99 research outputs found

    Choreodrama in Serbia in the 20th and 21th Century: Gender Perspective

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    Koreodrama je jedan od oblika pozorišne igre u kojoj se insistira na sintezi različitih oblika ispoljavanja: pokretom, muzikom, rečju. Ne postoji jedna definicija koreodrame s obzirom na vreme kada se pojavila i na umetničke i društvene prilike u kojima su pojedine snažne koreografske ličnosti stvarale do danas u svetu i Srbiji. Istražuju se praktične i teorijske dimenzije koreodrame kao zasebnog pozorišnog žanra sa stanovišta forme koja doprinosi razvoju rodnih studija, pre svega diskusijom o emancipaciji ženskog tela. Cilj ovoga rada je da prikupi, sistematizuje i interpretira podatke o razvoju koreodrame u Srbiji tokom 20. veka i njenom vidljivom prodoru u pozorišnoj umetnosti 21. veka - kako bi se jasno pokazale zasluge žena u afirmaciji ovog pozorišnog usmerenja. Hipoteza je da je koreodrama izmenila odnos prema igri, odnos prema drami i odnos prema ženskom telu. Savremene teorija roda vode računa o osobinama identiteta žena (i muškaraca) i tumače ga kao promenljivu pojavu kompleksnog sadržaja, sastavljenu od više različitih komponenata (Duhaček, 2011; 2014). U tumačenju osobina identiteta četiri odabrane umetnice koristimo holistički teorijski pristup savremenih teorija (poststrukturalni, postmoderni i interkulturalni feminizam), a metodom analize diskursa takav teorijski pristup proveravamo. Takav teorijski pristup uzima u obzir ne samo verbalnu poruku, nego podjednako i kontekst u kojem se verbalni i neverbalni događaj ispoljava i same sagovornike. Promenljivost identiteta je osnova ovakvog teorijskog pristupa, dokumentovana na empirijskom materijalu života i stvaralaštva umetnica u Srbiji u 20. veku. Metod istraživanja se oslanja na analizu teksta, odnosno dva su osnovna metoda (Savić, 1993): analiza tekstova i analiza razgovora (diskursa). Rezultati pokazuju da su se u Srbiji koreodramom bavile uglavnom umetnice izrazite individualnosti i obrazovanja, o kojima je samo delimično pisano u domaćoj literaturi kada je u pitanju odnos roda i koreodramskog postupka stvaranja, odabiranja sadržaja i afirmisanja u javnom prostoru: Maga Magazinović, Smiljana Mandukić, Nada Kokotović i Sonja Vukićević. 1.Vlastitim umetničkim i pedagoškim delovanjem naše četri umetnice doprinele su širenju znanja o igri u Srbiji uopšte, posebno novom poimanju oslobođenog tela (i to ne samo u igri); 2 Njihov doprinos se ogleda u ukupnoj emancipaciji žena (u profesiji, u porodici i dr.); 3. Sada je poznato da je uporedo tekla borba za ravnopravnost žena u društvu sa afirmacijom moderne igre i koreodrame u Srbiji. 4. Rad četiri umetnice je uticao na formiranje stvarateljki nove generacije koreografkinja u Srbiji u 21. veku. Zaključujem da postoji kontinuitet u afirmisanju žanra koreodrame u pozorišnom životu Srbije od periferije ka centru umetničkog događanja. Podaci iz ovog istraživanja se mogu neposredno uključiti u postojeće kurikulume o savremenoj igri na Akademiji umetnosti, s jedne strane, i u obrazovni program iz muzičke i pozorišne umetnosti u srednjim školama, s druge strane.Choreodrama is a form of theatrical dance which insists on the synthesis of different forms of expression: movement, music, word. There is not a unique definition of choreodrama given the time when it appeared on the artistic and social situation in which some strong choreographic personalities have created to this date in the world and Serbia as well. The practical and theoretical dimensions of choreodrama as a separate genre are examined from the standpoint of form which contributes the development of gender studies, especially the discussion on the emancipation of the female body. The aim of this study is to gather, systematize and interpret information on the development of choreodrama in Serbia during the 20th century and its visible breakthrough in the art of theatre of the 21st century - in order to clearly show the merits of women in the promotion of this theatrical direction. The hypothesis is that choreodrama has changed attitude towards dance, the attitude towards drama and relationship to the female body. Contemporary theories of gender pay special attention on the characteristics of women' identity (and men' as well) and interpret it as the emergence of a complex variable content made up of several different components (Duhacek, 2011; 2014). In identity characterics interpreting of four selected artists we use a holistic theoretical approach to contemporary theories (poststructural, postmodern feminism and intercultural feminism) and this theoretical approach can be checked by method of discourse analysis. Such an approach takes into account not only the verbal message, but also the context in which the verbal and non-verbal situations are manifested, as well as interlocutors themselves. Variability of identity is the basis of this theoretical approach, documented in the empirical material of the female artists' lives and work in Serbia in the 20th century. The research method relies on the analysis of the text or, to be precise, two basic methods (Savić, 1993): analysis of texts and conversation analysis (discourse). The results show that in Serbia mainly female artists of great individuality and education dealt with choreodrama and they were only partly written about in our literature concerning the relationship of gender and choreodrama process of creation, selection of content and affirmation in the public area: Maga Magazinović, Smiljana Mandukić, Nada Kokotović and Sonja Vukicevic. 1.With their personal artistic and pedagogical functioning, our four women artists have contributed to spreading the knowledge about dance in Serbia in general, especially the new understanding of the liberated body (and not only in dance); 2. Their contribution is reflected in the total emancipation of women (in their profession, family, etc.); 3Now it is known that the struggle for women's equality in society was lead simultaneously with the affirmation of the modern dance and choreodrama in Serbia. 4. The work of these four female artists has influenced the work of the creators of a new generation of choreographers in Serbia in the 21st century. I conclude that there is continuity in the promotion of the choreodrama genre in Serbian theatrical life from the periphery to the center of artistic events. The research information can be directly incorporated into existing curricula of contemporary art at the Academies of Arts, on the one hand, and in the educational programme of music and theatrical art in secondary schools, on the other hand

    Choreodrama in Serbia in the 20th and 21th Century: Gender Perspective

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    Koreodrama je jedan od oblika pozorišne igre u kojoj se insistira na sintezi različitih oblika ispoljavanja: pokretom, muzikom, rečju. Ne postoji jedna definicija koreodrame s obzirom na vreme kada se pojavila i na umetničke i društvene prilike u kojima su pojedine snažne koreografske ličnosti stvarale do danas u svetu i Srbiji. Istražuju se praktične i teorijske dimenzije koreodrame kao zasebnog pozorišnog žanra sa stanovišta forme koja doprinosi razvoju rodnih studija, pre svega diskusijom o emancipaciji ženskog tela. Cilj ovoga rada je da prikupi, sistematizuje i interpretira podatke o razvoju koreodrame u Srbiji tokom 20. veka i njenom vidljivom prodoru u pozorišnoj umetnosti 21. veka - kako bi se jasno pokazale zasluge žena u afirmaciji ovog pozorišnog usmerenja. Hipoteza je da je koreodrama izmenila odnos prema igri, odnos prema drami i odnos prema ženskom telu. Savremene teorija roda vode računa o osobinama identiteta žena (i muškaraca) i tumače ga kao promenljivu pojavu kompleksnog sadržaja, sastavljenu od više različitih komponenata (Duhaček, 2011; 2014). U tumačenju osobina identiteta četiri odabrane umetnice koristimo holistički teorijski pristup savremenih teorija (poststrukturalni, postmoderni i interkulturalni feminizam), a metodom analize diskursa takav teorijski pristup proveravamo. Takav teorijski pristup uzima u obzir ne samo verbalnu poruku, nego podjednako i kontekst u kojem se verbalni i neverbalni događaj ispoljava i same sagovornike. Promenljivost identiteta je osnova ovakvog teorijskog pristupa, dokumentovana na empirijskom materijalu života i stvaralaštva umetnica u Srbiji u 20. veku. Metod istraživanja se oslanja na analizu teksta, odnosno dva su osnovna metoda (Savić, 1993): analiza tekstova i analiza razgovora (diskursa). Rezultati pokazuju da su se u Srbiji koreodramom bavile uglavnom umetnice izrazite individualnosti i obrazovanja, o kojima je samo delimično pisano u domaćoj literaturi kada je u pitanju odnos roda i koreodramskog postupka stvaranja, odabiranja sadržaja i afirmisanja u javnom prostoru: Maga Magazinović, Smiljana Mandukić, Nada Kokotović i Sonja Vukićević. 1.Vlastitim umetničkim i pedagoškim delovanjem naše četri umetnice doprinele su širenju znanja o igri u Srbiji uopšte, posebno novom poimanju oslobođenog tela (i to ne samo u igri); 2 Njihov doprinos se ogleda u ukupnoj emancipaciji žena (u profesiji, u porodici i dr.); 3. Sada je poznato da je uporedo tekla borba za ravnopravnost žena u društvu sa afirmacijom moderne igre i koreodrame u Srbiji. 4. Rad četiri umetnice je uticao na formiranje stvarateljki nove generacije koreografkinja u Srbiji u 21. veku. Zaključujem da postoji kontinuitet u afirmisanju žanra koreodrame u pozorišnom životu Srbije od periferije ka centru umetničkog događanja. Podaci iz ovog istraživanja se mogu neposredno uključiti u postojeće kurikulume o savremenoj igri na Akademiji umetnosti, s jedne strane, i u obrazovni program iz muzičke i pozorišne umetnosti u srednjim školama, s druge strane.Choreodrama is a form of theatrical dance which insists on the synthesis of different forms of expression: movement, music, word. There is not a unique definition of choreodrama given the time when it appeared on the artistic and social situation in which some strong choreographic personalities have created to this date in the world and Serbia as well. The practical and theoretical dimensions of choreodrama as a separate genre are examined from the standpoint of form which contributes the development of gender studies, especially the discussion on the emancipation of the female body. The aim of this study is to gather, systematize and interpret information on the development of choreodrama in Serbia during the 20th century and its visible breakthrough in the art of theatre of the 21st century - in order to clearly show the merits of women in the promotion of this theatrical direction. The hypothesis is that choreodrama has changed attitude towards dance, the attitude towards drama and relationship to the female body. Contemporary theories of gender pay special attention on the characteristics of women' identity (and men' as well) and interpret it as the emergence of a complex variable content made up of several different components (Duhacek, 2011; 2014). In identity characterics interpreting of four selected artists we use a holistic theoretical approach to contemporary theories (poststructural, postmodern feminism and intercultural feminism) and this theoretical approach can be checked by method of discourse analysis. Such an approach takes into account not only the verbal message, but also the context in which the verbal and non-verbal situations are manifested, as well as interlocutors themselves. Variability of identity is the basis of this theoretical approach, documented in the empirical material of the female artists' lives and work in Serbia in the 20th century. The research method relies on the analysis of the text or, to be precise, two basic methods (Savić, 1993): analysis of texts and conversation analysis (discourse). The results show that in Serbia mainly female artists of great individuality and education dealt with choreodrama and they were only partly written about in our literature concerning the relationship of gender and choreodrama process of creation, selection of content and affirmation in the public area: Maga Magazinović, Smiljana Mandukić, Nada Kokotović and Sonja Vukicevic. 1.With their personal artistic and pedagogical functioning, our four women artists have contributed to spreading the knowledge about dance in Serbia in general, especially the new understanding of the liberated body (and not only in dance); 2. Their contribution is reflected in the total emancipation of women (in their profession, family, etc.); 3Now it is known that the struggle for women's equality in society was lead simultaneously with the affirmation of the modern dance and choreodrama in Serbia. 4. The work of these four female artists has influenced the work of the creators of a new generation of choreographers in Serbia in the 21st century. I conclude that there is continuity in the promotion of the choreodrama genre in Serbian theatrical life from the periphery to the center of artistic events. The research information can be directly incorporated into existing curricula of contemporary art at the Academies of Arts, on the one hand, and in the educational programme of music and theatrical art in secondary schools, on the other hand

    Application of aromatic plant extract apples in nutrition chinchillas (Chinchilla lanigera)

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    In this paper we studied the effect of apple aroma as a food additive in a concentration of 0.04% on performance and reduction of fur chewing and basic production parameters. During the experimental period (30 days), the experimental group of chinchillas that was fed with the pellet mixture with the addition of the aroma showed a statistically significant decrease in fur chewing (p<0.01) in comparison with the control group. Also, only 5% of the animals in the experimental group chewed fur out of the total number in that group (20 chinchillas), whereas the percentage of fur chewing with the control group with the same number of animals was 30%. The positive effects of aroma addition were noted for other examined factors as well, since the experimental group of chinchillas showed a bigger increase in body mass (1.36%), better growth (21.18%), increased food consumption (0.48%) and better conversion (17.13%) in comparison with the control group that was not fed with the aromatic additive

    Analiza proizvodnih potencijala lakih linijskih hibrida kokoši

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    The paper vas aimed at analyzing production results on Shaver 579 hybrid hens breeder eggs and their comparing with those on Shaver hybrid hen breeder eggs recorded by their producer. On the basis of currently obtained results and comparison with those obtained than their own producer, the following may be concluded the differences between the experimental results Shaver 579 hens breeder eggs and the standard in terms of breeding dynamics, diet consumption for one egg production and mortality were found to be negligible.Cilj ispitivanja ovog rada bila je analiza proizvodnih rezultata kokoši nosilja Shaver 579 hibrida i njihovo upoređivanje sa tehnološkim normativom koje navodi njegov proizvođač. Na osnovu analize rezultata ovog istraživanja i njihovim upoređivanjem sa proizvodnim rezultatima (normativom), može se zaključiti da razlike između oglednih Shaver 579 nosilja i standarda sa stanovišta dinamike nosivosti, utroška hrane i mortaliteta bile su zanemarljivo male

    The impedance analysis of sintered MgTiO3 ceramics

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    In the present study the effect of preparation conditions on microstructure and electrical properties of MgTiO3 ceramics was investigated. Mixture of MgO and TiO2 powders was subjected to mechanical activation for different time periods. Two types of sintering (two-step and HIP sintering) were performed on green bodies prepared by cold isostatic pressing. AC impedance spectroscopy in the low-frequency range (from 20 Hz to 1 MHz), at room and elevated temperatures, were performed in order to separate contribution of grains and grain boundaries to capacitance, resistance and conductivity of magnesium titanate ceramics. The special attention was directed to explanation of the influence of mechanical activation on electrical and morphological changes in sintered samples. The significant decrease of partial oxygen pressure in HP sintering atmosphere caused the change from insulating behavior of MgTiO3 samples after two-step sintering to semiconducting one

    Characterization of mechanically activated ZnO powder

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    Materials based on ZnO structure have more frequently application as fillers in polymer ceramics nanocompozites. Performances of these materials depends on fillers morphology, surfaces texture and particles size. According to this, in this paper, the authors investigated the influence of mechanical activation of ZnO powder on crystal and micro structure. Commercially available ZnO powder was activated in a planetary ball mill for 2, 5, 10 and 30 minutes. Characterization of such obtained powders was performed using XRD, SEM and Raman spectroscopy. XRD patterns indicated at lowering of peak intensities along with its broadening wich is realted to partical fragmentation and amorphyzation. Micrographs show irregularly shaped particles at the beginning and with prolonged milling time, particles gained uniformed distibution, while after 30 minutes of activation agglomerates started forming. The results we got by investigation of dynamical structure by Raman spectroscopy are in correlation with the other results of structures analysis. Results presented here enable further optimization of, polymer nanocompozite based on ZnO and PVDF, making process

    14 C-urea breath test in the detection of Helicobacter pylori infection

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    Helicobacter pylori infection is supposed to be one of the major causes of digestive and other diseases. Among a lot of invasive and non-invasive methods for its detection, none is ideal. The aim is an assessment of the Helicobacter pylori infection in the stomach using breath test and comparison to other diagnostic methods, as well as following up the effects of therapy. In 17 patients with digestive discomfort, breath test, rapid ure- ase test and histology were performed, while in 47 patients with proven HP infection the effect of therapy was followed up using breath test and clinical findings. Breath test was performed af- ter per oral administration of the capsule of 14 C urea (37 kBq). Findings of the breath and urease tests were in accordance in 14/ /17 patients (83%) while breath test and histology in 16/17 patients (94%). During follow-up of the therapeutic effects, breath test and clinical findings were in accordance in 43/47 patients (98%). Breath test can be useful in diagnosis but is a method of choice in following up the patients after therapy for H. pylori infection, because it is non-invasive, fast and precise

    Introduction to Special Issue: Expanding Landscapes of Academic Writing in Academia

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    Academic writing is essential for disciplinary learning, academic success, knowledge creation, social status, and career advancement within academia (Fang, 2021). Academic research, writing, and publishing form the foundations of the majority of academic positions and remain primary considerations for hiring, renewal, promotion, and tenure in most higher education institutions (Ratković et al., 2019; Rawat & Meena, 2014). Early-career researchers must establish a significant track record of research, including publishing in high-impact journals (Couch, 2020). In graduate programs, academic writing competencies are critical for student success, with doctoral students often led to believe that they must be prolific academic writers to gain entry and advancement within academia (Mandke, 2019)