94 research outputs found

    Keterlibatan dan cabaran Guru Bimbingan dan Kaunseling Sekolah terhadap Murid Berkeperluan Khas

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    Perlaksanaan perkhidmatan bimbingan dan kaunseling di sekolah memerlukan Guru Bimbingan dan Kaunseling Sekolah (GBKS) bertindak untuk memberikan perkhidmatan tersebut kepada semua pelajar, sama ada pelajar aliran perdana mahupun Murid Berkeperluan Khas (MBK), seperti mana yang telah digariskan dalam Buku Rekod Perkhidmatan Bimbingan dan Kaunseling. Situasi ini telah memberikan cabaran kepada GBKS terutama dalam memenuhi keperluan khusus MBK. Perkara ini menimbulkan persoalan berkaitan dengan keterlibatan GBKS dalam menyediakan perkhidmatan bimbingan dan kaunseling khususnya kepada MBK serta cabaran yang dilalui dalam melaksanakan perkhidmatan ini. Oleh itu, sebuah kajian berbentuk kualitatif telah dilaksanakan untuk menjawab persoalan tersebut. Kajian ini melibatkan enam orang GBKS yang berkhidmat di sekolah yang mengamalkan Program Pendidikan Khas Integrasi atau Program Pendidikan Inklusif. Soalan temubual berbentuk separa berstruktur telah digunakan untuk mendapatkan maklumat berkaitan. Dapatan kajian ini menunjukkan bahawa keterlibatan GBKS terhadap MBK berlaku secara langsung dan tidak langsung. Manakala cabaran yang dilalui GBKS dalam melaksanakan perkhidmatan bimbingan dan kaunseling dibahagikan kepada tiga tema, iaitu cabaran bercirikan GBKS, cabaran bercirikan MBK dan cabaran bercirikan Organisasi. Perolehan dapatan kajian ini dapat menyumbang maklumat mengenai pelaksanaan perkhidmatan bimbingan dan kaunseling kepada MBK, seterusnya digunakan sebagai penambahbaikan garis panduan yang sedia ada bagi meningkatkan keterlibatan

    Constructive and destructive workplace deviance: a review

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    Workplace deviance receives increasing research due to its remarkable impact on the well-being of organization and employees. Constructive deviance appears to bring about both positive and negative consequences when putting together its outcomes. Despite the negative consequences of workplace deviance in most organizations, little to no interest has been shown in managing minor destructive deviant behaviours which may escalate to major drawbacks on both the organization’s entire output as well as the individual employee’s moral and motivation. The authors reviewed the distinctive yet interrelated definitions, types, contributing factors, and consequences of both constructive and destructive workplace deviance that should not be underestimated. This paper included a sample of cognitive behavioural theory-based counselling and coaching intervention for narcissistic organizational leaders

    Pembangunan model pendidikan keusahawan Islam

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    Pembangunan dan pendidikan keusahawanan adalah teras kepada pemupukan budaya keusahawanan dalam kalangan pelajar IPTA.Adalah menjadi aspirasi Kementerian Pengajian Tinggi untuk melahirkan modal insan yang mempunyai pemikiran kelas pertama bagi mencapai wawasan 2020 iaitu masyarakat berpendapatan tinggi. Pembangunan dan pendidikan keusahawanan yang berteraskan ajaran Islam dan mematuhi kehendak shariah adalah menjadi dasar untuk melahirkan generasi usahawan siswazah yang holistik serta mempunyai integriti yang tinggi untuk mampu berdaya saing dalam pasaran global. Model pendidikan keusahawanan yang ada pada hari ini adalah berdasarkan teori dan pemikiran Barat yang menjurus kepada mementingkan ganjaran kebendaan dan melahirkan usahawan yang kurang integriti serta kurang mematuhi etika keusahawanan.Oleh yang demikian, pendidikan keusahawanan perlu digabung jalin dengan asas pendidikan Islam yang mampu menjana daya kawalan dalaman yang tinggi dalam diri seseorang. Dengan ini generasi usahawan siswa yang lebih berdaya tahan dan berupaya untuk menyumbang kembali kepada kesejahteraan ummah dan negara. Oleh itu, kajian ini bertujuan untuk menghasilkan model pendidikan keusahawanan Islam yang menyeluruh dan akan dapat diguna pakai bagi melahirkan usahawan siswazah berpemikiran kelas pertama.Kajian ini akan menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif, menggunakan pengutipan data temu bual secara separa berstruktur dengan enam orang usahawan Muslim.Dapatan temu bual dianalisis bagi mengenal pasti elemen pendidikan keusahawanan Islam dan diikuti dengan pembinaan model berasaskan model pendidikan Isla

    Integration of Muhasabah Concept and Scaling Question Technique in Counselling

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    This research discusses about the integration of muhasabah concept and scaling question technique. The integration is made based on the integrative model combining Western and Islamic approaches. For Islamic approach, the concept of muhasabah is explained. Muhasabah is one of the concepts introduced in Al-Ghazali’s Tazkiyyah Annafs approach. Muhasabah in this research is a process of self-evaluation that leads to client’s actions. Two opinions about muhasabah is reviewed in this research; which are the opinions of Ibnu Qayyim and Al-Ghazali. From the Western approach, the technique of scaling question is elaborated. Scaling question technique is one of the questioning techniques in Solution Focused Brief Therapy (SFBT). This technique explains about the importance of measuring method using numbers in the process of self-evaluation that leads to change. Next, the integration between muhasabah concept and scaling question technique are examined

    The effects of debate competition on critical thinking among Malaysian second language learners

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    Debate is a common co-curricular activity involving most Malaysian schools at the district level. Every year, each school would send three students to represent its team. In this study, forty (40) second language learners, aged 16 years old, were involved in a two hour debate activity carried out three days per week for three consecutive weeks. This activity was organized by their school seniors, aged 18 years, as part of their English assignment. A pre-post critical thinking test was carried out among the debaters and at the end of the activity, a survey was undertaken to gauge their perception of the thinking process they had experienced. The result revealed that there was a significant difference in their critical thinking skills before and after the debate activity as the intervention. The survey and teacher observation offered feedback on how debate foster their critical thinking. Among others, it showed the importance of scaffolding and collaborative learning in enhancing critical thinking. Another factor is the fact that debate involves argumentation, reasoning, explanation and questioning, all important critical thinking skills. Key words:Critical thinking Debate competition Second language learners Argumentation Explanation skill Reasoning skill Questioning skill Scaffolding collaborative thinkin

    The effects of debate competition on critical thinking among Malaysian second language learners

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    Debate is a common co-curricular activity involving most Malaysian schools at the district level. Every year, each school would send three students to represent its team. In this study, forty (40) second language learners, aged 16 years old, were involved in a two hour debate activity carried out three days per week for three consecutive weeks. This activity was organized by their school seniors, aged 18 years, as part of their English assignment. A pre-post critical thinking test was carried out among the debaters and at the end of the activity, a survey was undertaken to gauge their perception of the thinking process they had experienced.The result revealed that there was a significant difference in their critical thinking skills before and after the debate activity as the intervention. The survey and teacher observation offered feedback on how debate foster their critical thinking. Among others, it showed the importance of scaffolding and collaborative learning in enhancing critical thinking. Another factor is the fact that debate involves argumentation, reasoning, explanation and questioning, all important critical thinking skills

    Domain Penentu Kelesuan Zoom Dalam Kalangan Pelajar Prasiswazah Universiti Awam

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    Pelajar prasiswazah tidak terkecuali menggunakan peranti digital semasa mengikuti pengajaran dan pembelajaran (PdP) sewaktu pandemik COVID-19. Situasi ini telah memberi pelbagai isu terhadap fisiologi dan mental pelajar kerana peralihan pendekatan pengajaran dan pembelajaran secara tradisional kepada atas talian. Tumpuan yang terlalu lama menggunakan peranti digital dalam PdP telah mendatangkan kelesuan pada fizikal dan mental pelajar. Kajian ini bertujuan mengenalpasti hubungan lima domain kelesuan ZOOM (umum; visual, sosial, motivasi, emosi) dalam kalangan pelajar prasiswazah (n=215). Kajian keratan rentas telah dijalankan menggunakan skala “ZOOM & Exhaustion Fatigue” (ZEF)(Fauville et al., 2021) mengandungi 15 items digunakan untuk mengutip data bagi kelesuan umum; visual, sosial, motivasi, dan emosi. kelesuan ZOOM. Analisis korelasi Pearson dilaksanakan bagi melihat hubungan bagi domain kelesuan umum; visual, sosial, motivasi, dan emosi. Hasil kajian mendapat terdapat hubungan yang kuat hingga sederhana bagi kelima-lima domain kelesuan ZOOM. Dapatan ini dapat membantu meningkatkan kesedaran kesan kelesuan ZOOM terhadap fizikal dan psikologi pelajar. Selain dari itu, kajian ini boleh membantu untuk memperkenalkan langkah-langkah bagi membuat penyesuaian menjalani PdP atas talian dalam kalangan pelajar

    Design the High Gain and Low Power Amplifier for Radio over Fiber Technology at 2.4 GHz

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    This paper describes the high performance design a power amplifier for Radio over Fiber (RoF) Technology at 2.4 GHz using Agilents HBFP-0450 transistor. Based on wireless network RoF technology has been proposed as a promising cost effective solution to meet ever increasing user bandwidth and wireless demands. In this network, a central station (CS) is connected to numerous functionally simple Radio Access Point (RAP) via an optical fiber. The only components required at the passive RAP are Electro Absorption Modulator (EAM) and antenna where EAM is used as a remote transceiver. There are practical limitations on the power that can produce by the passive RAP which can affect the dynamic range. In order to improve the dynamic range of passive pico cell RAP power amplifier is placed at the front end of RAP for the downlink transmission which operate in active mode. The central station (CS) is connected to numerous functionally simple RAP via an optical fiber in the RoF network. The design is based on the conjugate matching method which able to achieve the maximum gain. The performance of the design simulation done using Agilent Advanced Design System (ADS) software . The design has shown an acceptable behavior with gain of 13.172 dB. At the 1-dB compression point the output power is approximately 16.108 dB and the Power Added Efficiency (PAE) is 24.915 %

    Simulation of WiMAX System Based on OFDM Model with Difference Adaptive Modulation Techniques

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    This paper presents the simulation of Worldwide Interoperability for Microwave Access (WiMAX) system based on Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM) with different adaptive modulation techniques. WiMAX is the next generation broadband wireless technology which offers greater range and bandwidth compared to the other available broadband wireless access technologies such as Wireless Fidelity (WiFi) and Ultra Wideband (UWB) family of standards. The simulation is based on the WiMAX physical layer which adopted an OFDM model in the transmitter and receiver. The Matlab software is used to develop the OFDM model and analysis the performance of WiMAX system. Hence the investigation of the performance of OFDM physical layer in WiMAX system by using different adaptive modulation techniques like Binary Phase Shift Keying (BPSK), Quadrature Phase Shift Keying (QPSK), Quadrature Amplitude Modulation (QAM) for modulator and demodulator. The performance of system was compared between the model with cyclic prefix and without cylic prefix. The cyclic prefix is added additional bits at the transmitter end. The signal is transmitted through the channel and it is received at the receiver end. Then the receiver removes these additional bits. The purpose of the cyclic prefix is to minimize the inter symbol interference and to improve the bit error rate. The analysis is based on the Bit Error Rate (BER), Signal to Noise Ratio (SNR) and probability error. At the end, the modulation BPSK and QPSK have the lower bit error rate while the 64 QAM has the higher bit error rate at low SNR. For the probability of error, the lower order modulation scheme also has the lower BER at low SNR