211 research outputs found


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    Objective: to provide a systematic review of the adverse reactions of sorafenib, sunitinib, and temsirolimus and to outline actions for their prevention and correction.Materials and methods. To provide a description of the main methods to decrease the toxicity of these drugs, the authors made a systemat- ic review of their adverse reactions, by using the publications available in the PubMed database, monographs on the medicines, and instruc- tions for their medical use. Results. The frequency of their adverse reactions varied from < 1 to 72%. Grades III—IV side effects are noted more rarely; their incidence is < 1 to 13% for sorafenib, < 1 to 16% for sunitinib, and 1 to 20% for temsirolimus. Sinitinib causes most grades III—IV adverse reactions and sofafenib does the least. However, close comparative studies of the safety of these kinase inhibitors are still lacking. Virtually all side effects can be effectively prevented and treated.  Conclusion. The prevention, timely recognition, and treatment of the adverse reactions of these agents are of great importance, which allows avoidance of the unneeded dosage reduction that may result in worse therapeutic efficiency.   Цель исследования — представить систематический обзор побочных эффектов сорафениба, сунитиниба и темсиролимуса, а также в общих чертах описать меры по их предупреждению и коррекции. Материалы и методы. Для того чтобы представить описание основных методов, направленных на снижение токсичности этих препаратов, нами проведен систематический обзор побочных эффектов на основе публикаций в базе данных PubMed, монографий по лекарственным препаратам и инструкций по их медицинскому применению.Результаты. Частота развития побочных эффектов варьирует от < 1 до 72%. Побочные эффекты III—IV степени отмечаются реже, частота их возникновения от < 1 до 13% для сорафениба, от < 1 до 16% — для сунитиниба и от 1 до 20% — для темсиролимуса. Сунитиниб вызывает наибольшее количество побочных эффектов III—IV степени, а сорафениб — наименьшее. Однако все еще отсутствуют тщательные сравнительные клинические исследования безопасности этих ингибиторов киназ. Практически все побочные эффекты можно эффективно предупреждать и лечить.Заключение. Большое значение имеют профилактика, своевременное распознавание и лечение побочных эффектов этих препаратов, что позволяет избежать ненужного снижения дозы, грозящего ослаблением эффективности лечения.

    The importance of pelvic lymph node dissection in the elderly population: implications for interpreting the 2010 national comprehensive cancer network practice guidelines for bladder cancer treatment

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    Purpose: National Comprehensive Cancer Network practice guidelines indicate that pelvic lymph node dissection can be omitted at radical cystectomy in elderly patients. We examined the pelvic lymph node dissection rate in patients 80 years old or older and the impact of pelvic lymph node dissection on cancer specific and overall mortality in these patients.Materials and Methods: We examined the records of 11,183 patients treated with radical cystectomy in 17 Surveillance, Epidemiology and End Results registries. We performed univariate and multivariate Cox regression analysis to test the effect of pelvic lymph node dissection on cancer specific and overall mortality.Results: Overall pelvic lymph node dissection was omitted in 25% of patients, including 24.2% younger than 80 years and 30.8% 80 years old or older (p <0.001). The 5-year rate of freedom from cancer specific mortality for pelvic lymph node dissection vs no pelvic lymph node dissection was 62.5% vs 59.9% in patients younger than 80 years, and 50..

    Enhanced tumour antiangiogenic effects when combining gefitinib with the antivascular agent ZD6126

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    Current experimental and clinical knowledge supports the optimisation of endothelial cell targeting using a strategy combining anti-EGFR drugs with antivascular agents. The purpose of the present study was to examine the effects of the association of ZD6126, an antivascular microtubule-destabilising agent, with gefitinib and irradiation on the growth of six head and neck human cancer cell lines xenografted in nude mice and to study predictive and molecular factors responsible for antitumour effects. CAL33- and Hep-2-grafted cell lines were the most sensitive to ZD6126 treatment, with VEGF levels significantly higher (P=0.0336) in these tumour xenografts compared to Detroit 562- and CAL27-grafted cell lines with relatively low VEGF levels that were not sensitive to ZD6126. In contrast, neither IL8 levels nor EGFR expression was linked to the antitumour effects of ZD6126. ZD6126 in combination with gefitinib resulted in a synergistic cytotoxic interaction with greater antitumour effects than gefitinib alone. The synergistic interaction between ZD6126 and gefitinib was corroborated by a significant decrease in CD31 labelling. The present study may serve for future innovative clinical applications, as it suggests that VEGF tumour levels are possible predictors for ZD6126 antitumour efficacy. It also supports the notion of antitumour supra-additivity when combining gefitinib and ZD6126, and identifies neoangiogenesis as the main determinant of this synergistic combination

    Control of Flowering in Strawberries

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    Strawberries (Fragaria sp.) are small perennial plants capable of both sexual reproduction through seeds and clonal reproduction via runners. Because vegetative and generative developmental programs are tightly connected, the control of flowering is presented here in the context of the yearly growth cycle. The rosette crown of strawberry consists of a stem with short internodes produced from the apical meristem. Each node harbors one trifoliate leaf and an axillary bud. The fate of axillary buds is dictated by environmental conditions; high temperatures and long days (LDs) promote axillary bud development into runners, whereas cool temperature and short days (SDs) favor the formation of branch crowns. SDs and cool temperature also promote flowering; under these conditions, the main shoot apical meristem is converted into a terminal inflorescence, and vegetative growth is continued from the uppermost axillary branch crown. The environmental factors that regulate vegetative and generative development in strawberries have been reasonably well characterized and are reviewed in the first two chapters. The genetic basis of the physiological responses in strawberries is much less clear. To provide a point of reference for the flowering pathways described in strawberries so far, a short review on the molecular mechanisms controlling flowering in the model plant Arabidopsis is given. The last two chapters will then describe the current knowledge on the molecular mechanisms controlling the physiological responses in strawberries.Peer reviewe

    Salvage Cryotherapy for Radiation-Recurrent Prostate Cancer: Outcomes and Complications

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    Potentially curative salvage options for radio-recurrent prostate cancer include prostatectomy, brachytherapy, high-intensity focused ultrasound, and cryotherapy. Salvage cryoablation technology, surgical technique, oncologic outcomes, and complication rates have improved dramatically over the past few decades, shifting this treatment modality from investigational status to an established therapeutic option. In this review, we focus on the most up-to-date oncologic and functional outcomes, as well as complications of salvage cryotherapy for radiation-recurrent prostate cancer

    Coexpression of epidermal growth factor receptor with related factors is associated with a poor prognosis in non-small-cell lung cancer

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    The epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) is commonly expressed in non-small-cell lung cancer (NSCLC) and promotes a host of mechanisms involved in tumorigenesis. However, EGFR expression does not reliably predict prognosis or response to EGFR-targeted therapies. The data from two previous studies of a series of 181 consecutive surgically resected stage I-IIIA NSCLC patients who had survived in excess of 60 days were explored. Of these patients, tissue was available for evaluation of EGFR in 179 patients, carbonic anhydrase (CA) IX in 177 patients and matrix metalloproteinase-9 (MMP-9) in 169 patients. We have previously reported an association between EGFR expression and MMP-9 expression. We have also reported that MMP-9 (P=0.001) and perinuclear (p)CA IX (P=0.03) but not EGFR expression were associated with a poor prognosis. Perinuclear CA IX expression was also associated with EGFR expression (P<0.001). Multivariate analysis demonstrated that coexpression of MMP-9 with EGFR conferred a worse prognosis than the expression of MMP-9 alone (P<0.001) and coexpression of EGFR and pCA IX conferred a worse prognosis than pCA IX alone (P=0.05). A model was then developed where the study population was divided into three groups: group 1 had expression of EGFR without coexpression of MMP-9 or pCA IX (number=21); group 2 had no expression of EGFR (number=75); and group 3 had coexpression of EGFR with pCA IX or MMP-9 or both (number=70). Group 3 had a worse prognosis than either groups 1 or 2 (P=0.0003 and 0.027, respectively) and group 1 had a better prognosis than group 2 (P=0.036). These data identify two cohorts of EGFR-positive patients with diametrically opposite prognoses. The group expressing either EGFR and or both MMP-9 and pCA IX may identify a group of patients with activated EGFR, which is of clinical relevance with the advent of EGFR-targeted therapies. © 2004 Cancer Research UK

    Combined effects of bevacizumab with erlotinib and irradiation: a preclinical study on a head and neck cancer orthotopic model

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    Clinical benefit has been demonstrated in patients with head and neck tumours receiving an anti-epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) agent in combination with radiotherapy (RT). Recent preclinical and clinical studies suggest beneficial effects from combining anti-angiogenic drugs with RT. To investigate the effect of combining these approaches, we evaluated in vivo the anti-tumour efficacy of the anti-angiogenic compound bevacizumab, a highly specific monoclonal antibody directed against the vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), erlotinib, an EGFR tyrosine kinase inhibitor, and irradiation given alone and in combination. Investigations were performed using a VEGF-secreting human head and neck tumour cell line, CAL33, with a high EGFR content, injected as orthotopic xenografts into the mouth floor of nude mice. Three days after tumour cell injection, bevacizumab (5 mg kg−1, 5 days a week, i.p.), erlotinib (100 mg kg−1, 5 days a week, orally) and irradiation (6 Gy, 3 days a week) were administered alone and in combination for 10 days. As compared with the control, concomitant administration of drugs produced a marked and significant supra-additive decrease in tumour mass; the addition of irradiation almost completely abolished tumour growth. The drug association markedly reduced the number of metastatic nodes and the triple combination significantly reduced the total number of pathologically positive lymph nodes as compared with controls. The RT-induced proliferation, reflected by Ki67 labelling, was reduced to control level with the triple combination. Radiotherapy induced a strong and very significant increase in tumour angiogenesis, which was no longer observed when combined with erlotinib and bevacizumab. The efficacy of the combination of bevacizumab+erlotinib and RT may be of clinical importance in the management of head and neck cancer patients

    Tyrosine kinase inhibitors reprogramming immunity in renal cell carcinoma: rethinking cancer immunotherapy

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    Review article[Abstract] The immune system regulates angiogenesis in cancer by way of both pro- and antiangiogenic activities. A bidirectional link between angiogenesis and the immune system has been clearly demonstrated. Most antiangiogenic molecules do not inhibit only VEGF signaling pathways but also other pathways which may affect immune system. Understanding of the role of these pathways in the regulation of immunosuppressive mechanisms by way of specific inhibitors is growing. Renal cell carcinoma (RCC) is an immunogenic tumor in which angiogenesis and immunosuppression work hand in hand, and its growth is associated with impaired antitumor immunity. Given the antitumor activity of selected TKIs in metastatic RCC (mRCC), it seems relevant to assess their effect on the immune system. The confirmation that TKIs improve cell cytokine response in mRCC provides a basis for the rational combination and sequential treatment of TKIs and immunotherapy

    Additive QTLs on three chromosomes control flowering time in woodland strawberry (Fragaria vesca L.)

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    Flowering time is an important trait that affects survival, reproduction and yield in both wild and cultivated plants. Therefore, many studies have focused on the identification of flowering time quantitative trait locus (QTLs) in different crops, and molecular control of this trait has been extensively investigated in model species. Here we report the mapping of QTLs for flowering time and vegetative traits in a large woodland strawberry mapping population that was phenotyped both under field conditions and in a greenhouse after flower induction in the field. The greenhouse experiment revealed additive QTLs in three linkage groups (LG), two on both LG4 and LG7, and one on LG6 that explain about half of the flowering time variance in the population. Three of the QTLs were newly identified in this study, and one co-localized with the previously characterized FvTFL1 gene. An additional strong QTL corresponding to previously mapped PFRU was detected in both field and greenhouse experiments indicating that gene(s) in this locus can control the timing of flowering in different environments in addition to the duration of flowering and axillary bud differentiation to runners and branch crowns. Several putative flowering time genes were identified in these QTL regions that await functional validation. Our results indicate that a few major QTLs may control flowering time and axillary bud differentiation in strawberries. We suggest that the identification of causal genes in the diploid strawberry may enable fine tuning of flowering time and vegetative growth in the closely related octoploid cultivated strawberry.Peer reviewe