234 research outputs found

    Modificación de reglas y competición en baloncesto : opinión de padres y entrenadores

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    El objetivo del estudio fue analizar los niveles de satisfacción de padres y entrenadores tras la aplicación de un torneo en el que se modifica el reglamento y el sistema de competición en categoría preinfantil. Se desarrolló un torneo "Basket a 2.80", dividido en cinco mini-competiciones (lanzamiento, habilidad, uno contra uno, cuatro contra cuatro y cinco contra cinco) y en el que se adaptaron el equipamiento (canasta a dos metros ochenta y balón seis). Se realizaron entrevistas semi-estructuradas a nueve padres y cuatro entrenadores de baloncesto. Mediante el procedimiento de análisis del contenido se analizaron los datos por tres codificadores. Las reglas más valoradas fueron el balón seis, el cuatro contra cuatro y la reducción de la altura de la canasta. Favorecer el proceso de aprendizaje, incrementar la participación, el espacio de juego y la eficacia y la satisfacción de los jugadores, son asociados con las nuevas reglas. Frente al 55,5% de los padres que opta por los dos sistemas de competición (actual y sistema de minicompeticiones) el resto y los entrenadores prefieren la competición actual. La formación integral y una mayor participación de los jugadores, la variedad y el carácter lúdico es lo destacado en el sistema de competición planteado. Ante las virtudes apuntadas se hace necesario seguir planteando este tipo de propuestas que permitan analizar y cuestionarse el reglamento y la competición actual.The aim of this study was to analyze the levels of satisfaction of parents and coaches after the application of a tournament in which the regulation and the competition system in U'14 are modified. A "Basket to 2.80" tournament was developed, divided into five mini-competitions (shots, skill competition, one-on-one, four-on-four and five-on-five) and in which the equipment was adapted (basket to two meters and eighty and ball six). Semi-structured interviews were conducted with nine parents and four basketball coaches. Using the content analysis procedure, the data were analyzed by three coders. The most valued rules were the ball six, the four-on-four and the reduction of the height of the basket. To favor the learning process, to increase the participation, the space of game and the efficiency and the satisfaction of the players, are associated with the new rules. Faced with 55.5% of the parents who opt for the two competition systems (current and mini-competitions system) the rest and the coaches prefer the current competition. Integral training and a greater participation of the players, the variety and the playful character is highlighted in the system of competition raised. Given the virtues pointed out, it is necessary to continue proposing these types of proposals that allow to analyze and question the regulation and the current competition

    La competencia científica como eje vertebrador de la formación de los estudiantes universitarios de Ciencias del Deporte

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    La tan demandada, prometida y necesaria Ley Estatal de Regulaciones Profesionales del Deporte, que a día de hoy no tiene visas de su verdadero diseño y aplicación a nivel nacional, ha dado lugar estos últimos años a una profunda reflexión y revisión, no solo de los posibles perfiles profesionales de las profesiones relacionadas con las ciencias de la actividad física y del deporte (titulados federativos, técnico deportivos, certificados de profesionalidad, formación profesional, graduados, máster, doctorados, etc.), si no de las competencias, resultados de aprendizaje, procesos de formación, e incluso del nombre de las ocupaciones y/o profesione

    Cómo acercar la competencia científica al ámbito aplicado. Conectar ciencia y deporte

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    Si se entiende la competencia científica, como eje vertebrador de los estudiantes universitarios de ciencias de la actividad física y el deporte, será imprescindible acercar y CONECTAR esa ciencia al ámbito aplicado en general y a los deportistas, usuarios, estudiantes, entrenadores/as, federaciones, ayuntamientos, etc., en particular

    Self-concept, sport, and physical activity practice in university students

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    The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between being physically active and participating in sport (or not) and self-concept in Spanish university students. The sample consisted of 372 female university students. The instruments used were the Autoconcepto Forma 5 questionnaire and an ad hoc questionnaire to collect demographic data and data related to physical activity. The results showed that the groups of university students who are physically active and/or participate in sport had higher levels of physical and emotional self-concept compared to the groups of university students who were not physically active and did not participate in sport. It is concluded that college students who exercise or practice sport have better physical and emotional self-concept than those who do not

    Executive functions and sport agents

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    El objetivo de la presente revisión es investigar la producción científica de artículos que relacionen a los agentes deportivos (deportistas, entrenadores, árbitros) con las funciones ejecutivas (FE). Para ello, se realizó una búsqueda en WoS que arrojó 703 resultados. Un cribado de las referencias siguiendo las directrices PRISMA dejó 94 artículos con los que se llevó a cabo un análisis bibliométrico y revisión de los temas subyacentes que son FE de dominio general y específico en relación con el deportista, FE y tipo de deporte, detección de talentos, relación entre FE y habilidades específicas en el deporte, FE y posición en el terreno de juego, paradigma del experto/deportista de élite y las FE, FE y otros agentes deportivos y deportistas de élite con discapacidad y FE. En vista de los resultados, si bien parece haber un consenso sobre la importancia de las FE en el deporte, se requieren más estudios longitudinales que certifiquen su valor. Estudios recientes parecen indicar que no es trascendental en la detección de talentos. De la misma manera, existen indicios sobre su rol en deportistas que practican disciplinas abiertas y de oposición y sobre las diferencias existentes entre deportistas y no deportistas o expertos y noveles. Junto con lo expuesto anteriormente, se requieren pruebas que evalúen las FE con validez ecológica y de constructo y es necesario que el valor de las FE se traslade a la investigación con otros agentes deportivos como entrenadores o árbitros.The present review aims at investigating the scientific production with respect to the link between executive functions (EF) and sport agents (athletes, players, coaches, umpires). For that purpose, a series of searches were carried out on WoS that yielded 703 references. Upon a screening process following the PRISMA guidelines, a total of 94 papers were used to complete a bibliometric analysis together with a scoping review. Some underlying themes were detected, namely, domain-general vs domain-specific EF tests in sport, EF and type of sport, talent detection, EF and sport-specific skills, EF and position on the field/court, expert/elite paradigm and EF, EF and other sport agents and high-performance athletes with disabilities and the role of EF. In light of results, more longitudinal studies are required to confirm their value in athlete´s development, albeit the consensus with regard to their importance. Recent studies indicate the lack of predictive value of EF in talent detection. Likewise, there some indicators that point out to their role in open-skills, strategic sports as well as in the difference found between athletes and non-athletes and experts versus amateurs. In addition, domain-specific tasks are required to assess EF with both ecological and construct validity and EF should also be used to test other sport agents, such as coaches and referees/umpires

    Ansiedad, depresión y práctica de ejercicio físico en estudiantes universitarias

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    La mayoría de estudios indican que existe una correlación negativa entre la práctica de ejercicio físico y la ansiedad y depresión, aunque resulta necesario precisar mejor qué tipo de actividad, o qué sector de población, y con qué características. En el presente estudio se pretende conocer la relación entre la práctica de ejercicio físico y la ansiedad y la depresión

    Age, participation time and performance in basketball players in olympic games

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    The purpose of this piece of work was to know the ages of the players with the highest performance, through the participation time and the performance indicators of basketball players in Olympic Games. The final objective is to provide more significant values which allow to guide training processes to trainers and club's youth coordinators. Results showed the following: a) in guard position, players with more than 29 years old are the ones who have better statistical in most of the indicators, either for men or women; b) in forward position, the age range varies between 27-29 in men and between 26-29 in women; c) the age range in centers diversify between 25-28 in most indicators in men, while in women it is above 28 years old

    Opinión de los Catedráticos de Educación Física y Deportiva sobre los aspectos más importantes de la evaluación del profesorado universitario

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    This study aims to know the Spanish Physical Activity and Sport Sciences Full Professors` opinion about Spanish National Habilitation and Evaluation Agency´s faculty evaluation. The sample was composed of 17 full professors. The instrument used was a semi-structured interview. The qualitative analysis of the data obtained from the interviews indicates that in opinion of the Spanish physical activity and sport sciences full professors teaching and researching should have the same importance for the faculty evaluation. In addition, it is important to underline the need to improve and objectify both researching and teaching evaluation introducing for example qualitative evaluations of faculty's scientific productions

    Advancing on the road of psychological differentiation of sportsmen. Examples in differences in sex and sport mode

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    Estudiar lo que identifica psicológicamente al deportista no debe reducirse a establecer una lista de indicadores disposicionales; precisa determinar relaciones, carácter prioritario, variabilidad o compensación de unos sobre otros dentro del sistema deportista–deporte. La muestra (N=623), con una media de 23,96 años, se encuentra aleatoriamente distribuida por sexo (hombres=64,8% mujeres=35,2%) y deporte (individual=32,58%; colectivo=67,41%). Se analizan variables de personalidad, motivación y creencias hacia el éxito deportivo. La variabilidad entre las cualidades del deportista incide en sus relaciones, mostrándose mujeres más tenaces y afables, hombres más estables, mayor afabilidad en deportes colectivos y de apertura mental en individuales, mayor orientación motivacional hacia lo extrínseco, y creencias de esfuerzo hacia el éxito en mujeres y deportes individuales. La particular relación persona-deporte, plantea un marco adecuado para descubrir y aprender actitudes implicadas para desarrollar cualidades como la responsabilidad, superación, autocontrol, motivación de logro, persistencia de esfuerzos, así como otros importantes procesos mediadores.Psychological descriptions of athletes should not be constrained to a list of abilities. Rather, they require descriptions of relations among its priority, variability or compensation within a person-sport system. The sample (N=623), mean age 23.96, is randomly distributed by sex (male=64.8%, female=35.2%) and type of sport (individual=32.58%; team=67.41%). Variables such as personality, motivation, and beliefs in sport success are analysed. Variability among athletes´ qualities has an impact on their relationships with others; in particular, women are gentler, as well as more persistent and determined, while men are more stable and sociable in team sports, and show greater open-mindedness in individual sports, more extrinsic motivational orientation, and beliefs of effort to succes in women and individual sports. The personsport relationship is a framework for discovering and learning which attitudes are involved in the development of traits such as responsibility, achievement, self-control, achievement motivation, persistence of effort, as well as other relevant intermediary processes

    Game-related statistics that discriminated winning and losing teams from the spanish mens professional basketball teams

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    The purpose of the present study was to analyse men’s basketball competitions, trying to identify which game-related statistics allow to discriminate winning and losing teams. The sample used corresponded to 306 games from the 2004– 2005 Regular Season of the Spanish Men’s Professional League. The game-related statistics gathered were: 2 and 3 points field-goals (both successful and unsuccessful), free-throws (both successful and unsuccessful), offensive and defensive rebounds, blocks, assists, fouls, turnovers and steals. The data were analysed in two groups: balanced games (final score differences equal or below 12 points) and unbalanced games (final score differences above 12 points). Discriminant analysis allowed to conclude the following: (i) in balanced games, the variable that best differentiate both groups were the defensive rebounds; (ii) in unbalanced games, the variables that discriminate between both groups were the successful 2 points field-goals, the defensive rebounds and the assists; and (iii) in all games, the statistical analysis identified two variables that discriminate winning and losing teams (defensive rebounds and assists). The defensive rebounds were the only game-related statistic that discriminates both groups in all performed analysis. Coaches and players should be aware of these different profiles in order to increase knowledge about game cognitive and motor solicitation and, therefore, to enhance specificity at the time of practice and game planning