253 research outputs found

    Wheat growth and phytoavailability of copper and zinc as affected by soil texture in saline-sodic conditions

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    Nutrient disorders in saline-sodic soils can adversely affect crop growth. In order to evaluate the growth response of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) to Cu and Zn and the phytoavailability of these essential elements, a pot experiment was conducted in three different textured saline-sodic soils [sandy loam (SL), sandy clay loam (SCL) and clay (C)] having an ECe 8.63, 8.80, 8.98 dS m–1 and SAR 21.66, 23.48, 24.84 (mmol L–1)1/2 respectively. Seven treatments including levels of Cu (4, 6 and 8 mg kg–1) and levels of Zn (4, 6 and 8 mg kg–1) were separately applied together with a single control treatment. Dry matter yield (straw + grain) of wheat increased up to 35.2% with Cu and up to 31.2 % with Zn application relative to the control. As soil clay content increased, dry matter yield decreased up to 39.2% in SCL and up to 62.7% in C soil when compared to SL soil. Application of Cu increased the concentration in both wheat straw and grains up to 2.46 and 2.20 mg kg–1 DW respectively relative to the control. Zinc concentration in wheat straw and grains was also increased up to 29.97 and 29.40 mg kg–1 DW respectively relative to the controls. Copper application significantly increased Zn concentrations in wheat plants

    A Review on MPC Based Self Recovering Intelligent Advance Meter for Smart Grid: Scheme and Challenges

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    The Model Predict Control (MPC) based Intelligent Advance Metering (IAM) is a core maneuver of future smart grids (SG). SG is the advanced generation of electric power and utility system that improve operation technology (OT) and information technology (IT) to provide nonstop, self-recovery, self-configuration, low-cost, and security-based electricity to the consumer in real-time. Smart metering (SM) allows SG to connect the electric, gas, and oil utilities through sensors. Power plants, consumers, and utility companies will be received real-time wireless control IAM with fifth generation (5G) network technology. The aim of 5G network technology is to enable power grid digitalization (PGD) and facilitate the (IOT) Internet of Things for the future advance SG with benefits such as high-rate public safety, low latency, ultra-high speed, large number of connectivity, and reliability. In this paper, we analyze future predictions about energy needs by using MPC, fast self-recovery system, self-configuration, and upgradation, better performance of service provider, faster power connecting after an outage, control electric theft, minimize electric leakage, a large number of wireless connecting of IAM home-based, and real-time monitoring via human machine interface (HMI) and for customer end IAM operation over 5G networks to reduce billing price, reduce meter cost, lower outage cost, and as well as personalized control over electricity consumption and future challenge in this area

    Study on Desiccant and Evaporative Cooling Systems for Livestock Thermal Comfort: Theory and Experiments

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    The present study considers evaporative cooling and desiccant unit-based air-conditioning (AC) options for livestock AC application. In this regard, proposed systems are investigated by means of experiments and thermodynamic investigations. Air-conditioning requirements for animals are theoretically investigated and temperature-humidity index (THI) is estimated. A lab-scale heat mass exchanger based on the Maisotsenko-cycle evaporative cooling conception (MEC) is set up and its performance is evaluated at different ambient air conditions. In addition, a desiccant-based air-conditioning (DAC) unit is thermodynamically evaluated using a steady-state model available in the literature. The study focuses on the ambient conditions of Multan which is the 5th largest city of Pakistan and is assumed to be a typical hot city of southern Punjab. The study proposed three kinds of AC combination i.e., (i) stand-alone MEC, (ii) stand-alone desiccant AC, and (iii) M-cycle based desiccant AC systems. Wet bulb effectiveness of the stand-alone MEC unit resulted in being from 64% to 78% whereas the coefficient of performance for stand-alone desiccant AC and M-cycle based desiccant AC system was found to be 0.51 and 0.62, respectively. Results showed that the stand-alone MEC and M-cycle based desiccant AC systems can achieve the animals’ thermal comfort for the months of March to June and March to September, respectively, whereas, stand-alone desiccant AC is not found to be feasible in any month. In addition, the ambient situations of winter months (October to February) are already within the range of animal thermal comfort

    Promjer skrotuma, značajke sperme, plazmatskih hormona sperme te njihova povezanost s histopatološkom slikom testesa i epididimisa u bivola.

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    This study was carried out on six buffalo bulls (Bubalus bubalis) for a one-year period. Four bulls selected had good and two bulls (No. 321 and 323) had poor semen quality. All bulls were aged from 6-10 years. Scrotal circumference (SC) and sperm characteristics of both bulls were lower than healthy bulls, while dead sperm percentage and total sperm abnormalities were high. Overall seminal plasma testosterone was lower in these bulls, while oestrogen was lower in bull 323 and higher in 321. Histopathological studies of testes of bull 323 showed a 100% loss of germinal epithelium (DGEL) in all three regions of the right testis; however, it was 89.96% in left testis. DGEL in bull 321 was 35.88 % in right and 31.70% in left testis, with higher DGEL in the ventral part in both testes. Total and lumen diameter was greater (P<0.01) in the caudal region of the left epididymis. Epithelial height in the caput region of the left epididymis was higher (P<0.05) in bull 323 while in the corpus of the right epididymis in bull 321 DGEL correlated negatively (P<0.001) with sperm concentration (r = -0.98), progressive motility (r = -0.88) and oestrogen (r = -0.87), and correlated positively (P<0.001) with dead sperm percentage (r = 0.89), total sperm abnormalities (r = 0.99) and testosterone (r = 0.98). Epithelial height showed a negative correlation (P<0.001) with DGEL (r = -0.88) and seminal plasma testosterone (r = -0.87), while it was positive (P<0.001) with oestrogen (r = 0.89).Istraživanje je provedeno na šest bivola (Bubalus bubalis) tijekom jedne godine. U dva bivola (321 i 322) utvrđena je sperma loše kvalitete. U njih je također utvrđen manji opseg skrotuma i velik postotak uginulih i abnormalnih spermija. Koncentracija testosterona u njihovoj spermi bila je niža u odnosu na onu u zdravih životinja. Razina estrogena bila je niža u bivola 323, a viša u bivola 321. Histopatološkom pretragom tkiva testisa bivola 323 utvrđena je potpuna odsutnost germinativnog epitela u desnom testisu te 89,6 %-tna odsutnost u lijevom testisu. U bivola 321 gubitak germinativnog epitela iznosio je 35,88% u desnom i 31,70% u lijevom testisu, s većim stupnjem gubitka u ventralnim dijelovima testisa. Ukupni promjer i promjer lumena bio je veći u kaudalnom području lijevog epididimisa (P<0,01). Visina epitelnih stanica na području glave lijevog epididimisa bila je veća (P<0,05) u bivola 323. Gubitak germinativnog epitela u području glave desnog epididimisa bivola 321 bio je u negativnoj korelaciji (P<0,001) s koncentracijom sperme (r = -0,98), progresivnom pokretljivošću (r = - 0,88) i estrogenom (r = -0,87), a u pozitivnoj korelaciji (P<0,001) s postotkom uginulih spermija (r = 0,89), abnormalnih spermija (r = 0,99) i testosteronom (r = 0,98). Visina epitelnih stanica bila je u negativnoj korelaciji (P<0,001) sa stupnjem gubitka germinativnog epitela (r = -0,88) i testosterona (r = -0,87), a u pozitivnoj (P<0,001) s razinom estrogena (r = 0,89)

    Genetic diversity in threatened plant species Alnus nitida (Spach.) Endel

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    Alnus nitida (Spach) Endl. is an ethnobotanically important threatened plant species. The genetic diversity among the 50 different genotypes of Alnus nitida was carried out using sodium dodecyl sulfate poly acrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) characterization. A considerable amount of genetic diversity (90%) was observed among the genotypes of A. nitida. The protein characterization was carried out on 12% gel electrophoresis. A total of 10 protein bands were detected in A. nitida genotypes. SDS-PAGE procedure is a useful method for the investigation of both genetic diversity and phylogenetic relationship. Especially, B-5 was monomorphic in A. nitida genotypes and was considered as species specific. All other bands/loci were polymorphic. These polymorphic bands displayed 12, 16, 72, 88, 2, 44, 84, 54 and 12 percent variation respectively. In the present examination, the high intra-specific diversity was observed representing SDS-PAGE is a powerful tool for determining the genetically diverse germplasms in A. nitida. The results obtained by this study could be helpful in the identification and selection of desired genotypes of Alnus nitida for conservation programmes in future. Today, there is still a need to assess genetic variation and protect genetic resources, especially of wild species for prospective benefits in plant conservation programmes

    2-(4-Ethoxy­benzyl­idene)butanoic acid

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    In the crystal structure of the title compound, C13H16O3, dimers are formed due to inter­molecular O—H⋯O hydrogen bonding. There exists an intra­molecular C—H⋯O hydrogen bond which forms a five-membered ring. There is also present a C—H⋯π inter­action between a methyl CH group of an ethyl group and the centroid of the aromatic ring

    Diversity of Mosquitoes Collected from the Southern Areas of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Pakistan

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    OBJECTIVES: The objective of the study was to assess the diversity of mosquitoes in various towns of the southern belt of KPK. METHODOLOGY: This was a descriptive study that was conducted in numerous towns of Western belt of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. The study areas were Darra Adam Khel, District Kohat, District Karak, District Banu, District D.I. Khan and newly merged districts Mir Ali and Miranshah. From each study site, the samples were collected randomly. The sample collection was done through survey and area visits whereas; the identification process was done in a parasitology laboratory of Hayatabad-Peshawar. Sampling was done from June 2016 to May 2017. RESULTS: A total of 2150 adult mosquitoes were gathered and collected from 42 different locations of the southern belt of KPK and were identified. Based on their identification, 5 genera of the mosquitoes were recognized which were Culex, Anopheles, Psorophora, Aedes and Uranotenia. Culex was found to be most dominant in all the visited areas with a percentage of 12.65 in Miranshah followed by 11.81 in Mirali, 7.16 in Karak, 6.88 in Darra Adam Khel, 6.69 in D.I.Khan, 6.41 in Kohat and 5.11 in Bannu respectively. The results of our findings also revealed the presence of Culex genera in all the habitats and remained the dominant genera among the others followed by Anopheles and Psorophora. Aedes was found in the habitat of plants and grasses etc. whereas Uranotenia was found in marsh/swampy areas as well as in plants/grasses habitat only. CONCLUSION: The outcomes reveal that a climate shifting and extensive urbanization process is enforcing the diversity of mosquitos’ fauna in the southern belt of KPK

    Vitamin B6 and homocysteine levels in carbamazepine treated epilepsy of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa

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    Objectives: The study focused on the plasma levels of vitamin B6 and homocysteine in different genotypes of MTHFR (C677T, A1298C) and GABRG2 (C588T, C315T) genes in carbamazepine resistant epilepsy in the population of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa.Methodology: Patients who were possible candidates for carbamazepine therapy were followed for six months for their seizure control. Plasma levels of vitamin B6 and homocysteine were determined using immunoassay based techniques at baseline and after six months. MTHFR (C677T, A1298C) and GABRG2 (C588T, C315T) genes were genotyped using restriction fragment length polymorphisms. Seizure control during therapy was recorded on a standardized proforma.Results: Low vitamin B6 levels and hyperhomocysteinemia were found in 61.7% of resistant patients (n=34). Resistant patients had the following frequencies of variant genotypes (677CT=38.1% and 677TT=24.4%; 1298AC=42.2% and 1298CC=26.1%; 588CT= 47.6% and 315TT= 33.3%) of MTHFR (C677T and A1298C) and GABRG2 (C588T and C315T) genes. A significant decline in vitamin B6 (P&lt;0.0001) and hyperhomocysteinemia were found in variant genotypes of MTHFR (C677T, A1298C) and GABRG2 (C588T, C315T) genes.Conclusion: Following six months of carbamazepine of therapy in heterozygous variant genotypes of MTHFR (677CT and 1298AC) and GABRG2 (588CT and 315CT) genes, we observed a significant fall in vitamin B6 levels and hyperhomocysteinemia.Keywords: Carbamazepine, epileptics, homocysteine, seizure control, RFLP, vitamin B

    Digital Twin Concept, Method and Technical Framework for Smart Meters

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    Smart meters connect smart grid electricity suppliers and users. Smart meters have become a research hotspot as smart grid applications like demand response, power theft prevention, power quality monitoring, peak valley time of use prices, and peer-to-peer (P2P) energy trading have grown. But, as the carriers of these functions, smart meters have technical problems such as limited computing resources, difficulty in upgrading, and high costs, which to some extent restrict the further development of smart grid applications. To address these issues, this study offers a container-based digital twin (CDT) approach for smart meters, which not only increases the user-facing computing resources of smart meters but also simplifies and lowers the overall cost and technical complexity of meter changes. In order to further validate the effectiveness of this method in real-time applications on the smart grid user side, this article tested and analyzed the communication performance of the digital twin system in three areas: remote application services, peer-to-peer transactions, and real-time user request services. The experimental results show that the CDT method proposed in this paper meets the basic requirements of smart grid user-side applications for real-time communication. The container is deployed in the cloud, and the average time required to complete 100 P2P communications using our smart meter structure is less than 2.4 seconds, while the average time required for existing smart meter structures to complete the same number of P2P communications is 208 seconds. Finally, applications, the future development direction of the digital twin method, and technology architecture are projected