3,104 research outputs found

    Fim de vida no serviço de urgência: dificuldades e intervenções dos enfermeiros na prestação de cuidados

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    Problemática: O recurso aos serviços de urgência por parte dos doentes em final de vida é frequente sobretudo quando existem sintomas descontrolados. A abordagem paliativa necessária nesta fase colide com o contexto “urgência” e limita a intervenção do enfermeiro. Objetivo: Nesta revisão da literatura pretendemos identificar as dificuldades dos enfermeiros na prestação de cuidados aos doentes em fim de vida no serviço de urgência assim como caracterizar a natureza dos cuidados prestados neste contexto. Desenho: Revisão sistemática da literatura. Métodos: Foram incluídos 10 artigos de investigação entre os quais 2 revisões da literatura no período temporal de 2007-2012. Resultados: Na maioria dos artigos encontrados é dado ênfase aos obstaclos e dificuldades enfrentados pelos enfermeiros existindo pouca referencia a prestação de cuidados ao doente em fim de vida no serviço de urgência. As dificuldades são inúmeras desde da falta de formação em cuidados paliativos á própria filosofia destes serviços. Conclusões: As principais dificuldades citadas pelos enfermeiros prendem-se com o modelo organizacional e arquitetónico dos serviços de urgência que não favorecem a comunicação nem a relação de ajuda. Os enfermeiros preocupam-se não só em propocionar conforto através de controlo de sintomas, como também em dar apoio aos familiares do paciente em fim de vida

    A odisseia da transformação do Direito da Família (1974-2010): um contributo da Sociologia Política do Direito

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    A odisseia da transformação e da regulação jurídica da família em Portugal segue as tendências europeias, tendo, contudo, começado o seu percurso mais tardiamente, designadamente após 25 de abril de 1974. No presente texto, analisamos, desde 1974 até 2010, as relações entre a transformação socioeconómica das famílias portuguesas e as mudanças e opções políticas dominantes nestas matérias, bem como as decorrentes mutações no Direito da Família ocorridas em Portugal. E concluímos que a vontade de mudança política e as ações político-institucionais são aceleradoras da transformação do Direito da Família, mais do que as mutações das famílias

    Rethinking textile disposal: reuse of denim for new product development

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    This research proposes to incorporate the process of upcycling textile discards by molding polymers with denim fabric within the polymer matrix to be applied in the development of new products. To this end, according to Bruno Munari (Munari 1981), design should not be designed without a method, that is, thinking in an artistic way with the purpose of a solution is not enough if there is no research on similar projects to what one wants to do. Based on Munari’s thought, this article has as its primary step the literature review of what has been explored as well as the study of concepts related to the theme. From this, the selection of possible combinations of materials and technology to be tested was planned, aiming to define, for the second phase of the work (experimental phase), the most viable solution for the development of new fashion and furniture products with denim reuse. In a future phase, this work seeks to develop a material that can be applied in various fields of production, highlighting not only the importance of reusing discarded materials, but also the need for greater awareness regarding the effects of the production mode on the environment

    Project design methods and upcycling of fashion products in bachelor curricula of fashion design courses

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    There is a discussion about the impact of the fashion industry in the environment and how the relevant players can act to mitigate its impacts. Universities can have an important role to prepare future designers and engineers to the Fashion Industry according new principles focused in sustainable design, circular economy, clean production processes and recycling (upcycling and downcycling) of final products before go to landfill. Cradle to Cradle, written by William McDonough and Michael Braungart, discussed many concepts and approaches to deal with these tasks. Also, the Ellen MacArthur Foundation wants to inspire a generation to re-think, re-design and build a positive future circular economy. The circular economy of fashion products requires a new consumer, a citizen “Homo Sustentabilis”, that think in all his actions to preserve the maximum as possible the environment to the future generations. The curricula of the different courses in Fashion Design needs to be upgraded continuously to tackle with these new challenges. Project design methods can be defined to the Curricular Units of bachelor students in fashion degrees, including approaches to sustainability and circular economy as possible outcomes. Upcycling and downcycling are the topics that this paper will discuss. The experimental process developed by the authors includes the design process of fashion denim disposed by the consumers at the end-of-life. This textile material (denim) has many possibilities to the designers and can be used as raw material to other industries and fields. At different levels, this research can incorporate knowledge in recycling process of this material to the textile and clothing industry, can promote the use of this textile products in other fields (new modern urban architecture incorporating denim fabrics and accessories) and can develop other categories of products by moulding polymers with denim fabric inside the polymeric matrix. The linkage between the project design process and the industry will be highlighted by the future collaboration in the training of new designers in a learning-by-doing process with the university labs and textile factories. Innovation processes in this particular fields can benefit from a close action and cooperation between the main players of the Portuguese textile and clothing cluster. New fashion designers will be ready to face this demanding from the “green consumers” in a better way if they can apply and test their creativity and design process in action

    Phlorotannin Extracts from Fucales Characterized by HPLC-DAD-ESI-MSn: Approaches to Hyaluronidase Inhibitory Capacity and Antioxidant Properties

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    Purified phlorotannin extracts from four brown seaweeds (Cystoseira nodicaulis (Withering) M. Roberts, Cystoseira tamariscifolia (Hudson) Papenfuss, Cystoseira usneoides (Linnaeus) M. Roberts and Fucus spiralis Linnaeus), were characterized by HPLC-DAD-ESI-MSn . Fucophloroethol, fucodiphloroethol, fucotriphloroethol, 7-phloroeckol, phlorofucofuroeckol and bieckol/dieckol were identified. The antioxidant activity and the hyaluronidase (HAase) inhibitory capacity exhibited by the extracts were also assessed. A correlation between the extracts activity and their chemical composition was established. F. spiralis, the species presenting higher molecular weight phlorotannins, generally displayed the strongest lipid peroxidation inhibitory activity (IC50 = 2.32 mg/mL dry weight) and the strongest HAase inhibitory capacity (IC50 = 0.73 mg/mL dry weight). As for superoxide radical scavenging, C. nodicaulis was the most efficient species (IC50 = 0.93 mg/mL dry weight), followed by F. spiralis (IC50 = 1.30 mg/mL dry weight). These results show that purified phlorotannin extracts have potent capabilities for preventing and slowing down the skin aging process, which is mainly associated with free radical damage and with the reduction of hyaluronic acid concentration, characteristic of the process.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Validade convergente entre o SF-36 e o WHOQOL-BREF em idosos

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    OBJETIVO : Comparar a confiabilidade e validade convergente de instrumentos de qualidade de vida em idosos brasileiros. MÉTODOS : Estudo transversal com 278 idosos, alfabetizados e frequentadores de universidade de terceira idadeno município de São Carlos, SP, entre 2006 e 2008. Foram comparadas as versões brasileiras dos instrumentos 36-item form constructed to survey health status (SF-36) e World Health Organization quality of life assessment instrument (WHOQOL-BREF). O coeficiente alfa de Cronbach foi usado para estimar a confiabilidade e a correlação de Pearson para a comparação entre as duas escalas. RESULTADOS : A maioria dos participantes eram mulheres (87,8%) com média de idade de 63,83 anos (DP = 7,22). Ambas as escalas mostraram consistência interna aceitável: os coeficientes alfa de Cronbach do WHOQOL-BREF e do SF-36 foram, respectivamente, 0,832 e 0,868. Houve correlação (r ≤ 0,6) pobre entre os campos relacionados dos dois questionários. CONCLUSÕES : SF-36 e WHOQOL-BREF são instrumentos confiáveis para usos clínicos e de pesquisa entre mulheres idosas brasileiras. Para selecionar um deles, é preciso considerar quais aspectos de qualidade de vida são de interesse em razão dos indicativos de fraca validade convergente. O WHOQOL-BREF pode ser mais relevante para avaliar as mudanças na qualidade de vida de mulheres idosas saudáveis porque prioriza as respostas ao processo de envelhecimento e evita foco em sua incapacidade.OBJETIVO : Comparar la confiabilidad y validez convergente de instrumentos de calidad de vida en ancianos brasileños MÉTODOS: Estudio transversal con 278 ancianos, alfabetizados y frecuentadores de universidad de tercera edad en el municipio de São Carlos, SP-Brasil, entre 2006 y 2008. Se compararon las versiones brasileñas de los instrumentos 36-item form constructed to survey health status (SF-36) y World Health Organization quality of life assessment instrument (WHOQOL-BREF). El coeficiente alfa de Cronbach fue usado para estimar la confiabilidad y la correlación de Pearson para la comparación entre las dos escalas. RESULTADOS : La mayoría de los participantes eran mujeres (87,8%) con promedio de edad de 63,83 años (DS= 7,22). Ambas escalas mostraron consistencia interna aceptable: los coeficientes alfa de Cronbach de WHOQOL-BREF y de SF-36 fueron, respectivamente, 0,832 y 0,868. Hubo correlación (r< 0,6) pobre entre los campos relacionados de los dos cuestionarios. CONCLUSIONES : SF-36 y WHOQOL-BREF son instrumentos confiables para usos clínicos y de investigación entre mujeres ancianas brasileñas. Para seleccionar uno de ellos, es necesario considerar cuales son los aspectos de calidad de vida que son de interés con base en los indicativos de validez débil convergente. El WHOQOL-BREF puede ser más relevante para evaluar los cambios en la calidad de vida de mujeres ancianas saludables porque prioriza las respuestas al proceso de envejecimiento y evita foco en su capacidad.OBJECTIVE : To compare the reliability and convergent validity of instruments assessing quality of life in Brazilian older adults. METHODS : Cross-sectional study of 278 literate, community-dwelling older adults attending a municipal university for the elderly in Sao Carlos, SP, Southeastern Brazil between 2006 and 2008. The Brazilian versions of the SF-36 and WHOQOL-BREF instruments to assess quality of life were compared. Cronbach’s alpha coefficient was used to estimate reliability and Pearson’s correlation for comparison between the two scales. RESULTS : Most of participants were women (87.8%) with a mean age of 63.83±7.22 years. Both scales showed an acceptable internal consistency – WHOQOL-BREF Cronbach’s alpha was 0.832 and SF-36 was 0.868. There was a weak (r ≤ 0.6) correlation between the related fields in the two questionnaires. CONCLUSIONS : The SF-36 and WHOQOL-BREF are reliable instruments for clinical and research uses in Brazilian older women. To select one, researchers should consider which aspects of quality of life they aim to capture because of weak convergent validity signs. This study’s results indicate that WHOQOL-BREF may be more relevant to evaluate changes in the quality of life of older women because it prioritizes responses to the aging process and avoids focusing on impairment