24 research outputs found

    Emergency in Malaya 1948-1960 - What was the turning point?: The case of election in Selangor

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    The expansion of tin and rubber industries in Malaya resulted in an influx of Chinese and Indian immigrants.It was never thought by the British that the single society dominantly controlled by the Malays would be transformed into a multi-racial society.It was also never thought by the British, when it came to the period of decolonisation, that Malaya would face the greatest challenge with respect to nation building, compared to the other colonies. However, this view is debatable as it is believed by the Malays now that the British action was taken deliberately to fulfil the idea of colonialism.When the British claimed the need to retain the Malay status quo, they actually wanted to leave the Malays behind economically.At the same time, the foundation of a new plural society where previously a single community had dominated was a way to hold back any Malays struggle against the colonial power.1 It was clear the new ethnic diversity created tensions that were exacerbated by economic and political inequalities.This environment was conducive to the emergence of the Malayan Communist Party (MCP).2 The Communists sought to capitalise on the unrest, in order to fulfil their aim of creating a Communist Republic of Malaya.They terrorised the country and people of Malaya for twelve disastrous years, to achieve their great ambitions.It became the Communist insurrection which was one of the most important events in the history of Malaya under the British colonial rule.The insurrection was one of the toughest threats the British imperial power had ever faced in Malaya since 1824, when they officially started their colonisation of the Malay Peninsula.The insurrection, which resulted in Emergency rule, was the first British communist struggle after the end of the Second World War.One of the Malay states which experienced a severe threat from the MCP was the State of Selangor.Selangor, together with Pahang, Perak, Johor and Negeri Sembilan, were among the worst affected places during the Emergency

    The role of the United States and the “Asian Solution” approach in the Malaysia-Indonesia confrontation (1963-1966)

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    The Indonesia-Malaysia confrontation between 1963-1966 was an important event attracting the attention of politicians and scholars alike as the conflict had threatened the long existing relations between the two countries. Indonesian confrontation with Malaysia was due to its refusal to accept the formation of the new federation of Malaysia, founded on 16th September 1963.Sukarno’s confrontational stand on this had broken the long-standing sentiments of regional brotherhood or “saudara serumpun” that had nurtured between the two countries for many years.The conflict also saw the involvement of major powers like the United States (U.S.), Britain, China and Russia in the midst of bipolar power struggle between the communist and the anti-communist as part of the ongoing Cold War.The three years of confrontation witnessed great attempts at peace efforts by U.S. Although U.S. involvement in the conflict was merely as a moderator for both countries it was also fueled by its efforts of containment of communism in the Southeast Asian region.The U.S. viewed that the conflict should be resolved in the context of “Asian solution” as it involved two Asian countries A settlement to the Malaysia-Indonesia confrontation was finally achieved through the Bangkok Agreement, signed in August 1966. This paper discusses the role of U.S. in its attempts at finding an amicable settle to the confrontation in the form of “Asian solution.

    Proses pembinaan negara: Meninjau pengalaman Malaysia

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    31 Ogos 1957 menjadi titik bersejarah buat negara ini apabila diisytiharkan sebagai sebuah negara merdeka yang dinamakan Persekutuan Tanah Melayu. Kemudian pada 16 September 1963 negara ini mencatatkan sejarah baru apabila Persekutuan Malaysia diisytiharkan secara rasrni sebagai sebuah negara berdaulat. Proses yang dikenali sebagai bina negara ini dalam proses keseluruhan bagi pembinaan sebuah negara bangsa Malaysia mengambil masa yang panjang. Bukan sahaja proses membina negara bangsa melibatkan pelbagai dugaan dan cabaran, malahan proses pembinaan negara sahaja pun dilalui dengan penuh kesulitan. Kemerdekaan yang lahir sewaktu proses membina negara ini bukanlah sesuatu yang mudah dicapai. Proses memerdekakan negara bererti membebaskan diri daripada cengkaman penjajahan. Merdeka juga bermaksud negara itu mendapat kembali hak mereka yang dirampas tetapi Malaysia berada dalam situasi berbeza kerana Malaysia harus membina dan menyusun semula hak yang ditinggalkan penjajah dan diagih secara adil antara kumpulan kaum yang terbina akibat dasar British yang lepas. Kemerdekaan adalah kemuncak usaha bina negara yang diusahakan semua pihak. Justeru penulisan ini akan meninjau secara umum proses pembinaan negara ini daripada pengalaman Persekutuan Tanah Melayu hinggalah kepada terbinanya Persekutuan Malaysia

    Darurat di Tanah Melayu: Peristiwa dan pengajaran untuk generasi masakini dalam konteks ketahanan nasional

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    Kemerdekaan negara ini dicapai dengan bangganya pada 31 Ogos 1957. Kemerdekaan ini tercapai adalah hasil perjuangan rakyat negara ini yang bukan mudah dan ianya penuh dugaan dan cabaran. Di antara dugaan terhebat yang dialami negara ini dalam perjalanan ke arah kemerdekaan ialah peristiwa darurat iaitu pemberontakan Parti Komunis Malaya(PKM) terhadap pentadbiran British di Tanah Melayu. Darurat hampir meragut peluang negara ini untuk mengecapi kemerdekaan. Ia sering diingati sebagai cerita yang tersirat dalam apa yang tersurat kerana ianya berlaku seiring dengan jalan ke arah kemerdekaan negara ini. Darurat diisytiharkan secara rasmi bermula pada tahun 1948 oleh Sir Edward Gent dan telah diisytiharkan berakhir pada 1960 oleh Yang di-Pertuan Agong. Selama 12 tahun pemberontakan bersenjata oleh PKM telah mengakibatkan keadaan huru-hara yang tidak terhingga di negara ini. Walau bagaimanapun pemberontakan PKM ini telah menemui kebuntuan dan pada akhirnya terpinggir dari arus perkembangan negara. Kegagalan PKM ini memberi ruang dan jalan untuk penamatan Darurat di Malaya dan sekali gus menikmati kemerdekaan dari pentadbiran British. Kegagalan PKM sering dilihat sebagai isyarat kejayaan dasar pertahanan dan keselamatan yang dilancarkan oleh pihak British dan kemudiannya kerajaan Persekutuan Tanah Melayu. Biarpun peristiwa penting ini telah berlalu sejak 60 tahun yang lepas tetapi parut dan lukanya masih lagi dirasai. Maka oleh itu adalah penting buat mereka yang ada pada hari ini merenung kembali peristiwa yang berlaku agar ianya dapat memberikan pengajaran kepada generasi masa kini dan yang akan datang. Justeru itu kertas kerja ini akan cuba melontarkan idea berkenaan peristiwa darurat secara umum dan melihat bagaimana ianya sangat penting untuk dijadikan pengajaran kepada kita semua lebih lebih lagi dalam konteks ketahanan nasional. Hasil perbincangan kertas kerja ini diharap dapat memberi idea baru tentang hakikat darurat serta pengajaran dan kefahaman yang diberikan

    Malaysia-Indonesia: Pengalaman hubungan dua negara serumpun

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    Banyak perkara yang boleh dikaitkan apabila berbincang mengenai hubungan Malaysia dan Indonesia. Perkara yang paling istimewa yang hampir tidak ada dalam hubungan Malaysia dengan negara-negara lain ialah soal bangsa serumpun dan persamaan budaya serta agama. Ia juga menjadi pengikat kepada hubungan dan juga pengimbang dalam setiap masalah yang timbul dalam hubungan dua hala antara Malaysia dan Indonesia. Justeru soal keserumpunan, persamaan budaya dan agama menjadi retorik utama yang menghiasi sejarah hubungan kedua-dua negara. Persoalannya, apakah sebenarnya keutamaan Malaysia terhadap Indonesia dari segi pengurusan politik dan dasar luar negara. Apakah soal keserumpunan dan persamaan budaya serta agama akan kekal sejak dari dahulu hingga kini dalam hubungan kedua-dua buah negara. Oleh yang demikian kertas kerja ini cuba mengupas perkara tersebut sejak zaman konfrontasi sehingga kini dan cuba melihat apakah elemen utama yang mempengaruhi dasar luar negara terhadap Indonesia. Pendekatan yang digunakan kertas kerja ini ialah pendekatan historiografi dan sebahagian sumber rujukan ialah rekod-rekod British yang telah dirujuk di Arkib Nasional British, Kew, London

    Periodic Principles in General Elections: Orientation and Implications in Indonesia

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    The general election is one part of the practice of democracy in Indonesia. In this case, the general election is a manifestation of people’s sovereignty. In general, the principles of elections include the principles of direct, general, free, confidential, honest, and fair. This study seeks to explore the legal construction related to the periodic principle of general elections which must be held periodically every five years to become a separate principle in elections. The issue of periodization in general elections really needs to be emphasized as one of the principles in general elections as the main basis for creating a cycle of replacement and filling of public positions in the state administration system. This research is a normative legal research with statutory and conceptual approaches. The results of the study confirm that the orientation of legal construction on the periodic principle has actually been expressly stated in the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia and is based on a systematic interpretation. In this case, the orientation of the periodic aspect is part of the general election principle which is obligatory and must be implemented. This implies that the principles of general elections include the principles of direct, general, free, confidential, honest, and fair, and must be held periodically for five years. In this case, the periodic principle becomes very important to be recognized and explicitly stated in the general election law as a new principle in the technical implementation of general elections. this has implications for the implementation of elections that are inconsistent and tend to change in each implementation. Whereas in holding general elections, the periodic principle will uniformize the holding of elections simultaneously, both national elections and elections at the regional level by setting forth and affirming in the general election law that periodization is a technical principle in holding general elections in Indonesia


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    Heritage Tourism Index (Heritage Tourism Index): Survey and Documentation of National Heritage Inventory (Historic Buildings and Heritage Site) for the Tourism Industry in the States Of North Malaysia Peninsula. This study was conducted to survey and document all national heritage treasure (historic buildings and heritage), which belongs to the national heritage inventory of Malaysia, particulary those who were found in the northern states like in Peninsula, Perak, Penang, Kedah and Perlis. The findings, which will be put into a list, are to be used as a tour index by industrial tourism of Malaysia to generate more income. Using Malaysia's national heritage inventory, this study will be performed objectively to trace all informations related to the historic buildings and sites in the northern state of Malaysia, and to survey and document the national heritage thoroughly. After that, the results of the survey and documentation will be classified and categorized to produce a complete index of Malaysian heritage information to use as an essential guide for heritage tourist industry. It will become important tool and guideline for this country's tourism industry.

    Cabaran hubungan serantau Malaysia-Indonesia : Tinjauan umum terhadap peristiwa konfrantasi 1963-1966

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    Hubungan luar dan dasar luar sesebuah negara merupakan di antara intipati bagi pengukuhan dan kejayaan sesebuah negara.Perkembangan ekonomi , politik dan sosial sesebuah negara perlu dihubungkan dengan negara lain agar ia dapat dikongsi bersama dan sekuligus memacu kemajuan.Negara yang bersendirian akan tersisih dan terpinggir dari arus kemajuan dan pembangunan. Dalam konteks hubungan antara negara ini, hubungan yang baik dun bertoleransi adalah amat penting. Walau bagaimanapun ada kalanya kita tidak dapat lari dari berlaku persengketaan akibat dari salah faham ataupun atas dorongan yang lain. Ini sering kali berlaku antara negara jiran yang kadangkala berkongsi kepentingan ataupun sempadan. Sesekali berlaku ianya dijadikan panduan agar tidak berulang di hari depan. Justeru itu kertas kerja ini akan membincangkan cabaran paling besar dalam hubungan serantau di antara Malaysia dun Indonesia sepanjang sejarah perkembangan kedua-dua negara. Kertas ini akan membicarakan Konfrantasi 1963-1966 yang merupakan peristiwa malang bagi hubungan kedua buah negara yang datang dari rumpun bangsa yang sama. Tumpuan diberikan untuk melihat secara umum latar belakang peristiwa, pengaruh peristiwa konfrantasi kepada hubungan bilateral dun juga impak keseluruhan yang dihasilkan oleh tragedi ini. Ini diharap dapat memberikan gambaran dan panduan secara umum tentang hubungan Malaysia dan Indonesia terutamanya dalam menghasilkan keputusan bagi dasar luar kedua-dua buah negara sama ada terhadap negara lain ataupun sesama sendiri

    Involvement of Families as Owners of Cultural Heritage Improving Religious Tourism in Banda Aceh: Perspective of Maslahah Theory

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    The increase in the tourism sector, particularly religious and cultural tourism to Indonesia, especially Aceh, can contribute to the increasing number of visits. This study aims to discuss families’ involvement in managing cultural heritage in Banda Aceh. The research method is phenomenological qualitative research, analyzed using maslahah theory. Data collection techniques used are interviews, observation, and document analysis. The results indicate that some cultural heritages in Banda Aceh have economic, historical, and religious value. One of the preferred tourist destinations is the Tomb of Sheikh Abdurrauf, which is visited by many domestic and foreign tourists. Apart from that, the involvement of families or heirs as managers of cultural heritage will provide maslahah value, or benefits, for the heirs, country, tourists, and the public in general. Among others, the benefits for the heirs are both economically and responsibly as an inheritance from their ancestors. For the country, the cultural sites will be maintained and remain sustainable, thus bringing in foreign exchange. Meanwhile, for the tourists and the public, the benefit will meet their tourism, spiritual and economic needs. Another addition is that the site is historical evidence of the great scholar who played a role in the spread of Islam in the archipelago and the Southeast Asian peninsula. Therefore, the preservation of cultural heritage involving the heirs is paramount in the context of maslahah. 

    The Mainstreaming Policy of Religious Moderation Education in West Sulawesi Province

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    This research is oriented to describe and elaborate on the mainstreaming policy of religious moderation on education in West Sulawesi Province, which the government is currently reviewing through the Ministry of Religion Affairs. The study conducted qualitative methods with specific data collection. It analyzed the instruments and found that the informants, consisting of educators and religious figures, deeply understood religious moderation based on the al-Qur'an and hadith, which emphasized Islam as a moderate religion. The principle of restraint (Wasathiyyah) in Islam is, in fact, equivalent to the direction or value of religious moderation programmed by the current government. Then, religious moderation is to be implemented in education. In that case, some components should be prepared carefully to avoid overlapping or duplicating with other programs. For example, several implementation models, with their respective advantages and disadvantages, include autonomous, integrative, collaborative, and enrichment models in education. In addition, what is also very urgent to formulate is the right curriculum, tools and learning designs, and competencies of educators, including an assessment tool which, of course, is more oriented towards attitudes and behavior no longer trapped in the pathology of learning that has been ongoing, more focused on fulfilling the cognitive domain