2,434 research outputs found

    The Distribution Function: at the Heart of managing Cultural-Product Industries

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    Cultural industries (music, publishing, movies, television) faced similar trends in recent years : growing importance of distribution, raising costs in promotion, concentrating demand on fewer products, restructuring value added chain. Internet was considered, at a given time, as a lever to promote diversity and to support an expanding creation ; on a contrary, its development contributed to increase concentration and give more importance to prescription and distribution portals. Our communication aims at analyzing precisely the role of distributors in the chain value of cultural industries : aggregating demand, prescribing cultural goods to consumers, contractor for producers. We study distribution comparing more specifically three models of cultural industries : book publishing, movie theaters and television. These models provide with a conceptual framework considering distribution as a network structure. They help to report trends at stake in cultural industries : mass distribution and dematerialization, transforming business models...distribution

    The economics and business models of prescription in the Internet

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    L'Ă©conomie de l'Internet a contribuĂ© Ă  une ouverture du jeu concurrentiel en dissociant les fonctions physique et informationnelle des activitĂ©s de distribution. Plus prĂ©cisĂ©ment, elle a ouvert la voie Ă  de nouvelles structures de marchĂ© en mettant en avant une fonction de prescription clairement distincte des fonctions d'offre d'une part, des fonctions logistiques et de mise Ă  disposition des biens d'autre part. Nous nous attachons ici Ă  montrer que l'analyse des fonctions et modalitĂ©s de prescription permet de mieux comprendre les modĂšles d'affaires et les structures concurrentielles Ă  l'Ɠuvre dans l'Ă©conomie de l'Internet organisĂ©es autour de l'articulationde trois marchĂ©s : biens primaires, rĂ©fĂ©rencement, prescription. Cette modĂ©lisation de marchĂ©s Ă  prescription contribue Ă  enrichir la comprĂ©hension des chaĂźnes de valeur et des relations d'affaires repĂ©rables dans l'Internet.prescription;internet

    Constraints on Light Dark Matter From Core-Collapse Supernovae

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    We show that light (≃\simeq 1 -- 30 MeV) dark matter particles can play a significant role in core-collapse supernovae, if they have relatively large annihilation and scattering cross sections, as compared to neutrinos. We find that if such particles are lighter than ≃\simeq 10 MeV and reproduce the observed dark matter relic density, supernovae would cool on a much longer time scale and would emit neutrinos with significantly smaller energies than in the standard scenario, in disagreement with observations. This constraint may be avoided, however, in certain situations for which the neutrino--dark matter scattering cross sections remain comparatively small.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figur

    Percolation on uniform infinite planar maps

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    We construct the uniform infinite planar map (UIPM), obtained as the n \to \infty local limit of planar maps with n edges, chosen uniformly at random. We then describe how the UIPM can be sampled using a "peeling" process, in a similar way as for uniform triangulations. This process allows us to prove that for bond and site percolation on the UIPM, the percolation thresholds are p_c^bond=1/2 and p_c^site=2/3 respectively. This method also works for other classes of random infinite planar maps, and we show in particular that for bond percolation on the uniform infinite planar quadrangulation, the percolation threshold is p_c^bond=1/3.Comment: 26 pages, 9 figure

    Usages et reprĂ©sentations de la punition : Ă©tude de cas au sein d’un lycĂ©e gĂ©nĂ©ral et technologique de la proche banlieue toulousaine

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    La question que nous nous posons, de maniĂšre primordiale, est celle des finalitĂ©s de la punition et du rapport aux normes scolaires entretenu par les enseignants. Quelles sont les stratĂ©gies mises en place pour punir moins ? Pour punir mieux ? Pour Ă©viter de punir ? Et plus globalement : comment la punition s’inscrit-elle dans le cadre de la gestion de la classe par l’enseignant ?Pour rĂ©pondre Ă  ces questions le choix a Ă©tĂ© fait de privilĂ©gier une approche dite «pragmatique» en sociologie.Afin de mieux saisir les fonctions et finalitĂ©s des punitions dans les lycĂ©es aujourd’hui et pour mieux cerner les diffĂ©rentes configurations d’assujettissement pensĂ©es par les enseignants, nous allons nous pencher sur la gestion de classe dans le cadre d’un style d’enseignement particulier, sur les modalitĂ©s d’intervention qui sont privilĂ©giĂ©es par les acteurs, puis dans un second temps il sera question de la punition telle que se la reprĂ©sentent les enquĂȘtĂ©s, en pointant aussi ses limites et son caractĂšre potentiellement contre-productif

    Short-time asymptotics for marginal distributions of semimartingales

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    We study the short-time asymptotics of conditional expectations of smooth and non-smooth functions of a (discontinuous) Ito semimartingale; we compute the leading term in the asymptotics in terms of the local characteristics of the semimartingale. We derive in particular the asymptotic behavior of call options with short maturity in a semimartingale model: whereas the behavior of \textit{out-of-the-money} options is found to be linear in time, the short time asymptotics of \textit{at-the-money} options is shown to depend on the fine structure of the semimartingale

    The Distribution Function: at the Heart of managing Cultural-Product Industries

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    Cultural industries (music, publishing, movies, television) faced similar trends in recent years : growing importance of distribution, raising costs in promotion, concentrating demand on fewer products, restructuring value added chain. Internet was considered, at a given time, as a lever to promote diversity and to support an expanding creation ; on a contrary, its development contributed to increase concentration and give more importance to prescription and distribution portals. Our communication aims at analyzing precisely the role of distributors in the chain value of cultural industries : aggregating demand, prescribing cultural goods to consumers, contractor for producers. We study distribution comparing more specifically three models of cultural industries : book publishing, movie theaters and television. These models provide with a conceptual framework considering distribution as a network structure. They help to report trends at stake in cultural industries : mass distribution and dematerialization, transforming business models...Les industries culturelles (Ă©ditions phonographique, littĂ©raire et audiovisuelle) sont frappĂ©es depuis plusieurs annĂ©es par des mouvements convergents : montĂ©e en puissance des diffuseurs, dĂ©veloppement de la mĂ©diatisation et des dĂ©penses publicitaires, concentration de la consommation sur un nombre d'Ɠuvres de plus en plus restreint, transformation des chaĂźnes de valeur. Alors qu'Internet Ă©tait envisagĂ©, Ă  un moment, comme un facteur de diversitĂ© et d'ouverture de la crĂ©ation, il s'est vite avĂ©rĂ© que son dĂ©veloppement a au contraire contribuĂ© Ă  accentuer la concentration autour de sites prescripteurs, en dĂ©stabilisant les Ă©diteurs (cf. Benghozi, Paris, 2002). L'objet de cette communication est d'analyser plus prĂ©cisĂ©ment le rĂŽle des distributeurs dans les chaĂźnes de valeur des industries culturelles : agrĂ©gateurs de la demande, prescripteurs des consommateurs, donneurs d'ordre et prescripteurs de crĂ©ation. Nous nous appuierons pour ce faire sur les exemples plus spĂ©cifiques de l'Ă©dition littĂ©raire, du cinĂ©ma et de la tĂ©lĂ©vision. Ils nous permettront de dĂ©velopper un modĂšle thĂ©orique reposant sur une reprĂ©sentation de la distribution sous forme de rĂ©seau. Ce modĂšle permet d'illustrer plus prĂ©cisĂ©ment les mouvements Ă  l'Ɠuvre dans les marchĂ©s des biens culturels (transformation des modĂšles d'affaires sous l'effet conjoint de la grande distribution et de la dĂ©matĂ©rialisation de la consommation, poids des phĂ©nomĂšnes associĂ©s Ă  la de promotion des Ɠuvres...)

    The HOA library, review and prospects

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    International audienceIn this paper, we present the HOA Library, an open source high order ambisonic spatialisation tools collection programmed in C++. We expose the objectives and characteristics of the project, which treat the potential of high order Ambisonics in a musical perspective, based on the practice and the creativity of the electronic musicians. We clarify the context of use, the choice of optimization and decoding. We review the implementations of thelibrary in various environments, such Max, Pure Data, and Faust. We discuss the use of feedback from musicians and members of especially Max and Pure Data community. Finally, we advance the prospects of the HOA library in its current developments in three dimensions

    The economics and business models of prescription in the Internet

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    Our premise is that the mechanisms at work in distribution and intermediation at stake in the business models existing on Internet should be assessed in terms of a prescription economy. By analyzing the markets in terms of prescription, i.e. the capacity of a firm to transform the potential request of a customer into a specific proposal of products, we can investigate the structure of a product or service supply, the decision-making process involved in purchasing, market configurations, and business strategies and models. Analyzing intermediation and information markets in terms of prescription means considering three-pronged markets where prescribers are not simple intermediaries but third parties : they act alongside producers and consumers – not between them – in order to structure the product or service supply or to assume responsibility for some aspect of the consumer decision. If we proceed on this assumption, we can identify the market strategies and structures that characterize a prescription economy.L'Ă©conomie de l'Internet a contribuĂ© Ă  une ouverture du jeu concurrentiel en dissociant les fonctions physique et informationnelle des activitĂ©s de distribution. Plus prĂ©cisĂ©ment, elle a ouvert la voie Ă  de nouvelles structures de marchĂ© en mettant en avant une fonction de prescription clairement distincte des fonctions d'offre d'une part, des fonctions logistiques et de mise Ă  disposition des biens d'autre part. Nous nous attachons ici Ă  montrer que l'analyse des fonctions et modalitĂ©s de prescription permet de mieux comprendre les modĂšles d'affaires et les structures concurrentielles Ă  l'Ɠuvre dans l'Ă©conomie de l'Internet organisĂ©es autour de l'articulationde trois marchĂ©s : biens primaires, rĂ©fĂ©rencement, prescription. Cette modĂ©lisation de marchĂ©s Ă  prescription contribue Ă  enrichir la comprĂ©hension des chaĂźnes de valeur et des relations d'affaires repĂ©rables dans l'Internet
