193 research outputs found

    A20/TNFAIP3 heterozygosity predisposes to behavioral symptoms in a mouse model for neuropsychiatric lupus

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    Background: Neuropsychiatric lupus (NPSLE) refers to the neurological and psychiatric manifestations that are commonly observed in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE). An important question regarding the pathogenesis of NPSLE is whether the symptoms are caused primarily by CNS-intrinsic mechanisms or develop as a consequence of systemic autoimmunity. Currently used spontaneous mouse models for SLE have already contributed significantly to unraveling how systemic immunity affects the CNS. However, they are less suited when interested in CNS primary mechanisms. In addition, none of these models are based on genes that are associated with SLE. In this study, we evaluate the influence of A20, a well-known susceptibility locus for SLE, on behavior and CNS-associated changes in inflammatory markers. Furthermore, given the importance of environmental triggers for disease onset and progression, the influence of an acute immunological challenge was evaluated. Methods: Female and male A20 heterozygous mice (A20+/−) and wildtype littermates were tested in an extensive behavioral battery. This was done at the age of 10±2weeks and 24 ​± ​2 weeks to evaluate the impact of aging. To investigate the contribution of an acute immunological challenge, LPS was injected intracerebroventricularly at the age of 10±2weeks followed by behavioral analysis. Underlying molecular mechanisms were evaluated in gene expression assays on hippocampus and cortex. White blood cell count and blood-brain barrier permeability were analyzed to determine whether peripheral inflammation is a relevant factor. Results: A20 heterozygosity predisposes to cognitive symptoms that were observed at the age of 10 ​± ​2 weeks and 24 ​± ​2 weeks. Young A20+/− males and females showed a subtle cognitive phenotype (10±2weeks) with distinct neuroinflammatory phenotypes. Aging was associated with clear neuroinflammation in female A20+/− mice only. The genetic predisposition in combination with an environmental stimulus exacerbates the behavioral impairments related to anxiety, cognitive dysfunction and sensorimotor gating. This was predominantly observed in females. Furthermore, signs of neuroinflammation were solely observed in female A20+/− mice. All above observations were made in the absence of peripheral inflammation and of changes in blood-brain barrier permeability, thus consistent with the CNS-primary hypothesis. Conclusions: We show that A20 heterozygosity is a predisposing factor for NPSLE. Further mechanistic insight and possible therapeutic interventions can be studied in this mouse model that recapitulates several key hallmarks of the disease

    Murine Features of Neurogenesis in the Human Hippocampus across the Lifespan from 0 to 100 Years

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    BACKGROUND: Essentially all knowledge about adult hippocampal neurogenesis in humans still comes from one seminal study by Eriksson et al. in 1998, although several others have provided suggestive findings. But only little information has been available in how far the situation in animal models would reflect the conditions in the adult and aging human brain. We therefore here mapped numerous features associated with adult neurogenesis in rodents in samples from human hippocampus across the entire lifespan. Such data would not offer proof of adult neurogenesis in humans, because it is based on the assumption that humans and rodents share marker expression patterns in adult neurogenesis. Nevertheless, together the data provide valuable information at least about the presence of markers, for which a link to adult neurogenesis might more reasonably be assumed than for others, in the adult human brain and their change with increasing age. METHODS AND FINDINGS: In rodents, doublecortin (DCX) is transiently expressed during adult neurogenesis and within the neurogenic niche of the dentate gyrus can serve as a valuable marker. We validated DCX as marker of granule cell development in fetal human tissue and used DCX expression as seed to examine the dentate gyrus for additional neurogenesis-associated features across the lifespan. We studied 54 individuals and detected DCX expression between birth and 100 years of age. Caveats for post-mortem analyses of human tissues apply but all samples were free of signs of ischemia and activated caspase-3. Fourteen markers related to adult hippocampal neurogenesis in rodents were assessed in DCX-positive cells. Total numbers of DCX expressing cells declined exponentially with increasing age, and co-expression of DCX with the other markers decreased. This argued against a non-specific re-appearance of immature markers in specimen from old brains. Early postnatally all 14 markers were co-expressed in DCX-positive cells. Until 30 to 40 years of age, for example, an overlap of DCX with Ki67, Mcm2, Sox2, Nestin, Prox1, PSA-NCAM, Calretinin, NeuN, and others was detected, and some key markers (Nestin, Sox2, Prox1) remained co-expressed into oldest age. CONCLUSIONS: Our data suggest that in the adult human hippocampus neurogenesis-associated features that have been identified in rodents show patterns, as well as qualitative and quantitative age-related changes, that are similar to the course of adult hippocampal neurogenesis in rodents. Consequently, although further validation as well as the application of independent methodology (e.g. electron microscopy and cell culture work) is desirable, our data will help to devise the framework for specific research on cellular plasticity in the aging human hippocampus

    Molecular and cognitive signatures of ageing partially restored through synthetic delivery of IL2 to the brain

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    Cognitive decline is a common pathological outcome during aging, with an ill-defined molecular and cellular basis. In recent years, the concept of inflammaging, defined as a low-grade inflammation increasing with age, has emerged. Infiltrating T cells accumulate in the brain with age and may contribute to the amplification of inflammatory cascades and disruptions to the neurogenic niche observed with age. Recently, a small resident population of regulatory T cells has been identified in the brain, and the capacity of IL2-mediated expansion of this population to counter neuroinflammatory disease has been demonstrated. Here, we test a brain-specific IL2 delivery system for the prevention of neurological decline in aging mice. We identify the molecular hallmarks of aging in the brain glial compartments and identify partial restoration of this signature through IL2 treatment. At a behavioral level, brain IL2 delivery prevented the age-induced defect in spatial learning, without improving the general decline in motor skill or arousal. These results identify immune modulation as a potential path to preserving cognitive function for healthy aging.The work was supported by the Wellcome Trust (222442/Z/21/Z to AL), anERC Consolidator Grant TissueTreg (to A.L.), an ERC Proof of Concept GrantTreatBrainDamage (to A.L.), FWO Research Grant1503420N (to E.P.), anSAO-FRA pilot grant (20190032, to E.P.), an ERC Starting Grant AstroFunc(to M.G.H.), ERC Proof of Concept Grant AD-VIP (to M.G.H.), ERA ChairNCBio (to M.G.H.), and the Biotechnology and Biological Sciences ResearchCouncil through Institute Strategic Program Grant funding BBS/E/B/000C0427and BBS/E/B/000C0428, and the Biotechnology and BiologicalSciences Research Council Core Capability Grant to the BabrahamInstitute. E.P. was supported by a fellowship from the FWO. The authorsacknowledge the important contributions of Jeason Haughton (VIB) formouse husbandry, Pier-Andr ee Penttila and the KUL FACS Core, and theVIB Single Cell Sequencing Core. The visual abstract was created with BioRender.com

    Deficiency of the miR-29a/b-1 cluster leads to ataxic features and cerebellar alterations in mice

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    miR-29 is expressed strongly in the brain and alterations in expression have been linked to several neurological disorders. To further explore the function of this miRNA in the brain, we generated miR-29a/b-1 knockout animals. Knockout mice develop a progressive disorder characterized by locomotor impairment and ataxia. The different members of the miR-29 family are strongly expressed in neurons of the olfactory bulb, the hippocampus and in the Purkinje cells of the cerebellum. Morphological analysis showed that Purkinje cells are smaller and display less dendritic arborisation compared to their wildtype littermates. In addition, a decreased number of parallel fibers form synapses on the Purkinje cells. We identified several mRNAs significantly up-regulated in the absence of the miR-29a/b-1 cluster. At the protein level, however, the voltage-gated potassium channel Kcnc3 (Kv3.3) was significantly up-regulated in the cerebella of the miR-29a/b knockout mice. Dysregulation of KCNC3 expression may contribute to the ataxic phenotype

    Astrocyte calcium dysfunction causes early network hyperactivity in Alzheimer's disease

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    Dysfunctions of network activity and functional connectivity (FC) represent early events in Alzheimer's disease (AD), but the underlying mechanisms remain unclear. Astrocytes regulate local neuronal activity in the healthy brain, but their involvement in early network hyperactivity in AD is unknown. We show increased FC in the human cingulate cortex several years before amyloid deposition. We find the same early cingulate FC disruption and neuronal hyperactivity in AppNL-F mice. Crucially, these network disruptions are accompanied by decreased astrocyte calcium signaling. Recovery of astrocytic calcium activity normalizes neuronal hyperactivity and FC, as well as seizure susceptibility and day/night behavioral disruptions. In conclusion, we show that astrocytes mediate initial features of AD and drive clinically relevant phenotypes

    Dynamic Distribution of Histone H4 Arginine 3 Methylation Marks in the Developing Murine Cortex

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    Epigenetic modifications regulate key transitions in cell fate during development of the central nervous system (CNS). During cortical development the initial population of proliferative neuroepithelial precursor cells give rise to neurons and then glia in a strict temporal order. Neurogenesis and gliogenesis are accompanied by a switch from symmetric to asymmetric divisions of the neural precursor cells generating another precursor and a differentiated progeny. To investigate whether specific post-translational histone modifications define specific stages of neural precursor differentiation during cortical development I focussed on the appearance of two different types of histone arginine methylation, the dimethyl symmetric H4R3 (H4R3me2s) and dimethyl asymmetric H4R3 (H4R3me2a) in the developing mouse cortex.An immunohistochemical study of the developing cortex at different developmental stages was performed to detect the distribution of H4R3me2s and H4R3me2a modifications. I analysed the distribution of these modifications in: 1) undifferentiated neural precursors, 2) post-mitotic neurons and 3) developing oligodendrocyte precursors (OLPs) using lineage-specific and histone modification-specific antibodies to co-label the cells. I found that the proliferative neuroepithelium during the stage of mainly symmetric expansive divisions is characterised by the prevalence of H4R3me2s modification and almost no detectable H4R3me2a modification. However, at a later stage, when the cortical layers with post-mitotic neurons have begun forming, both H4R3me2a and H4R3me2s modifications are detected in the post-mitotic neurons and in the developing OLPs.I propose that the H4R3me2s modification forms part of the "histone code" of undifferentiated neural precursors. The later appearance of the H4R3me2a modifications specifies the onset of neurogenesis and gliogenesis and the commitment of the NSCs to differentiate. Thus, the sequential appearance of the two different H4R3 methylation marks may define a particular cellular state of the NSCs during their development and differentiation demonstrating the role of histone arginine methylation in cortical development

    Translog, a web browser for studying the expression divergence of homologous genes

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Increasing amount of data from comparative genomics, and newly developed technologies producing accurate gene expression data facilitate the study of the expression divergence of homologous genes. Previous studies have individually highlighted factors that contribute to the expression divergence of duplicate genes, e.g. promoter changes, exon structure heterogeneity, asymmetric histone modifications and genomic neighborhood conservation. However, there is a lack of a tool to integrate multiple factors and visualize their variety among homologous genes in a straightforward way.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We introduce Translog (a web-based tool for Transcriptome comparison of homologous genes) that assists in the comparison of homologous genes by displaying the loci in three different views: promoter view for studying the sharing/turnover of transcription initiations, exon structure for displaying the exon-intron structure changes, and genomic neighborhood to show the macro-synteny conservation in a larger scale. CAGE data for transcription initiation are mapped for each transcript and can be used to study transcription turnover and expression changes. Alignment anchors between homologous loci can be used to define the precise homologous transcripts. We demonstrate how these views can be used to visualize the changes of homologous genes during evolution, particularly after the 2R and 3R whole genome duplication.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>We have developed a web-based tool for assisting in the transcriptome comparison of homologous genes, facilitating the study of expression divergence.</p

    SVOP Is a Nucleotide Binding Protein

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    Background: Synaptic Vesicle Protein 2 (SV2) and SV2-related protein (SVOP) are transporter-like proteins that localize to neurotransmitter-containing vesicles. Both proteins share structural similarity with the major facilitator (MF) family of small molecule transporters. We recently reported that SV2 binds nucleotides, a feature that has also been reported for another MF family member, the human glucose transporter 1 (Glut1). In the case of Glut1, nucleotide binding affects transport activity. In this study, we determined if SVOP also binds nucleotides and assessed its nucleotide binding properties. Methodology/Principal Findings: We performed in vitro photoaffinity labeling experiments with the photoreactive ATP analogue, 8-azido-ATP[c] biotin and purified recombinant SVOP-FLAG fusion protein. We found that SVOP is a nucleotide-binding protein, although both its substrate specificity and binding site differ from that of SV2. Within the nucleotides tested, ATP, GTP and NAD show same level of inhibition on SVOP-FLAG labeling. Dose dependent studies indicated that SVOP demonstrates the highest affinity for NAD, in contrast to SV2, which binds both NAD and ATP with equal affinity. Mapping of the binding site revealed a single region spanning transmembrane domains 9–12, which contrasts to the two binding sites in the large cytoplasmic domains in SV2A. Conclusions/Significance: SVOP is the third MF family member to be found to bind nucleotides. Given that the binding sites are unique in SVOP, SV2 and Glut1, this feature appears to have arisen separately

    The role of endothelin-1 in hyperoxia-induced lung injury in mice

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    BACKGROUND: As prolonged hyperoxia induces extensive lung tissue damage, we set out to investigate the involvement of endothelin-1 (ET-1) receptors in these adverse changes. METHODS: Experiments were performed on four groups of mice: control animals kept in room air and a group of mice exposed to hyperoxia for 60 h were not subjected to ET-1 receptor blockade, whereas the dual ETA/ETB-receptor blocker tezosantan (TEZ) was administered via an intraperitoneal pump (10 mg/kg/day for 6 days) to other groups of normal and hyperoxic mice. The respiratory system impedance (Zrs) was measured by means of forced oscillations in the anesthetized, paralyzed and mechanically ventilated mice before and after the iv injection of ET-1 (2 μg). Changes in the airway resistance (Raw) and in the tissue damping (G) and elastance (H) of a constant-phase tissue compartment were identified from Zrs by model fitting. RESULTS: The plasma ET-1 level increased in the mice exposed to hyperoxia (3.3 ± 1.6 pg/ml) relative to those exposed to room air (1.6 ± 0.3 pg/ml, p < 0.05). TEZ administration prevented the hyperoxia-induced increases in G (13.1 ± 1.7 vs. 9.6 ± 0.3 cmH(2)O/l, p < 0.05) and H (59 ± 9 vs. 41 ± 5 cmH(2)O/l, p < 0.05) and inhibited the lung responses to ET-1. Hyperoxia decreased the reactivity of the airways to ET-1, whereas it elevated the reactivity of the tissues. CONCLUSION: These findings substantiate the involvement of the ET-1 receptors in the physiopathogenesis of hyperoxia-induced lung damage. Dual ET-1 receptor antagonism may well be of value in the prevention of hyperoxia-induced parenchymal damage

    Optimizing Staining Protocols for Laser Microdissection of Specific Cell Types from the Testis Including Carcinoma In Situ

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    Microarray and RT-PCR based methods are important tools for analysis of gene expression; however, in tissues containing many different cells types, such as the testis, characterization of gene expression in specific cell types can be severely hampered by noise from other cells. The laser microdissection technology allows for enrichment of specific cell types. However, when the cells are not morphologically distinguishable, it is necessary to use a specific staining method for the target cells. In this study we have tested different fixatives, storage conditions for frozen sections and staining protocols, and present two staining protocols for frozen sections, one for fast and specific staining of fetal germ cells, testicular carcinoma in situ cells, and other cells with embryonic stem cell-like properties that express the alkaline phosphatase, and one for specific staining of lipid droplet-containing cells, which is useful for isolation of the androgen-producing Leydig cells. Both protocols retain a morphology that is compatible with laser microdissection and yield RNA of a quality suitable for PCR and microarray analysis