381 research outputs found
Variabilidade e coesão genética em populações relictuais de Cattleya lobata Lindl. (Orchidaceae), espécie endêmica da Mata Atlântica
Orientador: Patrícia Cristina Lemos Gomes BaromCo-orientador: Eric de Camargo SmidtMonografia (Bacharelado) - Universidade Federal do Paraná. Setor de Ciências Biológicas. Curso de Graduação em Ciências Biológica
Notice on a methodology for characterizing emissions of ultrafine particles/nanoparticles in microenvironments
Bearing in mind the potential adverse health effects of ultrafine particles, it is of paramount importance to perform effective monitoring of nanosized particles in several microenvironments, which may include ambient air, indoor air, and also occupational environments. In fact, effective and accurate monitoring is the first step to obtaining a set of data that could be used further on to perform subsequent evaluations such as risk assessment and epidemiologic studies, thus proposing good working practices such as containment measures in order to reduce occupational exposure. This paper presents a useful methodology for monitoring ultrafine particles/nanoparticles in several microenvironments, using online analyzers and also sampling systems that allow further characterization on collected nanoparticles. This methodology was validated in three case studies presented in the paper, which assess monitoring of nanosized particles in the outdoor atmosphere, during cooking operations, and in a welding workshop
The (New) History of Psychology: A Look at the History of Hypnosis
Introdução: Alguns estudiosos destacam a incoerência da história da psicologia e a forma como ela se tornou ciência, como se o passado de ignorância fosse cedendo lugar as luzes da razão. Diante desse contexto, é necessária uma revisão dessa trajetória, verificando o porquê de tantas lacunas e o porquê do esforço acentuado para mantê-las. Objetivo: revisitar a história da hipnose e sua subjetividade com o intuito de promover um convite à reflexão sobre essa temática. Metodologia: O estudo foi desenvolvido por meio de uma resenha com a análise crítica do livro intitulado “Psicologia, hipnose e subjetividade” de autoria de Maurício S. Neubern. Considerações: Esta obra proporciona melhor conhecimento sobre a história da hipnose e como seus adeptos foram julgados e até banidos de instituições. Por abranger vários contextos dentro da história da psicologia, a obra é muito extensa e trás muitas informações, tornando a leitura um pouco cansativa, mas, ainda assim, interessante e muito satisfatória enquanto saber. Esse é um texto que constitui uma sólida contribuição aos interessados, indicado a todos aqueles que já têm certo conhecimento sobre o assunto e que queiram se aprofundar ainda mais.Introduction: Some scholars highlight the inconsistency of the history of psychology and the way it has become science, as if the past of ignorance was giving way to the lights of reason. Given this context, a review of this trajectory is needed, verifying why so many gaps and why the marked effort to maintain them. Objective: To revisit the history of hypnosis and its subjectivity in order to promote an invitation to reflect on this subject. Methodology: The study was developed through a review with the critical analysis of the book entitled "Psychology, hypnosis and subjectivity" by Maurício S. Neubern. Considerations: This book provides better insight into the history of hypnosis and how its adherents were judged and even banned from institutions. By covering various contexts within the history of psychology, the work is very extensive and contains a lot of information, making the reading a bit tiring but still interesting and very satisfying as long as it knows. This is a text that makes a solid contribution to those interested, intended for all those who already have some knowledge on the subject and want to deepen further
Neutropenia congênita grave: relato de caso
Introdução: O termo neutropenia congênita pode ser usado para definir um grupo heterogêneo de doenças da mielopoiese, permanentes ou intermitentes, que podem ser caracterizadas por uma contagem de neutrófilos abaixo de 500 células/mm3 (neutropenia grave) ou entre 500 e 1500 células/mm3 (neutropenia leve). Pacientes com neutropenia congênita apresentam risco aumentado de infecções frequentes e graves, que podem levar a morbidade e mortalidade. Assim, seu diagnóstico precoce é essencial para início do tratamento em tempo hábil. Objetivo: Relatar um caso de neutropenia congênita grave diagnosticada no primeiro ano de vida, realizando revisão da literatura sobre o tema. Relato de Caso: Paciente de sexo masculino acompanhado em unidade hospitalar a partir do terceiro mês de vida por pneumonia, otite média, meningite e sepse, com história de internação prévia por pneumonia e otite, apresentando contagem de neutrófilos persistentemente abaixo de 200 células/mm3. Realizou mielograma e biópsia de medula óssea que revelaram parada de maturação de neutrófilos na fase de promielócitos. Recebeu tratamento com diversos esquemas de antibióticos de amplo espectro, e iniciou fator estimulante de colônia de granulócitos. Após a alta, abandonou o acompanhamento ambulatorial, e retornou para nova internação aos onze meses de vida, com novo diagnóstico de pneumonia, evoluindo para refratariedade ao tratamento e óbito. Conclusão: As neutropenias congênitas são doenças raras e com alto potencial de morbimortalidade. Sendo importante que profissionais de saúde estejam atentos a essa hipótese diagnóstica, garantindo um diagnóstico precoce e instituição do tratamento recomendado, o que está associado a diminuição importante da mortalidade
Curso de formação continuada docente e o impacto na aprendizagem do aluno surdo do IFAM/campus Eirunepé: Relato de experiência / Teacher continuing education course and the impact on learning of deaf student of IFAM/campus Eirunepé: Experience report
A escola regular é um espaço de integração e socialização, o qual permite que os indivíduos com deficiência participem do processo de aprendizagem, tendo atendidas suas necessidades especiais. A educação é dever do Estado e direito de todos. Porém, não se formam professores capacitados para um trabalho eficiente junto a esses alunos. Esses profissionais têm chegado às escolas despreparados diante das diversas necessidades educacionais especiais que ali encontram. Assim, o presente artigo tem como objetivo relatar a experiência advinda da oferta do curso básico de Libras que visou capacitar professores para atuar junto aos alunos surdos ou com deficiência auditiva. O curso, com duração de sessenta horas, foi dividido em uma parte teórica e uma parte prática, e contou com quarenta participantes. A metodologia qualitativa foi usada para relatar as percepções e análises. Como resultado, ficou evidente que é indispensável a oferta de cursos de formação continuada, de modo que os novos conhecimentos produzidos levem o professor a refletir sobre sua postura e buscar novas estratégias que oportunize a inclusão de alunos com Necessidades Educacionais Especiais (NEE)
Population structure of Annona coriacea Mart. (Annonaceae) in different Cerrado phytophysiognomies
Knowing the regeneration and structure of a species in different phytophysiognomies is extremely important to understand its pattern of occurrence. In spite of its importance, this type of study is still scarce in the Cerrado biome. In this perspective, this work aimed to compare the structure of the arboreal and regenerating strata of Annona coriacea in the cerrado sensu stricto and in the cerradão (savanna woodland). For that purpose, 13 plots of 400m² were installed in each physiognomy. All individuals of A. coriacea were sampled and had their diameter and height measured. The individuals were divided into regenerating and arboreal and were distributed in classes of height and diameter. Furthermore, the absolute density and the basal area of each extract were calculated in each physiognomy. The parameters were compared using the T-test. In total, 130 individuals of A. Coriacea were sampled, with 42 regenerating individuals in the cerrado sensu stricto and 49 in the cerradão. As for the arboreal individuals, 33 were sampled in the cerrado sensu stricto and 6 in the cerradão. All evaluated parameters revealed to be significantly different for the physiognomies. Based on these results, it is possible to affirm that A. coriacea did not present a distribution pattern in the two physiognomies, although it presents a better establishment success in the cerrado sensu stricto. In the cerradão, although the seeds can germinate, the seedlings fail to develop and reach the adult age.Knowing the regeneration and structure of a species in different phytophysiognomies is extremely important to understand its pattern of occurrence. In spite of its importance, this type of study is still scarce in the Cerrado biome. In this perspective, this work aimed to compare the structure of the arboreal and regenerating strata of Annona coriacea in the cerrado sensu stricto and in the cerradão (savanna woodland). For that purpose, 13 plots of 400m² were installed in each physiognomy. All individuals of A. coriacea were sampled and had their diameter and height measured. The individuals were divided into regenerating and arboreal and were distributed in classes of height and diameter. Furthermore, the absolute density and the basal area of each extract were calculated in each physiognomy. The parameters were compared using the T-test. In total, 130 individuals of A. Coriacea were sampled, with 42 regenerating individuals in the cerrado sensu stricto and 49 in the cerradão. As for the arboreal individuals, 33 were sampled in the cerrado sensu stricto and 6 in the cerradão. All evaluated parameters revealed to be significantly different for the physiognomies. Based on these results, it is possible to affirm that A. coriacea did not present a distribution pattern in the two physiognomies, although it presents a better establishment success in the cerrado sensu stricto. In the cerradão, although the seeds can germinate, the seedlings fail to develop and reach the adult age
Bioprocess integration for human mesenchymal stem cells: from up to downstream processing scale-up to cell proteome characterization
Human mesenchymal stem cells (hMSC) are relevant cell-based products for autologous and allogeneic therapies. To deliver the required cell numbers and doses to therapy, scaling up production and purification processes (at least to the liter-scale) while ensuring high purity, viability and maintaining cells’ critical quality attributes (CQA) and functionality is essential [1].
Therefore, the aim of this work was to prove scalability of an integrated streamlined bioprocess compatible with current good manufacturing practices (cGMP) comprised by cell expansion, harvesting and volume reduction unit operations using human mesenchymal stem cells (hMSC) isolated from bone marrow (BM-MSC) and adipose tissues (AT-MSC).
BM-MSC and AT-MSC expansion and harvesting steps were scaled-up from spinner flasks to 2 L scale stirred tank single-use bioreactor using synthetic microcarriers and xeno-free medium, ensuring high cellular volumetric productivities (50 x 106 cell.L-1.day-1), expansion factors (14 - 16 fold) and cell recovery yields (80%). For the concentration step, flat sheet cassettes (FSC) and hollow fiber cartridges (HF) were compared showing a fairly linear scale-up, with a need to slightly decrease the permeate flux (30 - 50 LMH, respectively) to maximize cell recovery yield. Nonetheless, FSC allowed to recover 18% more cells after a volume reduction factor of 50.
Overall, at the end of the entire bioprocess more than 65% of viable (\u3e 95%) hMSC could be recovered without compromising cell’s CQA of viability, identity and differentiation potential.
“Omic” tools in combination with standard analytical assays allow for a better cell characterization, increasing product and process understanding [2] and are thus fundamental for process development. Thus, alongside the standard quality assays for evaluating hMSC’s CQA, a proteomics workflow based on mass spectrometry tools was established to characterize the impact of processing on hMSC’ CQA. Overall, through sensitivity, robustness and throughput, this type of workflow provided the identification of specific signatures of the final product. Therefore, it proves to be essential to understand the cells’ final quality as well as to evaluate the impact of manufacturing at different stages of processing.
References: [1] Pattasseril J et al, BioProcess Int. 2013, 3, 38–46. [2] Campbell A et al, Stem Cells Transl. Med. 2015, 4, 1155–1163.
The authors acknowledge UniMS – Mass Spectrometry Unit team (ITQB-NOVA/iBET, Oeiras, Portugal), iNOVA4Health Research Unit (LISBOA-01-0145-FEDER-007344), and Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia (FCT, Portugal) for funding the project CARDIOSTEM (MITP-TB/ECE/0013/2013), and the grants SFRH/BD/51940/2012 (MIT-Portugal), SFRH/BD/52302/2013, SFRH/BD/52481/2014, SFRH/BPD/86513/201
Engineering scalable manufacturing of high-quality human MSC for cell therapy: From up to downstream processing integration to cell proteome characterization
Human mesenchymal stem cells (hMSC) are relevant cell therapy products for autologous and allogeneic therapies. To deliver the required cell numbers and doses to therapy, scaling up production and purification processes (at least to the liter-scale) while ensuring high purity, viability and maintaining cells’ critical quality attributes (CQA) and functionality is essential.
Therefore, the aim of this work was to prove scalability of an integrated streamlined bioprocess compatible with current good manufacturing practices (cGMP) comprised by cell expansion, harvesting, volume reduction and washing unit operations using human mesenchymal stem cells (hMSC) isolated from bone marrow (BM-MSC) and adipose tissues (AT-MSC). Single-use technologies were adopted at different steps of the manufacturing workflow to support process integration and scale-up.
BM-MSC and AT-MSC expansion and harvesting steps were scaled-up from spinner flasks to 2 L single-use stirred tank bioreactor using synthetic microcarriers and xeno-free medium, ensuring high cellular volumetric productivities (50 x 106 cell.L-1.day-1), expansion factors (14 - 16 fold) and cell recovery yields (\u3e80%).
For the volume reduction and washing steps, flat sheet cassettes (FSC) and hollow fiber cartridges (HF) were compared showing a fairly linear scale-up, with a need to slightly decrease the permeate flux (30 - 50 LMH, respectively) to maximize cell recovery yield. Nonetheless, FSC performed better allowing recovering 18% more cells after a volume reduction factor of 50 without compromising cell’s CQA of viability, identity and differentiation potential.
“Omic” tools in combination with standard analytical assays allow for a better cell characterization, increasing product and process understanding and are thus fundamental for process development. Thus, alongside the standard quality assays for evaluating hMSC’s CQA, a proteomics workflow based on mass spectrometry tools was established to characterize the impact of processing on hMSC’ CQA. Overall, through sensitivity, robustness and throughput, this type of workflow provided the identification of specific signatures of the final product. Therefore, it proves to be essential to understand the cells’ final quality as well as to evaluate the impact of manufacturing at different stages of processing.
The authors acknowledge UniMS – Mass Spectrometry Unit team (ITQB-NOVA/iBET, Oeiras, Portugal), iNOVA4Health Research Unit (LISBOA-01-0145-FEDER-007344), and Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia (FCT, Portugal) for funding the project CARDIOSTEM (MITP-TB/ECE/0013/2013), and the grants SFRH/BD/51940/2012 (MIT-Portugal), SFRH/BD/52302/2013, SFRH/BD/52481/2014, SFRH/BPD/86513/2012
Trajectoires de vie et transition à la vieillesse : le Portugal comme une étude de cas.
En Europe, à part l’Allemagne, les pays du Sud sont les plus âgés en raison de la croissance du nombre de seniors.
Cette évolution soulève toutes sortes de problèmes. Elle est objet de débats et de controverses, liées à ses principales
implications surtout en ce qui concerne le développement socioéconomique et les chances de viabilité
des systèmes de sécurité sociale et de santé. Cependant, les conséquences futures du nombre et du rythme de
croissance du vieillissement de la population sont susceptibles d’être influencés par différents parcours de vie, en
particulier en ce qui concerne les trajectoires individuelles en matière de scolarité et de profession, ainsi que la
mise en oeuvre de projets familiaux.
Les projections démographiques sont un instrument précieux en contribuant au débat de ces questions, car elles
permettent de prévoir et d’anticiper les besoins et les comportements futurs en se fondant sur l’analyse des
tendances passées, comme de postuler différents scénarios pour les variables déterminantes et évaluer leurs
Le Portugal a été utilisé comme une étude de car ce n’est pas seulement l’un des pays plus vieillis d’Europe, mais
aussi parce qu’il a connu une forte accélération de son processus de vieillissement, au cours des deux dernières
Nous avons évalué l’impact des parcours de vie des individus en ce qui concerne l’éducation et les professions, et
les trajectoires familiales. À cet effet, nous avons élaboré des perspectives de population pour les 50 prochaines
années, en utilisant une combinaison de projections probabilistes dans le cas de la mortalité, avec l’élaboration de scénarios dans le cas de la fécondité. Des projections de ménages ont été construites et des projections dérivées
sous l’hypothèse de différents scénarios alternatifs.
L’étude a permis d’estimer une croissance rapide et progressive de la population âgée dans un cadre de déclin
démographique ; évaluer l’influence des différents parcours des individus et des familles sur la prévision
des caractéristiques de la population des personnes âgées ; de reconnaître la tendance à retarder et à (dé-)
standardiser les comportements en ce qui concerne la transition à la vieillesse
A versatile capillary gel electrophoresis methodology for in-process and final product characterization of virus-based targets
The biopharmaceutical industry is approaching a turning point where new therapeutic modalities such as virus-based biopharmaceuticals are used in several applications such as vaccination, gene therapy and oncolytic therapy. However, the bioprocess of functional viruses still presents challenges, namely due to the availability of suitable analytics for downstream processing monitoring or characterization of the final product. Capillary electrophoresis (CE) is a versatile technique that enables the determination of intact or reduced particle number and the quantification of several product-related impurities, such as host cell DNA and host cell proteins. Although this f platform is commonly used for purity profiling of monoclonal antibodies in the pharmaceutical industry by ultraviolet (UV) detection, it requires a large amount of product, making it not suitable for virus-based pharmaceuticals, where total protein concentration (dose) is relatively low.
This work presents a highly sensitive CE methodology for monitoring different bioprocess steps and final product characterization of several viral vectors. A fluorescence labelling procedure using the (3-(2-furoyl) quinoline-2-carboxaldehyde dye was used, enabling the detection of the viral proteins through Sodium dodecyl sulfate-capillary gel electrophoresis (CE-SDS) method coupled to a laser-induced fluorescence (LIF) detector.
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