199 research outputs found

    Postergestaltung in der Lehre

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    Die Gestaltung und Präsentation von (wissenschaftlichen) Postern stellt eine attraktive und effiziente Möglichkeit der Ergebnispräsentation und zugleich eine wirksame Form der Prozessunterstützung im Dienste des selbstgesteuerten Lernens an Universität und Hochschule dar. Im Beitrag wird das Potenzial der Postergestaltung in der Lehre in Bezug auf beide Aspekte erläutert und anhand eines konkreten Beispiels illustriert

    Recording comprehension orientation in math lessons. Results of a methodologically integrative approach

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    Am Beispiel der Erfassung von Verständnisorientierung, einem zentralen Qualitätsmerkmal bildenden Unterrichts, wird das Potenzial eines methodenintegrativen Ansatzes in der Unterrichtsforschung im folgenden Beitrag illustriert und diskutiert. Dies geschieht - nach einem einführenden Kapitel - anhand dreier ausgewählter Analysen aus zwei Videostudien, die sich mit der Qualität des Mathematikunterrichts auf der Sekundarstufe in deutschen und schweizerischen Schulklassen befassen: der Videostudie "Unterrichtsgestaltung, Lernverhalten und mathematisches Verständnis" (Klieme, Pauli & Reusser, 2009) - im Folgenden als "Pythagoras-Studie" bezeichnet - und deren Fortsetzungsstudie "Didaktische Kommunikation und Lernwirkungen im problemorientierten Unterricht (DidKom)". (DIPF/Orig.)The potential of a methodologically integrative approach in research on teaching is discussed and illustrated by looking at the recording of comprehension orientation - a crucial quality feature of general education. Following an introductory chapter, the authors base their investigation on three selected analyses from two video studies dealing with the quality of Math instruction in lower secondary education in German and Swiss schools: the video study "Quality of instruction, learning behavior and mathematical understanding" (Klieme, Pauli & Reusser, 2009) - in the following referred to as "Pythagoras Study" - and its follow-up study "Instructional dialogues and learning outcomes in problem-oriented mathematics teaching" ("DidKom"). (DIPF/Orig.

    Examining the use of digital technology in schools with a school-wide approach to personalized learning

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    A growing number of schools have recently been changing their culture of teaching and learning towards personalized learning. Our study investigates how schools use digital technology to facilitate and promote personalized practices. Based on the answers of a student questionnaire from 31 lower-secondary schools with a personalized learning policy in Switzerland, we selected the three cases with the most frequent use of digital technology in the classroom. Using key categories of digital technology implementation to frame the analysis, we examined the differences and similarities regarding the contribution of digital technology to fostering personalized learning. A systematization of our analyses resulted in three different types in terms of how schools integrate digital tools into their daily practices: 1. selective use of digital technology according to individual teacher preference; 2. selective use of digital technology according to individual student preference; and 3. structural use of digital technology in accordance with a school-wide strategy. The findings provide indications for future research and practice with respect to an implementation of personalized learning that takes full advantage of digital technology

    Co-constructivism in Educational Theory and Practice

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    Though it is widely accepted that learning is a constructive process, it is also a social activity. People should not be considered as solo learners, but as interacting with each other and as being shaped through collaboration and discourse. The basis of personal development, therefore, is not isolated construction of knowledge, but rather its coconstruction in a socially shared, cultural space. While classrooms, consequently, should develop from aggregations of solo learners to communities engaged in dialogues and collaborative learning, the teachers ’role extends from direct instruction to adaptive guidance and scaf- folding of student

    Implementation of technology-supported personalized learning—its impact on instructional quality

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    Digital technology especially raised hopes to open up new possibilities to personalize learning. Although various schools have implemented approaches of technology-supported personalized learning, the impact on instructional quality remains unclear. As a common definition of the multilayered construct personalized learning is lacking, our study focuses on two theoretical dimensions of technology-supported personalized learning to investigate the impact on instructional quality. For this purpose, our study has analyzed data from a survey of N = 860 students (8th grade) from 31 Swiss schools with personalized learning concepts. Results show that student-centered teaching methods in the context of technology-supported personalized learning stimulate the cognitive activation of the students, and the supportive climate increases slightly with a higher degree of students’ voice and choice on the computer

    Student's vocal participation trajectories in whole-class discussions during teacher professional development

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    Research studies have long shown that dialogic classroom interactions can have a positive impact on student learning. Despite this, in practice, monologic classroom discussions still predominate. This comparative scarcity of dialogic classroom discussions is linked to the considerable challenges inherent in cultivating them, both for teachers and their students. The aim of this paper is to demonstrate the extent to which, during a one-year teacher professional development program, students' vocal participation in whole-class discussions can be successfully fostered. As data material, we used videotaped classroom discussions of six classes (three mathematics and three history classes) from pre-, post-, and delayed post-test intervention lessons, as well as from three practice phases of the training. The discussions were evaluated using quantitative analyses and content analysis. In all six classes, the pre-post-test comparison revealed an increase in students' talk share. In four of the six classes, more students participated after the intervention than before. The type of student contributions changed in all classes: The students more often justified their contributions and referred to other students' contributions. The insights gained regarding the mostly non-linear progression of individual developments, and regarding subject-based differences, yield useful hints for the design of professional development formats

    Motivasjon for mengdetrening hos ledsager

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    Vi valgte temaet mengdetrening etter Brit Isachsen presenterte temaet i en forelesning, der ønsket hun noen til å produsere et ”Ledsager møte/kurs” for foreldre/foresatte ved Trafikkskolen Hint. Dette ble dessverre ingenting av, men vi ønsket allikevel å arbeide videre med prosjektet. Vi ønsket større innsikt i temaet, da dette er et tema vi kan ha god nytte av når vi kommer ut i arbeidslivet. Det kan se ut som dette er et tema som sjeldent blir tatt opp av trafikklærere, og de som mengdetrener ville ha gjort det uavhengig av jobben trafikklæreren gjør. Jobben vår må bli å motivere de som av en eller annen grunn ikke mengdetrener til å starte med det, og vi tror trafikklæreren er verktøyet som må brukes for å få dette til. Det finnes flere ulike versjoner av hva mengdetrening er og hvordan mengdetrene, både i bokform og på nettet. Alle disse ulike utgavene inspirerte oss til samtaler med Statens Vegvesen og de foresatte som skal utføre mengdetreningen. Med bakgrunn i dette har vi tatt med oss innhold fra SSV, foresatte sine ønsker og trafikklærer erfaringen vi har opparbeidet oss inn i produktet vårt. Tanken vår var ikke å produsere noe helt nytt, men heller et forsøk på å samle løse tråder som allerede eksisterer. Slik at vi samkjører de ulike aktørene sitt budskap i et produkt, som også gir ledsageren det han ønsker. Vi tror ledsagere vil kunne lykkes i større grad om trafikkskoler, Statens Vegvesen og andre aktører i markedet har et mer samlet budskap. Det er ønskelig at uansett hvilken aktør man henvender seg til får man likt svar. Trafikklærerne har også en jobb å gjøre for å bidra til økt mengdetrening. Og med kurset vi har laget håper vi at vi har bidratt med et verktøy som kan gjøre jobben enklere. Slik at flere trafikkskoler tar tak i temaet

    Masterarbeiten an der Universität Freiburg - Studiengang «Lehrdiplom Sekundarstufe I»

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    Am Zentrum für Lehrerinnen- und Lehrerbildung der Universität Freiburg für das Lehrdiplom auf der Sekundarstufe I werden bildungswissenschaftliche Masterarbeiten verfasst, die sich drei Grundformen zuordnen lassen. Im vorliegenden Beitrag werden diese Grundformen sowie die Rahmenbedingungen für das Verfassen der Masterarbeiten dargestellt. (DIPF/Orig.