65 research outputs found

    Stabilitas Fisika-Kimia Krim Serbuk Daun Kelor (Moringa Oleifera) dan Krim Ekstrak Kental Daun Kelor (Morimha Oleifera)

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    Abstrak - Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat sediaan yang stabil dari krim serbuk daun kelor dan krim ekstrak kental daun kelor serta membandingkan besar kemampuan aktivitas antioksida. Krim diformulasi dengan variasi bentuk bahan aktif yaitu formula 1 (krim basis), formula 2 (krim serbuk daun kelor) dan formula 3 (krim ekstrak kental daun kelor) yang disimpan pada suhu 26°C± 2°C / RH 63% ± 5% selama 28 hari. Pengamatan parameter stabilitas fisika dan kimia dilakukan pada 0, 7, 14, 21 dan 28. Data hasil pengamatan stabilitas fisika meliputi parameter organoleptis, tipe emulsi, bobot jenis, ukuran partikel, ukuran droplet, daya sebar, viskositas dan sifat alir. Pengamatan stabilitas kimia meliputi pH dan data pengamatan kemampuan aktivitas antioksidan. Analisis dilakukan menggunakan one-way ANOVA (α = 0,01). Hasil analisis deskriptif menunjukkan adanya ketidakstabilan pada parameter organoleptis (bau), ukuran droplet, ukuran partikel, viskositas dan pH. Kemampuan aktivitas antioksidan sebesar 45,94% untuk formula 1, 68,05% untuk formula 2 dan 93,19% untuk formula 3. Sehingga dapat ditarik kesimpulan bahwa krim serbuk daun kelor dan krim ekstrak kental daun kelor tidak stabil secara parameter stabilitas fisika maupun kimia (pH). Kemampuan aktivitas antioksidan krim ekstrak kental daun kelor lebih besar dibandingkan krim serbuk daun kelor. Kata kunci : Stabilitas fisika, stabilitas kimia, krim, Kelor (Morings oleifera) Abstract - The aim of this study was to look at stable formulation of Moringa leaf powder cream and Moringa leaf extract cream and also to analyze the effect of time storage on physical and chemical stability of Moringa leaf powder cream and Moringa leaf extract cream. The cream has benefit as an antioxidant. Cream were formulated with variations the form of active ingredients namely formula 1 (cream base), formula 2 (cream of Moringa leaf powder) and formula 3 (cream of Moringa leaf extract) which is stored at 26 ° C ± 2 ° C / RH 63% ± 5 % for 28 days. Observations of physical and chemical stability parameters were carried out at 0, 7, 14, 21 and Data observed on physical stability included organoleptic parameters (color, smell, texture), emulsion type, density, particle size, droplet size, spreadability, viscosity and flow properties. Observation of chemical stability includes pH and the ability of antioxidant activity. Analysis was carried out using one-way ANOVA (α = 0.01). The results showed instability on organoleptic parameters (smell), density, droplet size, particle size, spreadability, viscosity and pH. The ability of antioxidant activity was 45.94% for formula 1, 68.05% for formula 2 and 93.19% for formula So, it can be concluded that the Moringa leaf powder cream and Moringa leaf extract cream were not stable in physical or chemical parameters stability. The ability antioxidant activity of Moringa leaf extract cream was higher than Moringa leaf powder cream. Keywords : Physical stability, chemical stability, cream, Moringa oleifer

    The effects of croscarmellose sodium concentration on the physicochemical characteristics of orodispersible tablets of atenolol

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    Hypertension is the most common cardiovascular diseases suffered by geriatric patients. Their physiological changes make the administration of conventional tablets less effective, especially regarding compliance. One approach to overcome this problem is the development of orodispersible tablets, which soften easily and disintegrate quickly in the oral cavity. Atenolol is a class of β-blocker functioning as an anti-hypertensive drug that has been extensively used in hypertension therapy, and it has the potential to being developed as orodispersible tablets. A faster disintegration of orodispersible tablets will facilitate an earlier onset of dissolution. The addition of superdisintegrants can reduce the disintegration time of these tablets. Croscarmellose sodium is a superdisintegrant that can decrease the disintegration time to less than three minutes. This study aimed to optimize the formula of orodispersible tablets of atenolol using different concentrations of croscarmellose sodium, namely 10% (formula 1) and 20% (formula 2). The physicochemical characteristics of the tablets were evaluated to determine the best formula. The evaluation included a comparison to the control formula (0% of croscarmellose sodium). The results showed that formula 1 (10% of croscarmellose sodium) produced orodispersible tablets with the best physicochemical characteristics regarding tablet hardness, friability, in vitro dispersion time, and disintegration time. Formula 1 (%Q30 minutes= 98.31%) also met the standard of the dissolution of atenolol tablets set by the Farmakope Indonesia, i.e., the percent of dissolved drug in 30 minutes has to be higher than 85%. The drug dissolution efficiency of formula 1 was twice higher than that of the control formula

    Stabilitas Fisika‐Kimia Serbuk Daun Kelor (Moringa Oleifera) dan Vitamin E dalam Bentuk Sediaan Krim

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    Abstrak- Tanaman kelor (Moringa oleifera) adalah salah satu tanaman yang memiliki banyak fungsi dan khasiat bagi kehidupan manusia. Salah satu yang paling menonjol dari kandungan tanaman kelor adalah kandungan antioksidan, terutama pada bagian daun. Daun kelor (Moringa oleifera) memiliki kandungan bahan aktif seperti flavonoid, saponin, tanin, dan polifenol. Senyawa tersebut mampu menangkal radikal bebas yang dapat menyebabkan penuaan dini dan kerusakan kulit. Tujuan dilaksanakannya penelitian ini adalah untuk memformulasikan daun kelor (Moringa oleifera) menjadi sediaan krim antioksidan dengan menggunakan variasi bahan aktif yaitu krim basis (F1), krim serbuk daun kelor (F2), dan krim vitamin E (F3). Evaluasi dilakukan untuk melihat stabilitas fisika dan kimia. Parameter uji stabilitas fisika meliputi uji organoleptis, uji daya sebar, uji tipe emulsi, uji bobot jenis, uji viskositas, uji sifat alir, dan uji distribusi ukuran partikel dan droplet. Parameter uji stabilitas kimia meliputi uji pH dan uji aktivitas antioksidan. Pengamatan pada sediaan krim dilakukan selama 28 hari. Penentuan aktivitas antioksidan dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode DPPH yang kemudian serapannya diukur dengan spektrofotometer UV-Vis. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat perbedaan yang bermakna baik pada krim basis, krim serbuk daun kelor, maupun krim vitamin E hal ini ditunjukkan dengan hasil uji statistik ANOVA satu arah yaitu nilai P<0,01. Hasil uji aktivitas antioksidan menunjukkan bahwa krim F2 memilik % peredaman radikal bebas yang lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan krim F1 dan F3. Kata Kunci: kelor, vitamin e, krim, stabilitas fisika-kimia, aktivitas antioksidan Abstract- Moringa oleifera has many functions and properties for human use. One of the most prominent of the Moringa compounds is the antioxidants from the leaves. Moringa oleifera leaves contain active compounds such as flavonoids, saponins, tannins, and polyphenols. These compounds inhibit free radicals that can cause premature aging and skin damage. The purpose of this study was to formulate Moringa oleifera leaves into an antioxidant cream dosage form using a variety of active ingredients which are cream base (F1), cream of Moringa leaf powder (F2), and cream of vitamin E (F3). The evaluation test was done to determine the physical and chemical stability. The parameters of physical stability test include organoleptic test, dispersion test, emulsion type test, density test, viscosity test, flow properties test, and test of particle size distribution and droplet. Chemical stability test parameters include pH test and antioxidant activity test. The observations of the cream dosage forms were followed for 28 days. The determination of antioxidant activity was conducted using the DPPH method which was then measured by a UV-Vis spectrophotometer. The results showed that there were significant differences in the base cream, Moringa oleifera cream, and vitamin E cream as indicated by the results of the one-way ANOVA statistical test, the P value <0.01. The results of the antioxidant activity test showed that F2 cream had a higher % of free radical reduction compared to F1 and F3 creams. Keywords: moringa, vitamin e, cream, physical-chemical stability, antioxidant activit

    Stabilitas Fisika‐Kimia Sediaan Krim Dan Gel Esktrak Kental Daun Kelor (Moringa Oleifera)

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    Abstrak- Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui dan menganalisa stabilitas fisika (organoleptis, tipe emulsi, bobot jenis, ukuran partikel, ukuran droplet daya sebar, viskositas, sifat alir) dan kimia (pH), dan aktivitas antioksidan dari sediaan krim dan gel dengan ekstrak kental daun kelor (Moringa oleifera) sebagai bahan aktif. Formula sediaan yang dibuat yaitu krim basis, krim ekstrak kental daun kelor 3%, gel basis, dan gel ekstrak kental daun kelor 3%. Pengamatan dilakukan selama 28 hari. Hasil pengamatan bobot jenis daya sebar, viskositas, serta pH dianalisis dengan metode analisis statistik Anova one-way dengan nilai signifikansi 0, lebih kecil dari α = 0,01, sehingga hipotesis ditolak. Hasil pengamatan organoleptis, tipe emulsi, ukuran partikel, ukuran droplet dianalisis secara deskriptif. Aktivitas antioksidan dari krim basis, krim ekstrak kental daun kelor, gel basis, dan gel ekstrak kental daun kelor ditunjukkan dengan nilai % peredaman radikal bebas berturut-turut sebesar 45,94%, 93,19%, 40,83% dan 90,36%. Kesimpulan hasil analisa dari keempat formula tersebut menunjukkan ketidakstabilan baik secara fisika dan kimia, serta aktivitas antioksidan pada sediaan gel ekstrak kental daun kelor lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan krim ekstrak kental daun kelor.Kata kunci: krim, gel, Moringa oleifera, antioksidan, stabilitas Abstract- The aim of the research is to observe the physical stability (organoleptic, emulsion type, density, particles size, droplets size, density, spreadibility, viscosity, flow properties), chemical stability (pH), and antioxidant activity of cream and gel containing Moringa oleifera leaves extract as the active pharmaceutical ingredient (API). There are 4 formula in this research, including cream base, Moringa oleifera leaves extract 3% cream, gel base, and Moringa oleifera leaves extract 3% gel. Observation was carried out in 28 days. The results of density, spreadibility, viscosity, and pH was analyzed using Anova one-way, showed that the significance values are 0, smaller than α = 0,01, so the hypothesis was denied. The results of organoleptic, particles size, droplets size, was observed descriptively. Antioxidant activity of cream base, Moringa oleifera leaves extract cream, gel base, and Moringa oleifera leaves extract gel showed by %RSA (Radical Scavenging activity), which values are 45,94%, 93,19%, 40,83% dan 90,36%. The final conclusion are all of the formulas was not stable physically and chemically, also the antioxidant activity of Moringa oleifera leaves extract gel is higher than Moringa oleifera leaves extract cream.Keywords: cream, gel, Moringa oleifera, antioxidant, stabilit

    The effects of croscarmellose sodium concentration on the physicochemical characteristics of orodispersible tablets of atenolol

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    Hypertension is the most common cardiovascular diseases suffered by geriatric patients. Their physiological changes make the administration of conventional tablets less effective, especially regarding compliance. One approach to overcome this problem is the development of orodispersible tablets, which soften easily and disintegrate quickly in the oral cavity. Atenolol is a class of β-blocker functioning as an anti-hypertensive drug that has been extensively used in hypertension therapy, and it has the potential to being developed as orodispersible tablets. A faster disintegration of orodispersible tablets will facilitate an earlier onset of dissolution. The addition of superdisintegrants can reduce the disintegration time of these tablets. Croscarmellose sodium is a superdisintegrant that can decrease the disintegration time to less than three minutes. This study aimed to optimize the formula of orodispersible tablets of atenolol using different concentrations of croscarmellose sodium, namely 10% (formula 1) and 20% (formula 2). The physicochemical characteristics of the tablets were evaluated to determine the best formula. The evaluation included a comparison to the control formula (0% of croscarmellose sodium). The results showed that formula 1 (10% of croscarmellose sodium) produced orodispersible tablets with the best physicochemical characteristics regarding tablet hardness, friability, in vitro dispersion time, and disintegration time. Formula 1 (%Q30 minutes= 98.31%) also met the standard of the dissolution of atenolol tablets set by the Farmakope Indonesia, i.e., the percent of dissolved drug in 30 minutes has to be higher than 85%. The drug dissolution efficiency of formula 1 was twice higher than that of the control formula

    Stabilitas Fisika‐Kimia Sediaan Krim Dan Gel Esktrak Kental Daun Kelor (Moringa Oleifera)

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    Abstrak- Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui dan menganalisa stabilitas fisika (organoleptis, tipe emulsi, bobot jenis, ukuran partikel, ukuran droplet daya sebar, viskositas, sifat alir) dan kimia (pH), dan aktivitas antioksidan dari sediaan krim dan gel dengan ekstrak kental daun kelor (Moringa oleifera) sebagai bahan aktif. Formula sediaan yang dibuat yaitu krim basis, krim ekstrak kental daun kelor 3%, gel basis, dan gel ekstrak kental daun kelor 3%. Pengamatan dilakukan selama 28 hari. Hasil pengamatan bobot jenis daya sebar, viskositas, serta pH dianalisis dengan metode analisis statistik Anova one-way dengan nilai signifikansi 0, lebih kecil dari α = 0,01, sehingga hipotesis ditolak. Hasil pengamatan organoleptis, tipe emulsi, ukuran partikel, ukuran droplet dianalisis secara deskriptif. Aktivitas antioksidan dari krim basis, krim ekstrak kental daun kelor, gel basis, dan gel ekstrak kental daun kelor ditunjukkan dengan nilai % peredaman radikal bebas berturut-turut sebesar 45,94%, 93,19%, 40,83% dan 90,36%. Kesimpulan hasil analisa dari keempat formula tersebut menunjukkan ketidakstabilan baik secara fisika dan kimia, serta aktivitas antioksidan pada sediaan gel ekstrak kental daun kelor lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan krim ekstrak kental daun kelor.Kata kunci: krim, gel, Moringa oleifera, antioksidan, stabilitas Abstract- The aim of the research is to observe the physical stability (organoleptic, emulsion type, density, particles size, droplets size, density, spreadibility, viscosity, flow properties), chemical stability (pH), and antioxidant activity of cream and gel containing Moringa oleifera leaves extract as the active pharmaceutical ingredient (API). There are 4 formula in this research, including cream base, Moringa oleifera leaves extract 3% cream, gel base, and Moringa oleifera leaves extract 3% gel. Observation was carried out in 28 days. The results of density, spreadibility, viscosity, and pH was analyzed using Anova one-way, showed that the significance values are 0, smaller than α = 0,01, so the hypothesis was denied. The results of organoleptic, particles size, droplets size, was observed descriptively. Antioxidant activity of cream base, Moringa oleifera leaves extract cream, gel base, and Moringa oleifera leaves extract gel showed by %RSA (Radical Scavenging activity), which values are 45,94%, 93,19%, 40,83% dan 90,36%. The final conclusion are all of the formulas was not stable physically and chemically, also the antioxidant activity of Moringa oleifera leaves extract gel is higher than Moringa oleifera leaves extract cream.Keywords: cream, gel, Moringa oleifera, antioxidant, stabilit

    Stabilitas Fisika‐Kimia Serbuk Daun Kelor (Moringa Oleifera) dan Vitamin E dalam Bentuk Sediaan Krim

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    Abstrak- Tanaman kelor (Moringa oleifera) adalah salah satu tanaman yang memiliki banyak fungsi dan khasiat bagi kehidupan manusia. Salah satu yang paling menonjol dari kandungan tanaman kelor adalah kandungan antioksidan, terutama pada bagian daun. Daun kelor (Moringa oleifera) memiliki kandungan bahan aktif seperti flavonoid, saponin, tanin, dan polifenol. Senyawa tersebut mampu menangkal radikal bebas yang dapat menyebabkan penuaan dini dan kerusakan kulit. Tujuan dilaksanakannya penelitian ini adalah untuk memformulasikan daun kelor (Moringa oleifera) menjadi sediaan krim antioksidan dengan menggunakan variasi bahan aktif yaitu krim basis (F1), krim serbuk daun kelor (F2), dan krim vitamin E (F3). Evaluasi dilakukan untuk melihat stabilitas fisika dan kimia. Parameter uji stabilitas fisika meliputi uji organoleptis, uji daya sebar, uji tipe emulsi, uji bobot jenis, uji viskositas, uji sifat alir, dan uji distribusi ukuran partikel dan droplet. Parameter uji stabilitas kimia meliputi uji pH dan uji aktivitas antioksidan. Pengamatan pada sediaan krim dilakukan selama 28 hari. Penentuan aktivitas antioksidan dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode DPPH yang kemudian serapannya diukur dengan spektrofotometer UV-Vis. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat perbedaan yang bermakna baik pada krim basis, krim serbuk daun kelor, maupun krim vitamin E hal ini ditunjukkan dengan hasil uji statistik ANOVA satu arah yaitu nilai P<0,01. Hasil uji aktivitas antioksidan menunjukkan bahwa krim F2 memilik % peredaman radikal bebas yang lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan krim F1 dan F3. Kata Kunci: kelor, vitamin e, krim, stabilitas fisika-kimia, aktivitas antioksidan Abstract- Moringa oleifera has many functions and properties for human use. One of the most prominent of the Moringa compounds is the antioxidants from the leaves. Moringa oleifera leaves contain active compounds such as flavonoids, saponins, tannins, and polyphenols. These compounds inhibit free radicals that can cause premature aging and skin damage. The purpose of this study was to formulate Moringa oleifera leaves into an antioxidant cream dosage form using a variety of active ingredients which are cream base (F1), cream of Moringa leaf powder (F2), and cream of vitamin E (F3). The evaluation test was done to determine the physical and chemical stability. The parameters of physical stability test include organoleptic test, dispersion test, emulsion type test, density test, viscosity test, flow properties test, and test of particle size distribution and droplet. Chemical stability test parameters include pH test and antioxidant activity test. The observations of the cream dosage forms were followed for 28 days. The determination of antioxidant activity was conducted using the DPPH method which was then measured by a UV-Vis spectrophotometer. The results showed that there were significant differences in the base cream, Moringa oleifera cream, and vitamin E cream as indicated by the results of the one-way ANOVA statistical test, the P value <0.01. The results of the antioxidant activity test showed that F2 cream had a higher % of free radical reduction compared to F1 and F3 creams. Keywords: moringa, vitamin e, cream, physical-chemical stability, antioxidant activit

    Preparation And Characterization Of Atenolol-Β-Cyclodextrin Orally Disintegrating Tablets

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    Atenolol is a hypertension drug that has a low solubility characteristic in water and gastric fluid. The rate of absorption of the drug with poor solubility characteristics is determined by the dissolution process. In this study, an attempt has been conducted to increase the dissolution of atenolol by increasing its solubility. The solubility of atenolol has been enhanced by the inclusion complex using β-cyclodextrin made by several methods (physical mixing, kneading, and solvent evaporation). Evaluation and characterization of atenolol-β-cyclodextrin inclusion complex consist of drug content, dissolution test, Fourier Transformed Infrared analysis (FT-IR), Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC), X-ray Diffraction (XRD) and Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM). The results of the drug content analysis, dissolution test, and characterization showed that atenolol- β-cyclodextrin inclusion complex, which has been made by the solvent evaporation method was the best approach. Therefore, a solvent evaporation method was chosen to formulate orally disintegrating tablets of atenolol-β-cyclodextrin using direct compression technique. Orally disintegrating tablets of atenolol-β-cyclodextrin were prepared using crospovidone as disintegrant. The results of pre-compression test and the post-compression test revealed that orally disintegrating tablets of atenolol-β-cyclodextrin inclusion complex disintegrate within 8.17 ± 0.41 sec. In-vitro dispersion time in simulated saliva was found to be 45.33 ± 0.58 sec and the percentage of atenolol dissolved from this formula was 92.22% in 30 min. Hence, this formula shows good physicochemical characteristics and fulfill pharmaceutical quality requirements of orally disintegrating tablet


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    Objective: The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of coprocessed superdisintegrants (crospovidone-sodium starch glycolate) ratio 1:1; 1:2; and 1:3 to the physicochemical characteristics of atenolol orally disintegrating tablets. Methods: Orally disintegrating tablets of atenolol were prepared by direct compression method. There were three formulas which using three different ratios of coprocessed superdisintegrants (crospovidone-sodium starch glycolate). The ratio of coprocessed superdisintegrants were, 1:1 (formula 1); 1:2 (formula 2); and 1:3 (formula 3). Evaluation of the formulas was conducted before compression (pre-compression evaluation) and after compression (post-compression evaluation). Results: The results of pre-compression evaluation showed that all the formulas have good flowability and excellent angle of repose. The results of post-compression evaluation showed that all the formulas met the specification of orally disintegrating tablets. The different ratio of coprocessed crospovidone-sodium starch glycolate (1:1; 1:2; and 1:3) caused significant differences in tablet dispersion time (p<0.05). Dissolution test showed that all the formulas met the specification of dissolution from atenolol tablet (not <85% of atenolol was dissolved in 30 min). Formula 1 showed the highest dissolution efficiency (92.91±0.11)% and area under the curve value (11149.13±13.15) compared to formula 2 and formula 3. Conclusion: The results from this study showed that coprocessed superdisintegrants (crospovidone-sodium starch glycolate) ratio affect the physicochemical characteristics of atenolol orally disintegrating tablet. Based on pre-compression evaluation and post-compression evaluation, formula 1 was the best formula


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    Hypertension is the most common cardiovascular diseases, moreover hypertension is a major risk factor for coronary artery disease and its complications. Hypertension prevalence increases with advancing age. Atenolol is a competitive beta (1) -selective adrenergic antagonists and has been widely used in hypertension therapy. Administration of conventional tablets of atenolol has been reported to exhibit poor patient compliance in geriatric patients. The aim of this study was to formulate and evaluate orally disintegrating tablets of atenolol to overcome poor patient compliance in geriatric patients. In this study, crospovidone were used as superdisintegrant in two different concentrations (10% and 20%). Formula 1 using 0% of crospovidone, formula 2 using 10% of crospovidone, and formula 3 using 20% of crospovidone. It was found that there was significant difference of wetting time, water absorption ratio, in vitro dispersion time, and dissolution parameters (area under curve value (AUC) and dissolution efficiency (ED)) among these formulas. Formula 2 which used 10% crospovidone showed the best physichochemical characteristics and met all requirements of orally disintegrating tablets. Dissolution efficiency of formula 2 (10% crospovidone) increased approximately 2 times compared to formula 1 (0% crospovidone), moreover dissolution efficiency of formula 2 increased 1.25 times compared to formula 3 (20% crospovidone)