856 research outputs found


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    The study is aimed at analyze atomic and electronic structure of Cu (II) and Pb (II) ions in the artificially contaminated soil and its mineral components using X-ray absorption spectroscopy methods based on synchrotron radiation. Soil sampling was taken in the 0-20 cm topsoil of the Haplic Chernozem of the South Russia. In a model experiment the samples taken were artificially contaminated with higher portions (2000 and 10000 mg/kg) of nitrates and oxides of Cu and Pb. The experimental X-ray absorption (XANES and EXAFS) spectra at the K-edge of Cu and LIII-edge of Pb were performed at the Structural Materials Science beamline of the Kurchatov Center for Synchrotron Radiation (Moscow) in the fluorescence regime. The features of XANES spectra indicate different orbital transitions in the electron shells of Pb (II) and Cu (II) ions for monoxide and soluble salt, which affect the ion properties and determine the individual structure of the coordination sphere. Analysis of the EXAFS revealed that Cu (II) ions are incorporated in the octahedral and tetrahedral sites of minerals and bonded with humic materials at the expense of covalent bond and the formation of coordination humate copper complexes. Lead ions in soil are incorporated in the positions of the inner-sphere complex replacing some aluminum ions in the octahedral sites. This results in changes the Pb–O distances in Pb-bearing octahedrons. We may suggest that Pb (II) is also sorbed by dimer (Pb–Pb) silicate and/or aluminum groups

    Effects of insulin-like growth factor-I on the maturation of metabolism in neonatal rat cardiomyocytes

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    Myocardial metabolism shifts during the perinatal period from predominant utilization of glucose towards oxidation of fatty acids. Expression of enzymes of the fatty acid oxidation (FAO) pathway is under the control of the nuclear receptor/transcription factor peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor α (PPARα). Insulin-like Growth Factor-I (IGF-I) plays an important role in the post-natal growth and differentiation of the heart. We determined the influence of IGF-I on the maturation of myocardial metabolism. In neonatal rat cardiac myocytes, expression of the FAO enzymes MCAD and M-CPT I was induced by treatment with the specific PPARα agonist WY-14643. Concomitant treatment with IGF-I enhanced the expression of both FAO enzymes. By comparison, treatment with FGF-2, which is required for myocyte differentiation of cardiac precursors, did not increase WY-14643-induced expression of FAO enzymes. Despite stimulation of FAO enzyme expression, IGF-I did not further enhance WY-14643-stimulated palmitate oxidation. In contrast, IGF-I relieved WY-14643-mediated inhibition of glucose uptake and promoted storage of fatty acids into cellular neutral lipids. In conclusion, IGF-I promotes a more mature pattern of FAO gene expression but, because of insulin-like metabolic effects, does not concomitantly enhance oxidation of fatty acid

    Régimen laboral especial de los conductores de transporte terrestre interprovincial

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    En el presente trabajo empezaremos estudiando el régimen laboral actual de los conductores de transporte terrestre interprovincial en el país. Asimismo, comprobaremos que este régimen goza de ciertas particularidades que hacen que el tratamiento laboral actual que se da a este grupo de trabajadores no sea necesariamente el más adecuado para una mejor protección de sus derechos fundamentales. En efecto, el trabajo parte de un análisis de la normativa legal laboral que regula a los conductores de transporte interprovincial y del actual tratamiento jurisprudencial que las Cortes peruanas han venido dándole a sus condiciones laborales. Este estudio es relevante en tanto nos animaremos a proponer un tratamiento laboral distinto al actual. Esto, en tanto el Derecho del Trabajo debe de otorgar una serie de garantías a los trabajadores, lo que, según verificaremos, no se está dando actualmente. Así, concluiremos el trabajo con una propuesta de reforma integral del régimen laboral actual de los conductores de transporte terrestre interprovincial, que ya en algunos otros países se ha venido dando en pos de una mejor garantía de sus derechos.Trabajo académic

    Análisis de la oferta ambiental municipal, bajo un enfoque territorial y social: estudio de caso Municipio de Viotá Cundinamarca

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    Análisis del estado y manejo de los Bienes y Servicios por parte de las Administraciones municipales y comunidad en general, oferta ambiental que ofrece el municipio de Viota Cundinamarca

    Marketing de servicios para el Centro Médico de Especialidades "QRAR" ubicado en el cantón La Libertad de la Provincia de Santa Elena

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    El marketing de servicio es una herramienta gerencial que permite mejorar la difusión de productos intangibles, la presente investigación determina cuales son las características del mercado enfocadas en las 4 P del marketing que son producto, plaza, precio y promoción. El objetivo que se pretende alcanzar es la realización de un plan de marketing dirigido a mejorar las ventas de los servicios ofrecidos por el Centro médico Qrar de la ciudad de La Libertad, beneficiando a los habitantes de la provincia de Santa Elena. Las técnicas utilizadas para la presente investigación son: las visitas de campo, la entrevista y la encuesta; así como el análisis comparativo de los precios y datos estadísticos de la morbilidad y mortalidad de los habitantes de la provincia de Santa Elena

    A arte, o urbano e o social: um espaço de provocação

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    Este artigo tem como objetivo propor considerações sobre os novos espaços ocupados pela arte e como essa pode interferir no espaço comum, no espaço urbano, criando uma rede de significações e reestruturando relações no meio urbano. A reorganização da sociedade contemporânea engloba também a reorganização dos espaços da arte, para exemplificar tais intervenções buscou-se destacar a obra de dois artistas que trabalham exclusivamente no espaço urbano, Jenny Holzer e Rafael Lozzano-Hemer. Diante de tais considerações busca-se visualizar como a arte comporta-se inserida no espaço das cidades, bem como inquirir outros arranjos de composições e fazeres que provoquem intensidades do viver.Palavras-chave: Arte; Urbano; Intervenção

    Solubility of Benzo[a]pyrene and Organic Matter of Soil in Subcritical Water

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    A dynamic subcritical water extraction method of benzo[a]pyrene from soils is under consideration. The optimum conditions for benzo[a]pyrene extraction from soil are described including the soil treatment by subcritical water at 250 °C and 100 atm for 30 min. The effectiveness of developed method was determined using the matrix spiking recovery technique. A comparative analysis was made to evaluate the results of benzo[a]pyrene extraction from soils using the subcritical water and organic solvents. The advantages of the subcritical water extraction involve the use of ecologically friendly solvent, a shorter time for the analysis and a higher amount of benzo[a]pyrene extracted from soil (96 %). The influence of subcritical water extraction on soil properties was measured the investigation of the processes occurring within soil under the influence the high temperature and pressure. Under appropriate conditions of the experiment there is the destruction of the soil organic matter while the composition of the soil mineral fraction remains practically unchanged

    Regulation of glucose transporter expression in cardiac myocytes: p38 MAPK is a strong inducer of GLUT4

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    Objective: In vivo differentiation of cardiac myocytes is associated with downregulation of the glucose transporter isoform GLUT1 and upregulation of the isoform GLUT4. Adult rat cardiomyocytes in primary culture undergo spontaneous dedifferentiation, followed by spreading and partial redifferentiation, which can be influenced by growth factors. We used this model to study the signaling mechanisms modifying the expression of GLUT4 in cardiac myocytes. Results: Adult rat cardiomyocytes in primary culture exhibited spontaneous upregulation of GLUT1 and downregulation of GLUT4, suggesting resumption of a fetal program of GLUT gene expression. Treatment with IGF-1 and, to a minor extent, FGF-2 resulted in restored expression of GLUT4 protein and mRNA. Activation of p38 MAPK mediated the increased expression of GLUT4 in response to IGF-1. Transient transfection experiments in neonatal cardiac myocytes confirmed that p38 MAPK could activate the glut4 promoter. Electrophoretic mobility shift assay in adult rat cardiomyocytes and transient transfection experiments in neonatal cardiac myocytes indicated that MEF2 was the main transcription factor transducing the effect of p38 MAPK activation on the glut4 promoter. Conclusion: Spontaneous dedifferentiation of adult rat cardiomyocytes in vitro is associated with downregulation of GLUT4, which can be reversed by treatment with IGF-1. The effect of IGF-1 is mediated by the p38 MAPK/MEF2 axis, which is a strong inducer of GLUT4 expressio

    Análisis del tratamiento de la violencia de género en jóvenes en los medios de comunicación. Estudio de caso de tratamiento de la violencia sexual a través de la agresión de “La Manada”.

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    Este Trabajo de Fin de Grado ofrece un análisis sobre el tratamiento de la violencia de género en los jóvenes en los medios de comunicación españoles con el estudio de caso de cobertura de la violencia sexual a través de la agresión de "La Manada". Realiza una revisión teórica de la violencia contra las mujeres, la violencia sexual y de las características de la narrativa periodística de esta problemática. Asimismo, se efectúa un estudio de caso en el que se analiza el tratamiento de la agresión sexual de “La Manada” a través de las noticias publicadas por distintos medios españoles como El Español, El Confidencial, Ok Diario y El Mundo. De esta manera, se investiga la presencia de los siguientes parámetros: enfoque de la noticia, culpabilización de la víctima, reproducción de estereotipos sobre la agredida, vulneración de los derechos de esta, narrativa de sucesos, relato sensacionalista y el uso de un tono paternalista. El presente trabajo académico también aporta entrevistas a profesionales de la comunicación con la finalidad de identificar los aspectos transformadores y exclusores de la cobertura mediática de la violencia de género en los jóvenes, concretamente la violencia sexual.<br /