8 research outputs found

    Para repensar o ensino de genética : levantamento e análise da produção acadêmica da área do ensino de ciências e Biologia no Brasil

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    Buscou-se analisar a produção científica envolvendo a temática Ensino de Genética e Afins, provindas dos três principais eventos acadêmicos da Área de Ensino de Biologia e Ciências (EPEB, ENPEC, EREBIO/ENEBIO), entre 2001 e 2007. Foram identificados 152 trabalhos, em 13 anais, os quais foram categorizados em duas modalidades (Pesquisa acadêmica e Proposição de atividades-práticas), e em diversos focos e estratégias. Realizou-se, adicionalmente, um levantamento de dissertação e teses sobre a temática (52 títulos), a partir de bancos digitalizados presentes na Internet e sítios de Programas de Pós-Graduação em Ensino de Ciências e em Educação. Sob a luz deste trabalho, apontam-se considerações finais sobre os desafios presentes na renovação da genética escolar, ao se reconhecer a necessidade de superação do ensino fragmentado, desatualizado e descontextualizado

    Alveolar macrophages are the main target cells in feline calicivirus-associated pneumonia

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    Feline calicivirus (FCV) is a pathogen of felids and one of the most common causative agents of feline upper respiratory disease (URD). Reports of natural FCV pneumonia in the course of respiratory tract infections are sparse. Therefore, knowledge on the pathogenesis of FCV-induced lung lesions comes only from experimental studies. The aim of the present study was to assess the type and extent of pulmonary involvement in natural respiratory FCV infections of domestic cats and to identify the viral target cells in the lung. For this purpose, histology, immunohistochemistry and RNA-in situ hybridisation for FCV and relevant cell markers were performed on diagnostic post-mortem specimens collected after fatal URD, virulent systemic FCV or other conditions. All groups of cats exhibited similar acute pathological changes, dominated by multifocal desquamation of activated alveolar macrophages (AM) and occasional type II pneumocytes with fibrin exudation, consistent with diffuse alveolar damage (DAD). In fatal cases, this was generally seen without evidence of epithelial regeneration. In cats without clinical respiratory signs, type II pneumocyte hyperplasia was present alongside the other changes, consistent with the post-damage proliferative phase of DAD. FCV infected and replicated in AM and, to a lesser extent, type II pneumocytes. This study shows that lung involvement is an infrequent but important feature of FCV-induced URD. AM are the main viral target cell and pulmonary replication site, and their infection is associated with desquamation and activation, as well as death via apoptosis

    Transgenic plants are an alternative to oily fish for providing omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids in the human diet: A summary of the findings of a BBSRC funded project

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    The n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) present primarily in oily fish, namely eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), are important components of cell membranes and are needed for normal development and cell function. Humans have very limited capacity for EPA and DHA synthesis from α-linolenic acid and so they must be obtained preformed from the diet. However, perceived unpalatability of oily fish and fish oil, concerns about contamination with environmental pollutants, dietary choices that exclude fish and animal products, and price limit the effectiveness of recommendations for EPA and DHA intakes. Moreover, marine sources of EPA and DHA are diminishing in the face of increasing demands. Therefore, an alternative source of EPA and DHA is needed that is broadly acceptable, can be upscaled and is sustainable. This review discusses these challenges and, using findings from recent nutritional trials, explains how they may be overcome by seed oils from transgenic plants engineered to produce EPA and DHA. Trials in healthy men and women assessed the acute uptake and appearance in blood over 8 hours of EPA and DHA from transgenic Camelina sativa compared to fish oil, and the incorporation of these PUFA into blood lipids after dietary supplementation. The findings showed that postprandial EPA and DHA incorporation into blood lipids and accumulation in plasma lipids after dietary supplementation was as good as that achieved with fish oil. The oil derived from this transgenic plant was well tolerated. This review also discusses the implications for human nutrition, marine ecology and agriculture