23,835 research outputs found

    The Phase Structure of the Weakly Coupled Lattice Schwinger Model

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    The weak coupling expansion is applied to the single flavour Schwinger model with Wilson fermions on a symmetric toroidal lattice of finite extent. We develop a new analytic method which permits the expression of the partition function as a product of pure gauge expectation values whose zeroes are the Lee-Yang zeroes of the model. Application of standard finite-size scaling techniques to these zeroes recovers previous numerical results for the small and moderate lattice sizes to which those studies were restricted. Our techniques, employable for arbitrarily large lattices, reveal the absence of accumulation of these zeroes on the real hopping parameter axis at constant weak gauge coupling. The consequence of this previously unobserved behaviour is the absence of a zero fermion mass phase transition in the Schwinger model with single flavour Wilson fermions at constant weak gauge coupling.Comment: 8 pages, 2 figures, insert to figure 2 include

    The Structure of the Aoki Phase at Weak Coupling

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    A new method to determine the phase diagram of certain lattice fermionic field theories in the weakly coupled regime is presented. This method involves a new type of weak coupling expansion which is multiplicative rather than additive in nature and allows perturbative calculation of partition function zeroes. Application of the method to the single flavour Gross-Neveu model gives a phase diagram consistent with the parity symmetry breaking scenario of Aoki and provides new quantitative information on the width of the Aoki phase in the weakly coupled sector.Comment: 9 pages, 1 figure (minor changes) To be published in Phys. Lett.

    Multi-Step Knowledge-Aided Iterative ESPRIT for Direction Finding

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    In this work, we propose a subspace-based algorithm for DOA estimation which iteratively reduces the disturbance factors of the estimated data covariance matrix and incorporates prior knowledge which is gradually obtained on line. An analysis of the MSE of the reshaped data covariance matrix is carried out along with comparisons between computational complexities of the proposed and existing algorithms. Simulations focusing on closely-spaced sources, where they are uncorrelated and correlated, illustrate the improvements achieved.Comment: 7 figures. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1703.1052

    Homogeneous abundance analysis of dwarf, subgiant and giant FGK stars with and without giant planets

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    We have analyzed high-resolution and high signal-to-noise ratio optical spectra of nearby FGK stars with and without detected giant planets in order to homogeneously measure their photospheric parameters, mass, age, and the abundances of volatile (C, N, and O) and refractory (Na, Mg, Si, Ca, Ti, V, Mn, Fe, Ni, Cu, and Ba) elements. Our sample contains 309 stars from the solar neighborhood (up to the distance of 100 pc), out of which 140 are dwarfs, 29 are subgiants, and 140 are giants. The photospheric parameters are derived from the equivalent widths of Fe I and Fe II lines. Masses and ages come from the interpolation in evolutionary tracks and isochrones on the HR diagram. The abundance determination is based on the equivalent widths of selected atomic lines of the refractory elements and on the spectral synthesis of C_2, CN, C I, O I, and Na I features. We apply a set of statistical methods to analyze the abundances derived for the three subsamples. Our results show that: i) giant stars systematically exhibit underabundance in [C/Fe] and overabundance in [N/Fe] and [Na/Fe] in comparison with dwarfs, a result that is normally attributed to evolution-induced mixing processes in the envelope of evolved stars; ii) for solar analogs only, the abundance trends with the condensation temperature of the elements are correlated with age and anticorrelated with the surface gravity, which is in agreement with recent studies; iii) as in the case of [Fe/H], dwarf stars with giant planets are systematically enriched in [X/H] for all the analyzed elements, except for O and Ba (the former due to limitations of statistics), confirming previous findings in the literature that not only iron has an important relation with the planetary formation; and iv) giant planet hosts are also significantly overabundant for the same metallicity when the elements from Mg to Cu are combined together.Comment: 20 pages, 16 figures, 8 table

    Quantum dynamics of localized excitations in a symmetric trimer molecule

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    We study the time evolution of localized (local bond) excitations in a symmetric quantum trimer molecule. We relate the dynamical properties of localized excitations such as their spectral intensity and their temporal evolution (survival probability and tunneling of bosons) to their degree of overlap with quantum tunneling pair states. We report on the existence of degeneracy points in the trimer eigenvalue spectrum for specific values of parameters due to avoided crossings between tunneling pair states and additional states. The tunneling of localized excitations which overlap with these degenerate states is suppressed on all times. As a result local bond excitations may be strongly localized forever, similar to their classical counterparts.Comment: 9 pages, 12 figures. Improved version with more discussions. Some figures were replaced for better understanding. Accepted in Phys. Rev.