13 research outputs found

    Phylogenetic analysis of serine proteases from Russell\u27s viper (Daboia russelli siamensis) and Agkistrodon piscivorus leucostoma venom

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    Serine proteases are widely found in snake venoms. They have variety of functions including contributions to hemostasis. In this study, five serine proteases were cloned and characterized from two different cDNA libraries: factor V activator (RVV-V), alpha fibrinogenase (RVAF) and beta fibrinogenase (RVBF) from Russell\u27s viper (Daboia russelli siamensis), and plasminogen activator (APL-PA) and protein C activator (APL-C) from Agkistrodon piscivorus leucostoma. The snake venom serine proteases were clustered in phylogenetic tree according to their functions. KA/KS values suggested that accelerated evolution has occurred in the mature protein coding regions in cDNAs of snake venom serine proteases

    Economic burden of beta-thalassemia/Hb E and beta-thalassemia major in Thai children

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Hemoglobin E beta-thalassemia (β-thalassemia/Hb E) has a variable severity, and the cost of treatment has not been well studied. The aim of this study was to analyze the societal cost of caring for children with β-thalassemias in Thailand. The study was designed as a prevalence-based cost-of-illness analysis in a societal perspective. Medical records from three public hospitals of children aged 2-18 years with β-thalassemia/Hb E and homozygous β-thalassemia were reviewed for direct medical cost determination. For direct non-medical cost and indirect cost, a family member was interviewed.</p> <p>Findings</p> <p>It was found that 201 patients with β-thalassemia/Hb E (91%) and homozygous β-thalassemia (9%) were recruited for this study. Ninety-two (46%) were severe thalassemia and 109 (54%) were mild to moderate severity. The annual average cost of treatment was US$950; 59% was direct medical cost, 17% direct non-medical cost, and 24% indirect cost. The costs were differentiated by some potential predictors. Significant predictor variables were: hospital, health insurance scheme, blood transfusion pattern, and iron chelation drug use.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The average annual cost per patient was calculated, and the cost model was estimated. These would be applied for national planning, economic evaluation of treatment and prevention interventions, and budget impact analysis.</p

    Hydrogen recycling during RF plasma heating in the U-3M torsatron

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    The hydrogen recycling behavior has been studied during the plasma experiments in torsatron U-3M. For this purpose, the time dependence of the molecular hydrogen pressure in the U-3M torsatron vacuum chamber in the modes of RF wall conditioning and RF plasma heating has been measured. The experimental results show that the hydrogen pumping from the vacuum chamber runs at constant rate during the RF discharge for each mode. After RF power switching-off the inverse desorption of hydrogen, accumulated during the RF discharge in the vacuum chamber walls and helical coil surfaces, is observed. When the antenna anode voltages and the RF pulse duration in both modes are increasing, the character of the time dependences of hydrogen pressure does not change significantly.Изучено поведение рециклинга водорода во время плазменных экспериментов на торсатроне У-3М. Для этой цели было проведено измерение временных зависимостей давления водорода в вакуумной камере торсатрона У-3М в режимах ВЧ-чистки стенок камеры и ВЧ-нагрева плазмы. Экспериментальные результаты показали, что в обоих режимах во время ВЧ-разряда скорость откачки водорода из вакуумной камеры остается постоянной для каждого из режимов. После выключения ВЧ-мощности наблюдается обратная десорбция водорода, накопленного во время ВЧ-разряда в стенках вакуумной камеры и винтовых катушек. Повышение анодных напряжений на ВЧ-антеннах и увеличение длительности ВЧ-импульса существенно не влияют на характер временных зависимостей давления водорода.Вивчено поведінку рециклінгу водню під час плазмових експериментів на торсатроні У-3М. Для цієї мети було проведено вимірювання часових залежностей тиску водню у вакуумній камері торсатрона У-3М в режимах ВЧ-чистки стінок камери і ВЧ-нагріву плазми. Експериментальні результати показали, що в обох режимах під час ВЧ-розряду швидкість відкачування водню з вакуумної камери залишається постійною для кожного з режимів. Після виключення ВЧ-потужності спостерігається зворотна десорбція водню, накопиченого під час ВЧ-розряду в стінках вакуумної камери і гвинтових котушок. Підвищення анодних напруг на ВЧ-антенах і збільшення тривалості ВЧ-імпульсу істотно не впливають на характер тимчасових залежностей тиску водню

    G6PD testing in support of treatment and elimination of malaria: recommendations for evaluation of G6PD tests

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    Malaria elimination will be possible only with serious attempts to address asymptomatic infection and chronic infection by both Plasmodium falciparum and Plasmodium vivax. Currently available drugs that can completely clear a human of P. vivax (known as “radical cure”), and that can reduce transmission of malaria parasites, are those in the 8-aminoquinoline drug family, such as primaquine. Unfortunately, people with glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD) deficiency risk having severe adverse reactions if exposed to these drugs at certain doses. G6PD deficiency is the most common human enzyme defect, affecting approximately 400 million people worldwide. Scaling up radical cure regimens will require testing for G6PD deficiency, at two levels: 1) the individual level to ensure safe case management, and 2) the population level to understand the risk in the local population to guide Plasmodium vivax treatment policy. Several technical and operational knowledge gaps must be addressed to expand access to G6PD deficiency testing and to ensure that a patient’s G6PD status is known before deciding to administer an 8-aminoquinoline-based drug. In this report from a stakeholder meeting held in Thailand on October 4 and 5, 2012, G6PD testing in support of radical cure is discussed in detail. The focus is on challenges to the development and evaluation of G6PD diagnostic tests, and on challenges related to the operational aspects of implementing G6PD testing in support of radical cure. The report also describes recommendations for evaluation of diagnostic tests for G6PD deficiency in support of radical cure

    Data from: Phylogentic analysis of serine proteases from Russell’s viper (Daboia russelli siamensis) and Agkistrodon piscivorus leucostoma venom

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    Serine proteases are widely found in snake venoms. They have variety of functions including contributions to hemostasis. In this study, five serine protease were cloned and characterized from two different cDNA libraries. Factor V activator (RVV-V), alpha fibrinogenase (RVAF) and beta fibrinogenase (RVBF) from Russell’s viper (Daboia russelli siamensis), and plasminogen activator (APL-PA) and protein C activator (APL-C) from Agkistrodon piscivorus leucostoma. The snake venom serine proteases were clustered in phylogenetic tree according to their functions. KA/KS values suggested that accelerated evolution has occurred in the mature protein-coding regions in cDNAs of snake venom serine proteases