1,931 research outputs found


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    The purpose of this research is to determine the Effectiveness of Madrasa Principal Performance in Improving Teacher Work Motivation in MIS Al-Muslimin with the scope: 1) to find out the role of the madrasa principal as educator in MIS Al-Muslimin, 2) to know the role of madrasa principal as manager in MIS Al-Muslimin, 3) to find out the role of madrasa principal as administrator in MIS Al-Muslimin, 4) to find out the role madrasa principal as supervisor in MIS Al-Muslimin, 5) to find out the role of madrasa principal as leader in AL-Muslimin MIS, 6) to find out the role of madrasa principal as innovator leader in MIS AL-Muslimin, 7) to find out the role of madrasa principal as motivator at MIS AL-Muslimin. This study applied qualitative research methods. Data were collected through interview, observation and document study techniques. Data analysis techniques were data reduction, data presentation and drawing conclusion. The results of the study found that the role of the madrasa principal as a motivator at MIS AL-Muslimin is to create work atmosphere settings and encouragement to improve the morale of the teachers. Setting the work atmosphere is to foster a good and harmonious work atmosphere. The madrasa principal also fosters openness towards the teacher by being friendly to the teacher, greeting the teacher regardless of rank. Thus, the teacher does not feel afraid because he considers as superiors with subordinates, but the teacher can assume as people who have the same goals which can then unite to achieve these shared goals. Moreover, encouraging to increase the morale of the teachers, the principal provides vacation time for teachers and other staff, by taking trips to the beach, waterboom and other recreational areas which is done every early semester of new student admissions. Those ways help the teachers to be more motivated in carrying out their duties and responsibilities.Keyword: Effectiveness, Madrasa Head Performance, Work Motivation

    Efektivitas Pelayanan Kartu Indonesia Sehat di Rumah Sakit Umum Daerah Prof. Dr. H.M. Anwar Makkatutu Kabupaten Bantaeng

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui tingkat Efektivitas Pelayanan Kartu Indonesia Sehat di Rumah Sakit Umum Daerah Prof. Dr. H.M. Anwar Makkatutu Kabupaten Bantaeng.Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif kuantitatif. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah para pasien peserta Kartu Indonesia Sehat yang memeriksakan diri (mendapatkan pelayanan) di RSUD Prof. Dr. H. M. Anwar Makkatutu Kabupaten Bantaeng pada saat penelitian ini dilakukan. Mengingat begitu besarnya populasi dalam penelitian ini, maka penarikan sampel dilakukan berdasarkan sampling insidental, yakni penarikan sampel tidak ditentukan berdasarkan karakteristiknya tetapi kepada siapa saja populasi yang kebetulan datang di rumah sakit untuk mendapatkan pelayanan, maka itu bisa dijadikan sampel yang dibutuhkan sebanyak 32 orang pasien RSUD Prof. Dr. H.M. Anwar Makkatutu Kabupaten Bantaeng. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan 70,65 persen pasien peserta Kartu Indonesia Sehat menunjukkan bahwa pelayanan pasien peserta Kartu Indonesia Sehat pada RSUD Prof. Dr. H. M.Anwar Makkatutu berjalan cukup efektif. Kendala-kendala yang dihadapi pegawai dalam memberi pelayanan kepada pasien peserta Kartu Indonesia Sehat yaitu pemahaman pasien terhadap pelayanan Kartu Indonesia Sehat yang senantiasa menganggap prosedur administrasinya cukup panjang dan berbelit-belit, obat-obatan serta sarana dan prasarana di RSUD Prof. Dr. H. M. Anwar Makkatutu Kabupaten Bantaeng sangat terbatas


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    This study examines how to increase students' learning mastery and learning activities on ablution material and procedures through the application of contextual approach in class I-Arrahman MIN 27 Aceh Besar, Semester Genap, 2020/2021 Academic Year. In order to obtain answers to these problems, class action research method through a qualitative approach is used in this study. The subjects of this study were 31 students of class I-Arrahman. The results of the study obtained that the percentage of student learning outcomes in the first cycle is 61.29% with an average student learning outcome is 67.41, the second cycle is 80.64% with an average student learning outcome is 76.29, and the third cycle is 90.32% with an average learning outcome is 82.58, and classical learning is also completed. It is proven that student learning outcomes through the application of contextual approach in Fiqh subject on ablution material and procedures in class I-Arrahman MIN 27 Aceh Besar have increased in every cycle. The average activity level of students in the first cycle is 2.54, in the second cycle is 3.77 and in the third cycle is 4.23, which reached the good category. Thus, the activities of students during the application of the contextual approach in learning Fiqh on ablution materials and procedures in class I-Arrahman MIN 27 Aceh Besar have increased each cycle so that students are more active and learning is more effective

    Analisis Rasio Keuangan Terhadap Laba Bank BUMN Di Bursa Efek Indonesia

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    ABSTRAK Informasi yang terdapat di laporan keuangan dibutuhkan oleh pemerintah, investor dan kreditur. Para pemakai informasi laporan keuangan dapat menggunakan rasio keuangan dalam memprediksi laba mendatang. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis  Rasio Keuangan Terhadap Laba Bank BUMN di Bursa Efek Indonesia. Sampel dalam penelitian ini empat bank BUMN, dimana data penelitian 52 laporan keuangan Bank BUMN periode pengamatan tahun 2007 sampai 2019. Variabel independen ada empat yaitu CAR, NPL, ROE dan LDR, variabel dependen laba. Analisis data menguji asumsi klasik, regresi linear dan hipotesis dengan program SPSS. Hasil Penelitian menunjukkan CAR, NPL, ROE dan LDR mempengaruhi laba sebesar 86,2% sedangkan 13,8% dipengaruh faktor lain yang tidak termasuk dalam penelitian ini.  Secara simultan CAR, NPL, ROE, dan LDR berpengaruh signifikan terhadap laba. LDR berpengaruh signifikan terhadap laba sedangkan CAR, NPL, dan ROE tidak berpengaruh signifikan. Kata Kunci : CAR, NPL, ROE, LDR, LABA.  ABSTRACT The information contained in the financial statements is needed by the government, investors and creditors. Users of financial statement information can use financial ratios in predicting future earnings. This study aims to analyze the Financial Ratios to Profits of State-Owned Banks on the Indonesia Stock Exchange. The sample in this study is four state-owned banks, where the research data is 52 state-owned banks' financial statements for the observation period from 2007 to 2019. There are four independent variables, namely CAR, NPL, ROE and LDR, the dependent variable is profit. Data analysis tested classical assumptions, linear regression and hypotheses with the SPSS program. The results showed that CAR, NPL, ROE and LDR affected earnings by 86.2%, while 13.8% was influenced by other factors not included in this study. Simultaneously CAR, NPL, ROE, and LDR have a significant effect on profit. LDR has a significant effect on profit while CAR, NPL, and ROE have no significant effect. Keywords: CAR, NPL, ROE, LDR, PROFIT


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    This study aimed to: (1) Knowing the influence of the Internet Learning Resources Utilization of ICT on Learning Achievement class XI student SMAN 4 Yogyakarta, (2) Knowing the influence of Achievement Motivation to Learn ICT in class XI student SMAN 4 Yogyakarta, (3 ) Knowing the influence of the Internet Learning Resources Utilization and Motivation Learning together for ICT Learning Achievement in class XI student SMAN 4 Yogyakarta. Subjects in this study were students in science and social studies classes XI SMA Negeri Yogyakarta 4. The population of 240 students and the sample used was 137 students with simple random sampling technique. Data collection techniques using a questionnaire (questionnaire) and documentation. Questionnaire (questionnaire) was used to collect data on the variable use of the Internet Learning Resources Learning and Motivation. Documentation is used to collect ICT Learning Achievement variable data obtained from the data value of semester exams. The test instrument was held on 32 respondents, ie, all students in grade XI IPA 2. Validity test is done by Judgement Experts and Product Moment analysis techniques. Meanwhile, Alpha reliability test using the formula. Test requirements analysis using a test for normality, multicollinearity and linearity. The first and second hypothesis testing using simple linear regression analysis techniques, while the third hypothesis testing using multiple regression analysis techniques of two predictors. Based on this research can be concluded: (1) There are positive and significant between the use of Learning Resources on the Internet for ICT Learning Achievement class XI student SMAN 4 Yogyakarta, with strong influence by 61.1%, (2) There are positive and significant between Learning Achievement Learning Motivation for class XI student of ICT SMAN 4 Yogyakarta, with strong influence by 79.9%, (3) There are positive and significant relationship between use of the Internet Learning Resources and Achievement Motivation for Learning ICT XI class students SMA 4 Yogyakarta, with strong influence by 88%

    Pengaruh Human Relation Dan Motivasi Kerja Terhadap Kinerja Pegawai Pada Dinas Bina Marga Kabupaten Aceh Utara

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    This study aims to see the effect of Human Relations and work motivation on employee performance. The data used in this study were 73 employees of the Highways Office of North Aceh Regency. The analytical tool used is SPSS (Statistical Package for Social Science). The results show that Human Relations has a significant effect on the performance of the North Aceh Highways Office employees and work motivation has a significant effect on the performance of North Aceh Highways Office employees. Human relations and work motivation have a significant effect on the performance of the employees of the North Aceh Highways Office


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    This study aims to evaluate the effectiveness of planning, implementation, and accountability for the use of village funds in Limbang Jaya I village, Tanjung Batu district. The population in this study is the planning and accountability report of village funds in Limbang Jaya I village, Tanjung Batu district. While the sample is the planning and accountability report of village funds in Limbang Jaya I village, Tanjung Batu district from 2017-2019. The results of this study indicate that the effectiveness of management planning and reporting on the use of village funds in Limbang Jaya I village, Tanjung Batu district in 2017-2019. Basically it has been going well, this can be seen from the planning and implementation of the use of village funds and accountability reports on village funds in Limbang Jaya I village in accordance with procedures. However, it is still not effective. Because there is still a lack of transparency in involving the participation of village communities in a spirit of mutual cooperation, and utilizing local wisdom and natural resources in determining infrastructure development that is prioritized for village progress so that the benefits of development are felt more by the village community, and have not been well documented. Relating to the expenditure of village funds used in the construction of village infrastructure. Keywords : effectiveness, planning, implementation, accountability, village fun

    Pengaruh Audit Tenure Dan Financial Distress Terhadap Opini Audit Going Concern Dengan Ukuran Perusahaan Sebagai Variabel Pemoderasi

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    This study aims to determine and obtain empirical evidence of the effect of Audit Tenure and Financial Distrees on Audit Opinion Going Concern with Company Size as the moderating variable. This research was conducted on manufacturing companies in the basic and chemical industrial sectors. The type of research used is quantitative research with sampling using purposive sampling method and hypothesis testing using logistic regression. Based on the results of research that has been done by the author, it is known that audit tenure and financial distress simultaneously have a significant effect on going concern audit opinion, audit tenure partially has a significant positive effect on going concern audit opinion, financial distress partially has a significant negative effect on audit opinion. going concern, and audit tenure and financial distress simultaneously with moderation of company size does not strengthen the relationship to going concern audit opinion, audit tenure partially with moderation of company size does not strengthen the relationship to going concern audit opinion, and financial distress partially with moderation of company size does not strengthen the relationship to going concern audit opinion

    Pelatihan Pencatatan Dan Manajemen Keuangan Keluargabagi Kelompok Pengajian / Pkk Rt 006 Rajabasa Raya

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    Recitation of PKK RT 006 Rajabasa Raya is a group of mother-housewife that have PKK activity andstudy qur\u27an in their daily activities. As a wife, they control all money for their family that they have, fromregular or unregular income and regular and unregular ekspenses. The topic issues of them are how to managetheir financial at over budget post thatcauses they have defisit condition in last month. Family financialstatements, is a process of manage money to achieve financial goals. Benefits of financial statements is to knowabout the expenditure of money and how much their income dan expenses. The methods used in this trainingare counseling, simulation / demonstration and mentoring. This training of 35 participant can create familyfinancial management, beside that mother-housewife have the better knowledge and understanding thanbefore. The fact is Participants of training have financial letter in September 2013. The expected after thistraining is participant still consistent to records they financial activity, therefor have a good family financialmanagement to realizing a prosperous famil