10,458 research outputs found

    El fenómeno regionalista en Extremadura. Las dificultades de una autonomía

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    Desde el inicio de la Transición en España, surge el debate sobre el tema regional y de las nacionalidades. Extremadura también se une al mismo, defendiendo supuestas peculiaridades y personalidad propia. Se hace un repaso detallado de la historia regional concluyendo que los extremeños mostraron siempre, ante la realidad regional, un comportamiento dispar y contradictorio. En resumen, el conformismo, la auto marginación, la pérdida de oportunidades históricas, la ausencia de vías de comunicación, el sometimiento, la carencia del sentido del riesgo configuran la ausencia de un verdadero sentimiento regionalista. En Extremadura se cuenta con muy pocos cimientos sobre los que apoyar una personalidad o peculiaridad propia que no sea un puro mimetismo con las reivindicaciones de otras regiones españolas.Since the beginning of the transition in Spain, the debate on the regional issue and nationalities arises. Extremadura also binds to it, defending its peculiarities and personality. We do a detailed review of regional history in which it is stated that Extremadura showed always, to the regional reality, a contradictory behavior. In short, conformism, self marginalization, loss of historic opportunities, lack of roads, subjugation, lack of sense of risk shape the absence of a real regional sentiment. In Extremadura there are very few arguments which support a personality or own peculiarity than one imitation of claims from other Spanish regions

    Irregularidades, protestas e incidencias en el proceso de transformación de bienes nacionales del siglo XIX

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    El estudio analiza el ambiente en que se desarrolló el proceso de transformación de dominios en la Extremadura del siglo XIX. Se presentan los de la provincia de Cáceres aunque este tipo de incidencias y arbitrariedades pueden ser trasladadas a otras zonas del país. Para su descripción se agrupan en diferentes tipologías. En el fondo de toda esa mala gestión pericial se encontraba, casi siempre, el deseo desenfrenado de algunos personajes influyentes de adquirir por cualquier medio las propiedades subastadas. Así, cuando no actúan ellos mismos como tasadores ejercen un sin fin de presiones para satisfacer su apetencia de tierras. La ignorancia sobre la titularidad jurídica de algunas propiedades explica que en algunos pueblos se subastaran bienes cuyos derechos pertenecían a particulares, así como otro tipo de irregularidades. Son muchos los casos que ejemplifican acerca de los errores, vicios y deficiencias existentes a lo largo del proceso desamortizador. Tal vez el mayor conjunto de irregularidades se encuadren en el bloque calificado como enajenación de bienes de aprovechamiento común y dehesas boyales. Uno de los objetivos básicos del proceso desamortizador consistía en «crear una copiosa familia de propietarios»; uno de los principios básicos del sistema liberal decimonónico; el más firme apoyo de los gobiernos en el siglo XIX, ya fueran moderados o progresistas, conservadores o liberales, se encontraba en los propietarios; hasta la implantación del sufragio universal, muy avanzado ya el siglo pasado, los derechos políticos e individuales en general eran sólo los derechos de los propietarios. En consecuencia, no puede considerarse como una absoluta novedad el hecho de que la actitud más generalizada del Estado tendiese a proteger la seguridad jurídica y los intereses de los compradores, convertidos en dueños/propietarios de las fincas tras su participación en las subastas.The study analyzes the environment in which the transformation of domains in the Extremadura nineteenth century is developed. We present the province of Cáceres although such incidents and arbitrariness can be moved to other areas. For description is grouped into different types. At the bottom of all this bad management expert has almost always found the unbridled desire of some influential people to acquire by any means auctioned properties. One of the basic objectives of paying back process was to "create a copious family of owners'; one of the basic principles of nineteenth-century liberal system; the strongest support from governments in the nineteenth century, whether moderate or liberal, conservative or liberal, was in the owners; until the implementation of universal suffrage, very advanced and the past century, political and individual rights in general were only the rights of the owners. Therefore can not be regarded as an absolute novelty that the general attitude of the state would tend to protect the legal certainty and the interests of buyers, converted to owner / owners of farms after participating in auctions

    Public sector wage gaps in Spanish regions.

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    This paper provides an approximation to the measurement of public sector wage gaps in Spanish regions. By using data from the European Community Household Panel, it is shown that the balance between what private firms pay in the local market and what the public sector pays, differs substantially in different areas of the country. Public sector wage differences among Spanish regions are mostly due to differences in returns, not to differences in characteristics or to selection effects, and are not constant across gender, educational levels, or occupations. Moreover, in those regions where Regional Governments have a higher weight in public employment, public wage gaps are higher and public employers pay higher returns. There also seems to be a cross-regional positive correlation between public wage gaps and unemployment, and a negative one between labour productivity and public wage gaps. Hence, a tentative conclusion is that the incentives to select into the public sector are higher in the low productivity regions, precisely those where scarcity of human capital in the private sector may be the most important factor for explaining economic backwardness.public sector, wage differentials, switching regressions, Spanish regions.

    Salvar al soldado Ryan con 300 espartanos: historia, memoria, mito

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    El presente artículo tiene por objeto indagar en los temas de la construcción de la memoria, el mito y la tradición oral, tal como se han proyectado en dos películas recientes de gran impacto internacional, principalmente 300 (2007, Zack Snyder) y Salvar al Soldado Ryan (1998, Steven Spielberg). También pretendemos explorar las innovaciones que las técnicas del nuevo cine digital están aportando a estas mitologías contemporáneas.The present paper addresses the issues of construction of memory, myth and oral tradition as we see in two recent films of great international impact, 300 (2007, Zack Snyder) and Saving Private Ryan (1998, Steven Spielberg). We also intend to explore the technical innovations that new digital cinema is bringing into these contemporary mythologies

    ITERL: A Wireless Adaptive System for Efficient Road Lighting

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    This work presents the development and construction of an adaptive street lighting system that improves safety at intersections, which is the result of applying low-power Internet of Things (IoT) techniques to intelligent transportation systems. A set of wireless sensor nodes using the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) 802.15.4 standard with additional internet protocol (IP) connectivity measures both ambient conditions and vehicle transit. These measurements are sent to a coordinator node that collects and passes them to a local controller, which then makes decisions leading to the streetlight being turned on and its illumination level controlled. Streetlights are autonomous, powered by photovoltaic energy, and wirelessly connected, achieving a high degree of energy efficiency. Relevant data are also sent to the highway conservation center, allowing it to maintain up-to-date information for the system, enabling preventive maintenance.Consejería de Fomento y Vivienda Junta de Andalucía G-GI3002 / IDIOFondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional G-GI3002 / IDI

    The culture of conflict in family business

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    Conflict is part of the human condition. Therefore, it is neither negative nor positive, but rather a natural phenomena. The negative connotations traditionally attributed to conflict are at odds with current theories that explain the use of the term as an engine of change and generator of competitive advantage. The fact that family business is defined by two different systems, the family and the business, can lead to the emergence of many conflicts, but it can also help a business be successful if it can correctly differentiate between the two. To this end, both parties, the family and the business, must keep their own interests at arm's length and focus on common interests and goals.

    Biomethane production improvement by enzymatic pretreatments and enhancers of sewage sludge anaerobic digestion

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    Enzymatic hydrolysis is recognised as an effective pre-treatment for increasing biodegradability of sludge. In this work, isolated commercial enzymes as well as in-situ enzymes producer bacteria were used respectively as enhancers and pre-treatments of sewage sludge. Biodegradability of sample as well as biomethane potential production were studied. Results showed that depuration efficiencies in terms of CODs (73.5-85.5 %) and TVS (28.5-42.7 %) were more than twice the control value. In addition, pre-treated samples as well as enhanced samples with enzymes generated more biomethane than control. The optimal ones, were those with the isolated proteases (P) and with bacteria (Bacillus licheniformis) treatment in-situ (F), producing a total volume of 72.4 ± 2.62 ml CH4 and 114 ml ± 0.46 CH4, respectively, increasing the biogas volume in 3.65 and 5.77 times respectively compared with control

    Bird electrocution on power lines: Spatial gaps and identification of driving factors at global scales

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    Universal energy access is one of the targets of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), and thus the deployment of electricity grids is expected to expand globally in the coming decades. However, the installation of power lines is not biodiversity-friendly. In particular, electrocution on power pylons is a major cause of bird mortality worldwide, including for some severely endangered species. Over the last decades, different studies have improved our understanding of the factors influencing the risk of electrocution in birds, but until now spatial gaps in our knowledge of these impacts and the factors driving global patterns of bird electrocution have not been assessed. In this study, we evaluated data from a total of 114 studies that provided information on bird mortality rates on power lines, and we analyzed the factors driving electrocution rates for all bird species, and then for all raptors and large eagles separately. Our results showed a high spatial distribution bias, as more than 80% of the studies were carried out in developed countries, mostly in Europe and North America. By contrast, no systematic studies have been found for Oceania and very few for South America and Africa. Europe showed the highest electrocution rates for birds, South America for raptor species and Africa for eagles. Socio-economic factors best-explained bird and raptor electrocution rates, while climate-related factors were the most influential for eagles. Contrary to our expectations, factors related to pylon design were the least influential on overall electrocution rates. Variables related to study design showed highly variable levels of influence. This could be due to the lack of standardized protocols. Although bird electrocution has been extensively studied, there are large areas where no studies have been carried out or for which data are inaccessible. This could be because in these areas the power distribution network is still sparse, or that most studies are not public or accessible to the international community. Researchers and managers should promote the publication of studies, as awareness is the first step to solving these problems. The factors identified could be applied globally to the design and planning of power grids and the identification of mortality hotspots. This would help mitigate the creation of new mortality hotspots, especially in developing countries where the installation of new power lines has been growing exponentially in recent years

    Insights into the Kinetics Degradation of Bisphenol A by Catalytic Wet Air Oxidation with Metals Supported onto Carbon Nanospheres

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    Emerging pollutants are an increasing problem in wastewater globally. Bisphenol A (BPA) is one compound belonging to this group. This work proposes the study of the employment of several metal-supported (2 wt. %) carbon nanospheres (CNS) for BPA degradation by catalytic wet-air oxidation. Several techniques were used for the catalyst characterization: thermogravimetry, X-ray diffractometry (XRD), Fourier transformed infrared spectrometry (FTIR), determination of isoelectric point, elemental analysis, X-ray fluorescence (XRF), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), and N2 adsorption–desorption isotherms. Different loads of Ru in the catalyst were also tested for BPA degradation (1, 2, 5, 7, and 10%), being the first minimum value to achieve a conversion above 97% in 90 min 2 wt. % of Ru in the CNS-Ru catalyst. In the stability test with CNS-Ru and CNS-Pt, CNS-Pt demonstrated less activity and stability. Two potential models were proposed to adjust experimental data with CNS-Ru(2%) at different conditions of BPA initial concentration, catalyst mass, temperature, and pressure of the reaction. Both models showed a high determination coefficient (R2 > 0.98). Finally, the efficiency of CNS-Ru and CNS-Pt was tested in a real hospital wastewater matrix obtaining better results the CNS-Pt(2%) catalyst.Depto. de Ingeniería Química y de MaterialesFac. de Ciencias QuímicasTRUEComunidad de Madridpu