162 research outputs found

    Pesticides: Compounds, use and hazards

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    Pesticidas: compostos, usos e perigos

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    PsycINFO classification: 2300; 2323

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    Abstract Most research on visual search in aiming at far targets assumes preprogrammed motor control implying that relevant visual information is detected prior to the final shooting or throwing movements. Eye movement data indirectly support this claim for stationary tasks. Using the basketball jump shot as experimental task we investigated whether in dynamic tasks in which the target can be seen until ball release, continuous, instead of preprogrammed, motor control is possible. We tested this with the temporal occlusion paradigm: 10 expert shooters took shots under four viewing conditions, namely, no vision, full vision, early vision (vision occluded during the final AE350 ms before ball release), and late vision (vision occluded until these final AE350 ms). Late-vision shooting appeared to be as good as shooting with full vision while early-vision performance was severely impaired. The results imply that the final shooting movements were controlled by continuous detection and use of visual information until ball release. The data further suggest that visual and movement control of aiming at a far target develop in close correspondence with the style of execution. Ă“ 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved

    Evidence for discrimination between feeding sounds of familiar fish and unfamiliar mammal-eating killer whale ecotypes by long-finned pilot whales

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    Research funding was provided by the US Office of Naval Research, the DGA/TN (France), the UK Natural Environmental Research Council, and the Ministries of Defence of Norway and The Netherlands. PLT acknowledges funding received from the MASTS pooling initiative (The Marine Alliance for Science and Technology for Scotland). MASTS is funded by the Scottish Funding Council (Grant reference HR09011) and contributing institutions. CC acknowledges statistical support provided by the Multi-study OCean acoustics Human effects Analysis (MOCHA) project funded by the United States Office of Naval Research (Grant N00014-12-1-0204).Killer whales (KW) may be predators or competitors of other cetaceans. Since their foraging behavior and acoustics differ among populations ('ecotypes'), we hypothesized that other cetaceans can eavesdrop on KW sounds and adjust their behavior according to the KW ecotype. We performed playback experiments on long-finned pilot whales (Globicephala melas) in Norway using familiar fish-eating KW sounds (fKW) simulating a sympatric population that might compete for foraging areas, unfamiliar mammal-eating KW sounds (mKW) simulating a potential predator threat, and two control sounds. We assessed behavioral responses using animal-borne multi-sensor tags and surface visual observations. Pilot whales barely changed behavior to a broadband noise (CTRL-), whereas they were attracted and exhibited spyhops to fKW, mKW, and to a repeated-tonal upsweep signal (CTRL+). Whales never stopped nor started feeding in response to fKW, whereas they reduced or stopped foraging to mKW and CTRL+. Moreover, pilot whales joined other subgroups in response to fKW and CTRL+, whereas they tightened individual spacing within group and reduced time at surface in response to mKW. Typical active intimidation behavior displayed to fKW might be an antipredator strategy to a known low-risk ecotype or alternatively a way of securing the habitat exploited by a heterospecific sympatric population. Cessation of feeding and more cohesive approach to mKW playbacks might reflect an antipredator behavior towards an unknown KW ecotype of potentially higher risk. We conclude that pilot whales are able to acoustically discriminate between familiar and unfamiliar KW ecotypes, enabling them to adjust their behavior according to the perceived disturbance type.PostprintPeer reviewe

    A little less conversation; a little more (relational) action please. A fictional dialogue of integrating theory into coaching practice

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    This paper presents a fictional dialogue that supports the application of theory in coaching pedagogy. The “constraints led approach” (CLA) is promoted throughout in conversation form, providing pedagogic solutions in response to the decaying performance levels of a fictitious football team. This deterioration is linked to “poor” coaching and the merits of a more innovative pedagogy through a discussion between “manager” and “coach” are presented. Recommendations are made with particular reference to developing games players, who are skilful, perceptive and intelligent, through being able to initiate and modify actions in dynamic contexts. Through substantiating a platform for both changing perceptions about coaching practice and challenging assumptions about learning, such accessibility to unfamiliar knowledge(s) can allow coaches to clearly consider possibilities for change. It is further suggested that through embracing the use of novel methodologies to consider unfamiliar theoretical territory, this demonstrates a responsibility to close and not widen a theory-practice gap. By presenting Mark (coach) as “theoretical negotiator”, this paper emphasises the potency of experimenting with nuanced methods that can be part of an academic process to help shape more theoretically literate coaches

    Transcription Factor STOX1A Promotes Mitotic Entry by Binding to the CCNB1 Promotor

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    Background: In this study we investigated the involvement of the transcription factor STOX1A in the regulation of the cell cycle. Methodology/Principal Findings: We found that several major cell cycle regulatory genes were differentially expressed upon STOX1A stimulation and knockdown in the neuroblastoma cell line SH-SY5Y. This includes STOX1A dependent differential regulation of cyclin B1 expression, a cyclin which is known to regulate mitotic entry during the cell cycle. The differential regulation of cyclin B1 expression by STOX1A is direct as shown with chromatin immunoprecipitation. Results furthermore suggest that mitotic entry is enhanced through the direct upregulation of cyclin B1 expression effectuated b
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