10 research outputs found

    Toxicity Of Jatropha curcas and Cymbopogon nardus Extracts Against Pests Callosobruchus chinensis On Mung Beans

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    Callosobruchus chinensis L. is an important pest on mung beans. Alternative control of C. chinensis using botanical insecticides from extracts of Jatropha curcas and Cymbopogon nardus. The purpose of the research was to compare the toxicity of extracts and determine their compatibility. Toxicity testing methods use to contact, fumigation, and seed dressing methods. The research data was tested by probit analysis. The results showed that the toxicity of the contact method extract was more toxic than fumigation and seed dressing. The highest LC50 and LC95 values for the C. nardus extract applied with the contact method were observed at 72 HAT at 0.17% and 0.40% more toxic than the J. curcas extract at 0.21% and 2.14%. The best mixed extract of J. curcas and C. nardus was at a ratio of 2:1 with strong synergistic interaction (LC50) and weak synergy (LC95)

    Keragaan Produksi Padi, Serangan Opt, dan Kondisi Mineral Tanah Pada Lahan Sawah pada Penerapan Budidaya Konsep Leisa dan Konvensional

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    Land resources for agriculture in Indonesia both dry land and wetland dominated by sick or troubled land . The production process in the conventional rice cultivation land use is very intensive , relying on the use of inorganic materials , and external input that results in a decline in health and quality of soil . The purpose of this study : to determine the production of rice plants cultivated with the concept of LEISA and conventional, pest attacks , and the condition of the mineral soil in paddy fields where the application of the concept of LEISA farming and conventional farming . The study was conducted in paddy fields in the village of Banjarrejo, Batanghari Sub-district, Lampung Timur District. Activities carried out in the first planting season of 2013 from March to August 2013 . Observations on two culture systems was conducted on the 10 member group of farmers who was apply the technology package and as a comparison taken 10 farmers who have not adopted the technology package . Observation parameters such as: production (ton ha-1), the intensity of important pests in both cultivation systems were calculated with absolute attack or attacks gradually . Analysis of soil minerals in Chemical Analysis Laboratory at the Polytechnic of Lampung. The results showed is known that the rice production technologies in the application package Low External Input Sustainable Agriculture (LEISA) is higher than the conventional rice cultivation . Intensity of some important pests in the cultivation of the concept LEISA lower than conventional farming, mineral soil condition at LEISA technology package despite an increase in status has not yet reached the ideal condition. Keywords: production, LEISA, important pest

    Potensi Gulma Rorippa indica Sebagai Reservoar Parasitoid Hemiptarsinus varicornis untuk Mengendalikan Liriomyza huidobrensis

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    Leafminers, Liriomyza huidobrensis (Blanchard) (Diptera: Agromyzidae) known as main pest at vegetable and ornamental crop. Hemiptarsinus varicornis (Girault) (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae) is one of ectoparasitoid larvae of L. huidobrensis that usually find in the field, however the levels of parasitism at field relative lower. Therefore we need the conservation technology of parasitoid in order to its population overflow so that its performance increases. Rorippa indica (L) have potential as reservoir of parasitoid H. varicornis, so that can be used as conservation medium of H. varicornis. Planting weeds R. indica among of chickpea crop, can decraese the population of adult and larvae L. huidobrensis significantly, increase adult population H. varicornis and larvae population L. huidobrensis parasitism by H. varicornis. Growth rate of population adult H. varicornis at block without weeds R. indica follow the pattern of regretion equation Y=0,1312X–0,2246 and Y=0,7172X+1,1 while at the block planted weeds R. indica. Growth rate of larvae population L. huidobrensis at block without weeds R. indica follow the pattern of regretion equation Y=0,9315X–0,9835 and Y=0,8647X+1,0875 while at the block planted weeds R. indica. Weeds R. indica can be used as reservoar parasitoid H. varicornis in the effort the conservation parasitoid. Keywords: Biological control, Leafminer, Liriomyza huidobrensis, conservation technology reservoir parasitoids, Hemiptarsinus varicorni

    Uji Beberapa Bahan Aktif Insektisida Untuk Mengendalikan Hama Penggerek Batang Padi Kuning (Scirpophaga Incertulas)

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    Rice stem borer is a pest that is often found in rice crops, both in the vegetative and generative phase. In Indonesia, the average attack in the last ten years reached 84 952 ha, 90 % of the population borer larvae consists of yellow rice stem borer Scirpophaga incertulas. Control of stem borer done by following the concept of integrated pest management (IPM), one of which is the implementation of insecticide. Some of the active ingredients in insecticides commonly used farming community is Chlorantraniliprole, Abamectine, Emamectine Benzoate, Spinetoram, Thiametoxam, Dimehipo. In mengendaliakan yellow rice stem borer to be seen of the active ingredient contained in insecticides and mode of action of each of the active ingredients. The active ingredient Abamectine and Spinetoram have high efficacy in controlling S.incertulas, while Chlorantraniliprole have a low level of efficacy in controlling S.incertulas. Keywords: Scirpophaga incertulas, insecticide, Active ingredients, Mode of Action

    Efisiensi Alokatif Dan Ekonomis Usahatani Padi Organik Di Provinsi Lampung

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      Organic rice farming is a cultivation activity that is synonymous with labor-intensive activities. The use of internal inputs in organic rice farming requires time and effort to prepare. Organic farming is a low-cost farming activity because the use of internal inputs makes organic rice farming more profitable. The purpose of this study was to analyze the level of allocative and economic efficiency of organic rice farming in Lampung Province. Economic and allocative efficiency analysis is carried out by deriving the dual frontier cost function from the Cobb-Douglas Stochastic Frontier production function. The results showed that organic rice farming in Lampung Province was not allocatively efficient. Farmers have not maximized the use of organic seeds and pesticides, where both production factors have a low price allocation. Organic rice farming in Lampung Province is not yet economically efficient. Farmers have not received the maximum revenue from organic rice farming. Most of the organic rice harvested is consumed by farming families, so not all organic rice harvested generates income.Usahatani padi organik merupakan kegiatan usahatani yang identik dengan usahatani padat karya.  Penggunaan input pada usahatani padi organik menggunakan input internal yang membutuhkan waktu dan tenaga dalam persiapan input.  Identiknya usahatani organik dengan biaya rendah karena penggunaan input internal menjadikan kegiatan usahatani padi organik lebih menguntungkan.  Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis tingkat efisiensi alokatif dan ekonomis usahatani padi organik di Provinsi Lampung. Penelitian ini dilakukan di Desa Candipuro Kabupaten Lampung Selatan dan Desa Purwokencono di Kabupaten Lampung Timur.  Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah dengan menurunkan fungsi biaya dual frontier dari fungsi produksi Stochastic Frontier Cobb-Douglas. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan Usahatani padi organik di Provinsi Lampung belum efisien secara alokatif.  Petani belum memaksimalkan penggunaan benih dan pestisida organik, dimana kedua faktor produksi memiliki alokasi harga yang rendah.  Petani mampu memproduksi benih sendiri dan bahan-bahan pembuatan pestisida organik mudah dtemukan di sekitar lingkungan usahatani. Usahatani padi organik di Provinsi Lampung belum efisien secara ekonomis. Petani belum memperoleh penerimaan yang maksimal dari usahatani padi oranik.  Beras organik hasil panen sebagian dikonsumsi oleh keluarga petani, sehingga tidak semua beras organik hasil panen menghasilkan penerimaan.  Kelembagaan dalam menjamin penjualan produk organik dibutuhkan dalam rangka meningkatkan motivasi petani untuk menanam padi organik

    Kepekaan Beberapa Populasi Plutella Xylostella Di Jawa Tengah Dan Yogyakarta Terhadap Bacillus Thuringiensis = The Susceptibility of Plutella xylostella Field Populations Collected from Central Java and Yogyakarta to Bac

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    Abstract The research objective was to determine the susceptibility of nine field populations of the diamondback moth, Plutella xylostella L. collected from Central Java (Muntilan, Sawangan, Pakis, Sumowono, Ambarawa, Kopeng, dan Cepogo) and Yogyakarta (Turi and Pakem) to Bacillus thuringiensis. Caisim leaf disks were dipped for 10 s in B. thuringiensis solutions or control solution (water), and air dried. Ten second instars (four-d old) of P. xylostella were exposed on the treated or control leaf disks and placed in plastic cups (diameter 3 cm) for 48 h. Larval mortality was recorded at 48 h after exposure, and the surviving larvae were transfered to fresh control leaf disks. Larval mortality was then assessed one d after transfer (72 h after treatment). The LC^ values at 48 and 72 h after treatment varied from 230 to 44.57 mg/1 and 1.03 to 15.47 mg/1, respectively. Population of P. xylostella collected from Ambarawa was at least 15.0 times less susceptible than was Muntilan. However, all of these populations were susceptible to B. thuringiensis because their LC50 values were below the field aplication rate of B. thuringiensis for P. xylostella (2 g/1). Keywords: resistanceâ Plutella xylostella âBacillus thuringiensi

    Treatment of Seeds Using Essential Oils of Scented Lemongrass, Curcuma xanthorrhiza, and Nutmeg on the Viability of White Corn (Zea mays ceratina L.)

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    Seed is a determining factor in cultivation. To maintain seed quality, it is necessary to have a new breakthrough in seed treatment, namely, the use of plant essential oils. Essential oils contain compounds that can repel, kill, and inhibit the development of destructive pests, chemical and semi-chemical components in the form of pheromones, and allelochemicals. This research was conducted to obtain the concentration of essential oil, which is most suitable as a seed protector, before planting to avoid damaging pests and seed-borne pathogens. The research was carried out at the Plant Laboratory 1 of the Lampung State Polytechnic using a randomized completely block design (RCBD), and a further test of the difference that is least significant (LSD) was carried out at the five percentiles. The concentration of essential oils K1:2%, K2:4%, K3:6%, and K0 : control. K0: control. Each concentration was repeated three times. The concentration of 2% (K2) can potentially protect the seed compared to lemongrass and nutmeg at all three concentrations. The use of nutmeg and citronella essential oils at three concentration levels directly affects germination, as seen from the observed indicators of root length, hypocotyl length, strong normal sprouts, weak normal sprouts, abnormal sprouts and dead seeds. This is thought to be due to their high allelochemical content. However, the essential oils of nutmeg and citronella can still be used as a seed treatment with low concentrations of seeds. It is necessary to carry out a vigour test to determine its effect directly in the field so that the most appropriate concentration and application method are obtained in an effort to minimize the effect of allelochemical content on seed growth but still able to protect seeds from destructive pests during the germination period in the field

    Uji Keefektifan Insektisida Spinetoram Terhadap Ulat Grayak (Spodoptera frugiperda J.E.Smith): The Effectiveness Test of Spinetoram Insecticide Against Fall Armyworm (Spodoptera frugiperda J.E.Smith)

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    Fall Armyworm pests are polyphage pests that attack food and horticultural crops and can cause very large losses. The purpose of the efficacy test is to determine the effectiveness of insecticides with active ingredients Spinetoram in an effort to reduce the attack of Spodoptera frugiperda larvae and determine the symptoms of caterpillar death against the active ingredient Spinetoram. This activity is carried out in Karawang Research Farm PT Corteva Agriscience Indonesia (Research and Development Karawang) located at Jalan Selang, Ciwaringin, Lemahabang, Karawang Regency in May 2023. The activities carried out include rearing FAW in the preparation of test insects, grouping test insect larvae, and making active ingredient solutions, then the method used is the bioassay method by dipping young corn leaves into the active ingredient solution and drying the wind. Mortality observations were made ranging from 3, 6, 9, 12, 24, and 48 HAA to determine LC50 and LC95. Based on the results of the discussion, it can be concluded that LC50 is obtained at 3 JSA, namely P1 (0.47 ml /L) of 60%, P2 (0.59 ml/L) is 64%, P3 (0.71 ml/L) is 74%, and P4 (0.83 ml/L) is 66%. LC95 was obtained at 24 HAA for P1 (0.47 ml/L) and P2 (0.59 ml/L) at 98%. In 48 HAA, all treatments were obtained at 100%. Symptoms of death are very specific to the body of the larva Spodoptera frugiperda on P4.   Keyword: Spinetoram, Spodoptera frugiperda, Bioassay.Hama ulat grayak merupakan hama polifag yang menyerang tanaman pangan dan hortikultura serta dapat mengakibatkan kerugian yang sangat besar. Tujuan uji efikasi untuk menentukan keefektifan insektisida berbahan aktif Spinetoram dalam upaya mengurangi serangan larva Spodoptera frugiperda dan mengetahui gejala kematian ulat terhadap bahan aktif Spinetoram. Kegiatan ini dilakukan di Karawang Research Farm PT Corteva Agriscience Indonesia (Research and Development Karawang) yang berlokasi di Jalan selang, Ciwaringin, Lemahabang, Kabupaten Karawang pada bulan Mei 2023. Kegiatan yang dilakukan meliputi rearing FAW dalam persiapan serangga uji, pengelompokkan larva serangga uji, dan pembuatan larutan bahan aktif, lalu metode yang digunakan yaitu metode bioassay dengan cara daun jagung muda dicelupkan ke dalam larutan bahan aktif dan kering angin. Pengamatan mortalitas dilakukan mulai dari 3, 6, 9, 12, 24, dan 48 JSA untuk mengetahui LC50 dan LC95. Berdasarkan hasil pembahasan dapat disimpulkan LC50 didapatkan pada 3 JSA yaitu P1 (0,47 ml/L) sebesar 60%, P2 (0,59 ml/L) sebesar 64%, P3 (0,71 ml/L) sebesar 74%, dan P4 (0,83 ml/L) sebesar 66%. LC95 didapatkan pada 24 JSA untuk P1 (0,47 ml/L) dan P2 (0,59 ml/L) sebesar 98%. Pada 48 JSA didapatkan semua perlakuan sebesar 100%. Gejala kematian sangat spesifik tubuh larva Spodoptera frugiperda pada P4.   Kata Kunci: Spinetoram, Spodoptera frugiperda, Bioassay

    Inventarisasi Serangga Hama dan Penyakit pada Berbagai Galur Tanaman Padi : Inventory of Insect Pests and Diseases in Various Rice Crops

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    One of the limiting factors for increasing rice production is the level of pests and diseases that attack cultivated rice varieties. The purpose of this study was to determine the types of pests that attack several cultivated rice lines. This research was conducted in the Seed Teaching Farm of the Seed Technology Study Program, Department of Food Crops Cultivation, Lampung State Polytechnic. The research was carried out in August-December 2020. The treatment given was rice plant strains. The rice plant lines used in this study were assemblies of the Seed Technology Study Program at the State Polytechnic of Lampung, namely 14 New Type Rice Lines (PTB), namely Pandan Wangi (PW), Ciherang (CH), B1, B2, B3, B4, B7, D2, D3, F3, F4, H1, H4, K, and L2 with 2 superior varieties for comparison, namely Ciherang (CH) and Gilirang (Gil). Rice cultivation is done conventionally. Observations of plant pests and diseases were carried out at the age of the plant every 2 weeks after planting (WST) with an observation interval of 2 weeks. Observations were made by looking directly at 5 sample clusters. The pests found were Nilapharvata lugens, Sogatella furcifera, Lasus lanio, Cnaphalocrosis medinalis, Scirpophaga incertulas, Mice, Xanthomonas oryzae bacterial leaf blight.   Keywords: Pests, Diseases, Rice LinesFaktor pembatas peningkatan produksi padi salah satunya adalah tingkat serangan hama dan penyakit yang menyerang varietas padi yang dibudidayakan. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui jenis hama yang menyerang pada beberapa galur padi yang dibudidayakan. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan dilahan Seed Teaching Farm Program Studi Teknologi Perbenihan, Jurusan Budidaya Tanaman Pangan, Politeknik Negeri Lampung. Penelitian dilaksanakan pada bulan Agustus-Desember 2020. Perlakuan yang diberikan adalah galur tanaman padi. Galur tanaman padi yang digunakan pada penelitian ini merupakan galur hasil rakitan Program Studi Teknologi Perbenihan Politeknik Negeri Lampung yaitu 14 galur - galur Padi Tipe Baru (PTB) yaitu Pandan Wangi (PW), Ciherang (CH), B1, B2, B3, B4, B7, D2, D3, F3, F4, H1, H4, K, dan L2 dengan 2 varietas unggul pembanding yaitu Ciherang (CH) dan Gilirang (Gil). Budidaya tanaman padi dilakukan secara konvensional. Pengamatan hama dan penyakit tanaman dilakukan pada umur tanaman setiap 2 minggu setelah tanam (mst) dengan interval pengamatan 2 minggu. Pengamatan dilakukan dengan melihat langsung pada 5 rumpun sampel. OPT yang ditemukan Nilapharvata lugens, Sogatella furcifera, Lasus lanio, Cnaphalocrosis medinalis, Scirpophaga incertulas, Tikus, Hawar daun bakteri Xanthomonas oryzae. Kata kunci: Galur padi, Hama, Penyaki

    Penerapan Pengendalian dengan Agens Hayati Lokal untuk Solusi Permasalahan Serangan OPT pada Tanaman Padi Organik di Desa Bumi Agung, Tegineneng, Pesawaran: Aplication of Control with Local Biological Agents to Solve OPT-Attack Problems on Organic Rice Plants in Bumi Agung Village, Tegineneng, Pesawaran

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    OPT problems are still a major obstacle to organic rice cultivation due to limited understanding and control skills. The aim of implementing community service activities is to provide additional skills and insight regarding OPT control technology with local biological agents to solve the problem of organic rice farming in Bumiagung village, Tegineneng, Pesawaran. Technology transfer activities regarding the application of control with local biological agents to solve the problem of pest attacks on organic rice plants were carried out in Bumiagung Village, Tegineneng, Pesawaran which were carried out in June - October 2022 to the Progressive Organic Farmers Community. The stages of the activity are carried out in stages through conducting surveys, providing material, pre-testing, training and mentoring, post-testing, monitoring, and evaluation at the end of the activity. Before the activity begins, a survey is carried out to analyze conditions and problems and analyze the solutions needed for these problems. Farmers need to gain more knowledge and skills in managing pests that attack their land. The controls that are often used are vegetable pesticides and refugia. From the final evaluation results, the analysis shows that farmers realize that control with biological agents is effortless, inexpensive, and synergistic in supporting organic farming. Farmers also feel that control with local biological agents is very cheap so that they can reduce production costs. Biological agents are very host specific, so they do not kill natural enemies