644 research outputs found

    Feasibility of Optimizations Requiring Bounded Treewidth in a Data Flow Centric Intermediate Representation

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    Data flow analyses are instrumental to effective compiler optimizations, and are typically implemented by extracting implicit data flow information from traversals of a control flow graph intermediate representation. The Regionalized Value State Dependence Graph is an alternative intermediate representation, which represents a program in terms of its data flow dependencies, leaving control flow implicit. Several analyses that enable compiler optimizations reduce to NP-Complete graph problems in general, but admit linear time solutions if the graph’s treewidth is limited. In this paper, we investigate the treewidth of application benchmarks and synthetic programs, in order to identify program features which cause the treewidth of its data flow graph to increase, and assess how they may appear in practical software. We find that increasing numbers of live variables cause unbounded growth in data flow graph treewidth, but this can ordinarily be remedied by modular program design, and monolithic programs that exceed a given bound can be efficiently detected using an approximate treewidth heuristic

    Prestudy for a digital platform for adaptive management

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    Denne oppgaven er en forstudie til en digital plattform for lærende/adaptiv forvaltning, hvor tiltak og erfaringer akkumuleres i modellen, og kunnskap genereres over tid. Hensikten med programvaren er å bidra til en proffesjonalsering av utmarksnæringen, gjennom å gi forvalter tilgang til et dataverktøy som bidrar til kontinuitet, oversikt og optimering av utmarksressursen, til hjelp i produktutvikling og forvaltning. Jeg har valgt å vise metodikken ved å beskrive to funksjoner i programvaren, optimalisering av predatorkontroll og avdekke nedre tålegrense for vilttetthet hos jegerne, metoden kan utvides til å måle alle endringer og øvre/nedre nivå, og kan settes opp til å se i hvilken grad man har måloppnåelse, uavhengig av art og tiltak. Gjennom å måle kundetilfredshet får man informasjon om produktets styrker og svakheter i relasjon til markedet. Kundetilfredshet er startposisjon for en markedsorientert produktutvikling og vil legge føringene i forvaltningen videre, definere målsettingen for produktet og gi respons på tiltak som settes inn. Adaptiv forvaltning er en prosessorientert tilnærming til resultatoppnåelse, hvor forvaltningen tilpasses i forhold til endringer. Denne måten å tenke adaptiv forvaltning på er forholdsvis ny, og inneholder en utvidelse av ressursgrunnlaget til å favne faktorer som påvirker kundeopplevelsen og verdsetting av produktet. Kundens vurdering legger føringer for forvaltningen av den biologiske ressursen. Jeg har i oppgaven skrapet overflaten av hva en slik programvare kan inneholde. En utvidelse av programvaren kan inkludere en simuleringsmodul, regnskapsmodul og en prognosemodul. Forskning og utarbeidelse av modeller er nødvendig for videre utvikling, og det vil være nødvendig å opprette en prosjektgruppe for å komme videre i arbeidet.This paper is a prestudy to a digital platform for adaptive management, where corrective actions and experience accumulate in the model, and knowledge is generated over time. The program’s purpose is to make wilderness-dependent businesses more professional by providing management with a data-analysis tool that can contribute to continuity, oversight and optimization of wilderness resources as well as aiding in product development and wildlife management. I have chosen to show the methodology by describing two functions in the program, optimization of predator control and identification of lower limits for wildlife density. The methodology can be expanded to measure all types of changes, lower and upper limits, and to analyze goal realization, independent of species and type of corrective action employed. By measuring customer satisfaction, information is gained about the product’s strengths and weaknesses. Customer satisfaction is a jumping-off point for market-oriented product development and will guide the overall direction of management, define what goals are set for the product, and determine what effect the corrective actions initiated had. Adaptive management is a process-oriented approach to goal acheivement, where management can be adjusted in relation to changes and trends. This method of using adaptive management is relatively new, and includes an extension of the resourcebase that affect factors that will influence customer experience and how customers rate the product’s value. Customer evaluation will guide management of the ecological resource. This paper merely scratches the surface of the multitude of functions a program like this can envelop. An expansion of this program can include a simulation module, a finance module, and a prognosis module. Establishing a project group, research and construction of representative models is necessary for further development of this program

    The experience of failing to get back to work because of mental health problems

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    Hva er det som fører til at personer med psykiske helseproblemer opplever at de ikke lykkes med å komme tilbake i arbeid? Hva konkret skjer i disse i situasjonene? Hva innebærer denne opplevelsen av ikke å lykkes med å komme tilbake til arbeidslivet? Helheten i funnene dreier seg om å være trygg eller truet som menneske. Hovedfunn har betydning for praksis med tanke på å vise respekt og tillit til personer som sliter men som ønsker seg tilbake til arbeidslivet. Det er behov for mer forskning om opplevelser av hjelp og støttende tiltak som fører til opplevelse av å lykkes i å komme tilbake i arbeidslivet. Satsing på slike tiltak kan ha betydning samfunnsøkonomisk, og ikke minst ha betydning for den enkeltes helse og livskvalitet

    Early Christian Communities between Ideal and Reality.

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    Impact of competitive flow on wall shear stress in coronary surgery: computational fluid dynamics of a LIMA-LAD model

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    Competitive flow from native coronary vessels is considered a major factor in the failure of coronary bypass grafts. However, the pathophysiological effects are not fully understood. Low and oscillatory wall shear stress (WSS) is known to induce endothelial dysfunction and vascular disease, like atherosclerosis and intimal hyperplasia. The aim was to investigate the impact of competitive flow on WSS in mammary artery bypass grafts. Using computational fluid dynamics, WSS was calculated in a left internal mammary artery (LIMA) graft to the left anterior descending artery in a three-dimensional in vivo porcine coronary artery bypass graft model. The following conditions were investigated: high competitive flow (non-significant coronary lesion), partial competitive flow (significant coronary lesion), and no competitive flow (totally occluded coronary vessel). Time-averaged WSS of LIMA at high, partial, and no competitive flow were 0.3-0.6, 0.6-3.0, and 0.9-3.0 Pa, respectively. Further, oscillatory WSS quantified as the oscillatory shear index (OSI) ranged from (maximum OSI = 0.5 equals zero net WSS) 0.15 to 0.35, < 0.05, and < 0.05, respectively. Thus, high competitive flow resulted in substantial oscillatory and low WSS. Moderate competitive flow resulted in WSS and OSI similar to the no competitive flow condition. Graft flow is highly dependent on the degree of competitive flow. High competitive flow was found to produce unfavourable WSS consistent with endothelial dysfunction and subsequent graft narrowing and failure. Partial competitive flow, however, may be better tolerated as it was found to be similar to the ideal condition of no competitive flow

    Økt bemanning i ambulansehelikoptre - en samfunnsøkonomisk analyse

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    Masteroppgave i luftfartsledelse (MBA) - Universitetet i Nordland, 201