251 research outputs found

    Cryptic invasion drives phenotypic changes in central European threespine stickleback

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    Cryptic invasions are commonly associated with genetic changes of the native species or genetic lineage that the invaders replace. Phenotypic shifts resulting from cryptic invasions are less commonly reported given the relative paucity of historical specimens that document such phenotypic changes. Here, I study such a case in two populations of threespine stickleback from central Europe, comparing contemporary patterns of gene flow with phenotypic changes between historical and contemporary population samples. I find gene flow from an invasive lineage to be associated with significant phenotypic changes, where the degree of phenotypic change corresponds with the level of gene flow that a population receives. These findings underline the utility of combining genetic approaches with phenotypic data to estimate the impact of gene flow in systems where anthropogenic alterations have removed former geographic barriers promoting cryptic invasions

    On the role of injection in kinetic approaches to nonlinear particle acceleration at non-relativistic shock waves

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    The dynamical reaction of the particles accelerated at a shock front by the first order Fermi process can be determined within kinetic models that account for both the hydrodynamics of the shocked fluid and the transport of the accelerated particles. These models predict the appearance of multiple solutions, all physically allowed. We discuss here the role of injection in selecting the real solution, in the framework of a simple phenomenological recipe, which is a variation of what is sometimes referred to as thermal leakage. In this context we show that multiple solutions basically disappear and when they are present they are limited to rather peculiar values of the parameters. We also provide a quantitative calculation of the efficiency of particle acceleration at cosmic ray modified shocks and we identify the fraction of energy which is advected downstream and that of particles escaping the system from upstream infinity at the maximum momentum. The consequences of efficient particle acceleration for shock heating are also discussed

    Timing mirror structures observed by Cluster with a magnetosheath flow model

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    The evolution of structures associated with mirror modes during their flow in the Earth's magnetosheath is studied. The fact that the related magnetic fluctuations can take distinct shapes, from deep holes to high peaks, has been assessed in previous works on the observational, modeling and numerical points of view. In this paper we present an analytical model for the flow lines and velocity magnitude inside the magnetosheath. This model is used to interpret almost 10 years of Cluster observations of mirror structures: by back tracking each isolated observation to the shock, the "age", or flow time, of these structures is determined together with the geometry of the shock. Using this flow time the evolutionary path of the structures may be studied with respect to different quantities: the distance to mirror threshold, the amplitude of mirror fluctuations and the skewness of the magnetic amplitude distribution as a marker of the shape of the structures. These behaviours are confronted to numerical simulations which confirm the dynamical perspective gained from the association of the statistical analysis and the analytical model: magnetic peaks are mostly formed just behind the shock and are quickly overwhelmed by magnetic holes as the plasma conditions get more mirror stable. The amplitude of the fluctuations are found to saturate before the skewness vanishes, i.e. when both structures quantitatively balance each other, which typically occurs after a flow time of 100–200 s in the Earth's magnetosheath. Comparison with other astrophysical contexts is discussed

    A cosmic ray current driven instability in partially ionised media

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    We investigate the growth of hydromagnetic waves driven by streaming cosmic rays in the precursor environment of a supernova remnant shock. It is known that transverse waves propagating parallel to the mean magnetic field are unstable to anisotropies in the cosmic ray distribution, and may provide a mechanism to substantially amplify the ambient magnetic field. We quantify the extent to which temperature and ionisation fractions modify this picture. Using a kinetic description of the plasma we derive the dispersion relation for a collisionless thermal plasma with a streaming cosmic ray current. Fluid equations are then used to discuss the effects of neutral-ion collisions. We calculate the extent to which the environment into which the cosmic rays propagate influences the growth of the magnetic field, and determines the range of possible growth rates. If the cosmic ray acceleration is efficient, we find that very large neutral fractions are required to stabilise the growth of the non-resonant mode. For typical supernova parameters in our galaxy, thermal effects do not significantly alter the growth rates. For weakly driven modes, ion-neutral damping can dominate over the instability at more modest ionisation fractions. In the case of a supernova shock interacting with a molecular clouds, such as in RX J1713.7-3946, with high density and low ionisation, the modes can be rapidly damped.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figures, accepted to A&A. Corrections made. Applications adde

    Cluster observations of flux rope structures in the near-tail

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    International audienceAn investigation of the 2003 Cluster tail season has revealed small flux ropes in the near-tail plasma sheet of Earth. These flux ropes manifest themselves as a bipolar magnetic field signature (usually predominantly in the Z-component) associated with a strong transient peak in one or more of the other components (usually the Y-component). These signatures are interpreted as the passage of a cylindrical magnetic structure with a strong axial magnetic field over the spacecraft position. On the 2 October 2003 all four Cluster spacecraft observed a flux rope in the plasma sheet at X (GSM) ~-17 RE. The flux rope was travelling Earthward and duskward at ~160 kms-1, as determined from multi-spacecraft timing. This is consistent with the observed south-then-north bipolar BZ signature and corresponds to a size of ~0.3 RE (a lower estimate, measuring between the inflection points of the bipolar signature). The axis direction, determined from multi-spacecraft timing and the direction of the strong core field, was close to the intermediate variance direction of the magnetic field. The current inside the flux rope, determined from the curlometer technique, was predominantly parallel to the magnetic field. However, throughout the flux rope, but more significant in the outer sections, a non-zero component of current perpendicular to the magnetic field existed. This shows that the flux rope was not in a "constant a" force-free configuration, i.e. the magnetic force, J×B was also non-zero. In the variance frame of the magnetic field, the components of J×B suggest that the magnetic pressure force was acting to expand the flux rope, i.e. directed away from the centre of the flux rope, whereas the smaller magnetic tension force was acting to compress the flux rope. The plasma pressure is reduced inside the flux rope. A simple estimate of the total force acting on the flux rope from the magnetic forces and surrounding plasma suggests that the flux rope was experiencing an expansive total force. On 13 August 2003 all four Cluster spacecraft observed a flux rope at X (GSM) ~-18 RE. This flux rope was travelling tailward at 200 kms-1, consistent with the observed north-then-south bipolar BZ signature. The bipolar signature corresponds to a size of ~0.3 RE (lower estimate). In this case, the axis, determined from multi-spacecraft timing and the direction of the strong core field, was directed close to the maximum variance direction of the magnetic field. The current had components both parallel and perpendicular to the magnetic field, and J×B was again larger in the outer sections of the flux rope than in the centre. This flux rope was also under expansive magnetic pressure forces from J×B, i.e. directed away from the centre of the flux rope, and had a reduced plasma pressure inside the flux rope. A simple total force calculation suggests that this flux rope was experiencing a large expansive total force. The observations of a larger J×B signature in the outer sections of the flux ropes when compared to the centre may be explained if the flux ropes are observed at an intermediate stage of their evolution after creation by reconnection at multiple X lines near the Cluster apogee. It is suggested that these flux ropes are in the process of relaxing towards the force-free like configuration often observed further down the tail. The centre of the flux ropes may contain older reconnected flux at a later evolutionary stage and may therefore be more force-free

    Ion Cyclotron Waves in the High Altitude Cusp: CLUSTER observations at Varying Spacecraft Separations

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    We have analysed high-resolution Cluster magnetic field data during three high-altitude cusp crossings in 2001 and 2002. The Cluster separations for these crossings varied between 100 and 600 km and therefore provided an unique opportunity to study wave properties at different length scales. In the cusp Cluster sees frequent intervals of magnetic field fluctuations with clear peaks in power close to the local ion cyclotron frequency, and both left- and right-handed polarisations. At large separations the power seen at different spacecraft can differ by orders of magnitude. For smaller separations, the power seen at the four spacecraft agrees better but still shows some differences. For all separations there was no significant correlation between the signals seen at different spacecraft, indicative of very local structure. The origin of the waves appears to lie in highly filamented sheared plasma flows present in the cusp

    The transport of cosmic rays in self-excited magnetic turbulence

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    The process of diffusive shock acceleration relies on the efficacy with which hydromagnetic waves can scatter charged particles in the precursor of a shock. The growth of self-generated waves is driven by both resonant and non-resonant processes. We perform high-resolution magnetohydrodynamic simulations of the non-resonant cosmic-ray driven instability, in which the unstable waves are excited beyond the linear regime. In a snapshot of the resultant field, particle transport simulations are carried out. The use of a static snapshot of the field is reasonable given that the Larmor period for particles is typically very short relative to the instability growth time. The diffusion rate is found to be close to, or below, the Bohm limit for a range of energies. This provides the first explicit demonstration that self-excited turbulence reduces the diffusion coefficient and has important implications for cosmic ray transport and acceleration in supernova remnants.Comment: 8 pages, 8 figures, accepted for publication in MNRA

    Cluster Observations of Magnetic Field Fluctuations in the High-Altitude Cusp

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    High-resolution (22 vector/s) magnetic field data from Cluster FGM instrument are presented for the highaltitude cusp crossing on 17 March 2001. Despite the quiet solar wind conditions, the cusp was filled with magnetic field turbulence for much of the crossing. Large-scale fluctuations show some correlation between spacecraft but the higher frequency fluctuations show no correlation, indicating that the length scales of these waves are smaller than the spacecraft separation (500 km). In many intervals, there are clear peaks in the wave power around the ion cyclotron frequency (~1 Hz), and there is some evidence for waves at the first harmonic of this frequency. Both left- and right-hand polarised waves are found, with angles of propagation with respect to the ambient magnetic field that range from parallel to perpendicular. The regions of enhanced magnetic field fluctuations appear to be associated with plasma flows possibly originating from a lobe reconnection site. The most coherent, long lasting wave trains with frequencies close to local ion cyclotron frequency occur at a boundary between a sheared flow and a stagnant plasma
