10 research outputs found

    Effect of Carex rostrata removal on methane emissions from a temperate peatland

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    Peatlands are a large natural source of atmospheric methane (CH4). Carex rostrata, a sedge species, has a critical role in the production, oxidation, and emission of CH4 from these systems. This study examined the changes in CH4 emissions from a temperate peatland after removing all aboveground C. rostrata biomass. Methane flux, dissolved CH4 concentration at various depths, C. rostrata green leaf area, temperature, and water table depth were measured from June 2008 to November 2010. There is a strong positive correlation between C. rostrata green area and CH4 flux and the mean summer CH4 flux from the control plots was always higher than from the plots without C. rostrata. Model results indicate that 35--74% of total summer CH4 emissions may come from transport through C. rostrata , though C. rostrata green area, water-table depth, and temperature only explain around 35% of the observed CH4 flux variability, perhaps because of inter-annual variability

    Effect of Carex rostrata on seasonal and interannual variability in peatland methane emissions

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    Peatlands are a large natural source of atmospheric methane (CH4), and the sedge Carex rostrata plays a critical role in the production, oxidation, and transport of CH4 in these systems. This 4 year clipping experiment examined the changes in CH4 emissions from a temperate peatland after removing all aboveground C. rostrata biomass. Methane fluxes, dissolved CH4, and environmental variables were measured during spring, summer, and fall from 2008 to 2011. Clipping and removing the C. rostrata leaves and stems caused an immediate decrease in CH4 emissions that persisted over 4 years of this study. There was a strong seasonal trend in CH4 flux, with the largest treatment effects occurring during the fall months when the sedges were senescing. As expected, there was a strong positive correlation between C. rostrata green-leaf area and CH4 flux, implying that the presence of C. rostrata increases CH4 emissions from this peatland. Large interannual variability in vegetation distribution and biomass, water table depth, and temperature was observed in this study, indicating the importance of multiyear studies for understanding the interactions among these factors to determine how they could be incorporated into biogeochemical models to predict CH4 emissions under changing environmental conditions

    Asynchronous nitrogen supply and demand produce nonlinear plant allocation responses to warming and elevated CO2

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    Terrestrial ecosystem responses to climate change are mediated by complex plant–soil feedbacks that are poorly understood, but often driven by the balance of nutrient supply and demand. We actively increased aboveground plant-surface temperature, belowground soil temperature, and atmospheric CO2 in a brackish marsh and found nonlinear and nonadditive feedbacks in plant responses. Changes in root-to-shoot allocation by sedges were nonlinear, with peak belowground allocation occurring at +1.7 °C in both years. Above 1.7 °C, allocation to root versus shoot production decreased with increasing warming such that there were no differences in root biomass between ambient and +5.1 °C plots in either year. Elevated CO2 altered this response when crossed with +5.1 °C, increasing root-to-shoot allocation due to increased plant nitrogen demand and, consequently, root production. We suggest these nonlinear responses to warming are caused by asynchrony between the thresholds that trigger increased plant nitrogen (N) demand versus increased N mineralization rates. The resulting shifts in biomass allocation between roots and shoots have important consequences for forecasting terrestrial ecosystem responses to climate change and understanding global trends

    Plant species determine tidal wetland methane response to sea level rise

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    Blue carbon (C) ecosystems are among the most effective C sinks of the biosphere, but methane (CH4) emissions can offset their climate cooling effect. Drivers of CH4 emissions from blue C ecosystems and effects of global change are poorly understood. Here we test for the effects of sea level rise (SLR) and its interactions with elevated atmospheric CO2, eutrophication, and plant community composition on CH4 emissions from an estuarine tidal wetland. Changes in CH4 emissions with SLR are primarily mediated by shifts in plant community composition and associated plant traits that determine both the direction and magnitude of SLR effects on CH4 emissions. We furthermore show strong stimulation of CH4 emissions by elevated atmospheric CO2, whereas effects of eutrophication are not significant. Overall, our findings demonstrate a high sensitivity of CH4 emissions to global change with important implications for modeling greenhouse-gas dynamics of blue C ecosystems

    Plant species determine tidal wetland methane response to sea level rise

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    Blue carbon (C) ecosystems are among the most effective C sinks of the biosphere, but methane (CH4) emissions can offset their climate cooling effect. Drivers of CH4 emissions from blue C ecosystems and effects of global change are poorly understood. Here we test for the effects of sea level rise (SLR) and its interactions with elevated atmospheric CO2, eutrophication, and plant community composition on CH4 emissions from an estuarine tidal wetland. Changes in CH4 emissions with SLR are primarily mediated by shifts in plant community composition and associated plant traits that determine both the direction and magnitude of SLR effects on CH4 emissions. We furthermore show strong stimulation of CH4 emissions by elevated atmospheric CO2, whereas effects of eutrophication are not significant. Overall, our findings demonstrate a high sensitivity of CH4 emissions to global change with important implications for modeling greenhouse-gas dynamics of blue C ecosystems

    Quantifying Shapes: Mathematical Techniques for Analysing Visual Representations of Sound and Music

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    Research on auditory-visual correspondences has a long tradition but innovative experimental paradigms and analytic tools are sparse. In this study, we explore different ways of analysing real-time visual representations of sound and music drawn by both musically-trained and untrained individuals. To that end, participants’ drawing responses captured by an electronic graphics tablet were analysed using various regression, clustering, and classification techniques. Results revealed that a Gaussian process (GP) regression model with a linear plus squared-exponential covariance function was able to model the data sufficiently, whereas a simpler GP was not a good fit. Spectral clustering analysis was the best of a variety of clustering techniques, though no strong groupings are apparent in these data. This was confirmed by variational Bayes analysis, which only fitted one Gaussian over the dataset. Slight trends in the optimised hyperparameters between musically-trained and untrained individuals allowed for the building of a successful GP classifier that differentiated between these two groups. In conclusion, this set of techniques provides useful mathematical tools for analysing real-time visualisations of sound and can be applied to similar datasets as well

    Plant species determine tidal wetland methane response to sea level rise

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    Coastal systems have enormous carbon-sequestering potential, but any positive climate effects can be countered by methane emissions. Here the authors use sea level rise manipulation mesocosms in tidal wetlands to show that shifts in plant community composition have the greatest effect on methane emissions

    Evapotranspiration Trends Over the Eastern United States During the 20th Century

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    Most models evaluated by the Intergovernmental Panel for Climate change estimate projected increases in temperature and precipitation with rising atmospheric CO<sub>2</sub> levels. Researchers have suggested that increases in CO<sub>2</sub> and associated increases in temperature and precipitation may stimulate vegetation growth and increase evapotranspiration (ET), which acts as a cooling mechanism, and on a global scale, may slow the climate-warming trend. This hypothesis has been modeled under increased CO<sub>2</sub> conditions with models of different vegetation-climate dynamics. The significance of this vegetation negative feedback, however, has varied between models. Here we conduct a century-scale observational analysis of the Eastern US water balance to determine historical evapotranspiration trends and whether vegetation greening has affected these trends. We show that precipitation has increased significantly over the twentieth century while runoff has not. We also show that ET has increased and vegetation growth is partially responsible

    Species interactions enhance root allocation, microbial diversity and P acquisition in intercropped wheat and soybean under P deficiency

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    This is an accepted manuscript of an article published in Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment.Belowground interactions in grain legume-cereal intercrops may improve resource acquisition and adaptation to environmental constraints such as phosphorus (P) deficiency. To advance the knowledge of belowground facilitative mechanisms involved in P-deficiency tolerance (root allocation, biochemical and microbial responses), soybean (Glycine max) and wheat (Triticum aestivum) were grown as monocrops and intercrops under P-deficiency and P-sufficiency conditions in soil-filled rhizoboxes. The hypothesis was that intercropping stimulates root microbial diversity, root biomass allocation and P-hydrolyzing acid phosphatases (APase) activity in roots under P-deficient conditions. Total root dry weight (RDW), length, and surface area significantly increased in P-deficient intercropped wheat and soybean. Greater root allocation to deeper soil layers was evident for P-deficient intercropped wheat. Shallow roots of intercropped wheat exhibited highly stimulated APase activity under P-deficient conditions while shallow roots of monocropped soybean exhibited higher APase activity in comparison to deeper roots, irrespective of P treatment. Root fungal diversity was significantly (p < 0.05) higher in intercropped wheat, and was significantly correlated with RDW, root APase activity, shoot P, and soil available P (ρ = 0.24, p = 0.01). Root bacterial diversity was higher in both intercrops, and was significantly correlated with RDW and shoot N concentration. The observed shifts in root microbial diversity, root biomass allocation and APase activity provide explanatory mechanisms of relationships between rhizosphere heterogeneity and pathways for increased P acquisition in diversified crops. Advanced belowground metabolomics on root microbial communities are required to reveal the beneficial effect of root microorganisms in associations of different crop species.This work was supported by a Discovery Grant to MEI from the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada and the Swedish Research Council Formas, project N° 229- 2012-814 to AB (mobility starting grant for young researchers)