18 research outputs found


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    This study aims to analyze how much influence the product ttribute, product quality and sales promotions to customer’s interest saving inn Bank Jateng Cabang Kordinator Semarang. This study also aims to analyze whether the variable image of the company is able to imediate variable product attribute,product quality and sales promotions of the interest of saving. The population used in this study are active customers who are conducting transactions at Bank Jateng Cabang Kordinator Semarang. Samples in this study is 100 respondentsand the technique used is the technique of Non-Probability sampling with accidential sampling approach (sampling by coincidence). From the analysis, the indicators in this study is valid and the variables are valid. The results showed that the variables attribute product, product quality and sales promotions has positive effect on the company’s image. Then, the image variable positive effect on the company’s interest in the customer savings at BankJateng cabang Kordinator Semarang

    Design Of Reactor for The Production Silicon Dioxide

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    The aim of this research is to develop and analyze a reactor design for silicon dioxide (SiO2) production. The design uses a Continuous Stirred Tank Reactor (CSTR) type, where the main components of this reactor design are the tank and stirrer. The specifications of the tank and stirrer built will greatly affect the safety and yield of silicon dioxide. Therefore in designing this reactor the calculation method is carried out using Microsoft Excel. The results of the calculations are obtained for design pressure 4.304 psig, cylinder thickness 0.06 in, top cover thickness 2.5 in, top cover height 7.32 in, bottom cover thickness 0.07 in, bottom cover height 12.53 in, reactor height 25.74 in, impeller length 5.43 in, stirring power 5 Hp and shaft length 15.98 in. It is hoped that this design can become a reference for the production of silicon dioxide to make it more efficient in the production process


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    This study aims to analyze language errors on the CoV Opposite social media page 19.    Analysis of language errors is a method or step used by researchers to identify, collect data, errors, explain errors, classify errors and evaluate the seriousness of language errors. The data taken is sourced from Instagram and Twitter lawancovid19_id. This study uses the method of collecting recorded data collection techniques, the follow-up technique is the note taking technique. Based on the results of the analysis that has been done, it can be concluded that writing on social media is against Covid 19. On Instagram and twitter lawancovid19_id there are some language errors including the use of foreign terms, the use of punctuation, the use of slang, the use of conjunctions and the use of writing. Keyword: Language error, social media, Covid-1

    Kendala Pengembangan Investasi Kelapa Sawit dalam Perspektif Hukum

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    True law aims to create legal certainty, justice and expediency. Palm oil management in Indonesia certainly cannot be separated from the legal aspects, mainly related to the legal substance or regulation. The regulation of palm oil management in Indonesia is contained in various laws and / or policies, both those which regulate explicitly and implicitly. In fact, these arrangements have not fully been able to realize legal objectives, primarily legal certainty. This statement is indicated by the existence of several arrangements that are still inconsistent between one law and another. There are several factors that are constraints to the development of investment in the field of oil palm in the legal perspective, namely the inconsistency of the rules between the Act, the Presidential Regulation and the Ministerial Regulation and the number of Regional Regulations (Perda) that are contrary to the central Regulations which results in the difficult realization of a conducive business climate. The proposed suggestion is to inventory, identify and harmonize all relevant regulations in the field of investment and support the enactment of the Palm oil Draft. Key Words : Palm Oil Investment, Harmonisation Regulation, Legal Certaint

    How to Read and Interpret UV-VIS Spectrophotometric Results in Determining the Structure of Chemical Compounds

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    UV-VIS spectrophotometry is one of the methods used to perform qualitative and quantitative analysis of organic and inorganic compounds. However, until now there has been no further research that studies and describes the detailed analysis of UV-VIS spectral data in terms of determining the structure of chemical compounds. Therefore, this paper contains guidelines that are used as information on how to read and interpret data from the UV-VIS spectrum in terms of determining the structure of chemical compounds. Steps on how to analyze the UV-VIS spectrum are presented. This paper is expected to provide useful information for researchers and novice students who are studying UV-VIS spectrophotometry

    Efektivitas Penerapan Genose C19 Sebagai Syarat Menggunakan Transportasi Kereta Api ( Studi Kasus Stasiun Pasar Turi Surabaya )

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    Di masa pandemi seperti sekarang ini, PT Kereta Api Indonesia dituntut untuk memberikan pelayanan prima terhadap para penumpang transportasi kereta api dengan aman dan nyaman, serta harus menerapkan protokol kesehatan. Salah satu kebijakan PT Kereta Api Indonesia adalah keharusan penggunaan Rapid Test Antigen, Swab Test atau PCR dan yang terbaru adalah GeNose C19. GeNose C19 adalah hasil pengembangan sebuah mesin yang berbasis sensor dengan kecerdasan buatan (artifical intelligent). Oleh karena itu, tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui efektivitas penerapan GeNose C19 pada penumpang kereta api. Pengukuran efektivitas secara umum dan yang paling menonjol adalah keberhasilan program, keberhasilan sasaran, kepuasan terhadap program, tingkat input dan output, pencapaian tujuan menyeluruh. Penelitian ini berlangsung di Stasiun Pasar Turi Surabaya, menggunakan metode penelitian deskriptif dengan pendekatan kualitatif. Hasil dari penelitian ini dapat digunakan untuk memperbaiki sistem dan menjadi bahan evaluasi agar menambah terciptanya kepuasaan masyarakat pengguna layanan Kereta Api dan diharapkan dalam penerapan test GeNose sebagai syarat menggunakan transportasi kereta api menjadi lebih efektif dalam menerapkan protokol kesehatan sesuai dalam aspek penilaian pengukuran efektivitas secara umum.Di masa pandemi seperti sekarang ini, PT KAI dituntut untuk memberikan pelayanan prima terhadap para penumpang transportasi kereta api dengan aman dan nyaman, serta harus menerapkan protokol kesehatan. Salah satu kebijakan PT KAI adalah keharusan penggunaan Rapid Test Antigen, Swab Test atau PCR dan yang terbaru adalah GeNose C19. GeNose C19 adalah hasil pengembangan sebuah mesin yang berbasis sensor dengan kecerdasan buatan (artifical intelligent). Oleh karena itu, tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui efektivitas penerapan GeNose C19 pada penumpang kereta api. Pengukuran efektivitas secara umum dan yang paling menonjol adalah keberhasilan program, keberhasilan sasaran, kepuasan terhadap program, tingkat input dan output, pencapaian tujuan menyeluruh. Penelitian ini berlangsung di Stasiun Pasar Turi Surabaya, menggunakan metode penelitian deskriptif dengan pendekatan kualitatif. Hasil dari penelitian ini diharapkan dalam penerapan test GeNose sebagai syarat menggunakan transportasi kereta api menjadi lebih efektif dalam menerapkan protokol kesehatan sesuai dalam aspek penilaian pengukuran efektivitas secara umum dan yang paling menonjol adalah keberhasilan program, keberhasilan sasaran, kepuasan terhadap program, tingkat input dan output, pencapaian tujuan menyeluruh

    Faktor-Faktor Yang Mempengaruhi Deposito Mudharabah Pada Bank Umum Syariah Tahun 2013-2015

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    Mudharabah Deposit is a public savings deposited to a sharia bank, may be rupiah or foreign currency where the withdrawal can only be made based on the stipulated time period and agreed between the customer and the sharia bank using the sharia principle (profit sharing) with the Mudharabah contract. Mudharabah deposits usually have a period of 1, 3, 6, and 12 months .. This study aims to determine the effect of macroeconomic variables, including 1 Months Profit, 1 month conventional bank interest rate, liquidity (FDR 1 month) year 2013-2015. The type of data used in this study is secondary data in the form of time series (time series) monthly. The method of analysis in this study using quantitative analysis and analytical tool used is Ordinary Least Square (OLS) or smallest method of software quadrat Eviews7. The result of this research indicates that Mudharabah Deposit variable has significant effect on 1 month profit sharing and 1 month conventional bank interest rate. While liquidity (FDR 1 month) has no significant effect on Mudharabah Deposit

    BATU BARA Rencana Detail Tata Ruang, Kawasan Perkotaan Kuala Tanjung BWP SELATAN

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    Sektor Industri merupakan salah satu sektor penggerak perekonomian nasional yang memiliki kontribusi tinggi dalam membentuk nilai tambah faktor-faktor produksi. KI Kuala Tanjung juga merupakan satu dari 14 Kawasan Industri Prioritas yang ditetapkan dalam RPJMN 2015-2019, dan menjadi Prioritas Strategis Nasional berdasarkan Peraturan Presiden Nomor 3 Tahun 2016 Tentang Percepatan Pelaksanaan Proyek Strategis Nasional yang telah diubah dengan Perpes 56 Tahun 2018 tentang Perubahan Kedua Atas Peraturan Presiden Nomor 3 Tahun 2016 Tentang Percepatan Pelaksanaan Proyek Strategis Nasional. Oleh karena itu, wilayah sekitar Kawasan Industri (KI) Kuala Tanjung perlu diarahkan perkembangannya untuk mendukung kegiatan industri di dalam kawasan agar berjalan komprehensif.Dalam rangka mendukung kebijakan nasional pembangunan 14 kawasan industri (KI) yang ditetapkan dalam RPJMN 2014-2019 dan mengembangkan kawasan penyangga pertumbuhan yang selaras dan terintegrasi dengan KI Kuala Tanjung, Direktorat Jenderal Tata Ruang melalui Direktorat Penataan Kawasan pada tahun anggaran 2019 akan melaksanakan penyusunan Rencana Detail Tata Ruang di sekitar Kawasan Industri Kuala Tanjung berupa Penyusunan Materi Teknis Rencana Detail Tata Ruang (RDTR) dan Peraturan Zonasi (PZ) beserta Kajian Lingkungan Hidup Strategis (KLHS).Dalam penetapan Kawasan Industri (KI) Kuala Tanjung, Pemerintah memiliki tujuan untuk membangun pusat-pusat kegiatan ekonomi yang baru yang berada di luar Pulau Jawa yang memastikan Kawasan Industri (KI) Kuala Tanjung bisa berfungsi secara selaras dengan kawasan di sekitarnya dan kegiatan yang berkembang di sekitar Kawasan Industri (KI) Kuala Tanjung adalah kegiatan yang tidak kontraproduktif dengan kegiatan dalam Kawasan Industri Kuala Tanjung itu sendiri

    Perlindungan Konsumen terhadap Hasil Produksi Kosmetik dan Obat Tradisional melalui Peningkatan Fungsi dan Kewenangan Balai Besar Pengawas Obat dan Makanan (Balai Besar Pom ) Surabaya

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    The protection of the law to consumer is a very important thing to be applied in society, because, in reality, consumers would always be wronged. The mighty acts of underhand business operators to profit much has often happened in the community, and this can be seen from the news from the mass media, for example the news of cosmetics products and traditional medicines containing material dangerous may not be used, so as to cause harm moral support and materially, even to have claimed the lives of consumers. Big hall food and drug supervisory Surabaya is one form of consumer protection through their and authority through action supervision pre-market and post market, information on several cosmetics producers and traditional medicines about how processing industry substandard prevailing, giving the cosmetics certification and traditional medicine, supervising cosmetics producers and traditional medicines and do annihilation cosmetics and traditional medicines to consumers.  Keywords : consumer protection, big hall food and drug supervisory surabaya, cosmetics and traditional medicin