836 research outputs found

    The linguistic dimension of L2 interviews: A multidimensional analysis of native speaker language

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    This research profiles the L2 interviews from a variationist perspective by using native speaker data in order to gain insight into the characteristics of three different speaking tasks in the framework of the LINDSEI learner language corpus tradition: Personal Narrative Component, an Interaction Component and a Picture Description. This way, we set out to research one area of the assessment of proficiency that is usually neglected: that of the linguistic nature of the tasks used to assess general “proficiency” in a given language. Our corpus was part-of-speech (POS) tagged and analysed using Multidimensional Analysis (MDA). We found that the different speaking tasks determine the range of linguistic features that are more likely to be generated by the communicative potential of the task itself. This profiling is of interest in areas such as language assessment, where the interview is widely used to evaluate the speakers’ communicative competence, but also in the field of learner language research. Our research is an example of the possibilities which combined methodologies of learner language analysis can offer to both the Second Language Acquisition (SLA) research community and the more general applied linguistics research field

    Geometry in 18th Century Bell Towers in Bajo Segura, Spain

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    Bell towers are essential elements of religious architecture, which have been part of villagers’ lives for centuries and have marked their identity and orientation from a far distance. This research provides widens our knowledge of geometrical aspects of bell towers through a search for common building patterns. Throughout the history of construction and architecture, there have been specific studies about particular bell towers, but few have taken a more general approach, studying 18th-century architectural treatises and building warnings for ecclesiastical buildings after the Council of Trent. In the Spanish ecclesiastical territorial organisation, the Diocese of Orihuela and its region (Bajo Segura) had great importance, with outstanding social development and territorial expansion due to the colonising action of the clergy and nobility in the 18th century. In 1829, an earthquake had destructive effects on the area’s architectural heritage. This paper studies the bell towers that endured the earthquake by recording data in situ, generating a catalogue, and analysing and comparing the data obtained. The results outline a construction model that meets the established guidelines of the architectural treatises as far as geometrical proportions and building patterns are concerned

    Using annotation and specialised electronic corpora to facilite the reading of journal aricles in the filed of Law. Póster

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    A comprehensive analysis of any professional genre must consider and integrate text-internal as well as text-external aspects of language use (Bhatia, 2004). Beyond the well-known difficulties of legal language (Bhatia, 1982) and its main features (Alcaraz Varó, 2002), the rhetorical structure of a RA is a reflection of the professional practices of scholars in the field of law. Linguists consider that a genre is an instance of a sociolinguistic activity through which members of certain discourse community achieve their communicative purposes (Swales, 1990). A genre is defined then by its shared communicative purposes and manifested by its particular structural and linguistic features. The Research Article (RA) is the main channel of scientific or scholarly communication, which turns it into the target genre for PhD candidates in law.Campus Mare Nostrum, Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena, Universidad de Murcia, Región de Murci

    The role of corpus linguistics in developing innovation in data-driven language learning

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    [SPA]El data-driven learning o aprendizaje basado en datos se caracteriza por el uso de bases de datos de lengua en uso que los alumnos analizan para identificar patrones de uso. El aprendizaje a partir de datos encaja a la perfección dentro de los nuevos paradigmas de enseñanza y se ajusta a lo que se conoce como aprendizaje en el S.XXI o aprendizaje para la vida. En este nuevo escenario docentes y discentes deben adoptar nuevos roles. Los alumnos deben hacerse responsables de su propio aprendizaje y deben actuar como agentes activos en el proceso de aprendizaje y no como meros receptores de información. Por su parte, los profesores se convierten en guías o en facilitadores del proceso. Al hacer a los alumnos comportarse como investigadores, el aprendizaje a partir de datos es, por lo tanto, un ejemplo representativo de aprendizaje centrado en el alumno. Además, este enfoque promueve el aprendizaje inductivo, ya que el análisis de datos, la formulación de hipótesis y la extracción de conclusiones son los tres pilares en los que éste se sustenta. A pesar de los beneficios derivados de esta metodología de trabajo basada en corpus lingüísticos, sus aplicaciones en el aula se han basado tradicionalmente en la transferencia directa de los métodos y las herramientas que se usan para el análisis de la lengua en el ámbito investigador, lo que causa problemas para la implantación y expansión de esta metodología en contextos educativos. El tipo de aprendizaje basado en datos que proponemos en este trabajo está basado en un enfoque novedoso en lo concerniente al modo en el que los datos lingüísticos son tratados por los investigadores/profesores y por los alumnos. El uso de un nuevo modelo que favorezca una transformación de datos en información significativa para los alumnos es la clave de nuestra forma de abordar la innovación educativa en el aprendizaje de lenguas. Los proyectos europeos, SACODEYL y Corpora for Content and Language Integrated Learning, son buena muestra de experiencias de innovación en el campo del aprendizaje para la vida. [ENG]Data Driven (language) Learning (DDL) is characterized by the use of language data in the language learning classroom so that students can analyse language and identify patterns of use. DDL fits well with contemporary learning paradigms and with the so-called 21st C learning or lifelong learning, which implies a new attitude on the part of students and teachers. In this new scenario, students need to take responsibility over their own learning and become active learners, and not mere recipients of information. Teachers turn themselves into guides and facilitators of the learning process. In making students work as researchers, DDL is therefore a representative example of learner-centred teaching. Moreover, this approach fosters inductive learning, as the process of analyzing data, formulating hypotheses and deriving conclusions is at the heart of this approach. However, classroom applications of traditional corpus linguistics have relied on heavy linguistic research paradigms, which according to different authors has problematized the use of this methodology. In the context of our proposal, the data-driven culture that we want to foster is based on a totally new approach to the way in which language data are treated by researchers/teachers and learners. The use of a new data model which favours a more rapid transformation into information which is meaningful to learners is at the hub of our approach to innovation. Two European projects, SACODEYL and Corpora for Content Language Integrated Learning are examples of innovation in the field of lifelong learning.Campus Mare Nostrum, Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena, Universidad de Murcia, Región de Murci

    Plataforma integrada de pagos para la Universidad de Zaragoza

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    Para permitir que los ciudadanos que así lo desean puedan relacionarse con la Universidad de Zaragoza usando exclusivamente medios electrónicos, es necesario disponer de una infraestructura de pago de tasas por medios electrónicos. Un sistema de pago electrónico, seguro, flexible y multiplataforma es uno de los pilares básicos sobre el que debe apoyarse el servicio de Administración Electrónica. En este momento la Universidad de Zaragoza ofrece sistemas de pago electrónico encastrados en algunos procedimientos concretos de administración electrónica como la solicitud de certificados académicos o la solicitud de título, pero de cara a generalizar la posibilidad de pago electrónico se necesita ofrecer un servicio genérico de pago de tasas, independientemente del procedimiento. Al sistema desarrollado se le va a llamar Plataforma Integrada de Pagos para la Universidad de Zaragoza (PIPUZ). El acceso y uso del sistema se hará utilizando una interfaz web para administradores y usuarios y una API de integración con las aplicaciones. Está compuesta de 5 módulos: 1. Panel de administración del sistema 2. Gestión de tasas, comercios y unidades contables 3. Gestión de usuarios del sistema y pagos 4. Integración con pasarelas de pago virtual (TPV y Paypal) 5. API de acceso al sistema para otras aplicaciones y procesos El sistema está preparado para integrarse con los principales sistemas de información existente en la Universidad de Zaragoza: sistema de autenticación y autorización de usuarios, sistema de gestión de perfiles de tramitación, sistemas de gestión contable, sistemas de continuidad de los servicios (backups, alarmas, etc), sistema de gestión documental, etc. La definición y especificación de la solución se ha realizado siguiendo la metodología Scrum. El desarrollo de la solución se ha realizado utilizando PHP y siguiendo el paradigma MVC (Modelo Vista Controlador). Para el modelo se ha utilizado una base de datos MySQL con ayuda del framework de PHP PDO. Para la vista, se ha realizado una interfaz web con HTML, CSS con Bootstrap y JavaScript con AngularJS. Por último, para la parte del controlador, se ha utilizado una tecnología REST implementada en lenguaje PHP utilizando como herramienta el framework Slim

    Calcificaciones heterotópicas en cirugía protésica de cadera: Prótesis bicénctricas vs híbridas

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    Realizamos el seguimiento clínico y radiológico de 202 pacientes a los que se implantó una Prótesis Total de Cadera cementada (PTC). Analizamos la presencia de calcificaciones heterotópicas (CH) y su graduación, estudiando separadamente prótesis híbridas y bicéntricas. Valoramos los factores de riesgo relacionados con la aparición de CH, tamaño de implantes, alineación final, lado intervenido y relación con la presencia de complicaciones locales y sistemáticas. La prevalencia de CH fue de 35.5% (grado I, 19%; grado II, 10%; grado III, 5% y grado IV 1,5%); 9,9 % sintomáticas. Una mayor proporción de CH fue observada en varones (p=0,005); vástagos de mayor tamaño (p=0,001). No existen diferencias significativas (p=0,059) entre pacientes con prótesis híbridas frente a aquellos con prótesis bicéntricas. La valoración de Harris mostró diferencias en el seguimiento del parámetro dolor a los 24 meses entre los grupos con y sin CH.The clinical and radiological follow-up of 202 patients with a cemented Hip Artrhoplasty (HA) was reviewed. The presence of periarticular heterotopic ossifications (PHO) and its gradation was compared i9n hybrid and bipolar arthroplasties. Risk factors related to the appearance of PHO, implants size, final alignment, operated side and relationship to the postoperative local and systemic complications were several of the parameter analyzed. The presence of PHO was 35,5% (degree I, 19%; degree II, 10%; degree III, 5% and degree IV, 1,5%); 9,9% symptomatic. A greater proportion of PHO was observed in males (p=0,005) greater zie stems (p=0,001) and patients with postoperative local complications (p=0,001). There were no statistical differences between patients with hybrid hip arthoplasties as compared to those with bipolar his arthroplasties. The Harris score showed differences as regards pain at 24 months follow-up between the groups whit an without PHO

    Defining the role of neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio in COPD: a systematic literature review

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    COPD is characterized by a pulmonary and systemic inflammatory process. Several authors have reported the elevation of multiple inflammatory markers in patients with COPD; however, their use in routine clinical practice has limitations. The neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio (NLR) is a useful and cost-effective inflammatory marker derived from routine complete blood count. We performed a systematic literature review using the PRISMA statement. Twenty-two articles were included, recruiting 7,601 COPD patients and 784 healthy controls. Compared with controls, COPD patients had significantly higher NLR values. We found a significant correlation between the NLR and clinical/functional parameters (FEV1, mMRC, and BODE index) in COPD patients. Elevation of the NLR is associated with the diagnosis of acute exacerbation of COPD (pooled data propose a cut-off value of 3.34 with a median sensitivity, specificity, and area under the curve of 80%, 86%, and 0.86, respectively). Additionally, increased NLR is also associated with the diagnosis of a bacterial infection in exacerbated patients, with a cut-off value of 7.30, although with a low sensitivity and specificity. The NLR is an independent predictor of in-hospital and late mortality after exacerbation. In conclusion, the NLR could be a useful marker in COPD patients; however, further studies are needed to better identify the clinical value of the NLR

    High-throughput wide dynamic range procedure for the simultaneous quantification of nicotine and cotinine in multiple biological matrices using hydrophilic interaction liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry

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    A straightforward, high-throughput method was developed and fully validated for the simultaneous determination of the specific tobacco biomarkers nicotine and its main metabolite cotinine in a wide dynamic range and supporting the most common human biological matrices (urine, oral fluid and hair). Sample preparation was performed inside the very HPLC injection vials by pipetting 0.5 mL of the liquid samples, deuterated internal standards in alkaline solution and dichloromethane as extraction solvent. Solid samples (i.e. around 10 mg hair) were first submitted to alkaline digestion in the HPLC vials and processed accordingly. The organic phase (reached through the upper aqueous layer) was directly injected without further treatment. Instrumental analysis was performed using hydrophilic interaction (HILIC) ultra-high performance liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (UHPLC-MS/MS). Total chromatographic time was 2 min. The method covers a wide dynamic range making it fit-for-purpose for the analysis of samples covering entire populations, irrespective of the level of exposure or tobacco use. Calibration curves (r 2 > 0.995) covered the range 1-2000 ng/mL (or 0.05-100 ng/mg hair) for nicotine and 0.1-2000 ng/mL (or 0.005-100 ng/mg hair) for cotinine. Within-run and between-run precision and accuracy were typically below 10 %, and always below 20 % at the lower limit of quantification. The method was successfully applied to the analysis of samples from different projects involving multiple matrices

    Apuntes sobre algunas aves nidificantes en el macizo del Penyagolosa (Castellón)

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    El macizo del Penyagolosa es una de las zonas más ricas en especies de aves de la Comunidad Valenciana, ya que cuenta con una importante masa boscosa en muy buen estado de conservación con una alta diversidad. A pesar de esta riqueza, no hay prácticamente trabajos que describan su ornitocenosis o que den detalles sobre las poblaciones de aves que lo habitan. Para estudiar esta ornitocenosis se puso en marcha una campaña de anillamiento durante 7 primaveras en la fuente del mas de la Cambreta y se plantearon una serie de censos en esa misma área. Las campañas de anillamiento recogieron datos de 29 especies, siendo las más abundantes el petirrojo europeo, el reyezuelo listado y el carbonero garrapinos. Se aportan parámetros de la población reproductora como fechas de cría, sex-ratio, tasa de recaptura interanual y biometría. Los datos apuntan a una temporada de nidificación tardía con una única nidada. En base a los transectos, se calculan algunos índices ecológicos que indican un medio con una alta diversidad y una buena estructura de las poblaciones de aves. Aparecen especies poco comunes en la provincia como la curruca mosquitera, el mosquitero común, el zorzal común o el verderón serrano.The Penyagolosa massif is one of the bird species richest areas in the Comunitat Valenciana region, since it has an important forested area with high plant diveristy. Despite this richness, there is almost no works describing its ornithocenosis or that give detalis of the bird populations that inhabit here. To study this ornithocenosis we conducted a ringing campaign along 7 springs at the Font del mas de la Cambreta and conducted some censues in this same area. Ringing campaigns gathered data on 29 species, the most abundant were the European Robin, Common Firecrest and Coal Tit. We provide parameters of the breeding population as breeding dates, sex-ratio, interannual capture rates and biometry. Data gathered point to a delayed breeding season and to a single breeding attempt. Based on transects, we calculate some ecological indexes that point to an area with high diversity and a good structure of the bird populations. We detected some scarce species in the Province as Garden Warbler, Common Chiffchaff, Song Trhush or Citril Finch

    Thermal characterization of Montmorillonite clays saturated with various cations

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    Emanation thermal analysis (ETA), thermogravimetry and high temperature XRD were used to characterize the thermal behavior during dehydration of natural Na montmorillonite (Upton Wyoming, USA) and homoionic montmorillonite (MMT) samples saturated with different cations, i.e. Li+, Cs+, NH 4 +, Mg2+ and Al3+. ETA results characterized radon mobility and microstructure changes that accompanied the mass loss of the samples due to dehydration on heating in air. A collapse of interlayer space between the silicate sheets after water release from the MMT samples was characterized by a decrease of the radon release rate, ΔE. Decreases in c-axis basal spacing (d 001) values determined from XRD patterns for the different montmorillonite samples follow the sequence: Mg−MMT>Al−MMT>Li−MMT>Na−MMT>NH4−MMT>Cs−MMT The decrease of the radon release rate (ΔE) determined by ETA that characterized microstructure changes due to collapse of interlayer space corresponded well to differences in the c-axis basal spacing (Δd 001) values determined from the XRD patterns before and after samples dehydration.Peer Reviewe