777 research outputs found

    Instantons and <A2><A^2> Condensate

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    We argue that the condensatefoundintheLandaugaugeonlattices,whenanOperatorProductExpansionofGreenfunctionsisperformed,mightbeexplainedbyinstantons.Weusecoolingtoestimatetheinstantoncontributionandextrapolatebacktheresulttothethermalisedconfiguration.Theresulting condensate found in the Landau gauge on lattices, when an Operator Product Expansion of Green functions is performed, might be explained by instantons. We use cooling to estimate the instanton contribution and extrapolate back the result to the thermalised configuration. The resulting is similar to .Comment: 6 pages, 1 fig., 1 tab., RevTeX to be use

    Dynamical lattice computation of the Isgur-Wise functions τ1/2 and τ3/2

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    We perform a two-flavor dynamical lattice computation of the Isgur-Wise functions t1/2 and t3/2 at zero recoil in the static limit. We find t1/2(1) = 0.297(26) and t3/2(1) = 0.528(23) fulfilling Uraltsev’s sum rule by around 80%. We also comment on a persistent conflict between theory and experiment regarding semileptonic decays of B mesons into orbitally excited P wave D mesons, the so-called “1/2 versus 3/2 puzzle”, and we discuss the relevance of lattice results in this context

    Quark propagator and vertex: systematic corrections of hypercubic artifacts from lattice simulations

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    This is the first part of a study of the quark propagator and the vertex function of the vector current on the lattice in the Landau gauge and using both Wilson-clover and overlap actions. In order to be able to identify lattice artifacts and to reach large momenta we use a range of lattice spacings. The lattice artifacts turn out to be exceedingly large in this study. We present a new and very efficient method to eliminate the hypercubic (anisotropy) artifacts based on a systematic expansion on hypercubic invariants which are not SO(4) invariant. A simpler version of this method has been used in previous works. This method is shown to be significantly more efficient than the popular ``democratic'' methods. It can of course be applied to the lattice simulations of many other physical quantities. The analysis indicates a hierarchy in the size of hypercubic artifacts: overlap larger than clover and propagator larger than vertex function. This pleads for the combined study of propagators and vertex functions via Ward identities.Comment: 14 pags., 9 fig

    Testing OPE for ghosts, gluons and αs\alpha_s

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    We present here our results on extracting Wilson coefficients from different quantities such as ghost and gluon propagators which are calculated by means of Lattice QCD. The results confirm the validity of our method for the calculation of the strong coupling constant as well as allow to estimate the range of momenta where OPE is applicable.Comment: arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1301.759

    Suppressed decay into open charm for the Y(4260) being an hybrid

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    We investigate the Y(4260) resonance recently discovered by the Babar collaboration. We propose the observation of its decay into J/psi pi pi and its non observation into open charm as a consequence of it being a charmonium hybrid state with a magnetic constituent gluon. We prove a selection rule forbidding its decay into two S-wave charmed mesons in any potential model. We suggest a generalisation of the selection rule based only on the heavy quark nature of the charm.Comment: 5 page

    Renormalization constants for Nf=2+1+1N_{\rm f}=2+1+1 twisted mass QCD

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    We summarize recent non-perturbative results obtained for the renormalization constants computed in the RI'-MOM scheme for Nf=2+1+1N_{\rm f}=2+1+1 twisted mass QCD. Our implementation employs the Iwasaki gauge action and four dynamical degenerate twisted mass fermions. Renormalization constants for scalar, pseudo-scalar, vector and axial operators, as well as the quark propagator renormalization, are computed at three different values of the lattice spacing, two different volumes and several values of the twisted mass. Our method allows for a precise cross-check of the running, because of the particular proper treatment of the hypercubic artifacts. Preliminary results for twist-2 operators are also presented
