28 research outputs found

    Definition of a profile to maximizes the innovation and competitive skills of organizations. Case of application: Atlántico furniture sector - Colombia

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    This work presents an exercise which is directed to identifying the elements that allow to generate an innovative entrepreneurial profile and to set strategic lineaments that are prone to improve its responsiveness skills in regards to the demands of the context and increase the level of competitiveness of itself at a regional, national and international degree. Manufacturer companies are taken as matter of study form Atlántico furniture sector, one of the 32 departments of territorial division in Colombia, for being a sector with a high impact level in reference to the economic of the north region of the country and which is now facing important challenges at a competitive level such as the appearance of new competitors and new business model. It all starts from looking over the literature to determine the elements in consideration in the analysis performed afterwards and a characterization of the existing business models in the area, which indicate the occurrence of the groups of the enterprises with defined innovation patterns according to their level or degree of innovative commitment defined as high, medium and lowered. Finally, the development of the structural and multivariate analysis has allowed to define an innovative profile as well as strategy proposals which look forward to the competitive enforcement of the sector.Este trabajo presenta un ejercicio que está dirigido a identificar los elementos que permiten generar un perfil empresarial innovador y establecer lineamientos estratégicos que son propensos a mejorar sus capacidades de capacidad de respuesta en relación con las demandas del contexto y aumentar el nivel de competitividad de sí mismo en Un título regional, nacional e internacional. Las empresas fabricantes son tomadas como una cuestión de estudio del sector de muebles Atlántico, uno de los 32 departamentos de la división territorial en Colombia, por ser un sector con un alto nivel de impacto en referencia a la economía de la región norte del país y que ahora enfrenta. Desafíos importantes a nivel competitivo, como la aparición de nuevos competidores y un nuevo modelo de negocio. Todo comienza con la revisión de la literatura para determinar los elementos a considerar en el análisis realizado posteriormente y una caracterización de los modelos de negocios existentes en el área, que indican la ocurrencia de grupos de empresas con patrones de innovación definidos según su nivel o nivel. Grado de compromiso innovador definido como alto, medio y bajo. Finalmente, el desarrollo del análisis estructural y multivariado ha permitido definir un perfil innovador, así como propuestas de estrategia que esperan la aplicación competitiva del sector

    Parallel Algorithm for Reduction of Data Processing Time in Big Data

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    Technological advances have allowed to collect and store large volumes of data over the years. Besides, it is significant that today's applications have high performance and can analyze these large datasets effectively. Today, it remains a challenge for data mining to make its algorithms and applications equally efficient in the need of increasing data size and dimensionality [1]. To achieve this goal, many applications rely on parallelism, because it is an area that allows the reduction of cost depending on the execution time of the algorithms because it takes advantage of the characteristics of current computer architectures to run several processes concurrently [2]. This paper proposes a parallel version of the FuzzyPred algorithm based on the amount of data that can be processed within each of the processing threads, synchronously and independently

    Retraction: time series decomposition using automatic learning techniques for predictive models

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    This article, and others within this volume, has been retracted by IOP Publishing following clear evidence of plagiarism and citation manipulation. This work was originally published in Spanish (1) and has been translated and published without permission or acknowledgement to the original authors. IOP Publishing Limited has discovered other papers within this volume that have been subjected to the same treatment. This is scientific misconduct. Misconduct investigations are ongoing at the author's institutions. IOP Publishing Limited will update this notice if required once those investigations have concluded. To date, there is no evidence to suggest anyone other than Amelec Viloria / Jesus Silva was directly culpable for the actions that led to retraction

    Using wordclouds to define an innovative business model for HVAC industry in buildings in the tertiary sector

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    This study identifies the main characteristics of the standard business models of the HVAC (Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning) sector worldwide, specifically those whose value proposition is related to the supply, commercialization and sale of weatherization services through the use of clean and efficient technologies. All of the above in order to define a proposal for an innovative business model adapted to the Colombian context that contributes to the construction of projections at the scales of consumption of air conditioning with their respective implications for energy and tariff consumption. This research was conceived Inquiring in business and scientific databases, field work and other secondary sources

    Ética y responsabilidad social del contador frente a las Normas Internacionales de Información Financiera (NIIF) en Colombia. Un análisis prospectivo

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    The adoption of International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) requires significant commitments from financial actors, in sense of strengthening their knowledge and application of these standards. This paper shows the results of a study whose objective was to conduct a prospective study through MICMAC® methodology and the role of actors using MACTOR®, to identify the main areas, topics and issues related to the performance of the accounting profession facing the implementation of IFRS with respect to ethical practice of accountants; and several essential strategies were considered, by experts, for the study system by 2020.La adopción de las Normas Internacionales de Información Financiera requiere de importantes compromisos de los actores contables en el sentido de fortalecer sus conocimientos y la aplicación de las normas mencionadas. Este trabajo presenta los resultados de un estudio cuyo objetivo fue realizar un estudio prospectivo a través de la metodología MICMAC®, para identificar las principales áreas, temas y aspectos relacionados con el desempeño de la profesión de la contabilidad frente a la implementación de las NIIF en lo que respecta al ejercicio ético del contador y se plantean estrategias que los expertos consideraron como fundamentales para el sistema de estudio a 2020

    Indicators for smart cities: tax illicit analysis through data mining

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    The anomalies in the data coexist in the databases and in the non-traditional data that can be accessed and produced by a tax administration, whether these data are of internal or external origin. The analysis of certain anomalies in the data could lead to the discovery of patterns that respond to different causes, being able to evidence these causes certain illicit by taxpayers or acts of corruption when there is the connivance of the taxpayer with the public employee or public official. The purpose of this research is the theoretical development of the causal analysis of certain anomalies of tax data, demonstrating that the data mining methodology contributes to evidence of illicit and corrupt acts, through the application of certain algorithms

    Conocimiento y desarrollo socioeconómico. Una revisión de la literatura

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    Con el análisis de minería de texto de artículos científicos del campo de las ciencias sociales, negocios y gestión, economía y finanzas y econometría en la ventana de tiempo 1940-2017 de la base de datos Scopus® y mediante la herramienta VOSviewer® se exploró y representó información bibliométrica estructurada en 5 clusters. En este sentido se señala que el conocimiento está fuertemente relacionado con desarrollo socioeconómico a través de elementos como innovación, aprendizaje y la educación para la competitividadThe text mining analysis of scientific articles from the field of social sciences, business and management, economics and finance and econometrics in the time window 1940-2017 of the Scopus® database and using the VOSviewer® tool was explored and represented Structured bibliometric information in 5 clusters. In this sense, it is pointed out that knowledge is strongly related to socioeconomic development through elements such as innovation, learning and education for competitivenes

    Data mining and social network analysis on Twitter

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    The emergence of a networked social structure in the last decade of twentieth century is accelerated by the evolution of information technologies and, in particular, the Internet has given rise to the full emergence of what has been called the Information Age [1] or the Information Society. Social media is yet another example of people’s extraordinary ability to generate, disseminate and exchange meanings in collective interpersonal communication with a massive, real-time networked system where everything tends to be connected. The analysis of the climate of opinion on Twitter is presented around the Common Core State Standards (CCSS), one of the most ambitious educational reforms of the last 50 years in USA

    Competitiveness level in clusters. Nature tourism initiative case in atlantico, Colombia

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    This paper presents the application of a competitiveness measurement methodology for the nature tourism initiative in Atlántico, Colombia. Results indicate that cluster initiative is in a early undeveloped stage, based on intensive use of traditional factors, highlighting problems such as the lack of infrastructure, untrained human talent, lack of a defined offer and lack of promotion activities. Likewise, an analysis is made of the contributions of the analyzed actors through data mining tools, which shows great coherence between problems and opportunities for the initiative development.Este trabajo presenta los resultados de la aplicación de una metodología de medición de competitividad para la iniciativa de turismo de naturaleza en Atlántico, Colombia. Los resultados señalan que la iniciativa clúster se encuentra en una etapa incipiente, basada en el uso intensivo de factores tradicionales, destacándose problemas como la falta de infraestructura, talento humano no capacitado, falta de una oferta definida y falta de actividades de promoción. De igual forma se realiza un análisis de los aportes de los actores analizados a través de herramientas de minería de datos, la cual muestra una gran coherencia en cuanto a los problemas y oportunidades para el desarrollo de la iniciativa

    Gamification for innovation management at organizational level. A state of the art review

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    En este trabajo se pretende revisar la literatura sobre gamificación y aplicar principios de análisis para sintetizar la investigación existente utilizando preguntas de orientación y un análisis cienciométrico para identificar el comportamiento de las publicaciones a través de los años, mostrando una tendencia creciente en el impacto del concepto gamificación en Científicas revistas desde 2010. Se consultaron las bases de datos tales como Scopus, Springer, ScienceDirect, Google Scholar, IEEE y WOS, permitiendo la identificación de autores, publicaciones e instituciones con mayor impacto en la temática a nivel mundial y señalando que América Latina muestra un bajo nivel de producción científica en este tema. La última parte se centra en las líneas de investigación que se persiguen en el ámbito de la gamificación y se hacen sugerencias sobre aquellos aspectos que más se beneficiarían de la investigación futura.This paper aims review the literature on gamification and to apply principles of analysis for synthesize existing research using guiding questions and a scientometric analysis for identifying the behavior of the publications through the years, showing an increasing trend in the impact of the gamification concept in scientifics journals from 2010. Databases such as Scopus, Springer, ScienceDirect, Google Scholar, IEEE and WOS were consulted, identifying authors, publications and institutions with greatest impact on thematic at the world. Latin America shows a low scientific production level in this topic. The last part focuses on the lines of research to be pursued in the area of gamification and suggestions are made regarding those aspects which would benefit most from future research