed countries, which have come to be of extreme importance for national legislation to give a set of standards that have revolutionized the OSH system in Portuguese work. In the study carried out, it is revealed the importance of the introduction of the Framework Law and the national regulatory picture, assuming a pivotal role in OSH law and establishing the guiding matrix of all its stakeholders , which gives a unitary character, although around them, are regularly drafted partial aspects of OSH. We conducted an investigation of the number of accidents and the accident rate from 1985 to 2010, taking into consideration the data provided by GEE, ACT and Pordata, analysing the reduction of occupational accidents in the sectors of activity with the highest levels of accidents, or that present particularly dangerous conditions. This study aims to determine the impact of Framework Laws and specific laws in the reduction of accidents, studying the claims before and after application, the global and specific level. According to the obtained results, we can conclude that with the effective implementation of Framework Laws and specific laws applied to sectors with high accident rates, along with a skilful, practical and effective supervision of the national library, there is a significant reduction in the total of accidents and incidence rates. Before concluding, it is clarified the ACT´s procedure, evaluating their intervention methodology (areas of operation , number of visits , visited workers applied offenses) , by investigating the Inspective the Annual Activity Reports Activity, presenting a set of suggestions for legislative and strategic measures. Finally, it is presented the reflections, conclusions and suggestions for the development of labour in the future
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