1,983 research outputs found

    Globular and disordered-the non-identical twins in protein-protein interactions

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    In biology proteins from different structural classes interact across and within classes in ways that are optimized to achieve balanced functional outputs. The interactions between intrinsically disordered proteins (IDPs) and other proteins rely on changes in flexibility and this is seen as a strong determinant for their function. This has fostered the notion that IDP’s bind with low affinity but high specificity. Here we have analyzed available detailed thermodynamic data for protein-protein interactions to put to the test if the thermodynamic profiles of IDP interactions differ from those of other protein-protein interactions. We find that ordered proteins and the disordered ones act as non identical twins operating by similar principles but where the disordered proteins complexes are on average less stable by 2.5 kcal mol-1

    Democratic accountability and the changing European political order

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    Este artigo aborda o tema da accountability democrática e de uma Europa lutando para encontrar respostas viáveis para as questões de quem e o que deve constituir a "Europa" e como desenvolver instituições políticas legítimas para governá-la. O artigo trata dos problemas relacionados à ordem e à mudança políticas; às regras para a convivência; ao papel da política democrática na sociedade; às relações entre a organização política e a convivência civilizada; e ao estudo político. As democracias modernas convivem com conflitos não resolvidos e os regimes de accountability fazem parte de um arranjo institucional para preservar a ordem e a continuidade e também para criar dinâmicas de mudança. Os processos de responsabilização ocorrem dentro de ordens estabelecidas e não estabelecidas, e elas afetam e são afetadas pelas ordens existentes. Sem negar a importância dos interesses contundentes, das lutas de poder, do comportamento estratégico, dos jogos não cooperativos e das batalhas (re)distributivas, a atenção é direcionada para a busca da unidade, coesão política e solidariedade, com base no consentimento informado e voluntário das pessoas por meio da reflexão e deliberações fundamentadas entre indivíduos com diferentes valores, interesses, entendimentos e recursos.Este artículo trata sobre la rendición de cuentas democrática y una Europa que lucha por encontrar respuestas viables a las preguntas de quién y qué constituirá “Europa” y cómo desarrollar instituciones políticas legítimas para gobernarla. El artículo es, sin embargo, sobre el orden político y el cambio, las reglas para vivir juntos, el papel de la política democrática en la sociedad y las relaciones entre organización política y coexistencia civilizada, y el estudio político. Las democracias modernas conviven con conflictos no resueltos y los regímenes de rendición de cuentas forman parte de un arreglo institucional para preservar el orden y la continuidad y también para crear dinámicas y cambios. Los procesos de rendición de cuentas tienen lugar dentro de las órdenes resueltas y no resueltas, y afectan y son afectados por las órdenes existentes. Sin negar la importancia de los intereses, las luchas por el poder, los comportamientos estratégicos, los juegos no cooperativos y las batallas (redistributivas), la atención está dirigida a la búsqueda de la unidad, la cohesión política y la solidaridad basada en el consentimiento informado y voluntario del pueblo mediante la reflexión y la deliberación razonada entre individuos con diferentes valores, intereses, entendimientos y recursos.This article is about democratic accountability and a Europe struggling to find viable answers to the questions of who and what shall constitute “Europe” and how to develop legitimate political institutions for governing it. The article is, nevertheless, first and foremost about political order and change, rules for living together, the role of democratic politics in society and the relations between political organization and civilized coexistence, and the study of the political. Modern democracies live with unresolved conflict, and accountability regimes are part of an institutional arrangement for preserving order and continuity and also for creating dynamics and change. Accountability processes take place within settled and unsettled orders, and they affect and are affected by existing orders. Without denying the importance of contending interests, power struggles, strategic behavior, noncooperative games, and (re)distributional battles, attention is directed towards the search for unity, political cohesion and solidarity based upon the informed voluntary consent of the people through reflection and reasoned deliberation among individuals with different values, interests, understandings and resources.Revista do Serviço Público - RSP, v. 68, n. 4, p. 745-784Accountability. Prestação de contasISSN eletrônico: 2357-8017; ISSN impresso: 0034-9240

    Accountability democrática, ordem política e mudança: explorando processos de accountability em uma era de transformação europeia

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    Este livro, apresentando uma abordagem institucional à accountability democrática, visava dar uma contribuição modesta à nossa compreensão do papel das instituições, processos e atores da accountability nas transformações que a Europa enfrenta atualmente. No entanto, o livro também aspirava a dizer algo mais geral sobre o papel da accountability democrática na manutenção ou mudança da ordem política, além de lançar alguma luz sobre a vida político-administrativa em geral, além do contexto europeu. As questões centrais são como a accountability democrática interage com os diferentes tipos de comunidade política, a organização das instituições políticas e a agência. Como os processos de accountability 12 Johan P. Olsen funcionam de maneira diferente em ordens estáveis ou em processos de transformação. Como eles podem ajudar a manter, bem como transformar as ordens estabelecidas. Como envolvem a construção de sentidos e a tomada de decisões, e como falar e agir, sob certas condições, são separados. Como eles às vezes funcionam abaixo do radar público e outras vezes envolvem mobilização em massa. Como os processos de accountability podem, ou não, fomentar a democracia e/ou afetar o que a democracia significa e implica no futuro.330 p.Accountability. Prestação de contasGestão PúblicaDemocratic Accountability, Political Order, And Change: Exploring Accountability Processes In An Era Of European Transformatoation, First Edition foi originalmente publicado em inglês em 2017. Esta Tradução é publicada por um contrato com a Oxford University Press. A Enap é responsável por esta tradução do trabalho original e a Oxford University Press não se responsabiliza por quaisquer erros, omissões ou imprecisões ou ambiguidades em tal Tradução ou por quaisquer perdas causadas pela dependência.Número de Controle da Biblioteca do Congresso: 2016954544ISBN 978–0–19–880060–

    Literature classification for semi-automated updating of biological knowledgebases

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    BACKGROUND: As the output of biological assays increase in resolution and volume, the body of specialized biological data, such as functional annotations of gene and protein sequences, enables extraction of higher-level knowledge needed for practical application in bioinformatics. Whereas common types of biological data, such as sequence data, are extensively stored in biological databases, functional annotations, such as immunological epitopes, are found primarily in semi-structured formats or free text embedded in primary scientific literature. RESULTS: We defined and applied a machine learning approach for literature classification to support updating of TANTIGEN, a knowledgebase of tumor T-cell antigens. Abstracts from PubMed were downloaded and classified as either "relevant" or "irrelevant" for database update. Training and five-fold cross-validation of a k-NN classifier on 310 abstracts yielded classification accuracy of 0.95, thus showing significant value in support of data extraction from the literature. CONCLUSION: We here propose a conceptual framework for semi-automated extraction of epitope data embedded in scientific literature using principles from text mining and machine learning. The addition of such data will aid in the transition of biological databases to knowledgebases

    Reconceptualizing Job Control in Participatory Interventions – Collective Sensemaking as a Missing Link

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    Participatory organizational-level interventions where employees are invited to voice suggestions for improving the work environment have been claimed to increase job control. However, empirical studies suggest that the relationship is conditional, and the underlying mechanisms are not well understood. To further our understanding, we highlight various weaknesses in current individuallevel conceptualizations of job control and argue that employees’ collective sensemaking relating to their job control is an important, yet overlooked factor. To demonstrate the principles of this sensemaking and how it shapes the participants’ engagement in the intervention, we analyze interactional data from an intervention with blue-collar employees. Based on this analysis, we discuss the implications of adopting a sensemaking perspective for research and practice

    Observations of snowpack properties to evaluate ground-based microwave remote sensing

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    Active microwave radar has been shown to have great potential for estimating snow water equivalent (SWE) globally from space. To help evaluate optimal active microwave sensor configurations to observe SWE, we evaluated ground-based Frequency Modulated Continuous Wave (FMCW) radar (12–18 GHz, cross-polarisation) using very high resolution in-situ observations of snowpack layering, dielectric permittivity and density over a 10 m snow trench on Toolik Lake, Alaska. Results showed that the thicknesses of layers within the 10 m trench were highly variable over short distances (< 1 m), even where total snow depth changed very little. Layer boundaries observed using NIR photography identified all bands of high radar backscatter. Although additional observations of density and dielectric permittivity helped to explain the causes of backscatter, not all snowpack properties which cause backscatter were coincident with strong vertical changes in density or permittivity. Further observations of high surface roughness in layer boundaries explained some areas of weak backscatter, nonetheless it was shown that a suite of coincident observations, rather than a single technique in isolation, were required to adequately explain the variability of backscatter and the influence of snowpack properties upon it

    Predasjon hos gaupe i Nord-Norge : kjønnspesifikk diett- og habitatvalg

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    Bacheloroppgave i utmarksforvaltning, 2010Norsk: Norsk institutt for naturforskning og Grimsö forskningsstasjon, Sveriges landbruksuniversitet har samlet inn økologiske data på gaupe i en rekke ulike områder i Skandinavia. Prosjektet i nord er et samarbeid mellom det skandinaviske forskningsprosjektet på gaupe, Scandlynx, og ”Rovviltprosjektet i Nord-Troms”. Vår studie inngår som en del av Scandlynx i Troms og Finnmark, hvor hovedmålene er å studere gaupas effekt på tamrein, arealbruk og gaupas demografi i nordområdene. Gaupene ble bedøvet fra helikopter og påsatt GPS- halsband. GPS halsbandene er vanligvis operative i 1-2 år før de faller av. Registreringen av byttedyr foregår i 3-4 perioder årlig hvor GPS- halsbandene ble programmert til å sende ut 8-48 posisjoner i døgnet. Dette gir feltpersonell mulighet til å gå inn på cluster av posisjoner for å lete etter byttedyr. Vi brukte data fra 620 byttedyr fra 17 gauper, av de 12 hunner og 5 hanner. Våre resultater viste at rein var det desidert viktigste byttedyret for gaupe i nord, og at diettvalget varierte med kjønn. Vi fant 19 ulike byttearter i hunngaupenes diett mot 9 arter hos hanngauper. Det ble tatt mest rein om sommeren, noe som har med at få av gaupene hadde rein tilgjengelig om vinteren. Hanngaupene tok flere byttedyr enn forventet i nærheten av by- og tettsteder, samtidig som at drapsfrekvensen avtok med økende avstand fra by og tettsted. Hunngaupene tok like mange både nært og langt i fra by og tettsteder. Det var også de lavereliggende skogs- og fjellområder som var foretrukket predasjonshabitat ovenfor høyereliggende områder. Vi antar at også byttedyrtettheten er høyest i disse områdene, og at habitatvalg for predasjon er sterkt påvirket av byttedyrtilgjengelighet. Gaupa er i all hovedsak der byttedyrene befinner seg, rein og hare blir oftest tatt i skog ned mot havnivå mens fjellet stort sett blir preferert når man beveger seg over 500 – 600 meter. De resterende artene blir preferert tatt i skog.English: The Norwegian Institute for Nature Research, and Grimsö Research Station, the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, has collected ecological data on lynx in different geographical regions of the Scandinavian Peninsula. The project in the north is a collaboration between Scandlynx and "The carnivore project in North Troms”. Our study was part of the Scandinavian research project on lynx in Troms and Finnmark, where the main objectives is to study the lynx effect on the semi domestic reindeer, area use and lynx demography in the North. Lynx were live-captured and equipped with GPS collars. GPS collars are usually operative for 1 – 2 years before dropping off. In periods of 3-4 times every year the intensities of the data location is scheduled to 8-48 locations per day. This allows ground personnel to search clusters of positions for kills and identify the prey at kill sites. We used data on 620 prey carcasses of 17 lynx individuals, of those 12 females and 5 males. Semi-domestic reindeer was the most important prey for lynx in the north. Diet selection was different for males and females. We found 19 species in the female lynx's diet compared with 9 species in male lynx's diet. Most reindeer was killed in the summer, which probably is because few of the lynx had reindeer available in the winter. Female lynx killed more prey with increasing distance from town and village, while the male lynx is not as mindful of the disorder. Lynx to the north seemed to strive for lower-lying forest and mountains as desirable habitat, but overall the trend is that prey are killed were prey are available. Semi-domestic reindeer and hares are more often killed in forest areas near the coast while the mountain is preferred when you move above 500 – 600 meters. The rest of the species were killed mainly in the forest.Studien inngår som en del av Scandlynx i Troms og Finnmar

    The personal music collection in a music streaming perspective

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    Bacheloroppgave i musikkproduksjon 2017Markedet for musikkstrømmetjenester er i stadig vekst. Musikksamlingen fortsetter å distansere seg fra å være en personlig eiendel til å bli en tjeneste vi abonnerer på. Hva gjør dette med verdien av en personlig musikksamling, og er dette et begrep som har blitt mindre relevant i verden av musikkstrømmetjenester? Vi analyserer kvantitative data fra en omfattende spørreundersøkelse gjennomført i Norge, hvor vi ser nærmere på fenomenet switching costs fra et brukerperspektiv. De fleste musikkstrømmetjenester har et stort verdensomspennende bibliotek med millioner av utgivelser. Er brukeren likegyldig til å bytte tjeneste, eller lever den personlige musikksamlingen i beste velgående inne i musikkstrømmetjenesten? Vi diskuterer bakenforliggende forskjeller mellom musikk i et strømmeperspektiv og musikk som personlige eiendeler. Hvor går grensen, og hvordan gjenspeiles disse forskjellene i brukerens opplevde switching costs? Vi lener oss på det vi finner relevant av tidligere forskning, men ser også at mye av forskningen som er gjort på musikkstrømmetjenester og atferd knyttet til musikk er ut fra et markedsførings- eller økonomiperspektiv. Vår oppgave dreier seg mer om eksistensielle spørsmål i krysningen mellom musikksamleren og musikksamlingen. Det mest oppsiktsvekkende resultatet er den store forskjellen mellom opplevde switching costs i relasjon til bruksgraden av fysiske formater sett i forhold til bruksgraden av strømmetjenester.Engelsk sammendrag (abstract) The market for music streaming services is continuously growing. Recorded music in itself is becoming a service rather than a tangible object. What implications does this transition have in relation to our personal music collections? How are we to view the personal Music collection from the perspective of music streaming? We analyse quantitative data from a major research project conducted in Norway, where we have chosen to examine the term 'switching costs' from a consumer perspective. Most music streaming services have a vast music library spanning across millions of releases. Knowing that it is all there to Access anyway, is the streaming user totally indifferent to the idea of switching to another service? Where does the personal music library fit into this equation? Does it exist within the streaming service, and what inherent value does it possess? We discuss fundamental differences between music in the access based perspective of streaming, versus the more tangible perspective of music as personal possessions. Where do you draw the line, and how are these differences (if any) reflected in the user's perceived switching costs? While taking into account existing terminology and previous research in the field, we also found that most of this research is conducted through the lense of arketing or economics. We would argue that our research examines a more existential question in the intersection between the music collector and the music collection. The most interesting discovery was the difference in perceived switching costs between users of physical formats and users of streaming services