48 research outputs found

    An application in the hotel sector

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    This article deals with the study of Corporate Responsibility (CR) under the European Customer Satisfaction Index (ECSI). The methodology of this empirical study, conducted among 629 customers staying at hotels in the city of Seville, is based on structural equation modeling (PLS). The results obtained demonstrate the applicability of the European model to the hotel sector, although not all the relationships from the original model have been proven. The main contributions are derived from a better understanding of the model's components, a variable not studied before having been incorporated: the importance of Corporate Responsibility (CR). Moreover, it means to contribute to the field of research on CR as, despite the growing interest in the subject, the effects of this construct are still poorly understood

    Impact of the perceived importance of a hotels's corporate responsibility on tourists' complaints behaviour

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    This work is centred on the study of the Corporate Responsibility (CR) of hotel firms and its influence on tourists’ complaints behaviour. The methodology of the empirical study, carried out among 629 customers lodging in hotels in the city of Seville, is based on structural equations modelling (PLS). The results obtained show that there is a significant relation between the perceived importance of CR and the tendency to complain. The latter also significantly affects the number of complaints a person files. Likewise, a significant and negative effect of the tourists’ satisfaction on the complaints filed is noted. The main contributions stem from a better knowledge about the antecedents of complaints behav - iour. This comes from having incorporated the variable of the importance of CR, which has not been studied before. On the other hand, the work means to offer a contribution to the field of CR research as, despite the growing interest in the topic, the effects of this construct on customers still remain little known

    An approach to the design of a scale for measuring happiness at work of Iberian companies

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    By reviewing bibliography on happiness at work, we may say that from a management perspective, this subject is yet poorly explained. So, main reason to conduct this research was he few number of references on organizational happiness in the field of Business and Economics, despite it increasing importance. More specifically, the non-existence of scales to measure happiness at work in Iberia. In this article we aim to propose an exploratory scale to measure happiness at work in Portuguese and Spanish organizations. To do that, we look for primary data collection by using a questionnaire with open questions. The research is qualitative and was conducted applying complementary phases: (1) data collection, (2) storage, (3) coding, (4) indexing system refinement, (5) relational code and (6) identify categories (key concepts). In phases 3, 4, 5, and 6 a content analysis was applied. To analyze the scale robustness in two cultures we have applied Hofstede's model. This model confirms that cultural and social values of Portuguese and Spanish individuals are very similar, allowing homogenizing the scale without significant bias. The scale proposed is based on: (1) total happiness at work, (2) happiness in the organization, and (3) happiness in the function. At the end, happiness at work was measured by 20 items. We consider this research as a significant first step to develop a consistent tool to measure happiness at work

    Evaluando la utilización de Internet para desarrollar innovación en las empresas con mayor capacidad de aprendizaje

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    El objetivo del trabajo ha sido comprobar las hipótesis de relación entre la capacidad de aprendizaje y la utilización de Internet para la búsqueda de información y desarrollo de nuevos aprendizajes. Para realizar dicho análisis se elabora un modelo basado en los trabajos de aprendizaje organizacional de Senge (1990), Kim (1993), Mintzberg y Quinn (1996), Probst y Buchel (1997), Argyris (1999), Carneiro et al. (2001) y Serrano y Fialho (2005). La metodología ha consistido en la elaboración de un cuestionario con el que poder evaluar los factores relevantes del modelo, teniéndose en cuenta la opinión de diversos agentes interesados en la investigación (académicos y empresas), la realización del trabajo de campo y el análisis estadístico posterior. Los resultados obtenidos demuestran que las organizaciones con más capacidad de aprendizaje utilizan más funcionalidades de Internet para generar nuevo conocimiento y desarrollar nuevo aprendizaje.The objective of this study was to test the hypothesis of relationship between learning ability and use of the Internet for information search and development of new learning. For this analysis develops a model based on the work of organizational learning Senge (1990), Kim (1993), Mintzberg and Quinn (1996), Probst and Buchel (1997), Argyris (1999), Carneiro et al. (2001) and Serrano and Fialho (2005). The methodology consisted in a questionnaire with which to assess the relevant factors in the model, taking into account the views of various parties interested in research (academic and corporate), the completion of fieldwork and subsequent statistical analysis . The results show that organizations with greater capacity for learning more functionality using the Internet to generate new knowledge and develop new learning

    La importancia del concepto del aprendizaje organizacional para la estrategia de Marketing. Una investigación cuantitativa

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    Kottler y Amstrong (2005) refieren que el principal objetivo del Marketing Estratégico (ME) es identificar las necesidades futuras del consumidor y desarrollar los productos y servicios necesarios para su satisfacción. Senge (1990) caracteriza la organización con capacidad de aprendizaje como la que tiene capacidad para adaptarse continuamente al entorno y, como tal, ser sustentable en el tiempo. Ambos conceptos, marketing estratégico y organización con capacidad de aprendizaje, están basados en el principio del conocimiento del entorno y en la capacidad de la organización para responder a sus necesidades. El objetivo principal del trabajo ha sido comprobar la hipótesis de que las organizaciones con más capacidad de aprendizaje (y con un marketing estratégico bien implementado) tienen mayor rendimiento que las organizaciones con menos capacidad de aprendizaje. Para realizar dicho análisis se ha elaborado un modelo basado en modelos de aprendizaje organizacional existentes, sobre todo en Senge (1990), Probst y Buchel (1997), Mintzberg y Quinn (1996), Kim (1993), Serrano y Fialho (2005), Argyris (1999). La metodología seguida en este trabajo ha consistido, en primer lugar, en la elaboración de un cuestionario con el que poder evaluar los factores relevantes del modelo, teniéndose en cuenta la opinión de diversos agentes interesados en la investigación (académicos y empresas), la realización del trabajo de campo y el análisis estadístico posterior. Con los resultados obtenidos se demuestra que las organizaciones con más capacidad de aprendizaje y mayor nivel de marketing estratégico tienen un mayor nivel de rendimiento que las empresas con menor capacidad de aprendizaje.Kottler and Armstrong (2005) reported that main Strategic Marketing (SM) objective is to identify future consumer needs and develop the necessary products and services for its satisfaction. Senge (1990) characterized the learning organization as the one having the ability to continuously adapt to the environment and, due to that, be sustainable over time. Both concepts, strategic marketing and organizational learning, are based on the principle of environment knowledge and the organization’s ability to respond to its needs. The main objective of this work is to test the hypothesis that organizations with higher capacity for learning (and more performing strategic marketing) have higher performance that those organizations with less ability to learn. To develop this work, an analysis has been developed based on existing organizational learning model with special reference to Senge (1990), Probst and Büchel (1997), Mintzberg and Quinn (1996), Kim (1993), Serrano and Fialho (2005) , Argyris (1999). The methodology has consisted on the elaboration of a questionnaire with which to assess the relevant factors in the model, taking into account the views of different stakeholders in the research (academics and organizations) and, than, a field work and subsequent statistical analysis. The results demonstrate that organizations with higher capacity for learning and higher level of strategic marketing have higher performance than those with lower learning ability

    The main reasons for the adoption of corporate social responsibility in hotels establishments

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    La sociedad actual demanda que las organizaciones y compañías reconozcan su capacidad de ocasionar serios impactos negativos sobre el medio, en sus dimensiones social, medioambiental y económica. El presente trabajo analiza el cambio de la cultura organizativa de los directores de los establecimientos hoteleros frente a las exigencias de la Responsabilidad Social Corporativa (RSC). El análisis factorial desarrollado representa la metodología estadística adecuada para extraer los principales motivos y razones de la adopción de la RSC en los hoteles, así como para apoyar la toma de decisiones en dicho contexto. Del estudio se deriva la importancia de invertir en acciones de RSC para incrementar la probabilidad de que una experiencia de servicio del cliente se transforme en un resultado positivo.Today's society demands that organizations and companies recognize their ability to cause serious negative environmental impacts in their slopes social, natural and economic. This paper analyzes the organizational culture change of managers of hotel that establishments meet the requirements of the Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). Factor Analysis provides the statistical methodology to adequately extract the main motives and reasons for the adoption of CSR in the hotels. The study derives the importance of investing in CR activities to increase the probability that a customer service experience becomes a positive resul

    Calidad percibida por el espectador de fútbol

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    Organizations strain to understand their clients' needs in order to satisfy them adequately and achieve competitiveness. As a result, a change is underway in the area of sports management that consists in creating specific measures for the quality of client satisfaction and services. This is the context of this study, the main goal of which is to determine the dimensions of the quality of the sports service offered by football clubs. To this end, a questionnaire was applied through the personal survey method. The data obtained was processed by an exploratory factorial analysis. The results allow for the identification of ten basic dimensions of the quality of the sport service analyzed

    The attitude towards boycotts: determining factors

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    According to the theories of reasoned action and planned behavior, the precedent to any human conduct is the intention to display such conduct. People’s attitudes are one of those precedents. Our work is framed within this line of research, as it seeks to analyze and explain the main determinants of attitudes towards boycotts. Thus, we understand that consumers’ attitudes towards boycott behavior depend on three fundamental beliefs: perceived legitimacy of the behavior, ethical idealism towards such behavior, and finally, ethical relativism towards boycott behavior. We emphasize legitimacy since the relevance of legitimacy processes in the businessclient relationship lies in the validation of actions that allows their subjective recognition and, therefore, differentiates them from the legal nature of the acts. The research is carried out with 371 people and the hypotheses presented are verified through structural equation models. Discussion of the results and their implications contribute to a better understanding of the factors that determine the attitudes towards customer boycotts by business managers and academics