138 research outputs found

    Avaliação horizontal da distribuição de sementes de milho em função de mecanismos dosadores e velocidade operacional

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    The type of operation of the seed drill metering mechanism and the operating speed are determinant in the crop's productivity. Thus, the objective was to evaluate the longitudinal distribution of maize seeds with different seed metering mechanisms at different displacement speeds. The study was carried out at the Experimental Farm of Agricultural Sciences - FAECA of the Federal University of Grande Dourados (UFGD), in the municipality of Dourados, Mato Grosso do Sul (MS). The experimental design used was completely randomized in a 2 x 4 factorial scheme, with two seed dosers (pneumatic and mechanical) and four sowing displacement speeds (5, 7, 8 and 10 km-1). The longitudinal distribution of seeds was evaluated by checking the spacing between acceptable, flawed and multiple seedlings. The data were submitted to analysis of variance and the means were compared by the Tukey test at 5%. There was no significant difference up to the speed of 8 km h-1 for the mechanical feeder in the analysis of the performance of each mechanism within the different speeds. However, the pneumatic feeder achieved superior performance for faulty and double spacing. In general, for both metering mechanisms, the increase in sowing speed increased the number of faulty and double spacings. Therefore, the pneumatic metering mechanism showed a better response in the number of acceptable spaces with increasing speed.O tipo de funcionamento do mecanismo dosador das semeadoras e a velocidade de operação são determinantes na produtividade da cultura. Assim, objetivou-se avaliar a distribuição longitudinal de sementes de milho com diferentes mecanismos dosadores de sementes em diferentes velocidades de deslocamento. O estudo foi realizado na Fazenda Experimental de Ciências Agrárias - FAECA da Universidade Federal da Grande Dourados (UFGD), no município de Dourados, Mato Grosso do Sul (MS). O delineamento experimental utilizado foi inteiramente casualizado em esquema fatorial 2 x 4, sendo dois dosadores de sementes (pneumático e mecânico) e quatro velocidades de deslocamento da semeadura (5, 7, 8 e 10 km-1). Foi avaliada a distribuição longitudinal de sementes por meio da verificação do espaçamento entre plântulas em aceitável, falho e múltiplo. Os dados foram submetidos à análise de variação e as médias comparadas pelo teste de Tukey a 5%. Não houve diferença significativa até a velocidade de 8 km h-1 para o dosador mecânico na análise do desempenho de cada mecanismo dentro das diferentes velocidades. No entanto, o dosador pneumático obteve desempenho superior para espaçamentos falhos e duplos. De modo geral, para ambos os mecanismos dosadores o aumento da velocidade de semeadura proporcionou acréscimo no número de espaçamentos falhos e duplos. Portanto, o mecanismo dosador pneumático apresentou melhor resposta no número de espaçamento aceitável de distribuição com o incremento da velocidade

    Parametric evaluation of impedance curve in radiofrequency ablation : a quantitative description of the asymmetry and dynamic variation of impedance in bovine ex vivo model

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    Radiofrequency ablation (RFA) is a treatment for liver tumors with advantages over the traditional treatment of surgical resection. This procedure has the shortest recovery time in early stage tumors. The objective of this study is to parameterize the impedance curve of the RFA procedure in an ex vivo model by defining seven parameters (t1/2, tminimum, tend, Zinitial, Z1/2, Zminimum and Zend). Based on these parameters, three performance indices are defined: one to identify the magnitude of impedance curve asymmetry (δ), one Drop ratio (DR) describing the percentage of impedance decrease until the minimum impedance point is reached, and Ascent Ratio (AR) describing the magnitude of increase in impedance from the minimum impedance point to its maximum point. Fifty ablations were performed in a bovine ex vivo model to measure and evaluate the proposed parameters and performance index. The results show that the groups had an average δ of 29.02%, DR of 22.41%, and AR of 545.33% for RFA without the use of saline or deionized solutions. The saline solution and deionized water-cooled groups indicated the correlation of performance indices δ, DR, and AR with the obtained final ablation volume. Therefore, by controlling these parameters and indices, lower recurrence is achieved

    Modeling the impact of school reopening and contact tracing strategies on COVID-19 dynamics in different epidemiologic settings in Brazil

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    This study was funded by the Brazilian National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq) - Process # 402834/2020-8 (request for proposals MCTIC/CNPq/FNDCT/MS/SCTIE/Decit Number 07/2020). The funding sources played no role in the study design; collection, analysis, or interpretation of the data; writing the report, or decision to submit the paper for publication. MEB received a technological and industrial scholarship from CNPq (grant number 315854/2020-0). LSF received a masters scholarship from Coordination of Superior Level Staff Improvement (CAPES) (finance code 001). SP was supported by Sao Paulo State Research Support Foundation (FAPESP) (grant number: 2018/24037-4). CF was supported by FAPESP (grant number: 2019/26310-2 and 2017/26770-8). RAK has been supported by CNPq (grant number: 311832/2017-2) and FAPESP (contract number: 2016/01343-7). PIP has been supported by CNPq (grant number: 313055/2020-3). RSK has been supported by CNPq (proc. 312378/2019-0). MQMR received a postdoctoral scholarship from CAPES (grant number 305269/2020-8). CMT has been supported by CNPq productivity fellowship and the National Institute of Science and Technology for Health Technology Assessment (IATS) (proc: 465518/2014-1). AMB received a technological and industrial scholarship from CNPq (grant number 402834/2020-8). LMS received a technological and industrial scholarship from CNPq (grant number 315866/2020-9). JAFD-F has been supported by CNPq productivity fellowship and the National Institutes for Science and Technology in Ecology, Evolution and Biodiversity Conservation (INCT-EEC), supported by MCTIC/CNPq (proc. 465610/2014-5) and FAPEG (proc. 201810267000023).Preprin

    Efeito da suplementação de creatina, associada ou não ao treinamento de força, sobre a peroxidação lipídica em mulheres idosas

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    The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of creatine supplementation associated or not with strength training upon lipid peroxidation in older women. This was a clinical, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial. Older women were randomly allocated into four groups: 1) placebo supplementation (PL, n = 10), 2) creatine supplementation (CR; n = 10), 3) placebo supplementation associated with strength training (PL + RT, n = 6) and 4) creatine supplementation associated with strength training (CR + RT, n = 8). Before (PRE) and after 24 weeks (POST), blood samples were collected to measure lipid hydroperoxides concentration by spectrophotometry. No statistical difference was observed on the lipid hydroperoxides concentration between groups (PL: PRE = 48.7 ± 36.9; POST = 29.3 ± 18.8; Δ = -13.0 ± 26.8; CR : PRE = 51.0 ± 46.0; POST = 54.2 ± 51.6; Δ = -8.6 ± 30.2; + PL TR: PRE = 33.0 ± 11.2; POST = 47.3 ± 31.6, Δ = 14.3 ± 39.2; CR + TR: PRE = 18.5 ± 10.1; POST = 28.1 ± 17.9, Δ = 9.7 ± 16.4 pmol.mg-1 of total protein, p = 0.17). Creatine supplementation associated or not with strength training did not affect the lipid peroxidation, an important plasmatic marker of oxidative stress, in elderly women.O objetivo desse trabalho foi avaliar o efeito da suplementação de creatina associada ou não ao treinamento de força sobre a peroxidação lipídica em mulheres idosas. Foi conduzido um estudo clínico, randomizado, duplo-cego e controlado por placebo, no qual mulheres idosas foram randomizadas para compor quatro grupos: 1) suplementação com placebo (PL; n = 10); 2) suplementação com creatina (CR; n = 10); 3) suplementação com placebo associado ao treinamento de força (PL+TR; n = 6); e 4) suplementação com creatina associado ao treinamento de força (CR+TR; n = 8). Antes (PRE) e após 24 semanas (POS) de intervenção, foram coletadas amostras de sangue para posterior análise das concentrações plasmáticas de hidroperóxidos lipídicos por espectrofotometria. Nenhuma diferença estatística foi observada na concentração de hidroperóxidos lipídicos entre os grupos (PL: PRE = 48,7 ± 36,9; POS = 29,3 ± 18,8; delta = -13,0 ± 26,8; CR: PRE = 51,0 ± 46,0; POS = 54,2 ± 51,6; delta = -8,6 ± 30,2; PL+TR: PRE = 33,0 ± 11,2; POS = 47,3 ± 31,6; Δ = 14,3 ± 39,2; CR+TR: PRE = 18,5 ± 10,1; POS = 28,1 ± 17,9; delta = 9,7 ± 16,4 pmol.mg-1 de proteína total; p = 0,17). A suplementação de creatina associada ou não ao treinamento de força não afetou a peroxidação lipídica, um importante marcador de estresse oxidativo no plasma, em mulheres idosas

    Modelling the impact of school reopening and contact tracing strategies on Covid-19 dynamics in different epidemiologic settings in Brazil

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    We simulate the impact of school reopening during the COVID-19 pandemic in three major urban centers in Brazil to identify the epidemiological indicators and the best timing for the return of in-school activities and the effect of contact tracing as a mitigation measure. Our goal is to offer guidelines for evidence-based policymaking. We implement an extended SEIR model stratified by age and considering contact networks in different settings – school, home, work, and community, in which the infection transmission rate is affected by various intervention measures. After fitting epidemiological and demographic data, we simulate scenarios with increasing school transmission due to school reopening, and also estimate the number of hospitalization and deaths averted by the implementation of contact tracing. Reopening schools results in a non-linear increase in reported COVID-19 cases and deaths, which is highly dependent on infection and disease incidence at the time of reopening. When contact tracing and quarantining are restricted to school and home settings, a large number of daily tests is required to produce significant effects in reducing the total number of hospitalizations and deaths. Policymakers should carefully consider the epidemiological context and timing regarding the implementation of school closure and return of in-person school activities. While contact tracing strategies prevent new infections within school en- vironments, they alone are not sufficient to avoid significant impacts on community transmission

    Os limites do rendimento físico "considerações fio-metabólicas"

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    As ciências agregadas ao esportes e suas pesquisas, trouxeram grande avanço para o desenvolvimento e melhor compreenção sobre os mecanismos que interferem no redimento físico. Portanto, nas últimas décadas, o treinamento ganhou conteúdo científic, o que possibilitou potencializar nos indivíduos qualidades e corrigir suas deficiências. O entusiasmo do passado foi superado pelo método do presente e a individualização foi o ponto chave desta evolução. Dentro da fisiologia do exercício, uma das áreas que tem mais recebido atenção é a relacionada com o metabolismo energético. Isso ocorre, por que é, principalmente a partir dessas informações que se pode realizar a avaliação, prescrição do exercício, controle de treinamento físico, a predição da performace em diferentes tipos de exercícios e a identificação de possíveis mecanismos relacionados a fadiga. Sendo assim, o principal objetivo desse artigo, foi fazer uma abordagem do ponto de vista bioquímico sobre a interação entre os metabolismo aeróbio e anaeróbio relacionado ao treinamento

    Avaliação funcional multivariada em jogadores de futebol profissional: uma metanálise

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi verificar, de modo amplo, o comportamento de variáveis importantes para a saúde preventiva e o desempenho atlético, em jogadores de futebol profissional. Além disso, o estudo tece comentários, através de longa revisão bibliográfica, sobre os resultados de nossos atletas e os observados na literatura especializada, nessa modalidade esportiva. Os futebolistas foram submetidos a uma bateria de testes clínicos, laboratoriais e de aptidão cardiorespiratória, metabólica e muscular, pré-participação ao Campeonato Brasileiro de Futebol de 1996, que constou das seguintes variáveis: consumo de oxigênio, limiar anaeróbio ventilatório, eletrocardiografia em repouso e no exercício, potência muscular ( wingate), flexibilidade, hemograma, reações sorológicas para doença de Chagas, protoparasitológico, glicose, uréia, creatinina, colesterol total e frações, hormônios, eletrólitos, minerais, composição corporal, avaliação fisioterápica, odontológica e nutricional. Os resultados obtidos indicaram que o emprego de uma avaliação multifatorial, em atletas de alto rendimento, é um procedimento importante para verificar se o nível de aptidão física está adequado e/ou detectar possíveis deficiências, que possam interferir no desempenho atlético dos futebolistas, durante os treinamentos e jogos

    Unusual winter Saharan dust intrusions at Northwest Spain: Air quality, radiative and health impacts

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    [EN] Saharan air masses can transport high amounts of mineral dust particles and biological material to the Iberian Peninsula. During winter, this kind of events is not very frequent and usually does not reach the northwest of the Peninsula. However, between 21 and 22 February 2016 and between 22 and 23 February 2017, two exceptional events were registered in León (Spain), which severely affected air quality. An integrative approach including: i) typical synoptic conditions; ii) aerosol chemical composition; iii) particle size distributions; iv) pollen concentration; v) aerosol optical depth (AOD); vi) radiative forcing and vii) estimation of the impact of aerosols in the respiratory tract, was carried out. In the global characterization of these events, the exceedance of the PM10 daily limit value, an increase in the coarse mode and a rise in the iron concentration were observed. On the 2016 event, an AOD and extinction-related Ångström exponent clearly characteristic of desert aerosol (1.1 and 0.05, respectively) were registered. Furthermore, pollen grains not typical of flowering plants in this period were identified. The chemical analysis of the aerosol from the 2017 event allowed us to confirm the presence of the main elements associated with mineral sources (aluminum, calcium, and silica concentrations). An increase in the SO42−, NO3− and Cl− concentrations during the Saharan dust intrusion was also noted. However, in this event, there was no presence of atypical pollen types. The estimated dust radiative forcing traduced a cooling effect for surface and atmosphere during both events, corroborated by trends of radiative flux measurements. The estimated impact on the respiratory tract regions of the high levels of particulate matter during both Saharan dust intrusions showed high levels for the respirable fractionSIThis study was partially supported by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (Grant TEC2014-57821-R), the University of León (Programa Propio 2015/00054/001 and 2018/00203/001) and the AERORAIN project (Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness, Grant CGL2014-52556-R, co-financed with European FEDER funds). F. Oduber acknowledges the grant BES-2015-074473 from the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness. C. Blanco-Alegre acknowledges the grant FPU16-05764 from the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports, Spain. The authors gratefully acknowledge the NOAA Air Resources Laboratory (ARL) for the provision of the HYSPLIT transport and dispersion model and/or READY website (http://www.ready.noaa.gov) used in this study. The authors would also like to express their gratitude to the Naval Research Laboratory for providing the NAAP aerosol map and NASA for the satellite image used in the graphical abstract. The data from the MAPAMA network are property of the Office for Quality and Environmental Evaluation (DGCEA, in its Spanish acronym), belonging to the Ministry of Ecologic Transition. The data were supplied as a result of an agreement between the Spanish Ministry of Agriculture, Food and the Environment and the Scientific Research Council for sponsoring studies related to air pollution by particulate matter and metals in Spain. We thank AERONET network and specially Victoria E. Cachorro Revilla and Carlos Toledano for establishing and maintaining the Valladolid AERONET site used in this investigation. We also thank to Philippe Dubuisson for allowing the use of GAME model, as well as the Laboratoire d'Optique Atmosphérique (University of Lille