681 research outputs found

    Yield and Economic Results of Dif-ferent Mechanical Pruning Strategies on "Navel Foyos" Oranges in the Mediterranean Area

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    [EN] Pruning is one of the most manpower-consuming agricultural operations in citrus production.Mechanical pruning can help to reduce pruning time and costs. In order to obtain the knowledge of its effects on the important orange variety ¿Navel Foyos¿, several pruning strategies that include manual pruning and various intensities of mechanical pruning were tested for three years. The results showed that in ¿Navel Foyos¿ oranges, the mechanical pruning strategies did not affect the yield nor the size of the fruit in comparison with manual pruning. In conclusion, mechanical strategies are a potential alternative to manual pruning because they reduce the time necessary to prune and the pruning costs, thereby maintaining or even increasing the yield.This research was funded by (1) the project "Application of new technologies for a comprehensive strategy of mechanized citrus harvesting (CITRUSREC)" funded by the Spanish National Institute for Agriculture and Food Research and Technology (INIA) and the Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness of Spain (project RTA2014-00025-C05-00), cofunded by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF); (2) the project of the Operative Group "Technological advances for modernization and sustainability in citrus production. (GO CITRUSTECH)" cofunded by the Agricultural European of Rural Developing-EAFRD (80%) and the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries, and Food (20%); (3) the project "Engineering developments to ensure profitable, sustainable and competitive agriculture from farm to fork" cofinanced by the Valencian Institute of Agricultural Research (IVIA) and by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF). G.M. was a beneficiary of a scholarship for training and specialization of the European Social Fund (ESF).Chueca, P.; Mateu, G.; Garcerá, C.; Fonte, A.; Ortiz Sánchez, MC.; Torregrosa, A. (2021). Yield and Economic Results of Dif-ferent Mechanical Pruning Strategies on "Navel Foyos" Oranges in the Mediterranean Area. Agriculture. 11(1):1-12. https://doi.org/10.3390/agriculture1101008211211

    Tenebrionid secretions and a fungal benzoquinone oxidoreductase form competing components of an arms race between a host and pathogen

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    Entomopathogenic fungi and their insect hosts represent a model system for examining invertebrate-pathogen coevolutionary selection processes. Here we report the characterization of competing components of an arms race consisting of insect protective antimicrobial compounds and evolving fungal mechanisms of detoxification. The insect pathogenic fungus Beauveria bassiana has a remarkably wide host range; however, some insects are resistant to fungal infection. Among resistant insects is the tenebrionid beetle Tribolium castaneum that produces benzoquinone-containing defensive secretions. Reduced fungal germination and growth was seen in media containing T. castaneum dichloromethane extracts or synthetic benzoquinone. In response to benzoquinone exposure, the fungus expresses a 1,4-benzoquinone oxidoreductase, BbbqrA, induced >40-fold. Gene knockout mutants (ΔBbbqrA) showed increased growth inhibition, whereas B. bassiana overexpressing BbbqrA (Bb::BbbqrAO) displayed increased resistance to benzoquinone compared with wild type. Increased benzoquinone reductase activity was detected in wild-type cells exposed to benzoquinone and in the overexpression strain. Heterologous expression and purification of BbBqrA in Escherichia coli confirmed NAD(P)H-dependent benzoquinone reductase activity. The ΔBbbqrA strain showed decreased virulence toward T. castaneum, whereas overexpression of BbbqrA increased mortality versus T. castaneum. No change in virulence was seen for the ΔBbbqrA or Bb::BbbqrAO strains when tested against the greater wax moth Galleria mellonella or the beetle Sitophilus oryzae, neither of which produce significant amounts of cuticular quinones. The observation that artificial overexpression of BbbqrA results in increased virulence only toward quinone-secreting insects implies the lack of strong selection or current failure of B. bassiana to counteradapt to this particular host defense throughout evolution.Instituto de Investigaciones Bioquímicas de La Plat

    Caracterizacion escolar. Un acercamiento a las representaciones sociales presentes en la cotidianidad escolar para fomentar la producci?n textual en los estudiantes del grado octavo de la instituci?n educativa fundadores Ram?n Bueno y Jos? Triana de Girardot - Cundinamarca.

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    104 P?ginasEl trabajo CARACTERIZACION ESCOLAR. Un acercamiento a las representaciones sociales presentes en la cotidianidad escolar para fomentar la producci?n textual en los estudiantes del grado octavo de la Instituci?n Educativa Fundadores Ram?n Bueno y Jos? Triana, es resultado parcial del trabajo liderado desde el Proyecto RE-PRESENTAR LA ESCUELA del semillero de Investigaci?n LENGUAJE Y TERRITORIO ESCOLAR, y del MACROPROYECTO REDESCUBRIR LA ESCUELA. La investigaci?n es un proceso integrador de los entes que componen la territorialidad escolar (estudiantes, padres de familia y docentes).Es un an?lisis de los diferentes espacios de interrelaci?n de estos, es decir, de las mediaciones socioculturales interpretadas a trav?s de las representaciones sociales, elementos que se enlazan hacia la formaci?n de un canal de comunicaci?n por medio de procesos de producci?n textual; focalizando as? las problem?ticas del entorno inmediato de los participantes, las diferentes visiones de los individuos que la integran y las posiciones que estos toman respecto a las mismas, dentro de un proceso de exploraci?n de causales hacia la vinculaci?n de alternativas de cambio que dan significaci?n al territorio escolar y se consolidan en el proceso de producci?n textual que desarrollaron los participantes. Por consiguiente teniendo en cuenta que la escuela desarticula del proceso educativo aspectos socio-culturales que influyen directamente en el desarrollo del mismo y que fortalecen la producci?n textual. Es necesario investigar ?De qu? manera se podr?a caracterizar las representaciones sociales presentes en la cotidianidad escolar para fomentar la producci?n textual en los estamentos del grado octavo? Es as? como la investigaci?n permiti? tomar referentes de la diversificaci?n socio cultural para dar sentido a la caracterizaci?n escolar, revelando la realidad escolar, propiciando espacios de construcci?n colectiva y de participaci?n activa; entrelazando los conocimientos de cada uno de los individuos para fortalecer los mecanismos de intervenci?n y de construcci?n de tejido social desde la producci?n textual, alcanzando as? con este objetivo que los estudiantes desarrollaran procesos cognitivos implicados en los mecanismos de producci?n mientras traduc?an de forma escrita lo que pensaban y sent?an. Por lo tanto, dentro del campo de investigaci?n se tom? una muestra de la poblaci?n de la Instituci?n Educativa Fundadores Ram?n Bueno y Jos? Triana de la ciudad de Girardot Cundinamarca, a?o 2012.ABSTRACT 7 The ?CARACTERIZACION ESCOLAR? work it is an approach to the socials representation in the school to improve the textual produccion in the students of eight level, in the INSTITUCIONEDUCATIVAFUNDADORES RAMON BUENO Y JOSE TRIANA de Girardot Cundinamarca. It is a partial result of the work leaded from the project: ?REPRESENTAR LA ESCUELA seedbed investigation LENGUAJE Y TERRITORIO ESCOLAR and macro project REDESCUBRIR LA ESCUELA. The researching is an integrator process of the entties that make up the school territoriality (students, parents and teachers). It. Is an analysis of the different areas of Interaction of these where interpreted through social representations elements that are linked to the formation of a channel of communication through textual production processes, focus allowed the problems of the immediate environment of the participants and hinted different views of the individual members and the positions they take about the same, within a process causal exploration towards linking exchange alternatives that give meaning to the school grounds and vest in the text production process developed by the participants. Therefore considering the school's educational process dismantles socio-cultural aspects that directly influence its development and to strengthen the text production. It is necessary to investigate what could be characterized as social representations present in everyday school to boost production in the estates textual eighth grade? And research is allowed to take concerning socio cultural diversification to make sense of the characterization school, revealing the realities of school, providing opportunities for collective and active participation; intertwined where knowledge of each individual to strengthen intervention mechanisms and social fabric construction from textual production in the territoriality of the school, reaching this goal that students develop cognitive processes involved in the production mechanisms as translated in writing what they thought and felt. Therefore, research in the field of a sample population of INSTITUCION EDUCATIVA RAMON BUENO Y JOSE TRIANA Cundinamarca, Girardot city, year 2012.INTRODUCCI?N 1. PLANTEAMIENTO DEL PROBLEMA 1.1 DESCRIPCI?N Y FORMULACI?N DELPROBLEMA 2. OBJETIVOS 2.1OBJETIVO GENERAL 2.2OBJETIVOS ESPEC?FICOS 3. JUSTIFICACION 4. DISE?O METODOL?GICO 4.1.ENFOQUE DE INVESTIGACI?N 4.2. POBLACI?N 4.3. MUESTRA 4.4. RECOLECCI?N DE DATOS O DE LA INFORMACI?N 4.4.1. La observaci?n directa 4.4.2. Evidencia fotogr?ficas 4.4.3. Documentos institucionales 4.4.4. Registro de di?logos establecidos con maestros y directivos. 4.4.5. Grupo focal 4.5. FORMA DE RECOLECCI?N DE LA INFORMACI?N 4.5.1. Lectura de contexto 4.5.2. Recopilaci?n de datos 4.5.3 Grupo focal 4.5.4. An?lisis de resultados 4.6. ETAPAS DEL PROCESO 14 16 17 18 18 18 19 21 21 21 22 22 22 22 22 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 9 4.6.1. Tejedores visionarios 4.6.2. Mi escuela mi parche 4.6.3. Escribo a mi manera 4.7. T?CNICAS QUE SE UTILIZARAN PARA REALIZAR EL AN?LISIS DE LOS RESULTADOS 5. REFERENTES 5.1. ANTECEDENTES 5.2. REFERENTE LEGAL 5.3. REFERENTES TE?RICOS 5.3.1 La escuela una caja abierta 5.3.2. Lenguaje y pensamiento 5.3.3. Leer para producir textos y construir contexto 5.3.4. Representaci?n de la realidad 5.3.5. Territorios y espacios escolares 5.3..6. La cultura escolar y comunidad educativa 5.4. REFERENTES PEDAG?GICOS 5.4.1. Estrategias pedag?gicas y pedagog?a del lenguaje 5.4.2. Habilidades intelectuales 5.5. REFERENTES PSICOL?GICOS 6. ANALISIS DE RESULTADOS 6.1 TEJEDORES VISIONARIOS 6.1. 1. Espionaje 6.1.2. Retratos calcados 6.1.3. Pergamino ilustrado 6.2. MI ESCUELA MI PARCHE 6.2.1. Hablo m?s 6.2.2. Grupo focal ?la voz juvenil a trav?s del papel? 6.2.3. Pesquisa a la cuchilla y al parche 6.3. ESCRIBO A MI MANERA 6.3.1 Construcci?n de tejido social 6.3.2. Contexto sociocultural 6.3.3. Convivencia escolar 6.3.4. Construcci?n de ciudadan?a 6.3.5. Carpeta bit?cora 6.3.6. Las TICS en el aula de clases 7. CONCLUSIONES 8. RECOMENDACIONES REFERENCIAS ANEXO

    An integrated approach of AHP-DEMATEL methods applied for the selection of allied hospitals in outpatient service

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    Nowadays, the citizens are more aware of high-quality medical care than ever. They pay much attention to medical treatment safety, instructions from physicians, and the overall service quality performed by the hospital. To manage a hospital successfully, the important goals are to attract and then retain as many patients as possible by meeting potential demands of various kinds of the patients. In this context the decision making process is important in order to achieve a strategic decision and strategy. When the decision making problem occurs there is usually a limited number of possible alternatives but a large number of criteria according to which the optimal solution is selected. It is important to use an appropriate approach. This study presents a hybrid methodological approach based on the Decision Making Trial and Evaluation Laboratory (DEMATEL) method and Analytic Hierarchy process method to define the best allied hospital for an integrated network of outpatient service. The goal of this paper is to present a methodological approach and a practical application of hybrid method in a real case study

    Awareness of Direct-to-Consumer Genetic Tests and Use of Genetic Tests Among Puerto Rican Adults, 2009

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    Introduction: Genetic testing remains low among racial/ethnic minority populations in the United States. We aimed to determine the prevalence and correlates of awareness of direct-to-consumer (DTC) genetic tests and the prevalence of genetic test use in a population-based sample of adults in Puerto Rico. Methods: We analyzed data from adults aged 18 years or older who completed information on genetic test awareness (n = 611; 96% of study population) from the Health Information National Trends Survey conducted in Puerto Rico in 2009. Odds ratios with 95% confidence intervals were estimated by using logistic regression models to identify factors associated with awareness of DTC genetic tests. Results: The majority of respondents (56%) were aware of direct-to-consumer genetic tests, and approximately 4% had ever undergone any genetic test. Respondents who had never been married were less likely to be aware of DTC tests, as were current smokers. Respondents who ever sought cancer information were more likely to be aware of these tests. Conclusion: We provide the first published data on the awareness of DTC genetic tests and on use of genetic testing in Puerto Rico. Forty-four percent of our sample of Puerto Rican adults were unaware of direct-to-consumer genetic tests. Given the lack of clear benefits of DTC genetic tests to the general population, educational interventions should be developed to increase awareness and specific knowledge regarding the appropriate use of DTC genetic tests among people who are already aware of their existence

    State Variation in Squamous Cell Carcinoma of the anus incidence and Mortality, and association With Hiv/Aids and Smoking in the United States

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    PURPOSE: Squamous cell carcinoma of the anus (SCCA) incidence and mortality rates are rising in the United States. Understanding state-level incidence and mortality patterns and associations with smoking and AIDS prevalence (key risk factors) could help unravel disparities and provide etiologic clues. METHODS: Using the US Cancer Statistics and the National Center for Health Statistics data sets, we estimated state-level SCCA incidence and mortality rates. Rate ratios (RRs) were calculated to compare incidence and mortality in 2014-2018 versus 2001-2005. The correlations between SCCA incidence with current smoking (from the Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System) and AIDS (from the HIV Surveillance system) prevalence were evaluated using Spearman\u27s rank correlation coefficient. RESULTS: Nationally, SCCA incidence and mortality rates (per 100,000) increased among men (incidence, 2.29-3.36, mortality, 0.46-0.74) and women (incidence, 3.88-6.30, mortality, 0.65-1.02) age ≥ 50 years, but decreased among men age \u3c 50 years and were stable among similar-aged women. In state-level analysis, a marked increase in incidence (≥ 1.5-fold for men and ≥ two-fold for women) and mortality (≥ two-fold) for persons age ≥ 50 years was largely concentrated in the Midwestern and Southeastern states. State-level SCCA incidence rates in recent years (2014-2018) among men were correlated ( CONCLUSION: During 2001-2005 to 2014-2018, SCCA incidence and mortality nearly doubled among men and women age ≥ 50 years living in Midwest and Southeast. State variation in AIDS and smoking patterns may explain variation in SCCA incidence. Improved and targeted prevention is needed to combat the rise in SCCA incidence and mitigate magnifying geographic disparities

    Determination of Sarcocystis lamacanis microcysts in the cardiac muscle of alpacas (Vicugna pacos) and their correlation with troponin cTnI. A study performed in the high Andean region of southern Peru

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    The breeding of alpaca (Vicugna pacos) is one of the most important economic activities in the high Andean areas of Peru. The commercialization of products derived from alpaca represents more than 80% of the income of high-Andean families. However, the infestation of parasites such as Sarcocystis lamacanis in the alpacas causes economic losses that deteriorate the already diminished quality of life of the alpaca breeder. The search for biomarkers that allow the early detection of these parasites is one of the most critical challenges in Peru, a country with the largest population of alpacas worldwide. This work aimed to analyze and quantify the microcysts formed by the parasite and relate them to the troponin cTnI level in the blood serum. Troponins are proteins secreted when there is damage to the cardiac muscle. 60 blood and cardiac tissue samples were collected from Tisco and La Raya slaughterhouses, localities of Caylloma Province in Arequipa, and Chucuito District in Puno, both regions in southern Peru. The cardiac muscle samples were processed with the routine histology technique and stained with hematoxylin and eosin. In addition, serum samples were processed with the ELISA and immunochromatography methods for troponin cTnI. Results were 100% positive for the presence of Sarcocystis lamacanis microcysts in all cardiac muscle samples. The average microcyst quantification per field of 100x were 3.5 and 5.7 for the Tisco and La Raya samples. In addition, several microscopic lesions were observed in the cardiac muscles: microcyst infiltration between muscle fibers, basophilic microcysts with a thick outer membrane and bradyzoites inside, and tissue displacement. On the other hand, all serum blood samples were negative for troponin cTnI, with both methods, ELISA and immunochromatography. For results, we infer troponin cTnI do not can be used as a biomarker for heart damage caused by Sarcocystis lamacanis parasite in alpacas.Fil: Fernandez F., Fernando. Universidad Católica de Santa María; PerúFil: Gutiérrez A., Roxana. Universidad Católica de Santa María; PerúFil: Pacheco S., Víctor. Universidad Católica de Santa María; PerúFil: Chirinos T., José. Universidad Católica de Santa María; PerúFil: Lombardo, Daniel Marcelo. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Parque Centenario; Argentina. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Veterinarias. Instituto de Investigacion y Tecnología en Reproducción Animal; Argentina. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Veterinarias. Cátedra de Histología y Embriologías; ArgentinaFil: Olivera, Luis V. M.. Universidad Nacional del Altiplano; PerúFil: Bernabe Ortiz, Julio Cesar. Universidad Católica de Santa María; PerúFil: López Casaperalta, Patricia. Universidad Católica de Santa María; Per

    Prevalence and Population Diversity of Listeria monocytogenes Isolated from Dairy Cattle Farms in the Cantabria Region of Spain

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    Listeria monocytogenes is an opportunistic pathogen that is widely distributed in the environment. Here we show the prevalence and transmission of L. monocytogenes in dairy farms in the Cantabria region, on the northern coast of Spain. A total of 424 samples was collected from 14 dairy farms (5 organic and 9 conventional) and 211 L. monocytogenes isolates were recovered following conventional microbiological methods. There were no statistically significant differences in antimicrobial resistance ratios between organic and conventional farms. A clonal relationship among the isolates was assessed by pulsed field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) analysis and 64 different pulsotypes were obtained. Most isolates (89%, n = 187) were classified as PCR serogroup IVb by using a multiplex PCR assay. In this case, 45 isolates of PCR serogroup IVb were whole genome-sequenced to perform a further analysis at genomic level. In silico MLST analysis showed the presence of 12 sequence types (ST), of which ST1, ST54 and ST666 were the most common. Our data indicate that the environment of cattle farms retains a high incidence of L. monocytogenes, including subtypes involved in human listeriosis reports and outbreaks. This pathogen is shed in the feces and could easily colonize dairy products, as a result of fecal contamination. Effective herd and manure management are needed in order to prevent possible outbreaks.This work was supported by Research Project grants RTA08-099, RTA2008-00080-C02, RTA2014-00045-C03-01 (INIA and FEDER) from the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness and RTI2018-098267-R-C31 (INIA and FEDER) from the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation.S