756 research outputs found

    Zara and Benetton: Comparison of two business models

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    The project analizes and compares two very important and diferent business models in fast fashion industry: Zara y Benetton models. Their models are so diferent but have been a great success, due to their capacity to respond quickly to demand of the market, then due to their flexibility. In this regard, the project also demonstrates how information sharing have a big role to the success of a company. It improves the efficiency of a company and helps to achieve the customer satisfaction . To achieve a good sharing information, it' s important a good and strenght relationship between manufacturer and retailer

    Literacy Acquisition Trajectories in Bilingual Language Minority Children and Monolingual Peers with Similar or Different SES: A Three-Year Longitudinal Study

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    Bilingualism and socio-economic status (SES) differentially affect linguistic and cognitive development. However, less evidence has been collected regarding their impact on literacy trajectories. The present longitudinal study evaluated the literacy development of language minority bilingual children (LMBC) and monolingual peers with different SES. A group of LMBC with low-SES (n = 18) and monolingual peers with low (n = 18) or high (n = 14) SES were followed from 2nd to 5th grade through a set of tasks assessing decoding (words, nonwords, passage), reading, and listening comprehension, and spelling skills. The results showed that all groups achieved better performances over time in all measures, except listening comprehension. However, low-SES LMBC underperformed in spelling tasks compared to the monolingual groups. In reading comprehension, there was a time*group interaction that showed how low-SES LMBC reached similar performances of low-SES monolinguals in fifth grade, but both groups underperformed compared to the high SES monolingual group. The discussion is focused on the need for research and educational settings to consider the differential impact of bilingualism and SES. Bilingualism seems to be associated with a longer time in developing adequate spelling skills, whereas SES was the primary underpinning of the reading comprehension gap over time

    Zara and Benetton: Comparison of two business models

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    The project analizes and compares two very important and diferent business models in fast fashion industry: Zara y Benetton models. Their models are so diferent but have been a great success, due to their capacity to respond quickly to demand of the market, then due to their flexibility. In this regard, the project also demonstrates how information sharing have a big role to the success of a company. It improves the efficiency of a company and helps to achieve the customer satisfaction . To achieve a good sharing information, it' s important a good and strenght relationship between manufacturer and retailer

    Heart transplantation in patients with dystrophinopathic cardiomyopathy: Review of the literature and personal series

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    Cardiomyopathy associated with dystrophinopathies [Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD), Becker muscular dystrophy (BMD), X-linked dilated cardiomyopathy (XL-dCM) and cardiomyopathy of Duchenne/Becker (DMD/BMD) carriers] is an increasing recognized manifestation of these neuromuscular disorders and notably contributes to their morbidity and mortality. Dystrophinopathic cardiomyopathy (DCM) is the result of the dystrophin protein deficiency at the myocardium level, parallel to the deficiency occurring at the skeletal muscle level. It begins as a "presymptomatic" stage in the first decade of life and evolves in a stepwise manner toward pictures of overt cardiomyopathy (hypertrophic stage, arrhythmogenic stage and dilated cardiomyopathy). The final stage caused by the extensive loss of cardiomyocytes results in an irreversible cardiac failure, characterized by frequent episodes of acute congestive heart failure (CHF), despite a correct pharmacological treatment. The picture of a severe dilated cardiomyopathy with intractable heart failure is typical of BMD, XL-dCM and cardiomyopathy of DMD/BMD carriers, while it is less frequently observed in patients with DMD. Heart transplantation (HT) is the only curative therapy for patients with dystrophinopathic end-stage heart failure who remain symptomatic despite an optimal medical therapy. However, no definitive figures exist in literature concerning the number of patients with DCM transplanted, and their outcome. This overview is to summarize the clinical outcomes so far published on the topic, to report the personal series of dystrophinopathic patients receiving heart transplantation and finally to provide evidence that heart transplantation is a safe and effective treatment for selected patients with end-stage DCM

    Landslides and predisposing factors of the Southern Apennines, Italy

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    The FiumarelladiCorletodrainagebasinisanemblematicsectorofthesouthernApennine thrust beltintheBasilicataregion(SouthernItaly),whichisstronglyaffected bylandslides. Landslides bothaffect theurbanareaandthefacilitiesrelatedtohydrocarbonexploitation, such asthepipelinesandoilwellsconnectedwiththeoilcentrelocatedjustoutsidethe eastern borderofthestudyarea.Basedonadetailed field survey,supportedby stereoscopic analysis,alandslideinventorymaphasbeenrealized,whichalsoreportsthe associated processesandlandforms.Therelationshipsbetweenthedifferent typesof landslides andthevariouspredisposingfactorslikeoutcroppinglithologies,slopes steepness, slopeexpositionandlandusehavebeenalsoinvestigated.Theacquireddata relate toageologicallycomplexareaofthesouthernApenninessubjecttorecentupliftand represent afundamentalcontributionusefulforthecorrectmanagementoftheterritory

    The risk of venipuncture in newborn with severe hemophilia: Case report of a large elbow hemorrhage and literature review of compartment syndrome

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    Hemophilias are hemorrhagic congenital rare diseases. The gold standard of therapy in hemophilics is the intravenously replacement therapy. We can infuse intravenously plasma derived factors (FVIII for Hemophilia A and FIX for Hemophilia B) or recombinant products (i.e. clotting factor synthetically produced). Venipuncture is not a safe procedure in subjects with hemorrhagic diseases. It is considered an invasive technique with potential massive bleeding and it requires standardized procedures to prevent complications. Local pressure after the procedure (with eventually ice rest) must be always done. In case of bleeding a rapid replacement therapy must be conducted. A severe complication in hemophilia is compartment syndrome. We report a case of massive bleeding in a hemophilic newborn after venipuncture and a literature review of compartment syndrome in hemophiliacs. The aim of this paper is to help physicians in the clinical management to prevent the evolution of a massive bleeding in compartment syndrome

    A Morphological and Ultrastructural Study of the Anterior Digestive Tract of Adult Nile Tilapia Oreochromis niloticus

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    Among the most-used fish species in aquaculture is the Nile tilapia, due to its rapid growth rate and its adaptation to a wide range of farming conditions. A careful description of the morphology of the digestive tract, particularly the esophagus and stomach, allows a better understanding of the relationship between structure and function. Combining scanning and light microscopy we highlighted the presence of five different zones in the stomach (1: esophagus-gastric lumen passage; 2: descending glandular portion; 3: fundic portion; 4: ascending glandular portion; 5: gastric-pyloric transition portion). Histochemical investigation showed a secretion of carboxylates mucopolysaccharides along the esophagus and sulphated complex carbohydrates in the stomach. These results suggest that mucins play a protective role of the epithelial lining, which is essential for a correct digestive process. Finally, the characterization of the main cellular structures may be inspiring for more advanced studies aiming to decipher the role of specific molecules, such as neuropeptides, involved in the physiological digestive process