901 research outputs found

    Do I evaluate as I was at the faculty? Transfer of the formative and shared evaluation lived during the initial teacher training to teaching practice

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    La finalidad de este estudio es analizar la trasferencia entre los sistemas de evaluación formativa y/o compartida (EFyC) que el profesorado de educación física puede haber vivido durante su formación inicial del profesorado (FIP) y su aplicación posterior en las aulas de educación primaria en que ejerce su docencia actualmente. Se ha aplicado una metodología mixta, con una muestra reducida de maestros de educación física de primaria. Las técnicas de obtención de datos son: cuestionario cerrado con escala tipo Likert, entrevistas semi-estructuradas y un grupo focal. En primer lugar, se aplica el cuestionario con toda la muestra, de forma que los resultados obtenidos nos ayuden a seleccionar una pequeña muestra para la realización de las entrevistas semiestructuradas. Los datos cuantitativos se analizan con el programa SPSS 20.0 y los cualitativos con el programa informático Atlas.ti. Los resultados indican que sí existe cierta trasferencia entre los sistemas de evaluación vividos en FIP y los que posteriormente se utilizan en la práctica como maestros de educación física en primaria; pero parece que la influencia más fuerte es de la formación permanente, por lo que parece necesario realizar más investigación al respecto. Los maestros de educación física de este estudio están convencidos de las ventajas que supone la utilización de sistemas de EFyC en todos los ámbitos educativos, tanto para el alumnado como para el profesoradoThis study analyses to which extent formative and shared assessment experiences received during their Physical Education Teacher Education (PETE) can influence to put into practice this type of systems in Physical Education teachers in Primary Education. A mixed methodology has been used, with a reduced sample. The data collection techniques are: closed questionnaire with Likert-type scale, semi-structured interviews and a focus group. In the first place, the questionnaire is applied to the whole sample, so that the results obtained help us to select a small sample for semi-structured interviews. The quantitative data are analyzed with the SPSS 20.0 program and the qualitative ones with the Atlas.ti. The results to indicate that there is some transference between the assessment systems lived in PTE and those that are later used later when they are Physical Education teachers in Primary; but it seems that the strongest influence is In-service Teacher Education, so it seems necessary to conduct more research in this regard. The physical education teachers of this study are convinced of the advantages of using formative and shared assessment systems in all educational areas, both for students and teacher

    Proyecto SHE: School and Home Emotions

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    Hoy en día, la inteligencia no garantiza la felicidad en nuestro entorno, trabajo o vida social. El éxito personal y profesional no se vincula únicamente a los conocimientos académicamente adquiridos, sino también al dominio de competencias emocionales, cuyo desarrollo ayuda a gestionar las diferentes situaciones estresantes que se dan en el día a día. En este trabajo se describe un programa en educación emocional (SHE) –diseñado e implementado como estudio piloto–, basado en modelos científicos ampliamente conocidos sobre inteligencia (Salovey &y Mayer, 1997) y regulación emocional (Gross &y John, 2003). Mediante dicho programa se pretende poner al alcance de los niños las sinergias creadas por una educación emocional global: niños, profesores y padres. Para ello, se seleccionaron tres muestras de participantes: niños/niñas de 4º de primaria, padres y madres, y profesorado del mismo centro escolar. La intervención consistió en desarrollar e impartir sesiones bi-quincenales sobre educación emocional. Los resultados mostraron efectos significativos sobre el uso de estrategias de regulación emocional –en la muestra de estudiantes y progenitores–, con una disminución de la supresión emocional y un aumento de la reevaluación cognitiva. En el caso de los profesores, disminuyeron las puntuaciones en afecto negativo. Los valores de funcionamiento familiar permanecieron estables tras la intervención. Por último, no se observaron cambios significativos en las habilidades de inteligencia emocional en ninguno de los tres grupos a estudio.Today, intelligence does not guarantee happiness in our environment, work or social life. Personal and professional success is not only related to academic knowledge but also to the domain of emotional competences, whose development helps to manage the different stressful situations that occur on a daily basis. In this paper we describe a program in emotional education (SHE), designed and implemented as a pilot study, based on well-known scientific models of intelligence (Salovey &and Mayer, 1997) and emotional regulation (Gross &and John, 2003). This program aims to make available to children the synergies created by a global emotional education: children, teachers and parents. For this purpose, three samples of participants were selected: children from 4th grade primary, a group of parents of 4th grade and a group of teachers from the same school. The intervention consisted of developing and imparting bi-fortnightly sessions on emotional education. The results showed significant effects on the use of emotional regulation strategies - in student and parent samples - with a decrease in emotional suppression and an increase in cognitive reevaluation. In the case of teachers, the scores on negative affection decreased. The values of family functioning remained stable after the intervention. Finally, no significant changes in emotional intelligence skills were observed in any of the three study groups

    Necesidades educativas para promover la salud afectiva y sexual en jóvenes en riesgo social

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    La educación afectiva y sexual de los y las jóvenes en situación de riesgo social es un elemento esencial para su salud. La educación en esta área requiere unos planteamientos rigurosos que se basen en las necesidades educativas y diferenciales de este colectivo en relación a la salud afectiva y sexual. El presente artículo presenta los resultados de una investigación que analiza estas necesidades. Para ello, se diseñó una investigación acción participativa de carácter cualitativa, en la cual participaron 48 profesionales y 72 jóvenes. La recogida de información se realizó mediante grupos de discusión. Los resultados constatan que el factor cultural y la historia personal y familiar son variables que tienen un carácter concluyente en los comportamientos sexuales de este colectivo. Estas variables deben considerarse, tanto en la educación formal como en la no formal, con tal de promover la salud afectiva sexual, haciendo especial hincapié en los aspectos emocionales, afectivos y sociales

    Effects of the Implementation of Tutored Learning Projects and Formative and Shared Assessment Systems in Pre-Service Teacher Education

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    The main purpose of Formative and Shared Assessment (F&SA) is to improve student learning, to improve and redirect teaching practice and to improve the teaching-learning process. This research has two objectives: (1) to analyse the results of the applicability and difficulty of the Good Practice of Tutored Learning Projects (TLP) in a Pre-service Teacher Education (PTE) subject; and (2) to examine the advantages and disadvantages of the F&SA system used in the same subject. For this purpose, a longitudinal study of a PTE subject is carried out over three academic years. The instruments used to collect information are: a structured report on Good Practice in university teaching and an anonymous questionnaire for students to evaluate the experience of Good Practice, which has been carried out and the subject’s evaluation system. The results show the consistency of the course design over the years. Students are satisfied with the TLP experience because they consider it to be useful, effective, innovative, replicable and sustainable, as well as helping in the acquisition of competences

    Assessment in kinship foster care: A new tool to evaluate the strengths and weaknesses

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    Placement in kinship family has existed informally throughout the times. There are many countries in which the kinship family care is the measure most used for child protection. However, it is a subject of continuous debate. One of the major issues it is the constitution of the foster care without the evaluation of the family, and often the child is placed directly to grandparents and uncles by the mere fact of being direct family. The article presents a tool to evaluate extended families in order to assure the welfare of the child. The tool was built by a cooperative research where 126 professionals from 7 regions of Spain participated. The instrument can identify the strengths and weaknesses of families on 6 domains: personal characteristics, the coverage of basic needs, the collaboration with professionals, the family structure and dynamics, the relationship between family, child and biological family and, finally the attitude towards the placement. The tool is innovative while providing elements to work more effectively and introduces the opportunity to reflect upon the skills of the kinship foster care family, the needs of support, and the families that are unfitting to take care of the child. To conclude, the instrument tries to overcome one of the principal disadvantages of kinship foster care: the lack of knowledge about the kinship family

    Neoker Single Crystal Alumina Fibers as reinforcement in Al-based MMC: first steps

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    α-Al2O3 whiskers are good candidates for use as strengtheners in advanced composites, specifically, single crystal -Al2O3 whiskers grown with c-axis orientation, because of their favorable fracture strength, stiffness, and creep resistance, even at high temperatures are optimum reinforces. Very few methods are currently available to obtain single-crystal α-Al2O3 whiskers, and these methods were too complex and expensive for use on an industrial scale. A novel method for obtaining c-axis alumina single-crystal whiskers (developed at the Institute of Ceramic Materials of Galicia) has been scaled-up to industrial production by Neoker, a Spin-Off of the of the University of Santiago de Compostela, Spain. The technology for the production of the whiskers involves the reaction between aluminum and powdered silica in Ar atmospheres containing metal vapors. Aluminum is the most popular matrix for the metal matrix composites (MMCs). The Al alloys are quite attractive due to their low density, their capability to be strengthened by precipitation, their good corrosion resistance, high thermal and electrical conductivity, and their high damping capacity. The reinforcement in AMCs could be in the form of continuous/discontinuous whiskers, whisker or particulates, in volume fractions ranging from a few percent to 70%. Properties of AMCs can be tailored to the demands of different industrial applications by suitable combinations of matrix, reinforcement and processing route. The composites studied in the present work were prepared by infiltration processes where the reinforcements were pressed into a preform that was then infiltrated by the molten Al allo
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