172 research outputs found

    The Adoption of IFRS 8 and the Relevance of Segment Reporting Changes

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    Trabalho apresentado em BAA Doctoral Colloquium 2010, Cardiff, Reino Unido.N/

    The effects of the large-scale asset purchase programs launched by the ECB and the FED

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    This Dissertation explores the effects of the large-scale asset purchase programs launched by the European Central Bank in 2014 and by the Federal Reserve in 2008 and compare the results across the two economies. We start by investigating whether the programs had effects in reducing financial market tensions by analyzing the daily behavior of some market indicators around important announcement dates. Then, by employing a standard VAR, we analyze the impact of an asset purchase shocks in main macroeconomic indicators, such as output and prices, and in financial markets indicators, such as bond yields and stock prices. From the first analysis, the results suggest that both Central Banks made announcements that had immediate effects in reducing bond yields, depreciating the domestic currency and boosting stock prices. From the VAR analysis, we conclude that the US program was more effective in rising output, inflation and stock prices than the ECB program, and that both programs were able to decrease both long term government and corporate bond yields of the respective economy. However, it was found stronger evidence for the US dollar depreciation during the US period studied than for the euro area domestic currency depreciation during the ECB program.I would like to thank my supervisor, Professor Carla Soares, for all the support, dedication and availability demonstrated during all the thesis semester. Without the comments and advices given throughout the period, I would never been able to submit the present dissertation. Thank you very much for this opportunity to work together with you. I would also like to thank my family, for all the help and motivation given throughout my whole life, and specially my parents, João and Isabel, that have playing a huge an important role in my life and education. Further, I would like to thank all my friends, for the support and confidence provided during this period, that helped me facing the problems that eventually occurred while working on the dissertation. Lastly, I would like to thank the University Católica-Lisbon for having contributed towards my interest in finance, that has encouraged me into approaching this topic

    Competências-chave dos comerciantes dos mercados municipais: estudo de caso no Mercado do Livramento de Setúbal

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    Purpose – This study aims to analyse the role and importance of trader’s competencies in the context of municipal markets. It is proposed to define the ideal competences profile of traders (ICPT) in a municipal market – Livramento Market of Setubal, Portugal – attending to their key competencies, to assess the degree of similarity between the actual profile of the traders and the ICPT.Design/methodology/approach – A case study was carried out with a quantitative approach through the application of a survey to individuals of the various stakeholders’ groups (N = 36) related to the municipal markets.Findings – The ordering the relative importance of the competencies allowed to obtain the ICPT, highlighting the greater importance of more technical competencies in detrimental of soft competencies. Each of the competence’s profiles identified by the different groups were compared to the ICPT and high percentages of similarity were obtained (greater than 70%).Research implications – This study assists professional associations and managers in the design of local market management models with a focus on competencies, guiding their efforts towards the development of the most relevant competencies for professional practice.Originality/value – Its originality is based on the lack of research studies focused on the analysis of the competences of the players in the municipal markets. The analysis of the central role of a profession that is little valued, and little studied in the national context serves as an anchor for other studies on the competencies of these professionals.Objetivo – Este estudo tem como objetivo analisar o papel e importância das competências dos comerciantes dos mercados municipais. Propõe-se definir o perfil de competências ideal do comerciante (PCIC) num mercado municipal – Mercado do Livramento de Setúbal, Portugal – em termos das suas competências-chave, de modo a avaliar o grau de similaridade a esse perfil.Design/metodologia – Recorreu-se a um estudo de caso, consubstanciado numa abordagem quantitativa através da aplicação de um inquérito aos diversos grupos de stakeholders (N = 36) que se relacionam com os mercados municipais.Resultados – A ordenação da importância relativa das competências permitiu obter o PCIC, tendo-se verificado uma maior importância das competências mais técnicas em detrimento das competências soft. Cada um dos perfis de competências identificadas pelos diferentes grupos foram comparados ao PCIC sendo as percentagens de similaridade elevadas (superiores a 70%).Implicações da pesquisa – Este estudo auxilia as associações profissionais e os responsáveis na conceção de modelos de gestão dos mercados locais com enfoque nas competências, orientando os seus esforços para o desenvolvimento das capacidades mais relevantes para o exercício da profissão.Originalidade/valor – A sua originalidade assenta na inexistência de estudos de investigação centrados na análise das competências dos diferentes agentes dos mercados municipais. A análise do papel central de uma profissão pouco valorizada e estudada em contexto nacional, serve de âncora para outros estudos sobre as competências destes profissionais

    Competitive harm and business segment reporting under ifrs 8: evidence from european union listed firms

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    Comunicação apresentada no EAA 38th Annual Congress, 28-30 abril 2015, Glasgow, Reino UnidoUnder IFRS 8, firms’ should provide financial segment disclosures that enable investors to assess the different sources of risk and income as management does. This sensitive information would also be available for competitors. The potential competitive harm may incentive firms to withhold segment information. However, the IASB believe that segment disclosure would improve. We aim to study the influence of competitive harm on the level of segment disclosures under IFRS 8 using a large sample of firms from EU. Empirical tests to our competitive harm model estimate the effect of three competitive harm proxies: abnormal profitability, industry concentration and labor power. The results showed a significant increase on the number of reportable business segments, but less significant for the number of key items. Estimation of the model, in pre and post period of IFRS 8 adoption, revealed that firms over performing their industry, operating in more concentrated industries and subject to higher labor power are still related to lower levels of segment disclosure on both periods. Furthermore, the results of the “change model2 showed that firms previously associated to abnormal profitability and labor power are statistically more related to the “no change” category than to the category representing firms that increased their disclosure. Overall the results seem to suggest that IFRS 8 had a low or a null effect in reducing non-disclosure due to proprietary costs motivations

    Improving Urban Food Markets as a Local Sustainable Meeting Point

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    Trabalho apresentado em Conferência Internacional de Gestão, Turismo e Tecnologias de 2023 (ICMTT’23), 4-6 maio 2023, Bogotá, Colômbia.Urban food markets are considered as catalyzers of regional development and central places for promoting sustainability through the short cycles between the farm and the plate. This paper aims to identify mechanisms for improving the performance of an urban food market, con- sidering an extended internal and external analysis. This includes competitive pressure and op- portunities and their specific constraints on maximizing its relations with the region's inhabitants and simultaneously promoting the local economy and sustainable behaviors and policies in the community. This is a case study carried out using a qualitative approach with different key play- ers from one of the most important fish markets in the world – Mercado do Livramento in Setúbal (Portugal). The conclusions reinforce the need to preserve its authenticity, through the attraction, satisfaction, and improvement of loyalty rates of local customers, while also reaching a different public and increasing its regional, national, and international attractiveness. To a large extent, this action will involve investing in improving the value proposition of merchants and promoting exclusive experiences, focused on products and people, which is in line with the goals of sustain- able development.N/

    Key competencies of traders in municipal markets: case study in the Livramento Market of Setubal

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    Purpose – This study aims to analyse the role and importance of trader’s competencies in the context of mu nicipal markets. It is proposed to define the ideal competences profile of traders (ICPT) in a municipal market – Livramento Market of Setubal, Portugal – attending to their key competencies, to assess the degree of simi larity between the actual profile of the traders and the ICPT. Design/methodology/approach – A case study was carried out with a quantitative approach through the application of a survey to individuals of the various stakeholders’ groups (N = 36) related to the municipal markets. Findings – The ordering the relative importance of the competencies allowed to obtain the ICPT, highlight ing the greater importance of more technical competencies in detrimental of soft competencies. Each of the competence’s profiles identified by the different groups were compared to the ICPT and high percentages of similarity were obtained (greater than 70%). Research implications – This study assists professional associations and managers in the design of local mar ket management models with a focus on competencies, guiding their efforts towards the development of the most relevant competencies for professional practice. Originality/value – Its originality is based on the lack of research studies focused on the analysis of the com petences of the players in the municipal markets. The analysis of the central role of a profession that is little valued, and little studied in the national context serves as an anchor for other studies on the competencies of these professionals.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio

    The Contribution of financial information for stock price value

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    Trabalho apresentado em 2010 British Accounting Association Annual Conference, 30 março-1 de abril 2010, Cardiff, Reino Unidoinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Segment Reporting under IFRS 8: Evidence from Spanish Listed Firms

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    Trabalho apresentado em XVI Congresso da AECA, 2011, Granada, EspanhaN/

    A importância dos blogues na comunicação das marcas : o caso Bloggers Battle By L'Oréal Professionel

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    Mestrado em Ciências EmpresariaisOs Social Media são meios de comunicação que permitem uma maior interatividade entre os seus utilizadores, sendo uma ferramenta cada vez mais utilizada devido à facilidade e rapidez na partilha de informação e conteúdos na internet. Dentro do grupo dos Social Media, estão incluídos os blogues, que são páginas da Web onde os seus proprietários partilham conteúdos que acham interessantes. O número de blogues e de leitores deste tipo de páginas cresceu bastante nos últimos anos, o que levou muitas marcas a utilizá-los na comunicação com os seus consumidores. Neste estudo procurou-se responder a seguinte questão de investigação: "Como os blogues podem ser meios de comunicação relevantes para a divulgação da marca"?. Para tanto foi utilizado como método de investigação o estudo de caso, que analisou uma parceria entre uma marca e algumas bloggers portuguesas, numa iniciativa chamada Bloggers Battle by L'Oréal Professionnel. A recolha de dados foi feita através de entrevistas em profundidade com o representante da marca, a responsável pela ação da empresa que fez a gestão da mesma e com algumas das bloggers participantes. Para além das entrevistas foram analisados dados dos blogues e comentários relativos a esta ação no Facebook. As principais contribuições referem-se a descrição detalhada de como funciona uma parceria entre uma marca e algumas bloggers portuguesas e como esta ação contribuiu para a marca atingir os objetivos da sua estratégia. Outra importante contribuição foi a análise da utilização dos blogues como meio de comunicação das marcas com os consumidores.The Social Media is a communication vehicle which allows to its users a great interactivity between them. These communication tools are used nowadays to daily communication between the users given its efficiency and quickness in sharing information and contents virtually. Among the Social Media group, there are blogs which are web pages where their owners share personal experiences and contents according to their preferences. Recently the number of this type of blogs and its followers has been increasing and aware of this fact; more and more companies are starting to use this communication channel to reach their consumers. This study looked to answer the question: "How can Blogs be relevant communication means regarding brand awareness"? Bearing this in mind, the investigation method was based in the case study concerning the partnership between one brand e some Portuguese bloggers, an initiative named Bloggers Battle by L'Oréal Profissionnel. The data collection for the investigation was done through in-depth interviews with some of the people which take part in this process, namely some bloggers, brand representatives and marketing project managers. Regardless the interviews, some blog data and comments on Facebook related to this initiative were analyzed. The main contributions are referent to a detailed description of how a partnership between a brand and some bloggers works and how important it is to the companies in reaching their strategic goals. Another important contribution was the analysis of the blogs use as communication links between brands and consumers

    When I grow up I will be a teacher: how futureteachers represent teacher’s identity

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    A afirmação e a discussão das identidades atravessa hoje todas as culturas e todas as sociedades e, no interior destas, os mais diversos grupos, entre os quais os de natureza profissional, à semelhança dos professores, cada um com a sua especificidade e elementos de ligação, mas todos com alguns pontos em comum. Nesse contexto, apresenta-se um estudo que tem como objetivo central a explicitação e a problematização da identidade docente e do interesse e das condições do seu exercício. Tal estudo é feito, quer num plano teórico, revisitando alguma bibliografia de referência, designadamente a relacionada com a construção e o papel da(s) identidade(s); quer num plano empírico, decorrente da análise de representações sociais de 96 jovens estudantes de licenciaturas em ensino de uma universidade portuguesa. O recurso às representações sociais como instrumento para a compreensão da identidade docente perspectivada por futuros professores afigura- -se pertinente, seja pelo papel daquelas na interpretação da atividade profissional do professor e na configuração do trabalho deste, seja pelo seu papel de orientação da própria ação docente e de justificação dela. Acrescente-se ainda que o quadro teórico que serve de suporte ao estudo permite perceber em que medida as representações sociais dos inquiridos sobre os processos de ensino-aprendizagem em que intervirão, já como professores, incorporam as suas próprias experiências