138 research outputs found

    STUDI ATAS SERAT SASANA SUNU KARYA R. Ng. YASADIPURA II (Tinjauan dari Sudut Pandang Akidah dan Akhlak)

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    1. Isi I konsep dasar ajaran akidah dan akhlak dalam serat Sasana Sunu • Isi I konsep dasar ajaran akidah dalam serat Sasana sunu, yaitu: 1).Keyakinan pada qada dan qadar 2).Tidak boleh musyrik 3).Larangan menjadi kafir 4).Percaya kepada kitab suci 5).Perintah untuk memeluk agama Islam • Isi I konsep dasar ajaran akhlak dalam serat Sasana Sunu 1). Akhlak kepada Allah dan rasul-Nya a).Aj an untuk melaksanakan syariat Allah dan Rasul-Nya b).Melaksanakan rukun Islam c).Melaksanakan shalat malam 2). Akhlak kepada diri sendiri a).Tidak berlebihan cinta kepada dunia b).Tidak menjadi rentenir c).Larangan meminum arak I minuman keras d).Larangan bermain judi e).Bersedekah I gemar memberi f).Memberi.sesuatu dengan ikhlas g).Tidak berlebihan dalam berhias diri h).Tidak bersikap sombong i).Tata cara berpakaian j).Tata cara makan k).Tata cara tidur l).Tata cara berjalan m).Tata cara berbicara 3). Akhlak kepada sesama manusia a).Tata cara berteman b).Tata cara menghormati tamu 4).Akhlak terhadap lingkungan Ajaran untuk menyayangi binatang 2. Relevansi (kesesuaian) isi I konsep dasar ajaran akidah dan akhlak dalam serat Sasana Sunu ditinjau dari sudut pandang akidah dan akhlak dalam Islam lsi I konsep dasar ajaran akidah dan akhlak yang terdapat dalam serat Sasana Sunu terdapat kesesuaian dengan ajaran akidah dan akhlak dalam Islam, hanya ajaran tentang tata cara berpakaian dalam serat Sasana Sunu tidak sesuai dengan tata cara berpakaian sesuai ajaran akhlak dalam Islam, tata cara berpakaian yang diajarkan dalam serat Sasana Sunu disesuaikan dengan kehidupan sosial budaya di lingkungan keraton Surakarta, orang tidak boleh memakai kain batik bercorak tambal sukaduka, tambal miring, tambal kanoman, tuluhsela, dan ikat pinggang limar gedhog, serta batik Baron sekendher, karena pakaian tersebut hanya boleh digunakan oleh seorang raja. Jika rakyat biasa memakainya, dikhawatirkan akan menyulitkan pengabdiannya kepada raj

    Posisi Ilmu Bahasa Arab dalam Kajian Islam (Perspektif Filsafat Ilmu)

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    Abstract Science and religion are both tools for searching the truth, even though they cannot be categorized as something similar. Islam as a religion, is certainly one of the tools for humans to seek the truth. In Islamic studies, there are three models of thinking to determine the location of the authority of truth, which later by al-Jabiri is matched with the epistemological model popular in Islamic studies, one of which is the epistemology of bayani. Based on this bayani epistemology that to find a truth in Islamic studies, it must refer to the text. The text which is the main source of truth in Islamic studies is the Qur'an and hadith. Qur'an and hadith are arranged in Arabic. From here it is clear that there is an important role or position in Arabic science in Islamic studies. Based on the study by the author that the position of Arabic language science in Islamic studies is as a tool to find the truth or study the contents contained in the Qur'an and the Sunnah which are sources of truth in Islamic studies and the main sources of Islamic teachings. So that the contents of the Qur'an and the Sunnah can be understood by the followers of Islam (Muslim) appropriately and avoid mistakes in the meaning of its contents.  Keywords: Arabic Language Science, Islamic Studie

    Modul keahlian ganda pengolahan produk kelompok kompetensi g: paket keahlian teknologi pengolahan hasil perikanan KK G.

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    Modul ini meliputi ragam produk diversifikasi produk pengolahan hasil perikanan, karakteristik bahan baku, karakteristik bahan pendukung, prinsip dan alur proses pengolahan diversifikasi hasil perikanan dan prinsip pengemasan produk diversifikasi hasil perikanan


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    This article aims to examine and describe the representation love for God in the poems both of Rabi'ah al-Adawiyah and al-Hallaj. This study is a comparative literature study, in order to find the relation between the two poems. The method used in this study is descriptive analysis method and comparative method. The results of this study show the meaning of Rabi'ah al-Adawiyah’s love poems and al-Hallaj's love poems. Then it was found that there was a relation between similarities or similarities in terms of the main meanings both of poems, there were also differences in terms of certain meanings and in terms of the style of presentation. Key word: Representation of Love in Allah, Rabi'ah al-Adawiyah’s poems, al-Hallaj's poems.   Abstrak Artikel ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji dan memaparkan mengenai representasi cinta pada Allah dalam syair Rabi’ah al-Adawiyah dan syair al-Hallaj. Kajian ini merupakan kajian sastra banding, guna menemukan keterkaitan antara kedua syair tersebut. Metode yang digunakan dalam kajian ini adalah metode deskriptif analisis dan metode komparatif. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan makna dalam syair cinta Rabi’ah al-Adawiyah dan syair cinta al-Hallaj. Kemudian ditemukan adanya keterkaitan kemiripan atau persamaan dalam segi makna pokok kedua syair tersebut, juga terdapat perbedaan pada segi makna tertentu dan dari segi gaya penyajiannya. Kata Kunci:Representasi Cinta Pada Allah, Syair Rabi’ah al-Adawiyah,Syair al-Hallaj


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    Peneliti mencoba menerapkan model project based learning terhadap pembelajaran senam aerobik. Tujuan penelitian yang ingin penulis teliti adalah untuk mengetahui bagaimana penerapan project based learning terhadap peningkatan kepercayaan diri siswa. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode Penelitian Tindakan Kelas. Penelitian dilaksanakan di SMP Negeri Satu Atap Jayakerta Kabupaten Karawang. Dengan objek penelitian kelas VIII-B yang berjumlah 26 orang. Proses penelitian dibagi menjadi dua siklus dan tiap siklus terdiri dari lima tindakan. Setiap tindakan menggunakan model project based learning untuk meningkatkan kepercayaan diri siswa. Data dikumpulkan menggunakan lembar observasi. Kemudian semua data yang terkumpul dianalisis menggunakan teknik presentase. Hasil analisis data menunjukan bahwa penerapan model project based learning dapat meningkatkan sikap kepercayaan diri siswa dalam mengikuti pembelajaran senam aerobik. Hal ini dibuktikan dengan peningkatan sikap percaya diri siswa tergolong pada kriteria sangat baik dengan presentase setiap tindakan adalah Siklus I tindakan 1 = 33%, tindakan 2 = 39%, tindakan 3 = 42%, tindakan 4 = 47%, dan tindakan 5 = 54%. Siklus II tindakan 1 = 61%, tindakan 2 = 71%, tindakan 3 = 78%, tindakan 4 = 86%, dan tindakan 5 = 91%. Dengan demikian dapat simpulkan bahwa penerapan model project based learning pada pembelajaran senam aerobik dapat meningkatkan kepercayaan diri siswa. ---------- Researcher tries to apply project based learning model to aerobic learning. The aim of this research is to find out how to apply project based learning model to improve student’s confidence. This study is using Classroom Action Research method. This research conducted in SMP Negeri Satu Atap Jayakerta Kabupaten Karawang. The objects of research class VIII-B are 26 student’s. The process of research is divided into two cycles and each cycle consists of five actions. Each action was using project based learning model to improve student’s confidence. Data collected by using observation sheet. All data gathered was analyzed by using percentage technique. The result shows project based learning model could improve student’s confidence in following aerobic learning activity. This is evidenced by the increase of student’s confidence belong to the very good criteria with the percentage of every actions are Cycle I action 1= 33%, action 2 = 39%, action 3 = 42%, action 4 = 47%, and action 5 = 54%. Cycle II action 1 = 61%, action 2 = 71%, action 3 = 78%, action 4 = 86%, and action 5 = 91%. Therefore, it can be concluded that the application of project based learning model in aerobic learning can improve students’s confidence


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    This research is motivated by the number of students experiencing difficulties in reading comprehension learning. The purpose of this study is to improve students' reading comprehension skills. The approach used in this study uses an accelerated learning approach. This research is a classroom action research consisting of II cycles with research subjects of class V SD Negeri 011 Air Emas. The results showed, the assessment of the process of reading skills of students for each assessment indicator was in the value range of 78.35% up to 87.35% which was included in the good and very good category. While the results of the assessment of the overall reading skills process were 82.32% with a very good category. Based on the results of these studies it can be concluded that learning based on the accelerated learning approach can enhance reading comprehension skills of students in class V 011 Air Emas Elementary School, Singingi Distric

    Production of Fish Hydrolysates Protein From Waste of Fish Carp (Cyprinus Carpio) by Enzymatic Hydrolysis

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    Fish Protein Hydrolysates (FPH) is the mixed products of polypeptide, dipeptides, and amino acid. It can be produced from materials that contained of protein by acid reaction, base reaction or enzymatic hydrolysis. The objectives of this study were to study the production of FPH from fish carp meat at post rigor phase and viscera by enzymatic hydrolysis, to determine the specific activity of papain enzyme, and to determine the solubility of FPH. Capacity of fish hydrolyzing can be identified by analyzing the content of dissolved total nitrogen (NTT) compared with nitrogen total ingredient (NTB) in order to get the value of total soluble nitrogen/total nitrogen material (NTT/NTB). The hydrolysis processes were carried out in 0,26% (w/v) papain, 60 οC for 3 hours. The result showed that the specific activity of papain enzyme was about 3.28 U/mg. Solubility of FPH by comparing NTT/NTB was about 0.29% (fish meat) and 0.40% (fish viscera). Proximate test of protein content of fish meat was 18.34 ± 0.04 (g/100 g); while viscera was about 0.95±0.04 (g/100 g). The result indicated that product waste of fish carp had potential as a major of source of FPH

    Applying a Genre Based Approach to Teaching Writing a Recount Text A case study at a Junior High School in Bandung

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    This study applied a Genre-Based Approach to teaching writing a Recount text at a Junior High School level in Bandung. The study was designed to address two research questions: (1) How can the activities at each the stage of the GBA help students improve their writing ability? (2) What are the students’ difficulties to write a Recount text? The study employed a qualitative case study, and the data were obtained by using classroom observations, analyses of students’ texts, and interviews (Creswell, 2003, p.185). Classroom observations were conducted in twelve meetings to investigate the activities at each stage of the Genre-Based Approach. Analyses of students’ texts were done to investigate whether the texts were able to achieve their social function. Interviews with the students were conducted to find out students’ opinions of the activities at each stage of the GBA as well as to identify students’ difficulties when they wrote the text. The data from classroom observation, analyses of students’ texts, and interviews were used to answer the research questions. The findings revealed that the activities at each stage of the GBA could help students improve their writing ability. Firstly, the activities at the stage of Building Knowledge included reading some references to learn the topic; learning new vocabulary from the text and having an Excursion. These activities could help students improve their background knowledge about the topic to write. Secondly, the activities at the stage of Modeling included learning Generic Structure, Language Feature, relevant grammar and vocabulary. These activities helped students increase their knowledge about the Generic Structure, Language Feature, relevant grammar and vocabulary to write a Recount text. Thirdly, the activities at the stage of Joint Construction included preparing a Recount Plan and drafting; and finally the activities at the stage of Independent Construction involved preparing a Recount Plan and drafting; teacher’s feedback to revise the text and publishing. These activities helped students how to write a successful Recount text. Therefore, it is concluded that the activities at each stage of the GBA can help students improve their writing ability. The improvement could be seen from the Independent Recount texts which indicated their control of the Schematic Structure and Linguistic Features of a Recount text. Regarding the students’ difficulties, from their diagnostic texts, it was found that some students had some problems in using word choice and relevant grammar such as sentence and paragraph arrangements. However, after applying the Genre Based Approach the students’ difficulties could be solved. Therefore, it is suggested that the activities at each stage of the Genre Based Approach c


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    Kisah merupakan salah satu sarana yang sering digunakan untuk menyampaikan pesan-pesan moral maupun keagamaan. Alquran yang merupakan kitab suci umat Islam dan memuat pedoman-pedoman kehidupan pun banyak menggunakan kisah untuk menyampaikan pesan-pesan di dalamnya, salahsatunya yaitu kisah-kisah para Nabi. Salah satu kisah yang diceritakan dalam Alquran adalah kisahNabi Hūd dan Kaum „Ād. Kisah tersebut dimuat dalam Alquran dengan porsi yang cukup besar, yaitu terdapat 85 ayat yang tersebar pada 17 surah dalam Alquran. Hal ini menunjukkan urgensi kisah tersebut yang sangat penting dan tetap relevan untuk dijadikan pelajaran bagi umat-umat setelahnya, bahkan untuk umat sampai akhir zaman ini, sehingga kisah tersebut diabadikan oleh Allah dalam Alquran.Kisah-kisah yang dimuat dalam Alquran ternyata sangat sarat dengan unsur linguistik dan unsur seni. Hal tersebut menjadikan Alquran salah satu objek yang sangat menarik untuk dikaji, terutama kisah-kisah yang dimuat di dalamnya. Maka berdasarkan hal tersebut perlu adanya pengkajian terhadap kisah Nabi Hūd dan Kaum „Āddalam Alquran, baik terhadap unsur linguistik maupun unsur sastranya guna memperoleh pemahaman yang utuh dan mendalam terhadap pesan-pesan yang dibawanya serta menguak kemukjizatan bahasa Alquran. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah dalam al-mustawāal-ṣarfi(ranah morfologi) ditemukan pemakaian dua ṣigat yang berbeda dari dasar kata yang sama, fiʻilmuḍāri’ yang bermaknamāḍi, fiʻil amr yang keluar dari makna dasarnya, dan lain sebagainya. Sedangkan dalamal-mustawāal-naḥwi(ranah sintaksis),gaya yang paling populer dalam kisah Nabi Hūd dan Kaum „Ādadalah gaya taqdīm wa ta’khīr, al-hażf wa al-żikr, dan lain sebagainya. Dalam al-mustawāal-dalāli(ranah semantik) terdapat penggunaan sinonim, antonim danmakna konteks. Adapun dalamal-mustawā al-taṣwīri(ranah imageri)ditemukan beragam gaya bahasa, yaitu tasybīh, majāz, kināyah, aliterasi, asonansi, pleonasme dan tautologi, prolepsis, erotesis, dan oksimoron/ṭibāq. Selain itu, ditemukan pula beragam gaya pemaparan dalam penceritaan kisah Nabi Hūd dan Kaum „Āddalam Alquran, terdapat pula unsur-unsur kisahnya, gaya dialog, dan pengulangan tema-tema dalam kisah tersebut dengan redaksi yang berbeda-beda