388 research outputs found

    Kangal köpeklerinde normal intrarenal ve intrahepatik doppler parametrelerinin tespiti

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    Doppler ultrasonography is one of the tools that started to use recently in human and veterinary medicine for this purpose. Currently, there are many studies to investigate methods of earlier diagnosis of prognosis of renal and hepatic diseases. However there is stil no consensus among researchers about the normal values. To our knowledge no systematical research exits revealing the normal values of Kangal breed dogs. Our purpose in this research is to determine the normal renal and hepatic doppler values of Kangal breed. For this purpose, 30 Turkish Kangal dogs and 20 healty dogs from several breeds were included to the study. The mean value of renal resistive index (RI) and pulsative index (PI) were 0,65±0,04 and 1.13±0,05 for Turkish Kangal dogs; 0,64±0,08 and 1.12±0,05 for different breed dogs. For the hepatic RI and PI values 0,65±0,04 and, 1.16±0,03 for Turkish Kangal dogs; 0.63±0,04 and 1.15±0.04 for different breed dogs respectively. The hepatic and renal PI and RI values of Kangal dogs were found to be compatible with other breeds.Doppler ultrasonografi son zamanlarda insan hekimliği ve veteriner hekimlikte bu amaçla kullanılmaya başlanan araçlardan biridir. Halen, böbrek ve karaciğer hastalıklarının prognozunun erken teşhisi yöntemlerini araştıran birçok çalışma vardır. Ancak, araştırmacılar arasında normal değerler hakkında hala bir fikir birliği yoktur. Bildiğimiz kadarıyla Kangal cinsi köpeklerin normal değerlerini ortaya koyan hiçbir sistematik araştırma yapılmamıştır. Bu araştırmadaki amacımız Kangal ırkının normal böbrek ve karaciğer doppler değerlerini belirlemektir. Bu amaçla 30 Türk Kangal köpeği ve çeşitli ırklardan 20 sağlıklı köpek çalışmaya dahil edildi. Türk Kangal köpekleri için renal RI (rezistif indeks) ve PI (pulzatif indeks) ortalama değeri 0,65 ± 0,04 ve 1,13 ± 0,05; farklı cins köpekler için ise 0,64 ± 0,08 ve 1,12 ± 0,05 olarak belirlendi. Karaciğer için RI ve PI değerleri Türk kangal köpeklerinde 0,65±0,04 ve 1.16±0,03 olarak belirlenirken diğer köpeklerde ; 0.63±0,04 ve 1.15±0.04 olarak saptandı. Kangal köpeklerinin hepatik ve renal PI ve RI değerleri diğer ırklarla uyumlu bulundu

    Evaluation of Platelet Indices and Complete Blood Count in Canine Mammary Tumors

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    Background: Malignant mammary tumors in humans and bitches cause hematological disorders such as anemia, erythrocytosis, thrombocytosis, hyperproteinemia, and leucopenia. Novel studies have been conducted on the predictive and prognostic values of platelet (PLT) indices in human breast cancer (HBC). However, there is little information about the alterations in hematological parameters in canine mammary tumors (CMTs). The aims of this study were to evaluate the platelet indices and complete blood count (CBC) parameters in bitches with and without mammary tumor and to assess the above mentioned parameters with regard to histological tumor types and grades.Materials, Methods & Results: A total of 71 bitches were enrolled in this study. The bitches in the study group were divided into 2 groups which consisted of malignant epithelial mammary tumors (group EMT; n = 43) and malignant mixed mammary tumors (group MMT; n = 12). Control group (group C) consisted of clinically and gynaecologically healthy 16 bitches. Blood samples were obtained to perform the CBC and PLT indices analysis. Histopathological examinations were carried out under a light microscope. Histological tumor types and malignancy grades were classified. The bitches with mammary tumor showed significantly increased PLT values and decreased hematocrit (HCT), hemoglobin (HGB) and mean corpuscular hemoglobin (MCH) values versus the healthy ones, regardless of the tumor type. However, in comparisons with the group C, mean platelet volume (MPV) and mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration (MCHC) values were different only in the group MMT, while plateletcrit (PCT) and mean corpuscular volume (MCV) values were different only in the group EMT. Also white blood cell (WBC), PLT and PCT values were higher than the referenced laboratory ranges in grade 3 tumors. In the presented study, MPV was considerably correlated with PLT, platelet distribution width (PDW) and PCT. Also, PCT and PLT had high sensitivity and specificity to distinct EMT and MMT from the healthy bitches.Discussion: Microcytic and hypochromic anemia occurs due to the decrease in the amount of HGB. Levels of MCV, MCH, and MCHC in the HBC group were reported to be significantly lower than in humans without breast cancer. Although anemia did not occur in EMT and MMT groups, obtained significances in the HCT, HGB, MCV, MCH, and MCHC levels between the bitches with and without mammary tumor were in line with the previous reports. In this study, WBC levels in grade 3 tumors were significantly higher than grade1 tumors (P < 0.05). Whereas levels of WBC in grade 1 and grade 2 tumors were in referenced laboratory ranges, it was higher in grade 3. Increased level of WBC in grade 3 was supposed to be due to the rise in malignancy as previously reported. Thrombocytosis was detected in 48.83% and 41.66% of the bitches in EMT and MMT groups, respectively. The higher percentage of CMTs with thrombocytosis in this study might be due to the difference in referenced upper limit of PLT in previous studies. The elapsed time between tumor formation and clinical presentation could be another influencing factor. Although PLT and PCT values were not significant according to the histological grading in this study, both parameters were found to be higher in grade 3 than the normal reference values. Further studies conducted with higher populations may lead the differences in these parameters to significance. With the support of further studies, alterations in the above mentioned parameters in bitches may contribute in the diagnosis process, management of treatment and may constitute an easy way to have an idea about the prognosis of mammary tumors

    Evaluation of Trace Element Levels and Antioxidant Metabolism in Cattle with Cutaneous Papillomatosis

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    Background: Cutaneous papillomas are benign proliferative neoplasms. The aetiology and pathogenesis of the disease are very complex. Papillomatosis lesions can be detected anywhere on the body, frequently appearing on the surface of the head, neck, teats, udder, external genital mucosa and upper part of the gastrointestinal tract. The disease is not life threatening but due to loss of productivity, owners often cull animals with papillomatosis. The relationships between trace elements, heavy metals and cancer are still researching. The aim of this study was the evaluation of the relationships between trace elements and antioxidant metabolism, and cutaneous papillomatosis, in cattle.Materials, Methods &amp; Results: Eleven cattle with cutaneous papillomatosis and 10 healthy cattle constituted the study group and control group, respectively. Clinical examinations were performed on all animals. Blood samples were collected and Cr, Cu, Fe, Mg, Mn, Se, Zn, As, B, Ni, Si and Co levels were determined. The analyses were conducted with an inductively coupled plasma-optical emission spectrophotometer. In addition, catalase (CAT), glutathione (GSH), malondialdehyde (MDA) and ceruloplasmin (Cp) concentrations were measured. The Ni, Si and MDA levels of the study group were significantly higher than those of the control group (P &lt; 0.05) but the Se levels of the study group were significantly lower than in the control group (P &lt; 0.05). The normality of the data was determined with the Shapiro-Wilk Test and the Independent Samples t-Test or Mann-Whitney U test was used for statistical comparison of the groups.Discussion: Trace elements are essential components of biological systems. The levels of trace elements, such as Cu, Co, I, Se, Zn and Mn, which are affected by grazing activity, influence ruminants’ reproductive performance and other production parameters. The elements Al, As, Cr, Ni and Sn are also presumed to be essential for ruminant metabolism, although sufficient research data are not available. In the present study, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mg, Mn, Zn, As, B and Co levels were not significantly different between the papilloma and control groups. Se is an important trace element for skin health. This study revealed a mean serum Se level in animals with papillomatosis that was significantly lower than in the healthy group. Although the mode of anticancer activity of Se is not clear, some factors, such as antioxidant protection, improved immune system surveillance, carcinogen detoxification, modulation of cell proliferation and inhibition of tumour cell invasion and angiogenesis, are important. Ni is classified as a toxic heavy metal. In addition, it could be carcinogenic to humans. Ni level was two times higher in the papillomatosis group than in the healthy animals, in the present study. This result may indicate that Ni has a role in the genesis of papillomatosis in cattle. Si injection can cause inflammation, granulomas and cancer. There are few reports about Si levels in animals and the significant difference in the Si levels in cattle with cutaneous papillomatosis reported in this study may be a new indicator for the disease. The skin contains antioxidant molecules that include GSH, alpha-tocopherol or vitamin E, ascorbic acid or vitamin C, glutathione peroxidases, glutathione reductase, glutathione S-transferases (GSTs), superoxide dismutases (SODs), CAT and quinine reductase. There is strong interaction between ROS and/or their oxidant products and antioxidant molecules in the skin. In this study, although MDA levels were higher in the study group than in the control group, there was no significant difference between the groups in their CAT levels, and also in the GSH and CP levels. In conclusion, these results may evidence the systemic effects of papillomatosis on trace element levels and on oxidant metabolism in cattle

    Određivanje razine nekih esencijalnih (željezo, bakar, cink) i toksičnih (olovo, kadmij) metala u krvi ovaca te u uzorcima vode, biljaka i tla u sjeverozapadnoj Turskoj.

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    The aim of this investigation was to determine the levels of trace elements (zinc, iron, copper), as well as of lead and cadmium, in both the soil and in organism in order to obtain more efficient economical results and healthier sheep breeds in Northwest Turkey. Based on the results of these analyses, we plan to make suggestions to veterinarians and sheep breeders in that region on how to improve their performance. The study was carried out on 400 sheep from different sites in Northwest Turkey and included the collection of water (n = 5), plant (n = 5) and soil (n = 5) samples from every district. When serum parameters were examined an important decrease in iron levels was found in the 8th, 9th and 10th districts, while the lowest zinc levels were found in the 1st and 7th districts, the lowest copper levels in the 1st, 3rd, 5th and 6th districts, the highest lead levels in the 9th and 10th districts, and the highest cadmium levels in the 2nd, 5th and 6th districts. Analyses of water, plant and soil samples showed significant differences in zinc and copper levels between districts. High levels of lead were detected in water and plant samples. We are of the opinion that important improvements will be obtained in the treatment and control of diseases due to deficiency of trace elements and of parasitic, bacterial and viral diseases due to related systems affected by such deficiencies if these results are appropriately communicated to animal breeders and veterinary surgeons operating in the regions in question.Cilj istraživanja bio je odrediti razinu elemenata u tragovima (cink, željezo, bakar), te olova i kadmija u tlu i organizmu ovaca kako bi se polučili bolji gospodarski rezultati i uzgajale zdravije pasmine ovaca u sjeverozapadnoj Turskoj. Na temelju rezultata, za navedena područja planiraju se preporuke veterinarima i uzgajivačima na osnovi kojih bi se unaprijedio njihov rad. U istraživanje je bilo uključeno 400 ovaca iz različitih područja sjeverozapadne Turske. Uzimani su uzorci vode (n = 5), biljaka (n = 5) i tla (n = 5). Utvrđena je značajno niža razina željeza u 8., 9. i 10. području. Najniža razina cinka ustanovljena je u 1. i 7. području, najniža razina bakra u 1., 3., 5. i 6. području, dok su najviše razine olova utvrđene u 9. i 10. području, a kadmija u 2., 5. i 6. području. Analiza uzoraka vode, biljaka i tla pokazala je da između različitih područja postoje značajne razlike u razini cinka i bakra. Visoke razine olova ustanovljene su u uzorcima vode i biljaka. Prijenosom ovih rezultata do veterinara i uzgajivača iz promatranih područja, ostvarit će se značajna poboljšanja u liječenju i kontroli bolesti uzrokovanih deficijencijom elemenata u tragovima. Isto se može očekivati i za bolesti uzrokovane parazitima, bakterijama i virusima u kojih navedene deficijencije imaju određenu ulogu

    Goat hair as a bioindicator of environmental contaminants and adrenal activation during vertical transhumance

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    Autochthonous breeds of livestock are considered a pivotal genetic resource for agriculture, rural development, and food and nutrition security. In the Italian Alps, local livestock breeds are maintained using the traditional alpine farming system based on vertical transhumance, with the use of alpine pastures from late spring to autumn and indoor housing with a hay-based diet for the remaining part of the year. Because of their tight link with the territory of origin, local breeds could be used to biomonitor environmental contaminations. Moreover, animal welfare should also be monitored during transhumance in animals, which are exposed to a sudden farming system change and different types of stressors. For these reasons, this investigation hypothesized that the content of trace elements, heavy metals, and cortisol in the hair of goats changes during vertical transhumance, possibly reflecting different dietary contents and activity of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis. This study aimed to assess the response of an Italian local goat breed to the change from indoor housing to alpine pasture in summer in terms of hair concentrations of (i) trace elements and heavy metals and (ii) cortisol. The regrown hair of Frisa goats was monthly collected for 2 consecutive years (n = 10 for heavy metals and trace elements and n = 6 for cortisol in 2021, n = 17 for both analyses in 2022), once before vertical transhumance and twice after that event. Hair was then analyzed for trace elements, heavy metals, and cortisol by inductively coupled plasma-optical emission spectrophotometer (ICP-OES) and enzyme immunoassay (EIA), respectively. Data were analyzed by multilevel models. The results showed an increase in As content during alpine pasture (p &lt; 0.01), probably reflecting the soil and water As contents of the grazing area, while Mg, Zn, and Al (p &lt; 0.01) followed the opposite trend, decreasing in the second month after vertical transhumance. Hair cortisol concentrations increased during 2 months of alpine pasture (p &lt; 0.001), indicating an increase in the activation of the HPA axis, in agreement with previous studies. Future investigations can consider a longer study period and the development of ad hoc animal welfare indicators

    The comparison of dry foods used in dog nutrition and dietary foods in the treatment of various diseases in terms of element levels

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    Önceleri sadece insanların gıda artıklarıyla beslenen köpeklerin gerek insanlarla birlikte yaşamaya başlamaları ve sayılarının artışı, gerekse bakımıyla ilgilenen sahiplerinin sosyal yaşamındaki yoğunluklarıyla birlikte bu mamaların kullanımlarının pratik olması nedeniyle kuru ve yaş mama kullanımı artmakta ve çeşitlenmektedir. Değişik aroma ve protein kaynağı olmasının yanı sıra veteriner hekimler tarafından da tercih edilen çeşitli hastalıkların tedavisinde veya oluşmasında engelleyici rolü olan mamalar da bulunmaktadır. Çalışma kapsamında ülkemizde köpekler için satılmakta olan normal ve reçete edilebilir diyet kuru mamalardaki bazı eser elementlerin (Bakır, Demir, Mangan, Çinko ve Selenyum) belirlenmesi amaçlanmıştır. Bu amaçla reçetesiz satılan farklı aroma ve markadan 50 adet mama kontrol grubunu oluştururken; her biri 25 adet olmak üzere karaciğer hastalıkları, böbrek hastalıkları, gastrointestinal sistem hastalıkları ve alerjik deri hastalıkları tedavilerinde kullanılan reçeteli diyet mamalar toplandı. Tüm örnekler İndüktif Eşleşmiş Plazma-Optik Emisyon Spektroskopisi cihazında ölçülerek, istatistiki değerlendirmeleri yapıldı. Kontrol grubuna göre bakır düzeyleri değerlendirildiğinde gastrointestinal sistem hastalıkları grubu ile alerjik deri hastalıkları gruplarında ortaya çıkan istatistiki yönden anlamlı değişiklikler; demir ile mangan düzeyleri açısından değerlendirildiğinde böbrek hastalıkları grubu dışındaki tüm gruplarda ortaya çıkan istatistiki yönden önemli farklılıklar; çinko açısından sadece alerjik deri hastalıkları grubunda ortaya çıkan istatistiki açıdan anlamlı artış ve selenyum açısından sadece böbrek hastalıkları grubunda ortaya çıkan istatistiki açıdan önemli azalış dikkate değer bulundu. Sonuç olarak hem normal mamalarda hem de reçete edilebilir diyet mamalardaki element düzeylerindeki farklılıkların bilinmesinin uygulanacak tedavi protokolünün belirlenmesi, takip edilmesi ve olası istenmeyen etkilerinin önlenmesi açısından dikkate değer bulunacağı kanısındayız.The use of dry and wet pet foods by the pet owners who are busy with social life has been increasing and showing diversity. The factors contributing to this choice are both its practical use and an increasing number of companion pets which fed with the scraps in the past. Besides the fact that it’s a source of different protein and taste, they are also advised by the veterinarians for their role in helping the treatment of several diseases and their prophylaxis. This study aims to identify some trace element levels (Copper, Iron, Manganese, Zinc, and Selenium) in normal and prescription dry pet foods for dogs in Turkey. For this purpose, non-prescription different branded pet foods (n:50) were used as control groups; prescription foods (each group as n:25) were collected for other groups as the treatment of liver diseases, kidney diseases, gastrointestinal tract diseases and, allergic skin diseases. All samples were measured by using the Inductively Coupled Plasma-Atomic Emission Spectroscopy device and their statistical evaluations were performed. When the copper levels were compared to the control group, statistically significant changes were found in the group of gastrointestinal diseases and allergic skin diseases. In terms of iron and manganese levels, statistically significant differences were observed in all groups except renal disease group. In terms of zinc, the only statistically significant increase in the group of allergic skin diseases and the statistically significant decrease in selenium in the group of kidney diseases were found remarkable. As a result, we believe that knowing the differences in element levels in both normal foods and prescribed foods will be considered in terms of determining the treatment protocol to be applied, monitoring and prevention of possible unwanted effects

    Medikal Fizik

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    Medikal Fizik Uygulama

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