621 research outputs found

    Vsini-s for late-type stars from spectral synthesis in K-band region

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    We analyse medium-resolution spectra (R\sim 18000) of 19 late type dwarfs in order to determine vsini-s using synthetic rather than observational template spectra. For this purpose observational data around 2.2 μ\mum of stars with spectral classes from G8V to M9.5V were modelled. We find that the Na I (2.2062 and 2.2090 μ\mum) and 12^{12}CO 2-0 band features are modelled well enough to use for vsini determination without the need for a suitable observational template spectra. Within the limit of the resolution of our spectra, we use synthetic spectra templates to derive vsini values consistent with those derived in the optical regime using observed templates. We quantify the errors in our vsini determination due to incorrect choice of model parameters \Teff, log gg, vmicrov_{\rm micro}, [Fe/H] or FWHM and show that they are typically less than 10 per cent. We note that the spectral resolution of our data(\sim 16 km/s) limited this study to relatively fast rotators and that resolutions of 60000 will required to access most late-type dwarfs.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figures, 3 tables, accepted to the MNRA

    Modeling the spectrum of V4334 Sgr (Sakurai's Object)

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    Theoretical spectral energy distributions were computed for a grid of hydrogen-deficient and carbon-rich model atmospheres of T(eff) in the range of 5000-6250 K and log g = 1.0 - 0.0 by the technique of opacity sampling, taking into account continuous, molecular band and atomic line absorption. These energy distributions were compared with the spectrum of V4334 Sgr (Sakurai's object) of April, 1997 in the wavelength interval 300-1000 nm. We show that (1) the shape of the theoretical spectra depends strongly on T(eff) but only very weakly on the hydrogen abundance; (2) the comparison of the observed and computed spectra permits to estimate T(eff) approximately 5500 K for V4334 Sgr in April, 1997, and its interstellar reddening (plus a possible circumstellar contribution) E(B-V) approximately 0.70.Comment: 7 pages, 8 figures, LaTeX, accepted by Astronomy and Astrophysic

    Surprisingly different star-spot distributions on the near equal-mass equal-rotation-rate stars in the M dwarf binary GJ 65 AB

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    We aim to understand how stellar parameters such as mass and rotation impact the distribution of star-spots on the stellar surface. To this purpose, we have used Doppler imaging to reconstruct the surface brightness distributions of three fully convective M dwarfs with similar rotation rates. We secured high cadence spectral time series observations of the 5.5 au separation binary GJ 65, comprising GJ 65A (M5.5V, Prot = 0.24 d) and GJ 65B (M6V, Prot = 0.23 d). We also present new observations of GJ 791.2A (M4.5V, Prot = 0.31 d). Observations of each star were made on two nights with UVES, covering a wavelength range from 0.64 - 1.03μm. The time series spectra reveal multiple line distortions that we interpret as cool star-spots and which are persistent on both nights suggesting stability on the time-scale of 3 d. Spots are recovered with resolutions down to 8.3° at the equator. The global spot distributions for GJ 791.2A are similar to observations made a year earlier. Similar high latitude and circumpolar spot structure is seen on GJ 791.2A and GJ 65A. However, they are surprisingly absent on GJ 65B, which instead reveals more extensive, larger, spots concentrated at intermediate latitudes. All three stars show small amplitude latitude-dependent rotation that is consistent with solid body rotation. We compare our measurements of differential rotation with previous Doppler imaging studies and discuss the results in the wider context of other observational estimates and recent theoretical predictions

    Boron in Very Metal-Poor Stars

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    We have observed the B I 2497 A line to derive the boron abundances of two very metal-poor stars selected to help in tracing the origin and evolution of this element in the early Galaxy: BD +23 3130 and HD 84937. The observations were conducted using the Goddard High Resolution Spectrograph on board the Hubble Space Telescope. A very detailed abundance analysis via spectral synthesis has been carried out for these two stars, as well as for two other metal-poor objects with published spectra, using both Kurucz and OSMARCS model photospheres, and taking into account consistently the NLTE effects on the line formation. We have also re-assessed all published boron abundances of old disk and halo unevolved stars. Our analysis shows that the combination of high effective temperature (Teff > 6000 K, for which boron is mainly ionized) and low metallicity ([Fe/H]<-1) makes it difficult to obtain accurate estimates of boron abundances from the B I 2497 A line. This is the case of HD 84937 and three other published objects (including two stars with [Fe/H] ~ -3), for which only upper limits can be established. BD +23 3130, with [Fe/H] ~ -2.9 and logN(B)_NLTE=0.05+/-0.30, appears then as the most metal-poor star for which a firm measurement of the boron abundance presently exists. The evolution of the boron abundance with metallicity that emerges from the seven remaining stars with Teff < 6000 K and [Fe/H]<-1, for which beryllium abundances were derived using the same stellar parameters, shows a linear increase with a slope ~ 1. Furthermore, the B/Be ratio found is constant at a value ~ 20 for stars in the range -3<[Fe/H]<-1. These results point to spallation reactions of ambient protons and alpha particles with energetic particles enriched in CNO as the origin of boron and beryllium in halo stars.Comment: 38 pages, 11 Encapsulated Postscript figures (included), uses aaspp4.sty. Accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journal. The preprint is also available at: http://www.iac.es/publicaciones/preprints.htm

    High-Dispersion Optical Spectra of Nearby Stars Younger Than The Sun

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    We present high-dispersion (R~16,000) optical (3900-8700 A) spectra of 390 stars obtained with the Palomar 60 inch telescope. The majority of stars observed are part of the Spitzer Legacy Science Program "The Formation and Evolution of Planetary Systems." Through detailed analysis we determine stellar properties for this sample, including radial and rotational velocities, Li I 6708 and Ha equivalent widths, the chromospheric activity index R'_HK, and temperature- and gravity-sensitive line ratios. Several spectroscopic binaries are also identified. From our tabulations, we illustrate basic age- and rotation-related correlations among measured indices. One novel result is that Ca II chromospheric emission appears to saturate at vsini values above ~30 km/s, similar to the well established saturation of X-rays that originate in the spatially separate coronal regions.Comment: 1 electronic table; published in the Astronomical Journa

    Metallicity and effective temperature of the secondary of RS Oph

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    The recurrent nova RS Oph undergoes nova eruptions every ~ 10-20years as a result of thermonuclear runaway on the surface of a white dwarf close to the Chandrasekhar limit. Both the progress of the eruption, and its aftermath, depend on the (poorly known) composition of the red giant in the RS Oph system. Our aim is to understand better the effect of the giant secondary on the recurrent nova eruption. Synthetic spectra were computed for a grid of M-giant model atmospheres having a range of effective temperatures 3200 < Teff < 4400 K, gravities 0 < log g < 1 and abundances -4 <[Fe/H] < 0.5, and fit to infrared spectra of RS Oph as it returned to quiescence after its 2006 eruption. We have modelled the infrared spectrum in the range 1.4-2.5 micron to determine metallicity and effective temperature of the red giant. We find Teff = 4100 +/- 100 K, log g = 0.0 +/- 0.5, [Fe/H] = 0.0 +/- 0.5, [C/H] = -0.8 +/- 0.2, [N/H] = +0.6 +/- 0.3 in the atmosphere of the secondary, and demonstrate that that inclusion of some dust `veiling' in the spectra cannot improve our fits.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figs, 1 table, to appear in A&

    Complex of Computer Programs for Correction of Development of Children With Autism Based on Biological Feedback by EEG

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    Выполнена разработка программ-нейроинтерфейсов, предназначенных для анализа электроэнцефалограммы (ЭЭГ) и управления тренингами биологической обратной связи. Анализ ЭЭГ включает в себя фильтрацию, вычисление амплитуды частотных характеристик и расчет процентного соотношения мощностей ритмов ЭЭГ. Программы предназначены для проверки методики коррекции расстройств аутистического спектра путем изменения характеристик мю-ритма ЭЭГ, который имеет аномальные свойства у людей с данным типом расстройств и предположительно является отображением работы системы зеркальных нейронов человека. В настоящий момент проводится апробация комплекса программ на разных группах испытуемых.The development of neurointerface programs designed for the analysis of the electroencephalogram and management of biofeedback trainings has been completed. EEG analysis includes filtering, calculation of amplitude frequency characteristics and calculation of the percentage ratio of the powers of the electroencephalogram rhythms. The programs are designed to test the methodology for correcting autism spectrum disorders by changing the characteristics of the EEG mu-rhythm, which has unusual properties in people with this type of disorder and is theoretically a reflection of the work of the human mirror neuron system. At the moment, a set of programs is being tested on different groups of subjects