291 research outputs found

    Splay fault branching from the Hikurangi subduction shear zone: Implications for slow slip and fluid flow

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    Pre-stack depth migration data across the Hikurangi margin, East Coast of the North Island, New Zealand, are used to derive subducting slab geometry, upper crustal structure and seismic velocities resolved to ∼14 km depth. We investigate the potential relationship between the crustal architecture, fluid migration and short-term geodetically determined slow-slip events. The subduction interface is a shallow dipping thrust at < 7 km depth near the trench and steps down to 14 km depth along an ∼18 km long ramp, beneath Porangahau Ridge. This apparent bend in the décollement is associated with splay fault branching and coincides with a zone of maximum slip (90 mm) inferred on the subduction interface during slow slip events in June and July 2011. A low-velocity zone beneath the plate interface, up-dip of the plate interface ramp, is interpreted as fluid-rich overpressured sediments capped with a low permeability condensed layer of chalk and interbedded mudstones. Fluid rich sediments have been imbricated by splay faults in a region that coincides with the step down in the décollement from the top of subducting sediments to the oceanic crust and contribute to spatial variation in frictional properties of the plate interface that may promote slow slip behavior in the region. Further, transient fluid migration along splay faults at Porangahau Ridge may signify stress changes during slow slip

    On the Cauchy problem for the magnetic Zakharov system

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    In this paper, we study the Cauchy problem of the magnetic type Zakharov system which describes the pondermotive force and magnetic field generation effects resulting from the non-linear interaction between plasma-wave and particles. By using the energy method to derive a priori bounds and an approximation argument for the construction of solutions, we obtain local existence and uniqueness results for the magnetic Zakharov system in the case of d=2,3d=2,3

    On the 2d Zakharov system with L^2 Schr\"odinger data

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    We prove local in time well-posedness for the Zakharov system in two space dimensions with large initial data in L^2 x H^{-1/2} x H^{-3/2}. This is the space of optimal regularity in the sense that the data-to-solution map fails to be smooth at the origin for any rougher pair of spaces in the L^2-based Sobolev scale. Moreover, it is a natural space for the Cauchy problem in view of the subsonic limit equation, namely the focusing cubic nonlinear Schroedinger equation. The existence time we obtain depends only upon the corresponding norms of the initial data - a result which is false for the cubic nonlinear Schroedinger equation in dimension two - and it is optimal because Glangetas-Merle's solutions blow up at that time.Comment: 30 pages, 2 figures. Minor revision. Title has been change

    Methane release from gas hydrates in the Rock Garden of the Hikurangi margin, New Zealand

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    Dissolved methane and high resolution bathymetry surveys were conducted over the Rock Garden region of Ritchie Ridge, along the Hikurangi margin, eastern New Zealand. Multibeam bathymetry reveals two prominent, northeast trending ridges, parallel to subduction along the margin, that are steep sided and extensively slumped. Elevated concentrations of methane (up to 10 nM, 10× background) within the water column are associated with a slump structure at the southern end of Eastern Rock Garden. The anomalous methane concentrations were detected by a methane sensor (METS) attached to a conductivity‐temperature‐depth‐optical backscatter device (CTDO) and are associated with elevated light scattering and flare‐shaped backscatter signals revealed by the ship's echo sounder. Increased particulate matter in the water column, possibly related to the seepage and/or higher rates of erosion near slump structures, is considered to be the cause of the increased light scattering, rather than bubbles in the water column. Methane concentrations calculated from the METS are in good agreement with concentrations measured by gas chromatography in water samples collected at the same time. However, there is a c. 20 min (c. 900 m) delay in the METS signal reaching maximum CH4 concentrations. The maximum methane concentration occurs near the plateau of Eastern Rock Garden close to the edge of a slump, at 610 m below sea level (mbsl). This is close to the depth (c. 630 mbsl) where a bottom simulating reflector (BSR) pinches out at the seafloor. Fluctuating water temperatures observed in previous studies indicate that the stability zone for pure methane hydrate in the ocean varies between 630 and 710 mbsl. However, based on calculations of the geothermal gradients from BSRs, we suggest gas hydrate in the study area to be more stable than hydrate from pure methane in sea water, moving the phase boundary in the ocean upward. Small fractions of additional higher order hydrocarbon gases are the most likely cause for increased hydrate stability. Relatively high methane concentrations have been measured down to c. 1000 mbsl, most likely in response to sediment slumping caused by gas hydrate destabilisation of the sediments and/or marking seepage through the gas hydrate zone

    Strichartz estimates on Schwarzschild black hole backgrounds

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    We study dispersive properties for the wave equation in the Schwarzschild space-time. The first result we obtain is a local energy estimate. This is then used, following the spirit of earlier work of Metcalfe-Tataru, in order to establish global-in-time Strichartz estimates. A considerable part of the paper is devoted to a precise analysis of solutions near the trapping region, namely the photon sphere.Comment: 44 pages; typos fixed, minor modifications in several place