1,830 research outputs found

    Técnica de aprendizagem automática aplicada a um codificador HEVC em tempo real.

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    O padrão HEVC (High Efficiency Video Coding) é o mais recente padrão para codificação de vídeos e tem uma complexidade computacional muito maior do que seu antecessor, o padrão H.264. A grande eficiência de codificação atingida pelo codificador HEVC é obtida com um custo computacional bastante elevado. Esta tese aborda oportunidades de reduzir essa carga computacional. Dessa forma, um algoritmo de decisão prematura de divisão de uma unidade de codificação é proposto para o codificador HEVC, terminando prematuramente o processo de busca pelo melhor particionamento baseado em um modelo de classificação adaptativo, criado em tempo de execução. Esse modelo é gerado por um processo de aprendizado online baseado no algoritmo Pegasos, que é uma implementação que aplica a resolução do gradiente estocástico ao algoritmo SVM (Support Vector Machine). O método proposto foi implementado e integrado ao codificador de referência HM 16.7. Os resultados experimentais mostraram que o codificador modificado reduziu o custo computacional do processo de codificação em até 50%, em alguns casos, e aproximadamente 30% em média, com perdas de qualidade desprezíveis para os usuários. De modo geral, esse processo resulta em reduzidas perdas de qualidade, no entanto, alguns resultados mostraram pequenos ganhos em eficiência de compressão quando comparados com os resultados do codificador HM 16.7.The most recent video coding standard, the High Efficiency Video Coding (HEVC), has a higher encoding complexity when compared with H.264/AVC, which means a higher computational cost. This thesis presents a review of the recent literature and proposes an algorithm that reduces such complexity. Therefore, a fast CU (Coding Unit) splitting algorithm is proposed for the HEVC encoder, which terminates the CU partitioning process at an early phase, based on an adaptive classification model. This model is generated by an online learning method based on the Primal Estimated sub-GrAdient SOlver for SVM (Pegasos) algorithm. The proposed method is implemented and integrated in the HEVC reference source code on its version 16.7. Experimental results show that the proposed method reduces the computational complexity of the HEVC encoder, up to 50% in some cases, with negligible losses, and shows an average computational reduction of 30%. This process results in reduced coding efficiency losses, however, some results showed a nearby 1% of BD-Rate (Bjontegaard Delta) gains in the Low Delay B configuration, without using an offline training phase

    Opportunistic Occupation of Nests of Microcerotermes spp. Silvestri (Termitidae, Termitinae) by Partamona seridoensis Camargo & Pedro (Apidae, Meliponini) in the Brazilian Tropical Dry Forest

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    Social bees make use of natural or animal-built structures to protect their colonies from environmental stressors. Here, particularly attractive shelters are active termite nests because they provide a stable climatic environment for inquilines. Several social bee species form obligatory associations with termites, among these the stingless bee Partamona seridoensis (Apidae, Meliponini), whose distribution is limited to the Tropical Dry Forest in the Brazilian Northeast. So far, colonies of this meliponine species have been found mainly in arboreal nests of the termite Constrictotermes cyphergaster, which suggests a tight relationship between these two social insect species. The present study was conducted in an area of the Tropical Dry Forest in the Brazilian State of Rio Grande do Norte, where P. seridoensis naturally occurs albeit the absence of C. cyphergaster. We registered 14 colonies of P. seridoensis, all occupying active arboreal nests of termites of the genus Microcerotermes. The only other termites with arboreal nests present in the study area, Nasutitermes corniger, never housed P. seridoensis. This selective preference of the bees for Microcerotermes nests might be due to differences between termites concerning defense mechanisms or concerning thermal stability within the nests

    Experimental method for investigation of impact of the addition of polymer fibers on drying shrinkage and cracking for concretes

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    This study presents an investigation of a fiber-reinforced concrete (FRC) with use of fibers of polypropylene, polyvinyl alcohol, and recycled polyester in the amount of 0.50%, seeking to analyze the impact of the fiber additions on mechanical properties, drying shrinkage, and cracking. Regarding flexural strength, a reduction of up to 25% of the value was observed for FRC. The residual strength of FRCs was increased values 20 times higher than the reference concrete. The addition of fibers also increased the void content of the matrices and, therefore, drying shrinkage of the reference matrix up to 74%. The fiber additions increased the internal tensile stresses of the FRC of up to 12.0 MPa. Besides the increase in resistance, the FRC presented formation cracks with openings 8 times smaller than the concrete

    Evaluación Comparativa de la corrosión del hormigón armado con acero sin protección y del acero galvanizado en inmersión en caliente

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    Increasing the lifespan of structures is of great importance for civil construction, either because of economic aspects or security to the users. Corrosion of reinforcement is one of the most recurring problems, especially in environments with high chloride content. One of the most effective alternatives to protect reinforcement against corrosion is the hot-dip galvanizing of steel bars, with the addition of a zinc coating that is consumed before steel entering in reaction. In this paper, it was investigated the comparison between unprotected steel bars and hot-dip galvanized ones, immersed in four types of concrete with different water/cement ratio, and subjected to accelerated corrosion test executed by the CAIM procedure. It was observed corrosion decreased for all types of concrete, reaching 70.5% of reduction for the richest mixture, showing that the hot-dip galvanizing may be an important alternative to the wired concrete structures, particularly when used in combination with mixtures of greater durability.El aumento de la vida útil de las estructuras es de gran importancia para la construcción civil, sea por razones económicas o de seguridad de los usuarios. La corrosión de refuerzo es uno de los problemas más recurrentes, especialmente en entornos con alto contenido de iones cloruro. Una de las alternativas más eficaces para proteger el refuerzo contra la corrosión es la galvanización en caliente de barras de acero, con la adición de recubrimiento de zinc que se ingiere antes del acero entrar en reacción. En este trabajo, fue investigado la comparación entre las barras de acero sin protección y las galvanizadas en caliente, inmersas en cuatro tipos de hormigón con diferentes relaciones agua/cemento, y se somete a procedimiento de ensayo de corrosión acelerada ejecutado por el método CAIM. Se observó la disminución de la corrosión para todos los tipos de hormigón, alcanzando el 70,5% de la reducción de la muestra más rica, mostrando que el galvanizado por inmersión en caliente puede ser una alternativa importante para las estructuras de hormigón, especialmente cuando se utiliza en combinación con mezclas de mayor durabilidad

    Comparison of the blood and lymphatic microvessel density of pleomorphic adenoma and basal cell adenoma

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    Pleomorphic adenoma (PA) is the most common tumor of the salivary gland, while basal cell adenoma (BCA) is an uncommon neoplasm. Blood and lymphatic vessels are crucial for tumor metabolism. The aim of this study was to compare the blood and lymphatic vascular density and vascular and endothelial growth factor (VEGF) expression in PA and BCA tumors. In addition, cell proliferation was evaluated in these tumors. Blood and lymphatic vessel content, VEGF expression, and cell proliferation were analyzed in 30 cases of PA and 13 cases of BCA by immu-nohistochemistry using antibodies for CD34, CD105, D2-40, VEGF, and Mcm-2. Regarding CD34 and CD105 expression, PA demonstrated a high vascularity and a low number of positive vessels, respectively. D2-40-positive lymphatic vessels were mainly located in the tumor capsules, with small intratumoral lymphatic vessels observed occasionally. VEGF expression revealed a remarkably heterogeneous immunoreactivity, alternating from weak or negative to positive or intense. BCA presented significantly higher CD34, CD34, CD105, D2-40, and VEGF expression compared to PA. No significant difference was found in cell proliferation between the tumors. Although PA and BCA are considered part of the same spectrum of differentiation, this study showed that the blood and lymphatic vascularization of these tumors is different.Pleomorphic adenoma (PA) is the most common tumor of the salivary gland, while basal cell adenoma (BCA) is an uncommon neoplasm. Blood and lymphatic vessels are crucial for tumor metabolism. The aim of this study was to compare the blood and lymphatic vas81721FAPESP - FUNDAÇÃO DE AMPARO À PESQUISA DO ESTADO DE SÃO PAULO11/51549–


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    Esta pesquisa objetiva realizar um diagnóstico socioeconômico e ambiental dos empreendimentos de lava a jato, do município de Pau dos Ferros/RN, através da descrição das atividades, processos e serviços desses empreendimentos. Como procedimentos metodológicos realizou-se uma pesquisa bibliográfica e aplicação de questionário semi-estruturados em 12 lava a jatos. Observou-se que os lava a jatos do município de Pau dos Ferros – RN apresentam fragilidades socioeconômicas e ambientais em suas atividades, processos e serviços. Também confirmou-se que estes estabelecimentos ocasionam impactos ambientais. Além disso, constatou-se que os serviços prestados pelos lava a jatos de Pau dos Ferros–RN correspondem apenas a lavagem de veículos e troca de óleo, sendo executados por uma equipe diversificada. Verificou-se que os principais impactos ambientais destes empreendimentos relacionam-se com o consumo de água, energia, matéria prima e com a geração de efluentes líquidos e resíduos sólidos. Evidencia-se que a proposta de gestão ambiental para referida problemática aborde as seguintes melhorias sobre: Política Ambiental; Matéria Prima Líquida; Matéria Prima Sólida; Processo Produtivo; Processos de Prevenção; Sistemas de Tratamento; Qualidade Ambiental do Processo; Aspectos Complementares e; Legislação Ambiental, para adequação das atividades, processos e produtos dos postos de lavagem de veículos do município de Pau dos Ferros/RN. Por fim, recomendam-se ainda estudos sobre a qualidade dos efluentes líquidos industriais e seus possíveis efeitos nos compartimentos ambientais da área de estudo


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    Dermatose cinzenta ou eritema discrômico persistente (EDP) é uma síndrome clínica de classificação controversa. A condição é rara no Brasil. Foi descrita inicialmente em El Salvador, mas também tem sido encontra- da em vários países da América do Sul e em outras regiões do mundo. Sua etiologia é desconhecida, porém alguns autores acreditam que ela representa uma apresentação difusa de erupção medicamentosa fixa, enquanto outros a consideram como uma variante do líquen plano pigmentoso por apresentar achados histopatológicos semelhantes. Clinicamente apresenta-se com lesões na forma de numerosas máculas cinza de tamanhos variados. Não há trata- mento eficaz até o momento, no entanto, os benefícios foram relatados com o uso de clofazimina. Neste relato de caso, os autores descrevem um caso de ashy dermatose associada ao uso de inibidores específicos da recaptação da serotonina. PALAVRAS-CHAVE – Dermatose cinzenta; Eritema; Hiperpigmentação; Líquen plano. Ashy dermatosis or erythema dyschromicum perstans (EDP) is a clinical syndrome with a controversial classification. The condition is rare in Brazil. It was initially reported in El Salvador but has also been found in several South American countries and in other regions of the world. Its etiology is unknown; however, some authors believe that it represents a diffuse presentation of fixed drug eruption, while others consider it to be a variant of lichen planus pigmentosus in view of the similar histopathological findings. Clinically, the condition presents with lesions in the form of numerous gray macules of varying sizes. There is no effective treatment to date; however, benefits have been repor- ted with the use of clofazimine. In this report, the authors describe a case of ashy dermatosis associated with the use of serotonin-specific reuptake inhibitors. KEYWORDS – Skin diseases; Erythema; Hyperpigmentation; Drug eruptions; Lichen planus.


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    The purpose of this review is to show the increase in number of researches on covariance components and genetic evaluation using random regression models (RRM) for growth traits of Nellore cattle. Random regression models, also known as infinite-dimension models have been used to estimate variance components and genetic parameters for weight of beef cattle. In addition, those models are a standard alternative for genetic analyses of longitudinal data, however, the availibility of computational resources for performing genetic evaluations widely is an obstacle. Traits related to animal growth are adopted as selection criteria in beef cattle breeding programs, because the remuneration of cattle breeders is made based on the weight of carcasses. In recent years, RRM have been adopted as standard procedure in relation to the analysis of longitudinal data in animal breeding

    CD1a+and CD83+Langerhans cells are reduced in lower lip squamous cell carcinoma

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    BACKGROUND : Actinic cheilitis (AC) is a potentially malignant lesion diagnosed in the lip of patients chronically exposed to the sun that may give rise to a fully invasive lower lip squamous cell carcinoma (LLSCC). It is known that ultraviolet radiation causes dendritic cells (DCs) depletion in the epidermis, but the role of this cellular population in lip cancer progression remains uncertain. Therefore, this study investigated the distribution of DCs in normal, dysplastic and neoplastic tissues of the lower lip. METHODS : Thirteen cases of lower lip mucocele, 42 of ACs and 21 of LLSCC were retrieved and original diagnoses confirmed by two oral pathologists, who further classified ACs as low- and high-risk lesions. Immunoreactions against CD1a and CD83 identified immature and mature DCs, respectively. RESULTS : Immature CD1a+ Langerhans cells (LCs) were significantly decreased in LLSCC when compared to morphologically normal (P 0.05), but ACs demonstrated a lower concentration of CD1a+ LCs than normal epithelium (P 0.05). CONCLUSION : These results suggest that depletion of epithelial LCs, but not IDCs in the connective tissue, would represent an important step for lip cancer development.http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/10.1111/(ISSN)1600-07142017-07-31hb2016Oral Pathology and Oral Biolog