139 research outputs found

    Defect equilibrium in PrBaCo2O5+δ at elevated temperatures

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    A defect equilibrium model for PrBaCo2O5+δ is suggested based on oxygen non-stoichiometry data. The model includes reactions of oxygen exchange and charge disproportionation of Co3+ cations. The respective equilibrium constants, enthalpies and entropies for the reactions entering the model are obtained from the fitting of the experimental data for oxygen non-stoichiometry. The enthalpies of oxidation Co2+→ Co3+ and Co3+→Co4+ are found to be equal to 115±9 kJ mol-1 and 45±4 kJ mol-1, respectively. The obtained equilibrium constants were used in order to calculate variations in concentration of cobalt species with non-stoichiometry, temperature and oxygen pressure. © 2013 Elsevier Inc

    Thermodynamics of oxygen in CaMnO3-δ

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    The experimental data for equilibrium oxygen content were used in order to extract increments of partial molar thermodynamic functions of oxygen with changes of oxygen stoichiometry in calcium manganite CaMnO3-δ. It is shown that along with the oxygen exchange reaction, thermal excitation of Mn4+ cations plays an important role in equilibration of charged manganese species that appear in response to the loss of oxygen at heating. The interrelation of partial molar enthalpy and entropy of oxygen with electron and ion defect formation parameters is obtained in approximation of the point defect model. The nearly linear changes of oxygen partial molar enthalpy are shown to directly reflect thermally driven changes in concentration of Mn3+ cations. © Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2013

    Electron transport in CaMnO3 - δ at elevated temperatures: A mobility analysis

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    The drift mobility of electron charge carriers in oxygen non-stoichiometric manganite CaMnO3 - δ was calculated by combining the total electrical conductivity and oxygen non-stoichiometry data at 700-950 ° C and oxygen partial pressure varying between 10-6 and 1 atm. The carrier concentration changes with pressure and temperature were obtained with the help of the earlier-developed defect model involving reactions of oxygen exchange and thermal excitation of manganese sites. The activation energy for mobility is found to increase with oxygen non-stoichiometry. High-temperature electron transport properties of the manganite CaMnO3 - δ can be explained in terms of activated jumps of n-type small polarons in adiabatic regime. The relatively small mobility of charge carriers is explained by strong localization of polarons on manganese sites. © 2013 Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg

    Properties of Water Ice and Dust Particles in the Atmosphere of Mars During the 2018 Global Dust Storm as Inferred From the Atmospheric Chemistry Suite

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    The properties of Martian aerosols are an integral part of the planetary climatology. Global dust storms (GDS) significantly alter spatial and vertical distributions of dust and water ice aerosols and their microphysical properties. We explored the 2018/Martian year 34 GDS with the Atmospheric Chemistry Suite instrument onboard the ESA-Roscosmos Trace Gas Orbiter mission. Solar occultation observations of thermal infrared and near infrared channels in the 0.7-6 μm spectral range with >103 signal-to-noise ratio are used to constrain the vertical dependence and the temporal evolution of the particle properties of water ice and dust (effective radius, effective variance, number density, and mass loading) before the 2018 GDS and during its onset and decay phases. In most of the observations, the particle size of dust and water ice decreases with altitude. The effective radius of dust and water ice particles ranges in 0.1−3.5 μm and 0.1−5.5 μm, respectively. The largest aerosol particles (>2.5 μm for dust and >3.5 μm for water ice) are present below 10 km before the onset and during the GDS decay phase. During the peak of the GDS, dust reached altitudes of 85 km; the most frequently observed effective radius is 1−2μm with 0.1−1 cm−3 number density and 0.1 effective variance. Detached layers of water ice composed of 0.1−1 μm particles are systematically observed at 50−100 km during this period. Below, at 0−50 km, we see the dust mixed with the main water ice layer comprising 1−4 μm particles.ExoMars is a space mission of ESA and Roscosmos. The ACS experiment is led by IKI, the Space Research Institute in Moscow, assisted by LATMOS in France. The science operations of ACS are funded by Roscosmos and ESA. We are grateful to Michael Wolff, an anonymous reviewer, and Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets editorial board whose comments helped to improve this paper. The early retrievals in 2019 were supported by Ministry of Science and Education of the Russian government. M. Luginin, A. Fedorova, N. Ignatiev, A. Trokhimovskiy, and O. Korablev acknowledge RSF funding of Sections 4 and 5 under grant number 20-42-09035. F. Montmessin acknowl-edges funding from CNES and ANR (PRCI, CE31 AAPG2019)

    Photochemical depletion of heavy CO isotopes in the Martian atmosphere

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    The atmosphere of Mars is enriched in heavy isotopes with respect to Earth as a result of the escape of the atmosphere to space over billions of years. Estimating this enrichment requires a rigorous understanding of all atmospheric processes that contribute to the evolution of isotopic ratios between the lower and upper atmosphere, where escape processes take place. We combine measurements of CO vertical profiles obtained by the Atmospheric Chemistry Suite on board the ExoMars Trace Gas Orbiter with the predictions of a photochemical model and find evidence of a process of photochemistry-induced fractionation that depletes the heavy isotopes of C and O in CO (δ13C = −160 ± 90‰ and δ18O = −20 ± 110‰). In the upper atmosphere, accounting for this process reduces the escape fractionation factor by ~25%, suggesting that less C has escaped from the atmosphere of Mars than previously thought. In the lower atmosphere, incorporation of this 13C-depleted CO fractionation into the surface could support the abiotic origin of recently found Martian organics

    The Atmospheric Chemistry Suite (ACS) of Three Spectrometers for the ExoMars 2016 Trace Gas Orbiter

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    The Atmospheric Chemistry Suite (ACS) package is an element of the Russian contribution to the ESA-Roscosmos ExoMars 2016 Trace Gas Orbiter (TGO) mission. ACS consists of three separate infrared spectrometers, sharing common mechanical, electrical, and thermal interfaces. This ensemble of spectrometers has been designed and developed in response to the Trace Gas Orbiter mission objectives that specifically address the requirement of high sensitivity instruments to enable the unambiguous detection of trace gases of potential geophysical or biological interest. For this reason, ACS embarks a set of instruments achieving simultaneously very high accuracy (ppt level), very high resolving power (>10,000) and large spectral coverage (0.7 to 17 μm—the visible to thermal infrared range). The near-infrared (NIR) channel is a versatile spectrometer covering the 0.7–1.6 μm spectral range with a resolving power of ∼20,000. NIR employs the combination of an echelle grating with an AOTF (Acousto-Optical Tunable Filter) as diffraction order selector. This channel will be mainly operated in solar occultation and nadir, and can also perform limb observations. The scientific goals of NIR are the measurements of water vapor, aerosols, and dayside or night side airglows. The mid-infrared (MIR) channel is a cross-dispersion echelle instrument dedicated to solar occultation measurements in the 2.2–4.4 μm range. MIR achieves a resolving power of >50,000. It has been designed to accomplish the most sensitive measurements ever of the trace gases present in the Martian atmosphere. The thermal-infrared channel (TIRVIM) is a 2-inch double pendulum Fourier-transform spectrometer encompassing the spectral range of 1.7–17 μm with apodized resolution varying from 0.2 to 1.3 cm−1. TIRVIM is primarily dedicated to profiling temperature from the surface up to ∼60 km and to monitor aerosol abundance in nadir. TIRVIM also has a limb and solar occultation capability. The technical concept of the instrument, its accommodation on the spacecraft, the optical designs as well as some of the calibrations, and the expected performances for its three channels are described


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    Conductivity and oxygen content in SrFe1-xSixO3-δ were measured in a wide range of partial oxygen pressure at temperatures 800-950°C. The results obtained allowed one to evaluate partial contributions o f oxygen ions and electron carriers of p - and n - types to charge transfer. Concentration and mobility o f charge carriers were calculated. The effect of partial substitution of iron by silicon on transport properties is discussed.Работа выполнена при финансовой поддержке Российского Фонда Фундаментальных Исследований (грант 13-03-00931)