4,855 research outputs found
El poblado ibérico del Alt del Frare (La Font de la Figuera, València). El departamento 5
Estudi del Dept. 5 del poblado ibérico del Alt del Frare; sus características constructivas y funcionales, así como un completo análisis del ajuar cerámico hallado: su distribución microespacial, tipología, funcionalidad, cronología y su inserción en el ambiente de la Contestania septentrional del s. IV a.C
A 64-channel inductively-powered neural recording sensor array
This paper reports a 64-channel inductively powered neural recording sensor array. Neural signals are acquired, filtered, digitized and compressed in the channels. Additionally, each channel implements a local auto-calibration mechanism which configures the transfer characteristics of the recording site. The system has two operation modes; in one case the information captured by the channels is sent as uncompressed raw data; in the other, feature vectors extracted from the detected neural spikes are transmitted. Data streams coming from the channels are serialized by an embedded digital processor and transferred to the outside by means of the same inductive link used for powering the system. Simulation results show that the power consumption of the complete system is 377μW.Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación TEC2009-0844
A comparative study of quantitative methods in ore microscopy: digital image analysis vs. point counter device
Quantitative mineralogical analyses of metallic concentrates from an ore-processing plant with reflected light microscopy have been carried out independently, on the same samples, by an expert mineralogist using a point counter device (PCD), and by digital image analysis (DIA) operated by a post-graduate student in order to compare the performance and results obtained with both methods
A power efficient neural spike recording channel with data bandwidth reduction
This paper presents a mixed-signal neural spike recording channel which features, as an added value, a simple and low-power data compression mechanism. The channel uses a band-limited differential low noise amplifier and a binary search data converter, together with other digital and analog blocks for control, programming and spike characterization. The channel offers a self-calibration operation mode and it can be configured both for signal tracking (to raw digitize the acquired neural waveform) and feature extraction (to build a first-order PWL approximation of the spikes). The prototype has been fabricated in a standard CMOS 0.13μm and occupies 400μm×400μm. The overall power consumption of the channel during signal tracking is 2.8μW and increases to 3.0μW average when the feature extraction operation mode is programmed.Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación TEC2009-08447Junta de Andalucía TIC-0281
Albergues de carretera. La metamorfosis de un tipo hotelero
Los albergues de carretera, obra de los arquitectos Carlos Arniches y Martín Domínguez, han despertado recurrentemente el interés de arquitectos e historiadores del turismo, tanto por su valor de anticipación del Movimiento Moderno como por ser uno de los tipos hoteleros clave del Patronato Nacional de Turismo; sin embargo, la visión que se ha dado hasta ahora del tema ha soslayado la escala particular de cada uno de los inmuebles. La red de albergues constituyó durante cuatro décadas del siglo XX una estructura hotelera con entidad propia dentro de la red de alojamientos turísticos del Estado, que nació vinculada a un prototipo arquitectónico. Este artículo realiza una revisión crítica del origen común de los doce albergues, a través de las premisas de las primeras propuestas y del proyecto final, para analizar a continuación su diversificación a través de sucesivas transformaciones a lo largo del tiempo debidas a reformas, ampliaciones o cambios de uso. Este estudio ha partido de la documentación inédita procedente de diferentes archivos, que ha sido contrastada con la toma de datos in situ realizada en cada uno de los albergues. El panorama actual muestra una red desmantelada y sus inmuebles en diversas coyunturas, algunos incluso desaparecidos, lo que obliga a realizar una reflexión final en relación a la posible reutilización de los edificios todavía existentes
Learning environment based on social networks: EPSCCommunity
Today, working in an open and collaborative skills is one of the most demanded in the ICT world to which we are oriented. To this end we believe is essential to have tools and technologies that facilitate and encourage this ability to develop our capabilities in an appropriate manner. The purpose of this project is to design and implement a tool to facilitate group work within the different courses and subjects of the EPSC. The basic idea is to establish a social network formed only by users of the EPSC, which can create groups of subjects managed with by the teacher. This would define different user profiles (student, teacher, guest ...) each having special characteristics and functions different from the others, providing them with more or less depending on the profile permissions. The information would also be subject to different types of view, depending on which users could see a group of a subject, all users ... being a common forum for both general events (demonstrations, lectures, open tables ...) as a way to share information and discoveries while working with your group, as your class or around the world. The initial idea is to implement the use of freeware tools and technologies such as Tomcat, My SQL Server, Spring, Struts, Hibernate, J2ee, jquery-ui, etc,. To conduct a pilot project, and if it works, it could generate a stronger infrastructure in the future
Learning environment based on social networks: EPSCCommunity
Today, working in an open and collaborative skills is one of the most demanded in the ICT world to which we are oriented. To this end we believe is essential to have tools and technologies that facilitate and encourage this ability to develop our capabilities in an appropriate manner. The purpose of this project is to design and implement a tool to facilitate group work within the different courses and subjects of the EPSC. The basic idea is to establish a social network formed only by users of the EPSC, which can create groups of subjects managed with by the teacher. This would define different user profiles (student, teacher, guest ...) each having special characteristics and functions different from the others, providing them with more or less depending on the profile permissions. The information would also be subject to different types of view, depending on which users could see a group of a subject, all users ... being a common forum for both general events (demonstrations, lectures, open tables ...) as a way to share information and discoveries while working with your group, as your class or around the world. The initial idea is to implement the use of freeware tools and technologies such as Tomcat, My SQL Server, Spring, Struts, Hibernate, J2ee, jquery-ui, etc,. To conduct a pilot project, and if it works, it could generate a stronger infrastructure in the future
A formación audiovisual: demandas da sociedade e do mercado
[Resumo]: O carácter universitario da formación dos comunicadores é algo que xa poucos discuten. O problema reside na súa orientación e na súa diferenciación respecto a outras ofertas, pois debe atender a súa perspectiva profesional, a empresarial e a científica, os diferentes medios de comunicación e as diferentes funcións que se desenvolven neles. É preciso conxugar unha visión global da comunicación cunha concreción aplicada demandada pola sociedade. Na Universidade da Coruña optouse por un criterio concreto de novos medios interactivos e por un criterio xeral de comunicador audiovisual polivalente
–multimedia no seu senso máis etimolóxico–.[Abstract]: The academic nature of communicational education is already beyond doubt. In order to distinguish it from other kind of studies, we must pay attention to their professional, business and scientific sides and to the relationship they maintain with media. There is a need to conjugate a global vision of communication with an applied concretion in order to fulfil the demands of society. The University of A Coruña decided to focus on new interactive media from a very specialized point of view, whereas a general perspective is applied to the multi-faceted, multimedia audiovisual communicator
Molecular Mechanisms Regulating the DNA Repair Protein APE1: A Focus on Its Flexible N-Terminal Tail Domain
APE1 (DNA (apurinic/apyrimidinic site) endonuclease 1) is a key enzyme of one of the major DNA repair routes, the BER (base excision repair) pathway. APE1 fulfils additional functions, acting as a redox regulator of transcription factors and taking part in RNA metabolism. The mechanisms regulating APE1 are still being deciphered. Structurally, human APE1 consists of a well-characterized globular catalytic domain responsible for its endonuclease activity, preceded by a conformationally flexible N-terminal extension, acquired along evolution. This N-terminal tail appears to play a prominent role in the modulation of APE1 and probably in BER coordination. Thus, it is primarily involved in mediating APE1 localization, post-translational modifications, and protein–protein interactions, with all three factors jointly contributing to regulate the enzyme. In this review, recent insights on the regulatory role of the N-terminal region in several aspects of APE1 function are covered. In particular, interaction of this region with nucleophosmin (NPM1) might modulate certain APE1 activities, representing a paradigmatic example of the interconnection between various regulatory factors.This work was supported by a grant from the University of the Basque Country (GIU18/172
Evaluación de la diversidad de Quirópteros en el Paisaje Terrestre Protegido Mesas de Moropotente.
Se describe y compara la riqueza y diversidad de murciélagos en los bosques de carbón, bosque de roble, bosque de galería y huerto caseros (clasificado como un sistema agroforestal simultánea) en el Paisaje terrestre Protegido Mesas de Moropotente en el Departamento de Estelí. Comparando dos épocas del año (Invierno- Verano) en diferentes estaciones de muestreos. Se capturaron un total de 323 especímenes, pertenecientes a tres familias, 16 géneros y 25 especies. Las especies más abundante fueron Artibeus jamaicensis, Dermanura phaeotis, Desmodus rotundus y Artibeus lituratus. De acuerdo con sus hábitos alimenticios se encontraron cuatro gremios tróficos: murciélagos frugívoros, insectívoros, nectarívoros, y hematófagos. Diversidad α el valor más alto fue en la época de invierno en la estación 1 bosque con dominancia de la especie del carbón (Acacia pennatual) (H’= 2.061). Mostró baja semejanza entre los tipos de bosque, lo cual podría deberse a las condiciones en los sitios de captur
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